What MMO's are people playing?

What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Atharyn » April 15th, 2012, 12:51 pm

I play MMO's in my spare time as something to do. In real life I have a few health issues, so it is refreshing to find somewhere that I can just be "me".

With that in mind, are there any MMO's that the forum dwellers play? If so, which ones and which servers?

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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Tempest Kitsune » April 15th, 2012, 8:02 pm

I tend to avoid MMOs simply because I tend to jump around from game to game with long intervals between them, and most of the good ones are Pay to Play.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Jasruv » April 16th, 2012, 9:19 am

I'm currently alternating between Dungeons and Dragons Online, Star Trek Online, and Champions Online. All Free 2 Play accounts due to the fact that I often stop playing for a week or three to do other things.

It's nice to be able to drop into one of my characters and just blow off steam killing monsters in DDO, blowing up Klingons and Borg in STO, or pounding on gang bangers in Champions Online.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Lthayer3 » April 16th, 2012, 11:50 pm

At the moment, I'm only playing browser based MMOs. Still playing Billy vs Snakeman, in Viridia Village. I've also been playing Command and Conquer: Tiberium Alliances on world 9, in the Seg Fault alliance. And I've been poking around in Dark Throne again, although I wouldn't say I've really played it for three or so years.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Aldraia Dragonsong » April 21st, 2012, 9:15 pm

I ended up having to drop Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN because it was eating my life. Just too addictive. Nowadays I play Mabinogi.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby jgkitarel » April 23rd, 2012, 12:21 pm

World of Warcraft mainly. Guild Wars when I feel like it.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby jgkitarel » September 15th, 2012, 10:55 pm

I tend to avoid MMOs simply because I tend to jump around from game to game with long intervals between them, and most of the good ones are Pay to Play.
I apolgize for a double post here, but you should try Guild Wars 2. It's more a proper MMO and is Free 2 Play (aside from the purchase) and is a pretty solid game. Has some epic fights, epic music and instead of quest grinds, dynamic events which become real important late in the game as success determines whether the good guys control waypoints. Just finished the story missions, which only required the final dungeon (which was epic itself).

The Story missions come in three flavors, depending on your progress. The race, then choosing a faction, then uniting the factions into one to take the battle to the first of the big bads, Zhaitan. Considering that there are three more yet to be taken down...

EDIT: Did I mention that Jeff Grubb, yes, that Jeff Grubb, was on the development team?
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby JamestheFox » November 18th, 2012, 6:02 pm

The last MMO I played was Cartoon Network Universe: Fusionfall, a Free-To-Play Unity Engine Game. I'm told it's a bit of a WoW Clone at times, but it's simple, it's fun (When it isn't lagging), and it has a bunch of my favorite childhood cartoon characters running around as NPCs. But for some reason, for a few years now it's been crashing whenever I play it. Other people are able to play just fine, but I still crash... I still make attempts every now and then, it was just that fun to play.

Unfortunately, I don't play many other MMOs mostly because I can never get any friends of mine to join in. Ah well.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby serbii » November 18th, 2012, 7:46 pm

None, I know I get addicted to things so I try to avoid MMOs. Played BvS for a bit but stopped eventually, got to a kind of 'massive grinding required to do anything' stage when I finished r00t and Pizza Witch.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Uldihaa » December 5th, 2012, 8:15 pm

Just gotten into Star Wars The Old Republic. Free-to-play, but with limits. Does require a decent graphics card, though; I'd say at least 2GB. VERY heavy story and RP elements, which isn't surprising considering this is created by Bioware. Fully voiced, including lots of Star Wars alien languages :grin:

At first I was just going to try it. Loved it, upgraded my graphics card to really be able to play, and have already decided to budget in 60-day pre-paid cards to subscribe. The card allow me to take long breaks without canceling anything.

I have to repeat this, SWTOR is the most story-driven MMO I've ever played. Add in Companions (NPCs that will accompany you), Light-side/Dark-side points, and other elements and you get a very interactive game.

If you're curious and want someone to play with, I'm on Ebon Hawke-Republic side. Same name as here.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Comosicus » January 26th, 2013, 6:45 pm

I started SW:TOR as free to play. Got a Republic trooper to level 12 then my account got suspended for "not confirming my email" Yet from the online account the confirmation email never reached my inbox no matter how many times I tried. The only solution I had was to call support on some international number. Which I'm not gonna do. It is a beautiful game so far, but the management is awful. I'm just glad I'm not spending my money on it.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Phht » January 27th, 2013, 2:46 am

Did you check your spam folder?

SW:TOR is a game that looks nice and sounds nice, and apparently has pretty good storylines all around... but endgame and pvp is not the best from what I understand. And to be honest, the f2p features list turned me off trying it post-beta even though it went free (lack of funds kept me from doing it pre-f2p).

Republic Trooper ftw though. Did one every beta period I participated in.


As for me, I kinda bounce between World of Tanks, STO, DCUO, Planetside 2... and I think that's it. Out of those four, all are f2p, but DCUO is the only one I've actually paid money for (picked up the expansions).

Also, I've heard many good things about Guild Wars 2 (and like he mentioned, it's f2p other than purchase of the game).
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby jgkitarel » January 27th, 2013, 11:15 am

Guild Wars 2 is pretty solid, with each character having their story missions tailored to things like race and choices you made during the creation process, at least for the first 20 - 30 levels. They start standardizing after that, but they grow to being even more awesome.

The dungeons are murderous and hard as hell though, especially once you start doing the exploration modes. Good if you like a challenge, though.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Comosicus » January 29th, 2013, 4:25 pm

Did you check your spam folder?
Been watching all folders for more than a week before I gave up. Then I submitted the request again with the same result.

For me SW:TOR is KOTOR 3 or a better 2 than the one I played.

I also did the Federation campaign in Star Trek Online. Got to the last rank (Vice Admiral I think), finished the main story lines, did not want to start grinding, got bored ... started a Klingon char and gave up after a few levels.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Phht » January 30th, 2013, 1:20 am

Yeah, that about sums up my STO experience. I come back for new feature eps, and that's about it. They did do an overhaul of the endgame stuff recently with S7, so check out the STO wiki info on that in case the changes help any.

OTOH, if you haven't logged in in several months, all cryptic accounts are no longer usable and you'll have to convert to a PWE account if you didn't have one for the game instead.

BTW, new feature series goes up Thursday for STO's anniversary, and the reward at the end of the series (until Feb 14 or something) is an Ambassador-class that looks like the Ent-C.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby jgkitarel » June 15th, 2013, 10:34 am

From Aeria Games, a free to play MMO called Scarlet Blade, a.k.a T&A: With Kisckassery. It's rated M for a reason.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby NotosK » July 21st, 2013, 3:50 am

Right now I'm Playing Star Trek Online. Highly recommended if you like Star Trek they really did a good job on the ship battles. also the misions feels like you are playing an star trek episode, some are extremely good like "Temporal Ambassador" and "Everything Old is New" haven't played much KDF but i guess they too have cool quests.

They also just relased a new expansion, Legacy of Romulus, adding new ships a new playable race and new missions.

they have the Foundry, a Mission maker where players can share their own creations missions with other players there are some good story telling there.

There is also Neverwinter created by the same guys that have a lot of similarities with STO except it's based on the D&D world.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Comosicus » September 11th, 2013, 3:44 pm

I started playing World of Tanks this summer and I find it engaging enough. If you don't mind getting your arse kicked by premium players, you can have a nice enough experience.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Phht » September 11th, 2013, 6:10 pm

I started playing World of Tanks this summer and I find it engaging enough. If you don't mind getting your arse kicked by premium players, you can have a nice enough experience.
It's not the premium players that kick your ass, it's the seal clubbers, purple platoons, and "unicums" in general. Or WG nerfing your tanks because of "Russian Bias" or "historical accuracy" (while leaving non historical weaponry/stats/armor on other tanks). ;-)

Flipside, it's good that you're just now getting into it. I remember the days with the old matchmaker system, where most tanks faced tank tier +/-3. You don't know agony like facing tier 9s in a tier 6 TD with a crap gun (Jagdpanzer 4, I hated you so much). And that was back when buying gold rounds required using gold. Then again, if you want that feeling, just play light tanks far enough up that they get "scout" match making weight. Like the M24 Chaffee.
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Re: What MMO's are people playing?

Postby Lennox » November 10th, 2018, 6:58 am

I've been playing quite a bit of World of Warcraft since the new expansion dropped. Any other WoW nerds in the community? haha
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