Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

This forum is for picking apart tricky issues facing any authors in the community. Word choice, action scenes, dialoguing, or plot development. If something isn't working for you, put it up here and see what your fellow community members can make of it. Try to keep examples short and to the point as much as possible.

Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 3rd, 2010, 3:13 pm

Another story. Yay. The idea is: Sasuke(and other ninja) get therapy. What happens?

Well for one Sasuke has a new definition of revenge.

For another? Well, he deals with fangirls... differently.
Spoiler: show
Sarutobi sighed, as he left the hospital. Sasuke still hadn't moved, beyond the occasional twitch.

It was to be expected of course, an eight year old boy wouldn't just magically recover from something like the massacre. Still in time he would heal, somewhat. He cursed Danzo again and the Sasuke's father again.

If those two fools... but anger was pointless.

He climbed the stairs to his office, his thoughts circling around his the consequences of the massacre. The civilians and most of the ninja couldn't know, so information had to be suppressed. Just another horrible secret in the long list of them. Sometimes, quite often really, he wished he had managed to stop Minato and take his place. But wishes and the like were fairly useless.

He sat down behind his desk and looked at the paperwork. Just another day's work, as if the massacre hadn't happened just two weeks ago.

“Sir?” His assistant asked.

“Hmm?” Sarutobi murmured.

“Your appointment is here. I told him you would be ready to talk soon.”

Appointment? Ah yes, that doctor, he frowned briefly. From what he heard of the man he was a civilian. No chakra control at all. He snorted softly, what could the man think he had to offer?

“Send him in.” It would be impolite to send him away without at least listening after all.

A small man, young for a civilian, entered his office. He looked around, a mixture of curiosity and nervousness making his head twitch in every direction, but when he stopped in front of Sarutobi and bowed, he firmly looked into Sarutobi's eyes.

“A pleasure to meet you Hokage-Sama.” He said, voice as strong as any ninja's, stronger. “My name is Chou Konran.”

Saurtobi nodded amiably, he liked the boy. “Good day to you.” He returned the greeting.

“I'm not a man of many words, and sadly I don't have as much time as I would like.” Or the patience to deal with a civilian, no matter how pleasant he seemed to be. “So I'm afraid we have to hurry this up a bit.” Really, he was a bit rude there. But with all that had happened...

“I understand.” The man said, a slight smile on his face. “Then I'll keep it short.”

He pulled a few papers from the pouch he wore and handed them to Sarutobi.

“I'm a doctor, or maybe it would be better to say that I'm a...” He seemed unsure how to continue. Sarutobi used the pause to riffle through the papers. Hmm medical charts, quite the abysmal success ratio though, barely 50%.

“Well, mind healer I suppose.” The boy finally said, shrugging slightly.

Sarutobi stopped and looked sharply at the boy. A mind healer?

“What does that mean? Exactly?” He asked, not hopeful, no but close.

“Well, you know how extreme trauma can have long lasting effects on people?” His guest asked.

Sarutobi barely managed to suppress the harsh laugh that threatened to escape. If he knew? Of course he... but the boy was a civilian. He didn't understand, couldn't understand, so it would be unfair to expect it of him.

Instead he nodded and merely muttered a short. “I do.” Before indicating to continue.

The boy nodded. “Well, I studied medicine. Not the way your ninja do obviously, but I know my way around the human body well enough.” He paused, looked as if he was waiting for something from Sarutobi, but all he got was an indication to continue.

“In many cases however, where I could heal the body. The mind, I couldn't even touch. How do you heal something that doesn't exist in a form that can be accessed?” He had begun pacing now.

“I heard about Tsunade-Sama. There were rumors, that she could even heal mental damage. So I tracked her down.”

Sarutobi winced, that couldn't have ended well.

“She was a wreck. Affected by exactly the sort of wound I was coming to her to heal.” The boy continued, shaking his head sadly.

“Still, I managed to get her to talk.” Sarutobi couldn't stop his eyes bugging out there. This boy, this mere civilian, had managed to make Tsunade share her secrets with him?

“Of course,” he continued. “I doubt she would have if I had been a Ninja. Too many bad memories there. However, all I found out, was that she couldn't heal a mind.”

He smiled briefly. “Rather obvious, seeing her condition. But I found out where the rumors came from. It's not that she heals the mind. It's more that she removes the chakra, that manipulates the brain in such a way as to cause whatever effects the user desired.”

He paused again, a slight frown on his face. “At first I was, disappointed. This method was obviously rather limited in application. And wouldn't offer me any hint on how to heal the mind.”

The frown suddenly changed into a brilliant smile. “However, I found something else.” He looked at Sarutobi. “While we talked, her condition had improved. The distraction from her own thoughts, and the difficulties of explaining chakra healing to me, provided a way for her to escape her own thoughts. That led me to a theory. Talking, in itself might be the way to heal a mind.”

He shrugged apologetic. “It is rather obvious in retrospective. How do we influence a mind? With weapons? With tools? No with words. We shape a mind with words, not with anything physically.”

He looked out the window. “I decided against testing my theories with Tsunade-Sama however. She agreed that, not only were her problems a bit... ah delicate, but if she had a breakdown... well it might just lead to her killing herself.”

Sarutobi glared at the boy, the thought of Tsunade killing herself because of a few words...

“Or it might lead her to kill me.” The boy continued. “In either case, she advised me to train on less volatile subjects.”

Sarutobi wasn't sure he liked that term.

“I agreed and walked the various countries. What you hold are the official reports.”

Sarutobi looked at them again, far more careful this time. The success rate was low, true. However if he read this right... then almost 50% of all people the boy had attempted to heal recovered.

“The results are slightly exaggerated. I would only call around 30% a success.”

Sarutobi frowned, at the boy in confusion.

He just shrugged. “Well, all cases marked success could lead a... normal life again. Or at least pretend to. However many of them will have various phobias and ticks, for the rest of their lives. And sadly there isn't much I can do about that. As you can see a few pages in my success rate is even lower, where the removal of... quirks... is concerned.”

Sarutobi shuffled the pages before he came to the indicated page. His eyes widened again. A 5% rate of recovery. He quickly checked the various seal attached to the pages. They seemed real.

He carefully looked at the boy, no man, in his office.

The man rolled his eyes. “That number is exaggerated too by the way. I expect at least three quarters of them to regain their various “quirks”.” He said, almost angrily. “And it takes a lot of time to come even that far. It would be better to continue the therapy.” He sighed, shaking his head. “But I suppose for most people it's only important that they can work again, not how healthy they are doing it.”

Sarutobi just stared at the man. If he could just remove the quirks from one of his ninja... Kakashi for example. Or Gai... Or Jirayia... or Hatake... or... or... or...

“You wish to work for Konoha directly then?” He asked, working hard to hide his excitement.

Konran nodded cheerfully. “Yes. I thought about going to one of the other villages. However, Konoha's reputation, especially in regard to civilians, is far better than most villages.”

Sarutobi kept his face carefully blank and grunted noncommittally.

“Oh I don't doubt that you have your own skeletons. However, compared to the other villages? I expect them to be... less. And if I can do something about reducing their consequences...”

He seemed sincere, very sincere. But Sarutobi couldn't just let him into a position of such power...

“I also realize that your ninja will not be able to talk openly about many of their missions. Classified information and so on. However, while that will prolong any therapy. Some healing is usually better than none.” Konran added.

Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, he was very sure that the man had known what he was thinking. A bloodline?

“I'm very good at observation, extrapolation and guessing.” came the reply before he had a chance to ask. “Comes with the territory.”

Sarutobi snorted in amusement. “I see. Well, you realize that with those skills I can't let you run around the village unsupervised. Besides, if you do get results... well other villages might want you for themselves. So if you work for us, you'll have to accept a guard follow you around in the open.”

Konran blinked, clearly the thought hadn't crossed his mind.

“Uhh, I'm not so sure I like that idea.” he muttered. He carefully looked at Sarutobi. “I can expect that I have a reasonable amount of privacy? Especially when talking to my patients?” He finally asked.

“Yes. There would be guards around your house. But only to watch the outer perimeter.” He hoped that would be enough. He couldn't let the man go. Not with the promise of no more flames of youth. Or no more coughing, or irate kunoichi demanding Jiraiis head. But at the same time he had to make sure he wasn't a spy.

“That would be acceptable.” Konran inclined his head.

“Now about payment...” Sarutobi waved him off, recited a number and watched, as the man's eyes widened.

“That... that will be enough, Hokage-Sama.” He managed to stutter out.

Sarutobi smiled. It was Tsunades wages while she worked in the hospital. Quite a bit above what the average healer made. But if he was as successful as he claimed...

“And of course a bonus for any true recovery.” He added.

Konran nodded blankly, but a smile crept slowly onto his features.

Of course, he couldn't just let the man start talking to one of his ninja. That would be risking too much. So who needed a mental... well that was easy.

“I already have a patient for you too.” He said.

Konran blinked and opened his mouth, he wrung his hands. “Already? But I've just arrived. I don't even have an apartment...”

“Don't worry. You'll have a few days to settle in. I'll arrange for an apartment too. Unless you want to search for one yourself?” Sarutobi asked, seemingly unconcerned. If he could set up the apartment he would feel much better. It would give him a bit more control over the man.

Konran shrugged. “That's very kind of you. I'm not very good with finances...”

Sarutobi nodded in understanding. Neither was Tsunade from what he heard.

“Well. Let's talk a bit more about the details of your stay. And your first patient.”

- - -

Sasuke stared at the ceiling. It was white, should be white. But all he could see was red. Red faces, red hands, red bodies. And red eyes. Those horrible red eyes, cutting into him, dissecting him, breaking him.

And then tossed him away. Because he was weak, worthless.

“Hello Sasuke-kun.” A voice said. But the voice wasn't important. Just another voice in the cacophony, that drove him mad. Screams for mercy, for revenge...

“I'm here to help you...” The voice said, like some of the other voices, before. They couldn't help him. He knew that. He was just too weak for help.

“I'm here to help you kill Itachi.”

And it stopped. The screaming, the blood, it all stopped, the ceiling was white again.

On a chair, sat an older man. Sasuke frowned, he didn't look like a Ninja, how could a man like that help him kill Itachi.

“Welcome back to the real world Sasuke-kun.” The man said.

Sasuke blinked. The real world he had been in the...

He looked at the ceiling again.

“I know you don't think I can help you. But I'm not here to make you stronger. I'm here to help you face Itachi.”

Sasuke flinched, red eyes seemed to appear everywhere. Desperately he burrowed in his pillow, whimpering.

“Well, yes. I'm here to help with that.” The man muttered. Sasuke didn't look at him, he had his eyes firmly screwed shut.

“It won't be easy. But you have time. And if you work with me, when the time comes, you'll be able to face... that man without this fear.”

Sasuke didn't react, he hardly moved. Face Itachi? How could he? He was so weak, Itachi didn't even bother...

“I'll leave for now Sasuke-kun, get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow. We can continue then.”

Continue? Continue what?

“Continue what?” He croaked. “You haven't done anything.”

“You are talking aren't you?” The man asked cheerfully.

Sasuke blinked.

“For today that is enough. We can't rush this, healing takes time. And I'm not a ninja, who can substitute chakra for that.” The man waved at Sasuke. “Till tomorrow then Sasuke-kun.

Sasuke felt... he didn't know how he felt. He closed his eyes and quickly opened them again. He had seen and heard... again. He stared at the ceiling. Hopefully the man would return soon. He or anybody else.

- - -

Sasuke paced in front of Konran, two years made quite a difference, the older man thought, as he watched the young boy rant.

“... and they won't leave me alone! No matter how much I ignore them. It's always, 'Sasuke am I pretty?' or 'Sasuke do you like my hair?' It's driving me mad.”

It was an old rant by now, one Konran could almost recite by memory. He chuckled slightly, even though Sasuke complained, he seriously doubted he was all that bothered by it, otherwise he would have asked for help by now.

“I mean, do these twits really expect me to care about the color of their clothes? I don't give a damn if some weakling looks pretty. My wife will have to be strong, not some useless little girl.” Sasuke continued, ignoring the chuckle entirely.

That last part was new, he must have thought about it a bit more since last time.

“I give up sensei. What do I have to do, to get rid of them?” Sasuke demanded. He didn't plead after all. But Konran could read the boy like few people could and he knew, that for Sasuke the mere fact that he asked for help was a form of pleading already. Well, that he asked for help outside of training. They had worked on that very early and Sasuke had managed to regularly get teachers at the academy to give him extra lessons.

“Why don't you just tell them that?” He asked Sasuke.

Sasuke stared at him, face blank. Then he walked to the wall and began hammering his head into the small indenture there.

It was a bad habit, Konran thought, rolling his eyes and he should have done something when Sasuke started doing it. But the boy felt so much better after doing it...

“... Idiot, Idiot, Idiot...” Sasuke chanted, for a few seconds, before he turned to Konran and bowed low.

“Thank you sensei. I don't know what I would do without you.” Sasuke said.

Konran shrugged noncommittally. “Probably suffer in silence. But you are strong, so I think you would manage.”

Sasuke's lips twitched into one of his faint smiles for a second. “Heh, yeah. Well, I still have some training to do. Thanks for the help, even if you just pointed out what I should have seen myself.

Konran waved the boy out of his office. It was always interesting to work with Sasuke, the boy needed constant reassurance, but it was worth it, to see the reclusive boy happy now and again.

He looked at his notebook, the next appointment would be Gai...josh...

- - -

Sasuke watched the area in front of the academy with narrowed eyes. It seemed clear, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe, that just because he didn't see them they weren't there.

He gave Kiba a signal and the boy rushed forward. In a few seconds he had reached the entrance and ducked into it. A second later the all clear signal followed.

As he rushed towards the entrance Sasuke reflected on how it came to this. How he had to sneak into school, his only allies Kiba and Shino.

It was, he decided that stupid declaration. He should have realized that, like everything Konran did, his advice would have unforeseen consequences.

Oh it worked well enough.

He ducked into the building. Kiba had scouted ahead and indicated him to follow.

Nearly ninety percent of the girls had given up after his declaration. Only four had still pursued him, and two of those had dropped after a week, where he made it very clear, that only a girl who could beat him was worth his attention.

However, he used a mirror to look into the next corridor, two hadn't given up. In fact, they had started to train almost obsessively. And slowly but surely that had started to catch up.

Kiba was gone. Damn it. Where were they.

He looked around frantically. A brief pulse of chakra later and he knew where one of them was.

That left the other, either out of range, or...

“Sa-Su-Ke-Kun.” A voice whispered behind him.

He lashed out with his elbow, but his opponent blocked the panicked punch easily.

“Tztztz, disappointing Sasuke-Kun.” The voice said.

Sasuke smirked, as he whirled around. He wouldn't be beaten that easily. But his blond opponent easily hopped over his legs, as he swept them under her.

“Come now Sasurck.” Ino was interrupted in her taunting, as Shino, tackled her to a wall.

Best decision Sasuke ever made, recruiting him. “Thanks Shino, meet me...” He dodged a kunai flying at him... no not at him...

Shino leaned back slightly, letting the kunai embed itself in the wall, a few millimeters from Ino's head. “That was extremely...” He stopped talking, but Sasuke didn't have time to worry about him, he could take care of himself.

Instead he focused on Sakura, who followed the kunai, smiling madly, more kunai at the ready. And he had no doubt, those would be aimed at him.

Still, he smirked, as the red bled into his eyes. Even as good as they had become, since they had managed to activate his sharingan, in an incident he really wished he could forget, they were just too slow. Sakura didn't stop at the sight of his sharingan. Not that he expected her to. Instead she threw the first kunai, then another and another.

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he could dodge ten kunai without the sharing...

Suddenly he was thrown forward, by an explosion behind him. He didn't dare turn around, he would have to focus on Sakura and hope to god Shino could deal with Ino.

He focused on the first kunai, no threat, neither were the next three, they were just there to box him in, and let the following six do him in. He smirked and leaned his head slightly to the left, dodging the first. Slightly leaning forward he dodged the second. A twitch of his hand avoided the third. His eyes widened, a desperate jump saved him from the exploding kunai Sakura threw at him. Or at least avoided the worst.

The explosion, coupled with his own momentum, slammed him into the ceiling, not hard enough to stun him though.

With a grimace he pushed off the ceiling towards Sakura, who still grinned ad him, another kunai ready.

He could feel himself grinning as well. No matter what awaited him after a lost battle. This was fun!

Still in the air, he threw a kunai of his own. Sakura dodged lazily, barely even bothering to move. But that was ok, he wasn't aiming for her anyways.

After all, Sakura wasn't the only one who could play with explosives.

The explosion was just a little bit bigger than the ones Sakura used, but in the hallways it was far more powerful. The shock-wave threw Sasuke back a good meter. He grimaced, hopefully Sakura would be alright, he didn't want to, he looked into the smoke, however there was no sign of Sakura at all.

He idly noted, that he had deactivated his sharingan awhile ago, conserving chakra for when it was needed again. So he wouldn't notice her replacing herself with a henge.

He whirled around, sharingan springing back to life, affording him a beautiful view of Ino's chakra rushing him at high speed. He would...

“Gottcha.” A Sakura's voice appeared in his ear, as her arms circled his torso, forcing him to hold still.

- - -

Iruka stood beside Sarutobi, as they watched the ambush in the academy.

“Ah, to see children play.” Sarutobi said cheerfully.

Iruka snorted, only a ninja would call that playing.

“Sasuke had the sharingan for a year now.” Sarutobi continued, “But he hasn't improved much, beyond the speed at which he can activate it.”

Iruka shrugged. “There's only one person who can teach him. I can only do so much without a sharingan of my own.”

The Hokage hummed, as as the kunoichi released Sasuke again. They didn't bother tying him up. They had won and he would know it.

“Sasuke did approach Kakashi for training, didn't he?” The Hokage asked.

Iruka nodded. “Yes, after Sakura and Ino managed to recruit Anko and Kurenai. However, Sasuke failed to recruit Kakashi. Something about no appreciation for art I believe.”

Sarutobi chuckled. “I see. They will all pass I assume?”

Kiba and Naruto and Hinata joined the little group in the hall. Kiba's bowed his head, though Sasuke didn't seem to blame him. He did glare at Naruto though. Words were exchanged and the two boys started another fight, or tried to. Hinata dragged Naruto away and Sakura and Ino claimed their own man.

Iruka still had to chuckle as he thought back to Sasuke's declaration on how he planed to remake his clan.

“Yes, thanks to Sakura and Ino all of them, well besides Shikamaru and Chouji, are well above the requirements. I'm actually thinking about not bothering with the test for them.”

Sarutobi raised an eyebrow. “What about the other students?”

Not funny. “The others? Well most of them will pass the test, sure. But then I wouldn't advise to let them become genin yet. If they had to compete with that group...”

The Hokage nodded. “I suppose so. What about Shikamaru and Choji?”

Iruka grinned. “They managed to stay neutral even with Ino and Sasuke working on them almost nonstop. I think they'll manage.”

Ino and Sakura said something to Sasuke, who was sandwiched between the girls. A smile crept onto his face, before he passed out with a nosebleed.

Naruto, predictably laughed loudly. Until Hinata whispered something in his ear, and he joined Sasuke in dreamland.

“They are a bit young for that sort of thing aren't they?” Sarutobi muttered.

Oh yes, that they were. “I had a talk with Kurenai about that. All the girls agreed to wait till they were sixteen at least.”

“And you believe them?”

Iruka scratched the back of his head. “Well, I hope they'll wait at least till they are fourteen.”

With an amused sigh Sarutobi turned around. “That's the best we can hope for I suppose. What about the teams?”

“Well, Sasuke, Sakura and Ino are the strongest, followed by Naruto and Hinata, then Shino and Kiba. Only Shikamaru and Choji come even close to their level now.”

And all that just because Sasuke decided to stop the girls from pursuing him. Well that backfired spectacularly.

“I decided to keep the couples away from each other. I've also separated Shikamaru and Choji, since they reinforced each other in their laziness. Kiba, Shino and Sasuke already knew how to work as a team, however they need to learn to form teams with relative strangers as well. So they were also separated.” Iruka explained.

The Hokage nodded. “Yes, that would make sense.”

“The only thing I'm worried about is their reaction.” Iruka shuddered a bit. If they all formed an alliance... well, it would be... painful. Hopefully they would realize the wisdom

“I think you can deal with a few genin Iruka.” The Hokage rolled his eyes.

“Hehe, of course.” Iruka gulped, he didn't think he could deal with them, at least not all at once.

“I'll get to class then Hokage-Sama.” He muttered. It was still a few days till graduation. Maybe things would change? Or he could think of a compelling reason to stick Sasuke with Ino and Sakura and Hinata with Naruto. The rest wouldn't complain too much or too loudly.

- - -

Sasuke barely followed Iruka's lesson. He was well ahead there anyway. And the girls with Naruto kept him in top shape. In a few days he would graduate. True, he could have graduated sooner. But he didn't see the point, it only cost him valuable training time.

Genin had to run d rank missions. And most of them weren't exactly the most dangerous, or difficult missions. Hell all of them were pretty easy.

He thought back to Ino and Sakura, both of them hugging him. He felt the perverted smile return, that he had sported then. That would show the weasel. He wouldn't life a miserable life. He would find happiness. And what better way to that, than to marry two beautiful and extremely powerful kunoichi?

Well, marrying only one probably. He probably could get his own will in there at least sometimes.

But at least they were willing to wait a few years, before they would get serious. Maybe one of them would loose interest?

He idly caught the eraser Iruka threw at him.

Well probably not. They weren't deterred from pursuing him by his declaration of strength. Or his declaration that he would take at the very least one mistress.

He could have worded that better, definitely. He should have put more arrogance in it. And he should have absolutely left out his thoughts on pregnancies. He should have just said I want more than one broodmare.

Yeah, that would have gotten them off his back. And killed, but that would have been a small price to pay for freedom.

Though he didn't regret it quite as much now, as he did when he made the declaration.

He leaned his head slightly to the side, as Iruka threw another eraser, to make sure Sasuke was paying attention.

The eraser nailed a kid behind Sasuke who wasn't. Loser.

Sakura and Ino giggled about something, probably him.

Man, it would have been so easy, instead he said something along the lines of:

“I want to rebuild my clan, that means children and a lot of them. I don't want to force a kunoichi to give up her life for my ambitions.”

How exactly did he think that would deter anybody? As soon as he said it he realized his error, every girl in the room had looked at him. Damn it. He tried to salvage the situation. But the rest of his declaration:

“So I need at least one mistress.”

Just removed the interest from the girls who had already given up anyways.

Ino and Sakura? He didn't know whether they would have agreed with a more... creative... first sentence. But chances were they wouldn't have cared much. He was pretty sure he had been turned into a price for their rivalry at that point anyways.

But after that declaration? They suddenly had become interested again! Probably because they now didn't have a reason to act like enemies anymore.

And could openly move their relationship into friendly rivalry territory.

He was...

“Sasuke! Pay attention damn it!” Iruka shouted from right next to him.

“Huh? Wha? When did you get here sensei?” Sasuke asked confused. Hadn't Iruka been at his desk chucking erasers at him?

“If you have time to daydream about your girlfriends, you have time to demonstrate a henge.” Iruka growled.

Sasuke shrugged, no problem. “Sure sensei.”

He walked in front of the class and henged into Iruka, who nodded.

“Good, now henge into the Hokage.” Iruka instructed.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. It should have been obvious that he could do that. A quick henge later and the Hokage stood in front of the children.

“Good, now a bunshin, as the Hokage.”

Hmm a bit more difficult, but nothing he couldn't do.

Iruka made him go through a few more techniques then asked Sakura to do the same. Sasuke yawned, as he sat down again. The genin test would be soon, so it was understandable for Iruka to test them he supposed.

When it was Naruto's turn he flooded the class room with clones. But then Naruto just didn't do fine control. He yawned again.

Hopefully D-Rank missions would be more exiting.

He briefly wondered who would be on his team. And desperately hoped not Ino and Sakura. He liked them and enjoyed sparring with them. But having them on the same team? Hell on earth wouldn't describe it. That was, luckily, unlikely though. Teams consisted mostly of two boys and one girl.

Hmm weird, Iruka had only called the... motivated... students to demonstrate. Well, them and Shikamaru and Choji.

- - -

more to come.
Soo... halfway believable? Or totaly out of character?
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby QuoteMyFoot » March 3rd, 2010, 3:44 pm

I burst out laughing at "I need at least one mistress." So you have definitely achieved some success there. ;) I think it's actually fairly believable, though I would like to see more of Sasuke in therapy. The jump between immediate post-massacre Sasuke and that Sasuke was really sudden, and quite jarring because of it.

I also think you could expand on a few things - how Sasuke came to be friends with Shino and Kiba, for example. Or any attempt to get Gai to stop talking about the power of youth. XP

In all seriousness, I think this is a good base, but I'd like to see how therapy!Sasuke changes the dynamics between the characters. Despite including pretty much anybody, we don't really get much of that here. I'm especially interested in Shino-Kiba-Sasuke, Ino-Sakura and Naruto-Sasuke.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Magnificate » March 3rd, 2010, 4:10 pm

YEAH, I've been waiting to read something like that for a long time.

Yes, as QuoteMyFoot said, I got the feeling that lots of scenes are missing from your fanfic. Gai Omakes would be great.

My personal preference would be to keep the story relatively closer to canon by delaying the arrival of the 'mind healer'. That way the changes would only begin to take place and you could have yourself an AU fic written from the perspective of both Sasuke and his 'mind healer'. While I like the new situation with Sakura and Ino I think it went bit too far with them recruiting jonin senseis and catching up to Sasuke.

Do you have an actual background in psychology to pull that one off?
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 3rd, 2010, 4:24 pm

YEAH, I've been waiting to read something like that for a long time.

Yes, as QuoteMyFoot said, I got the feeling that lots of scenes are missing from your fanfic. Gai Omakes would be great.

My personal preference would be to keep the story relatively closer to canon by delaying the arrival of the 'mind healer'. That way the changes would only begin to take place and you could have yourself an AU fic written from the perspective of both Sasuke and his 'mind healer'. While I like the new situation with Sakura and Ino I think it went bit too far with them recruiting jonin senseis and catching up to Sasuke.

Do you have an actual background in psychology to pull that one off?
Well, this is supposed to be an introduction. I planned to add the missing scenes, later. Either as flashbacks, or simply as preludes in the various chapters.

For example:

Let's talk about your hate Sasuke.

I hate Itachi. I will kill him.

But if you hate him you will fail... etc etc...

- - -

Awesome scene were Sasuke faces Itachi and does cool stuff because of Falcon his therapy. Little Eve joke sorry.

This was a first draft too and I didn't even go over it yet. But I needed some feedback^^ As can be seen by the demand for more details in therapy.

Any comments on my ripping apart the teams? Currently the plan calls for:

Shino, Shikamaru Sakura(intellect over raw power)

Ino, Naruto, Kiba(animal inside, good thing Ino isn't real or I would be dead now)

and Sasuke, Hinata and Choji(Eyes, eyes, baby back ribs)

... Sorry for the bad jokes.

As for the background in psychology. You'll notice I cover my bases. The mind-healer has about as much of an idea about that as me. Close to zero. He's working mostly on trial and error mixed with observation.

If it works it's as much luck as it is plot. And most of the time it won't work. But that little chance that it will... worth it.

And we can keep Gai's youth-fullness, while also having the attempt to remove it.

Hope that can be forgiven.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Magnificate » March 3rd, 2010, 4:51 pm

Any comments on my ripping apart the teams?
I generally support that idea and your fanfic is no exception.
Currently the plan calls for:
Again, my general idea would be to narrow the genis down to two teams, so that you can develop the characters more and perhaps have some genuine team rivarly going on.
Ino, Naruto, Kiba(animal inside, good thing Ino isn't real or I would be dead now)
Breakthrough Team / Heavy Assault Team. I approve.
Shino, Shikamaru Sakura(intellect over raw power)
Nah, not enough drive in that combination and as a Hokage I would assign at least one person with tactical expertise to each team.
Sasuke, Hinata and Choji(Eyes, eyes, baby back ribs)
Unconventional, still I don't see the synergy.

I guess the team selection mostly depends on whether you want Naruto to be featured as main character in your story?
As for the background in psychology. You'll notice I cover my bases. The mind-healer has about as much of an idea about that as me. Close to zero. He's working mostly on trial and error mixed with observation.
Ah, but that only covers that particular character. Are you able to predict the effects of his therapy? Of course, that is unlikely to matter for the most readers, but the more realistic it is, the better.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Tempest Kitsune » March 3rd, 2010, 8:24 pm

I know the focus here is on Sasuke, but I'd also like to see how Konran affected the other genin. Because you can't tell me that he hasn't had talks with at least Naruto and Hinata. And some of the sessions with the Jounin would be cool to see too. Maybe throw a little drama and angst into the mix as they try to deal with the issues that caused their quirks in the first place.
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
— Captain America

Naruto RP Character - Takuma Itsuki, Special Jounin
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 4th, 2010, 3:55 pm

Well, the main character will be Sasuke, since he's the one that changed the most thanks to the butterfly flapping his wings. And with Sasuke changed everything else follows.

I do want to add scenes for the other genin and the jonin as well of course.

Also Kurenai and Anko weren't jonin when Sakura and Ino recruited them.

And well, can't avoid the angst entirely, but it really isn't the focus and this is supposed to be funny, more than serious.

Anyways, added a few scenes, with Sasuke and Konran, as well as one with Kakashi. Hope they are as well recived:
Spoiler: show
Sarutobi sighed, as he left the hospital. Sasuke still hadn't moved, beyond the occasional twitch.

It was to be expected of course, an eight year old boy wouldn't just magically recover from something like the massacre. Still in time he would heal, somewhat. He cursed Danzo again and the Sasuke's father again.

If those two fools... but anger was pointless.

He climbed the stairs to his office, his thoughts circling around his the consequences of the massacre. The civilians and most of the ninja couldn't know, so information had to be suppressed. Just another horrible secret in the long list of them. Sometimes, quite often really, he wished he had managed to stop Minato and take his place. But wishes and the like were fairly useless.

He sat down behind his desk and looked at the paperwork. Just another day's work, as if the massacre hadn't happened just two weeks ago.

“Sir?” His assistant asked.

“Hmm?” Sarutobi murmured.

“Your appointment is here. I told him you would be ready to talk soon.”

Appointment? Ah yes, that doctor, he frowned briefly. From what he heard of the man he was a civilian. No chakra control at all. He snorted softly, what could the man think he had to offer?

“Send him in.” It would be impolite to send him away without at least listening after all.

A small man, young for a civilian, entered his office. He looked around, a mixture of curiosity and nervousness making his head twitch in every direction, but when he stopped in front of Sarutobi and bowed, he firmly looked into Sarutobi's eyes.

“A pleasure to meet you Hokage-Sama.” He said, voice as strong as any ninja's, stronger. “My name is Chou Konran.”

Saurtobi nodded amiably, he liked the boy. “Good day to you.” He returned the greeting.

“I'm not a man of many words, and sadly I don't have as much time as I would like.” Or the patience to deal with a civilian, no matter how pleasant he seemed to be. “So I'm afraid we have to hurry this up a bit.” Really, he was a bit rude there. But with all that had happened...

“I understand.” The man said, a slight smile on his face. “Then I'll keep it short.”

He pulled a few papers from the pouch he wore and handed them to Sarutobi.

“I'm a doctor, or maybe it would be better to say that I'm a...” He seemed unsure how to continue. Sarutobi used the pause to riffle through the papers. Hmm medical charts, quite the abysmal success ratio though, barely 50%.

“Well, mind healer I suppose.” The boy finally said, shrugging slightly.

Sarutobi stopped and looked sharply at the boy. A mind healer?

“What does that mean? Exactly?” He asked, not hopeful, no but close.

“Well, you know how extreme trauma can have long lasting effects on people?” His guest asked.

Sarutobi barely managed to suppress the harsh laugh that threatened to escape. If he knew? Of course he... but the boy was a civilian. He didn't understand, couldn't understand, so it would be unfair to expect it of him.

Instead he nodded and merely muttered a short. “I do.” Before indicating to continue.

The boy nodded. “Well, I studied medicine. Not the way your ninja do obviously, but I know my way around the human body well enough.” He paused, looked as if he was waiting for something from Sarutobi, but all he got was an indication to continue.

“In many cases however, where I could heal the body. The mind, I couldn't even touch. How do you heal something that doesn't exist in a form that can be accessed?” He had begun pacing now.

“I heard about Tsunade-Sama. There were rumors, that she could even heal mental damage. So I tracked her down.”

Sarutobi winced, that couldn't have ended well.

“She was a wreck. Affected by exactly the sort of wound I was coming to her to heal.” The boy continued, shaking his head sadly.

“Still, I managed to get her to talk.” Sarutobi couldn't stop his eyes bugging out there. This boy, this mere civilian, had managed to make Tsunade share her secrets with him?

“Of course,” he continued. “I doubt she would have if I had been a Ninja. Too many bad memories there. However, all I found out, was that she couldn't heal a mind.”

He smiled briefly. “Rather obvious, seeing her condition. But I found out where the rumors came from. It's not that she heals the mind. It's more that she removes the chakra, that manipulates the brain in such a way as to cause whatever effects the user desired.”

He paused again, a slight frown on his face. “At first I was, disappointed. This method was obviously rather limited in application. And wouldn't offer me any hint on how to heal the mind.”

The frown suddenly changed into a brilliant smile. “However, I found something else.” He looked at Sarutobi. “While we talked, her condition had improved. The distraction from her own thoughts, and the difficulties of explaining chakra healing to me, provided a way for her to escape her own thoughts. That led me to a theory. Talking, in itself might be the way to heal a mind.”

He shrugged apologetic. “It is rather obvious in retrospective. How do we influence a mind? With weapons? With tools? No with words. We shape a mind with words, not with anything physically.”

He looked out the window. “I decided against testing my theories with Tsunade-Sama however. She agreed that, not only were her problems a bit... ah delicate, but if she had a breakdown... well it might just lead to her killing herself.”

Sarutobi glared at the boy, the thought of Tsunade killing herself because of a few words...

“Or it might lead her to kill me.” The boy continued. “In either case, she advised me to train on less volatile subjects.”

Sarutobi wasn't sure he liked that term.

“I agreed and walked the various countries. What you hold are the official reports.”

Sarutobi looked at them again, far more careful this time. The success rate was low, true. However if he read this right... then almost 50% of all people the boy had attempted to heal recovered.

“The results are slightly exaggerated. I would only call around 30% a success.”

Sarutobi frowned, at the boy in confusion.

He just shrugged. “Well, all cases marked success could lead a... normal life again. Or at least pretend to. However many of them will have various phobias and ticks, for the rest of their lives. And sadly there isn't much I can do about that. As you can see a few pages in my success rate is even lower, where the removal of... quirks... is concerned.”

Sarutobi shuffled the pages before he came to the indicated page. His eyes widened again. A 5% rate of recovery. He quickly checked the various seal attached to the pages. They seemed real.

He carefully looked at the boy, no man, in his office.

The man rolled his eyes. “That number is exaggerated too by the way. I expect at least three quarters of them to regain their various “quirks”.” He said, almost angrily. “And it takes a lot of time to come even that far. It would be better to continue the therapy.” He sighed, shaking his head. “But I suppose for most people it's only important that they can work again, not how healthy they are doing it.”

Sarutobi just stared at the man. If he could just remove the quirks from one of his ninja... Kakashi for example. Or Gai... Or Jirayia... or Hatake... or... or... or...

“You wish to work for Konoha directly then?” He asked, working hard to hide his excitement.

Konran nodded cheerfully. “Yes. I thought about going to one of the other villages. However, Konoha's reputation, especially in regard to civilians, is far better than most villages.”

Sarutobi kept his face carefully blank and grunted noncommittally.

“Oh I don't doubt that you have your own skeletons. However, compared to the other villages? I expect them to be... less. And if I can do something about reducing their consequences...”

He seemed sincere, very sincere. But Sarutobi couldn't just let him into a position of such power...

“I also realize that your ninja will not be able to talk openly about many of their missions. Classified information and so on. However, while that will prolong any therapy. Some healing is usually better than none.” Konran added.

Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, he was very sure that the man had known what he was thinking. A bloodline?

“I'm very good at observation, extrapolation and guessing.” came the reply before he had a chance to ask. “Comes with the territory.”

Sarutobi snorted in amusement. “I see. Well, you realize that with those skills I can't let you run around the village unsupervised. Besides, if you do get results... well other villages might want you for themselves. So if you work for us, you'll have to accept a guard follow you around in the open.”

Konran blinked, clearly the thought hadn't crossed his mind.

“Uhh, I'm not so sure I like that idea.” he muttered. He carefully looked at Sarutobi. “I can expect that I have a reasonable amount of privacy? Especially when talking to my patients?” He finally asked.

“Yes. There would be guards around your house. But only to watch the outer perimeter.” He hoped that would be enough. He couldn't let the man go. Not with the promise of no more flames of youth. Or no more coughing, or irate kunoichi demanding Jiraiis head. But at the same time he had to make sure he wasn't a spy.

“That would be acceptable.” Konran inclined his head.

“Now about payment...” Sarutobi waved him off, recited a number and watched, as the man's eyes widened.

“That... that will be enough, Hokage-Sama.” He managed to stutter out.

Sarutobi smiled. It was Tsunade's wages while she worked in the hospital. Quite a bit above what the average healer made. But if he was as successful as he claimed...

“And of course a bonus for any true recovery.” He added.

Konran nodded blankly, but a smile crept slowly onto his features.

Of course, he couldn't just let the man start talking to one of his ninja. That would be risking too much. So who needed a mental... well that was easy.

“I already have a patient for you too.” He said.

Konran blinked and opened his mouth, he wrung his hands. “Already? But I've just arrived. I don't even have an apartment...”

“Don't worry. You'll have a few days to settle in. I'll arrange for an apartment too. Unless you want to search for one yourself?” Sarutobi asked, seemingly unconcerned. If he could set up the apartment he would feel much better. It would give him a bit more control over the man.

Konran shrugged. “That's very kind of you. I'm not very good with finances...”

Sarutobi nodded in understanding. Neither was Tsunade from what he heard.

“Well. Let's talk a bit more about the details of your stay. And your first patient.”

- - -

Sasuke stared at the ceiling. It was white, should be white. But all he could see was red. Red faces, red hands, red bodies. And red eyes. Those horrible red eyes, cutting into him, dissecting him, breaking him.

And then tossed him away. Because he was weak, worthless.

“Hello Sasuke-kun.” A voice said. But the voice wasn't important. Just another voice in the cacophony, that drove him mad. Screams for mercy, for revenge...

“I'm here to help you...” The voice said, like some of the other voices, before. They couldn't help him. He knew that. He was just too weak for help.

“I'm here to help you kill Itachi.”

And it stopped. The screaming, the blood, it all stopped, the ceiling was white again.

On a chair, sat an older man. Sasuke frowned, he didn't look like a Ninja, how could a man like that help him kill Itachi.

“Welcome back to the real world Sasuke-kun.” The man said.

Sasuke blinked. The real world he had been in the...

He looked at the ceiling again.

“I know you don't think I can help you. But I'm not here to make you stronger. I'm here to help you face Itachi.”

Sasuke flinched, red eyes seemed to appear everywhere. Desperately he burrowed in his pillow, whimpering.

“Well, yes. I'm here to help with that.” The man muttered. Sasuke didn't look at him, he had his eyes firmly screwed shut.

“It won't be easy. But you have time. And if you work with me, when the time comes, you'll be able to face... that man without this fear.”

Sasuke didn't react, he hardly moved. Face Itachi? How could he? He was so weak, Itachi didn't even bother...

“I'll leave for now Sasuke-kun, get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow. We can continue then.”

Continue? Continue what?

“Continue what?” He croaked. “You haven't done anything.”

“You are talking aren't you?” The man asked cheerfully.

Sasuke blinked.

“For today that is enough. We can't rush this, healing takes time. And I'm not a ninja, who can substitute chakra for that.” The man waved at Sasuke. “Till tomorrow then Sasuke-kun.

Sasuke felt... he didn't know how he felt. He closed his eyes and quickly opened them again. He had seen and heard... again. He stared at the ceiling. Hopefully the man would return soon. He or anybody else.

- - -

“So, how do you plan to kill Itachi?” Konran asked Sasuke. He had only worked with the boy for a few days now, but it had already become apparent, that the only way to talk to him was through his brother.

“I...” Sasuke floundered, his mouth open, moving soundlessly. “I...”

“You don't know.” Konran finished for Sasuke.

The boy nodded, eyes on the floor. “I'm just too weak. There's no way I could ever beat him.” He whispered.

Heh perfect opening.

“Beat him? Oh that's easy.” Konran dismissed Sasuke's worries. “Killing him, that's difficult.”

“What? You think I can't bring myself to kill my brother? He killed my entire clan!” Sasuke rounded on Konran, glaring heatedly. “I will kill him. You said you would help me! If you think it's impossible then leave me alone!”

It was typical of Sasuke. One second he would doubt whether he would ever be strong enough to defeat Itachi, the next he would rage against the world and wildly declare Itachi's death.

Understandable, of course.

He waited till Sasuke had finished his tirade. Death, kunai in uncomfortable places etc. Then spoke up again.

“I want you to tell me how you can beat him. And I'm not talking about killing him. Just beat him.”

Sasuke looked at him as if he was insane. “If I can beat him, I'll kill him.” He said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Which Konran supposed it was, for Sasuke.

Still, he forced himself to smile. “Oh, I don't know, maybe....”

Sasuke stared at him, eyes widened in utter contempt. “I. Will. Kill. Him.” He punctuated.

“And you won't stand in my way!” He shouted the last part. “I will avenge...”

“That' enough for now.” Konran interrupted the raving boy. Sasuke almost immediately calmed down. He still glared of course, but he had that much self control.

“I'll talk to you again tomorrow. And I want you to think about what Itachi wants.”

Predictably Sasuke flew into another rage. But Konran tuned it out, turned around and let Sasuke rave. The boy would think about it, of that Konran was sure. It would give him a chance tomorrow.

He pulled out his notebook. Next patient was... Hatake Kakashi. Well, he would have a bit of time to go and grab lunch. Actually, didn't he want to get a massage? And then that new movie came out. Yeah, he would have a bit of time, before Hatake-San would show up after all.

- - -

Kakashi stood in front of the office. Hokage-Sama told him to be here, or else. Well, he was here. An hour late, but here he was.

Now where was the guy he was supposed to meet?

- - -

Kakashi wanted to punch something. He had been waiting for over two hours. And the Hokage had send some Anbu to keep him here. And that bastard doctor had ordered the Hokage to confiscate Kakashi's Icha Icha.

He was bored to death! Nothing to do for two hours!

“Ehem.” A voice said behind Kakashi. Just a civilian, though, so Kakashi hadn't bothered to turn around. The wall made such interesting patterns... not.

“Can I help you?” The civilian asked.

“I'm waiting for somebody.” Kakashi answered tersely.

The civilian held a cup of tea and a dango stick, munching happily.

“Oh that wouldn't be me I suppose?” He asked, with a shiteating grin, Kakashi would have loved to wipe from his face.

“Are you Chou Konran?” He asked instead.

The civilian nodded. “That's me. And I'm terribly sorry about the delay. But after I talked to Sasuke-Kun I needed to grab some food. And really, I was so terribly stiff afterward, I needed that massage. And well, I just heard of that new movie...” The bastard trailed off.

“What kind of excuse is that?” Kakashi, didn't shout. He had too much self-control for that. But it was close.

“Hmm better ones?” The annoyance dared to suggest. Better than what?

Ok, yeah, he got it. This was about his own... temporal confusion. But still!

“I'm also afraid my next patient will arrive in...” The asshole looked at his watch. “Ten minutes. So we'll have to postpone this meeting.”

Yeah right. “No way. I've waited two hours for you...”

Konran shrugged. “Well if you want to sit in with Gai, therapy.”

Well... no, no way in hell. “You win, this time.” He bowed slightly. The bastard had him beat, outflanked and outmaneuvered.

- - -

Sarutobi cackled, as he read the report on Kakashi's session, finally, finally somebody stood the brat up. Usually the matter was too important to pull that one off. But with Konran it wasn't as if there was any critical mission going on.

He nodded to the Anbu, who had been watching her captain. “Good work, keeping him there.”

“It was my pleasure, Hokage-Sama.” she answered. Well to be expected when dealing with Kakashi.

“Do you think it will help?” He asked.

She hesitated, then shrugged. “The man managed to make Sasuke talk again. It only took him a few minutes. He might be able to make Kakashi punctual.” She shook her head. “But who knows. Kakashi is stubborn. And, he has his reasons...”

Sarutobi nodded, that was another reason he got away with it. “I suppose. Lets hope Konran-San manages to do some good.”

The Anbu nodded, then disappeared.

Sarutobi really hoped Konran did succeed. Sasuke was talking true. But it was either threats to Itachi, or an exposition on Sasuke's incompetency and weakness.

But Konran seemed to think that was good. They would see and hope that the man was right.

- - -

Sasuke glared at his hands. They were bloody and shaking. An hour of punching a log would do that. He supposed he was lucky they didn't hurt anymore.

“Let me have a look at that.” Somebody said. Sasuke whirled around. How had anybody been able to sneak up on him? He should have paid better attention.

Konran-sensei ignored his frustrated growls and calmly began to bandage his hands.

“You really should wear some bandages. There's no sense in permanently disabling your hands now is there?” Konran asked.

Sasuke looked away. So what? Not as if he ever would be able to even touch Itachi.

Konran sighed, and looked at the sky. “Did you think about what I asked you yesterday?” He asked.

Of course he had. Even if he didn't want to, he grumbled, angrily.

“So, what do you think Itachi wants?” Konran pressed.

Sasuke stared at the log. What did that bastard care anyway? It was none of his business.

“It's hard, isn't it? Being alone?” The... words failed Sasuke.

“How would you know?” He screamed at the man. “How would you know what it feels like? Hearing all those dead? Seeing, seeing...” He trailed off, his mother... his father...

“Sasuke!” Konran shook him. Sasuke shoved the man away.

“You know nothing. You just show up and expect me to...” He glared at the man. “What do you expect of me anyways? You aren't my father.” Father was dead. “Why would you even talk to me?”

“Sasuke, I just want...”

“You just want... yeah that's all they want. You all just want to feel sorry for the poor boy! Don't think I haven't heard the nurses. They all feel so sorry. But they don't understand. I need to... but I can't!” He wouldn't cry. Not in front of that bastard.

Konran sighed, hanging his head. “I see.”

“You said you want to help me kill Itachi. But all you want, is to keep me away from him. You don't want me to bring him to justice...” Yes, that was it. He was protecting Itachi, that is why he wanted Sasuke to think about what Itachi wanted.

His hands flew into the seals for the grand fireball. Seeing Konran's eyes widen in panic, was worth it. He would show him. Itachi wouldn't win.

Itachi... why was it dark already? It wasn...

- - -

Konran nodded in thanks to the Anbu, who had knocked Sasuke out. He was very glad she was there. He also would have to make sure, not to press the stronger ninja too strong. In retrospective he was sure, if he had pushed Kakashi just a little bit stronger...

“You sure this is a good idea?” The Anbu asked.

“I'm going a bit fast maybe. But... if he wants to resume the academy and interact with the other children. Well he needs to work through his issues at least somewhat.” He knelt besides the boy. “And that means we have to work fast. Even if there is a risk to me and him. I hope that interacting with others will accelerate the healing. But he must be willing to do so.”

Shaking his head he stood up again. “Can you bring him to bed? I have to think about this approach a bit more.”

The Anbu shrugged, but picked him up and disappeared.

Konran slowly moved towards his own apartment. Was he moving too fast? Or was he just too forceful.

He would have to be more careful. Ninja were nothing like civilians, even if they were still kids.

- - -

Sasuke glared at the wall. After yesterday he wasn't allowed to leave the room. He needed to train!

“Hello again Sasuke-kun.” Konran greeted him. Sasuke simply glared at the man.

“I just want to inform you, that I have control when you are allowed to train again.” He continued.

Sasuke glared stronger. The bastard wouldn't get anything out of him. Even if he did control Sasuke's training schedule.

“I” Konran hesitated, but then soldiered on. “I can't know how hard this is for you Sasuke. But, if you don't let me help you will never defeat Itachi.”

Hah, as if he wanted him to defeat Itachi, he just wanted to keep him far away. Sasuke looked at the ceiling.

Konran ignored the clear dismissal and blathered on. “As you are, you will never be able to kill Itachi.”

Duh, as if Sasuke didn't know how useless he was.

“And not because you are weak.” The ignorant civilian just didn't know what he was talking about.

“But because you can't fight him with a clear head. That fear and hatred... it will make it impossible to fight Itachi on equal footing.” Well, that made a little bit of sense at least.

“I only want to help you with that. But for that to be possible you will have to talk to me.” He finished. And just looked at Sasuke.

This went on for a few minutes, Sasuke staring at the ceiling, Konran looking at Sasuke.

“Fine.” Sasuke finally growled. “Itachi wanted me to become stronger! So he would have a challenge! So that he could fight a decent opponent!”

The weakling smiled, that incredibly annoying smile of his. As if everything in life was just a fine and dandy!

“Well, that's a good start I suppose. Well then, what can you do to defeat him, if that's what he wants?” He said.

Sasuke looked at him, really looked at him. Could one person really be that stupid? Ok it wasn't entirely fair. The man was a civilian. Of course he wouldn't get it.

“Train, until I can defeat him, of course. What else can I do?” Wasn't that blindingly obvious?

- - -

Konran stared flatly at the idiot. Could one person really be that stupid?

Well, that wasn't entirely fair. The boy was still a kid. Of course he wouldn't get it.

Still, this would take a while.

- - -

Sasuke paced in front of Konran, two years made quite a difference, the man thought, as he watched the young boy rant.

“... and they won't leave me alone! No matter how much I ignore them. It's always, 'Sasuke am I pretty?' or 'Sasuke do you like my hair?' It's driving me mad.”

It was an old rant by now, one Konran could almost recite by memory. He chuckled slightly, even though Sasuke complained, he seriously doubted he was all that bothered by it, otherwise he would have asked for help by now.

“I mean, do these twits really expect me to care about the color of their clothes? I don't give a damn, if some weakling looks pretty. My wife will have to be strong, not some useless little girl.” Sasuke continued, ignoring the chuckle entirely.

That last part was new, he must have thought about it a bit more, since last time.

“I give up sensei. What do I have to do, to get rid of them?” Sasuke demanded. After all, he didn't plead. But Konran could read the boy like few people could and he knew, that for Sasuke the mere fact that he asked for help was a form of pleading already. Well, that he asked for help outside of training. They had worked on that very early and Sasuke had managed to regularly get teachers at the academy to give him extra lessons.

“Why don't you just tell them that?” He asked Sasuke.

Sasuke stared at him, face blank. Then he walked to the wall and began hammering his head into the small indenture there.

It was a bad habit, Konran thought, rolling his eyes and he should have done something when Sasuke started doing it. But the boy felt so much better after doing it...

“... Idiot, Idiot, Idiot...” Sasuke chanted, for a few seconds, before he turned to Konran and bowed low.

“Thank you sensei. I don't know what I would do without you.” Sasuke said.

Konran shrugged noncommittally. “Probably suffer in silence. But you are strong, so I think you would manage.”

Sasuke's lips twitched into one of his faint smiles for a second. “Heh, yeah. Well, I still have some training to do. Thanks for the help, even if you just pointed out what I should have seen myself.

Konran waved the boy out of his office. It was always interesting to work with Sasuke, the boy needed constant reassurance, but it was worth it, to see the reclusive boy happy now and again.

He looked at his notebook, the next appointment would be Gai...josh...

- - -

Sasuke watched the area in front of the academy with narrowed eyes. It seemed clear, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe, that just because he didn't see them, they weren't there.

He gave Kiba a signal and the boy rushed forward. In a few seconds he had reached the entrance and ducked into it. A second later the all clear signal followed.

As he rushed towards the entrance Sasuke reflected on how it came to this. How he had to sneak into school, his only allies Kiba and Shino.

It was, he decided that stupid declaration. He should have realized that, like everything Konran did, his advice would have unforeseen consequences.

Oh it worked well enough.

He ducked into the building. Kiba had scouted ahead and indicated him to follow.

Nearly ninety percent of the girls had given up after his declaration. Only four had still pursued him, and two of those had dropped after a week, where he made it very clear, that only a girl who could beat him was worth his attention.

However, he used a mirror to look into the next corridor, two hadn't given up. In fact, they had started to train almost obsessively. And slowly but surely that had started to catch up.

Kiba was gone. Damn it. Where were they.

He looked around frantically. A brief pulse of chakra later and he knew where one of them was.

That left the other, either out of range, or...

“Sa-Su-Ke-Kun.” A voice whispered behind him.

He lashed out with his elbow, but his opponent blocked the panicked punch easily.

“Tztztz, disappointing Sasuke-Kun.” The voice said.

Sasuke smirked, as he whirled around. He wouldn't be beaten that easily. But his blond opponent easily hopped over his legs, as he swept them under her.

“Come now Sasurck.” Ino was interrupted in her taunting, as Shino, tackled her to a wall.

Best decision Sasuke ever made, recruiting him. “Thanks Shino, meet me...” He dodged a kunai flying at him... no not at him...

Shino leaned back slightly, letting the kunai embed itself in the wall, a few millimeters from Ino's head. “That was extremely...” He stopped talking, but Sasuke didn't have time to worry about him, he could take care of himself.

Instead he focused on Sakura, who followed the kunai, smiling madly, more kunai at the ready. And he had no doubt, those would be aimed at him.

Still, he smirked, as the red bled into his eyes. Even as good as they had become, since they had managed to activate his sharingan, in an incident he really wished he could forget, they were just too slow. Sakura didn't stop at the sight of his sharingan. Not that he expected her to. Instead she threw the first kunai, then another and another.

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he could dodge ten kunai without the sharing...

Suddenly he was thrown forward, by an explosion behind him. He didn't dare turn around, he would have to focus on Sakura and hope to god Shino could deal with Ino.

He focused on the first kunai, no threat, neither were the next three, they were just there to box him in, and let the following six do him in. He smirked and leaned his head slightly to the left, dodging the first. Slightly leaning forward he dodged the second. A twitch of his hand avoided the third. His eyes widened, a desperate jump saved him from the exploding kunai Sakura threw at him. Or at least avoided the worst.

The explosion, coupled with his own momentum, slammed him into the ceiling, not hard enough to stun him though.

With a grimace he pushed off the ceiling towards Sakura, who still grinned ad him, another kunai ready.

He could feel himself grinning as well. No matter what awaited him after a lost battle. This was fun!

Still in the air, he threw a kunai of his own. Sakura dodged lazily, barely even bothering to move. But that was ok, he wasn't aiming for her anyways.

After all, Sakura wasn't the only one who could play with explosives.

The explosion was just a little bit bigger than the ones Sakura used, but in the hallways it was far more powerful. The shock-wave threw Sasuke back a good meter. He grimaced, hopefully Sakura would be alright, he didn't want to, he looked into the smoke, however there was no sign of Sakura at all.

He idly noted, that he had deactivated his sharingan awhile ago, conserving chakra for when it was needed again. So he wouldn't notice her replacing herself with a henge.

He whirled around, sharingan springing back to life, affording him a beautiful view of Ino's chakra rushing him at high speed. He would...

“Gottcha.” A Sakura's voice appeared in his ear, as her arms circled his torso, forcing him to hold still.

- - -

Iruka stood beside Sarutobi, as they watched the ambush in the academy.

“Ah, to see children play.” Sarutobi said cheerfully.

Iruka snorted, only a ninja would call that playing.

“Sasuke had the sharingan for a year now.” Sarutobi continued, “But he hasn't improved much, beyond the speed at which he can activate it.”

Iruka shrugged. “There's only one person who can teach him. I can only do so much without a sharingan of my own.”

The Hokage hummed, as as the kunoichi released Sasuke again. They didn't bother tying him up. They had won and he would know it.

“Sasuke did approach Kakashi for training, didn't he?” The Hokage asked.

Iruka nodded. “Yes, after Sakura and Ino managed to recruit Anko and Kurenai. However, Sasuke failed to recruit Kakashi. Something about no appreciation for art I believe.”

Sarutobi chuckled. “I see. They will all pass I assume?”

Kiba, Naruto and Hinata joined the little group in the hall. Kiba's bowed his head, though Sasuke didn't seem to blame him. He did glare at Naruto though. Words were exchanged and the two boys started another fight, or tried to. Hinata dragged Naruto away and Sakura and Ino claimed their own man.

Iruka still had to chuckle as he thought back to Sasuke's declaration on how he planed to remake his clan.

“Yes, thanks to Sakura and Ino all of them, well besides Shikamaru and Choji, are well above the requirements. I'm actually thinking about not bothering with the test for them.”

Sarutobi raised an eyebrow. “What about the other students?”

Not funny. “The others? Well most of them will pass the test, sure. But I wouldn't advise to let them become genin yet. If they had to compete with that group...”

The Hokage nodded. “I suppose so. What about Shikamaru and Choji?”

Iruka grinned. “They managed to stay neutral even with Ino and Sasuke working on them almost nonstop. I think they'll manage.”

Ino and Sakura said something to Sasuke, who was sandwiched between the girls. A smile crept onto his face, before he passed out with a nosebleed.

Naruto, predictably laughed loudly. Until Hinata whispered something in his ear, and he joined Sasuke in dreamland.

“They are a bit young for that sort of thing aren't they?” Sarutobi muttered.

Oh yes, that they were. “I had a talk with Kurenai about that. All the girls agreed to wait till they were sixteen at least.”

“And you believe them?”

Iruka scratched the back of his head. “Well, I hope they'll wait at least till they are fourteen.”

With an amused sigh Sarutobi turned around. “That's the best we can hope for I suppose. What about the teams?”

“Well, Sasuke, Sakura and Ino are the strongest, followed by Naruto and Hinata, then Shino and Kiba. Only Shikamaru and Choji come even close to their level now.”

And all that just because Sasuke decided to stop the girls from pursuing him. Well that backfired spectacularly.

“I decided to keep the couples away from each other. I've also separated Shikamaru and Choji, since they reinforced each other in their laziness. Kiba, Shino and Sasuke already know how to work as a team, however they need to learn to form teams with relative strangers as well. So they were also separated.” Iruka explained.

The Hokage nodded. “Yes, that would make sense.”

“The only thing I'm worried about is their reaction.” Iruka shuddered a bit. If they all formed an alliance... well, it would be... painful. Hopefully they would realize the wisdom

“I think you can deal with a few genin Iruka.” The Hokage rolled his eyes.

“Hehe, of course.” Iruka gulped, he didn't think he could deal with them, at least not all at once.

“I'll get to class then Hokage-Sama.” He muttered. It was still a few days till graduation. Maybe things would change? Or he could think of a compelling reason to stick Sasuke with Ino and Sakura and Hinata with Naruto. The rest wouldn't complain too much or too loudly.

- - -

Sasuke barely followed Iruka's lesson. He was well ahead there anyway. And the girls with Naruto kept him in top shape. In a few days he would graduate. True, he could have graduated sooner. But he didn't see the point, it only cost him valuable training time.

Genin had to run d rank missions. And most of them weren't exactly the most dangerous, or difficult missions. Hell all of them were pretty easy.

He thought back to Ino and Sakura, both of them hugging him. He felt the perverted smile return, that he had sported then. That would show the weasel. He wouldn't life a miserable life. He would find happiness. And what better way to that, than to marry two beautiful and extremely powerful kunoichi?

Well, marrying only one probably. He probably could get his own will in there at least sometimes.

But at least they were willing to wait a few years, before they would get serious. Maybe one of them would loose interest?

He idly caught the eraser Iruka threw at him.

Well probably not. They weren't deterred from pursuing him by his declaration of strength. Or his declaration that he would take at the very least one mistress.

He could have worded that better, definitely. He should have put more arrogance in it. And he should have absolutely left out his thoughts on pregnancies. He should have just said I want more than one broodmare.

Yeah, that would have gotten them off his back. And killed, but that would have been a small price to pay for freedom.

Though he didn't regret it quite as much now, as he did when he made the declaration.

He leaned his head slightly to the side, as Iruka threw another eraser, to make sure Sasuke was paying attention.

The eraser nailed a kid behind Sasuke who wasn't. Loser.

Sakura and Ino giggled about something, probably him.

Man, it would have been so easy, instead he said something along the lines of:

“I want to rebuild my clan, that means children and a lot of them. I don't want to force a kunoichi to give up her life for my ambitions.”

How exactly did he think that would deter anybody? As soon as he said it he realized his error, every girl in the room had looked at him. Damn it. He tried to salvage the situation. But the rest of his declaration:

“So I need at least one mistress.”

Just removed the interest from the girls who had already given up anyways.

Ino and Sakura? He didn't know whether they would have agreed with a more... creative... first sentence. But chances were they wouldn't have cared much. He was pretty sure he had been turned into a price for their rivalry at that point anyways.

But after that declaration? They suddenly had become interested again! Probably because they now didn't have a reason to act like enemies anymore.

And could openly move their relationship into friendly rivalry territory.

He was...

“Sasuke! Pay attention damn it!” Iruka shouted from right next to him.

“Huh? Wha? When did you get here sensei?” Sasuke asked confused. Hadn't Iruka been at his desk chucking erasers at him?

“If you have time to daydream about your girlfriends, you have time to demonstrate a henge.” Iruka growled.

Sasuke shrugged, no problem. “Sure sensei.”

He walked in front of the class and henged into Iruka, who nodded.

“Good, now henge into the Hokage.” Iruka instructed.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. It should have been obvious that he could do that. A quick henge later and the Hokage stood in front of the children.

“Good, now a bunshin, as the Hokage.”

Hmm a bit more difficult, but nothing he couldn't do.

Iruka made him go through a few more techniques then asked Sakura to do the same. Sasuke yawned, as he sat down again. The genin test would be soon, so it was understandable for Iruka to test them he supposed.

When it was Naruto's turn he flooded the class room with clones. But then Naruto just didn't do fine control. He yawned again.

Hopefully D-Rank missions would be more exiting.

He briefly wondered who would be on his team. And desperately hoped not Ino and Sakura. He liked them and enjoyed sparring with them. But having them on the same team? Hell on earth wouldn't describe it. That was, luckily, unlikely enough. Teams consisted mostly of two boys and one girl.

Hmm weird, Iruka had only called the, let's be charitable and call it motivated, students to demonstrate. Well, them and Shikamaru and Choji.

Oh well, he probably wanted to give a demonstrations to the losers in the class.

- - -
As for teams. I'm open to suggestions. And justifications for Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto. If only because the dynamic with Kakashi has so much potential.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 5th, 2010, 5:45 pm

Welp, finished the first chapter. Added the only scene of Sakura and the doctor that will ever be in there. And how they recruited Anko and Kurenai. Which makes this my first ever chapter over 10k words, yay.

Hope you enjoy:
Spoiler: show
Sarutobi sighed, as he left the hospital. Sasuke still hadn't moved, beyond the occasional twitch.

It was to be expected of course, an eight year old boy wouldn't just magically recover from something like the massacre. Still in time he would heal, somewhat. He cursed Danzo again and the Sasuke's father again.

If those two fools... but anger was pointless.

He climbed the stairs to his office, his thoughts circling around his the consequences of the massacre. The civilians and most of the ninja couldn't know, so information had to be suppressed. Just another horrible secret in the long list of them. Sometimes, quite often really, he wished he had managed to stop Minato and take his place. But wishes and the like were fairly useless.

He sat down behind his desk and looked at the paperwork. Just another day's work, as if the massacre hadn't happened just two weeks ago.

“Sir?” His assistant asked.

“Hmm?” Sarutobi murmured.

“Your appointment is here. I told him you would be ready to talk soon.”

Appointment? Ah yes, that doctor, he frowned briefly. From what he heard of the man he was a civilian. No chakra control at all. He snorted softly, what could the man think he had to offer?

“Send him in.” It would be impolite to send him away without at least listening after all.

A small man, young for a civilian, entered his office. He looked around, a mixture of curiosity and nervousness making his head twitch in every direction, but when he stopped in front of Sarutobi and bowed, he firmly looked into Sarutobi's eyes.

“A pleasure to meet you Hokage-Sama.” He said, voice as strong as any ninja's, stronger. “My name is Chou Konran.”

Saurtobi nodded amiably, he liked the boy. “Good day to you.” He returned the greeting.

“I'm not a man of many words, and sadly I don't have as much time as I would like.” Or the patience to deal with a civilian, no matter how pleasant he seemed to be. “So I'm afraid we have to hurry this up a bit.” Really, he was a bit rude there. But with all that had happened...

“I understand.” The man said, a slight smile on his face. “Then I'll keep it short.”

He pulled a few papers from the pouch he wore and handed them to Sarutobi.

“I'm a doctor, or maybe it would be better to say that I'm a...” He seemed unsure how to continue. Sarutobi used the pause to riffle through the papers. Hmm medical charts, quite the abysmal success ratio though, barely 50%.

“Well, mind healer I suppose.” The boy finally said, shrugging slightly.

Sarutobi stopped and looked sharply at the boy. A mind healer?

“What does that mean? Exactly?” He asked, not hopeful, no but close.

“Well, you know how extreme trauma can have long lasting effects on people?” His guest asked.

Sarutobi barely managed to suppress the harsh laugh that threatened to escape. If he knew? Of course he... but the boy was a civilian. He didn't understand, couldn't understand, so it would be unfair to expect it of him.

Instead he nodded and merely muttered a short. “I do.” Before indicating to continue.

The boy nodded. “Well, I studied medicine. Not the way your ninja do obviously, but I know my way around the human body well enough.” He paused, looked as if he was waiting for something from Sarutobi, but all he got was an indication to continue.

“In many cases however, where I could heal the body. The mind, I couldn't even touch. How do you heal something that doesn't exist in a form that can be accessed?” He had begun pacing now.

“I heard about Tsunade-Sama. There were rumors, that she could even heal mental damage. So I tracked her down.”

Sarutobi winced, that couldn't have ended well.

“She was a wreck. Affected by exactly the sort of wound I was coming to her to heal.” The boy continued, shaking his head sadly.

“Still, I managed to get her to talk.” Sarutobi couldn't stop his eyes bugging out there. This boy, this mere civilian, had managed to make Tsunade share her secrets with him?

“Of course,” he continued. “I doubt she would have if I had been a Ninja. Too many bad memories there. However, all I found out, was that she couldn't heal a mind.”

He smiled briefly. “Rather obvious, seeing her condition. But I found out where the rumors came from. It's not that she heals the mind. It's more that she removes the chakra, that manipulates the brain in such a way as to cause whatever effects the user desired.”

He paused again, a slight frown on his face. “At first I was, disappointed. This method was obviously rather limited in application. And wouldn't offer me any hint on how to heal the mind.”

The frown suddenly changed into a brilliant smile. “However, I found something else.” He looked at Sarutobi. “While we talked, her condition had improved. The distraction from her own thoughts, and the difficulties of explaining chakra healing to me, provided a way for her to escape her own thoughts. That led me to a theory. Talking, in itself might be the way to heal a mind.”

He shrugged apologetic. “It is rather obvious in retrospective. How do we influence a mind? With weapons? With tools? No with words. We shape a mind with words, not with anything physically.”

He looked out the window. “I decided against testing my theories with Tsunade-Sama however. She agreed that, not only were her problems a bit... ah delicate, but if she had a breakdown... well it might just lead to her killing herself.”

Sarutobi glared at the boy, the thought of Tsunade killing herself because of a few words...

“Or it might lead her to kill me.” The boy continued. “In either case, she advised me to train on less volatile subjects.”

Sarutobi wasn't sure he liked that term.

“I agreed and walked the various countries. What you hold are the official reports.”

Sarutobi looked at them again, far more careful this time. The success rate was low, true. However if he read this right... then almost 50% of all people the boy had attempted to heal recovered.

“The results are slightly exaggerated. I would only call around 30% a success.”

Sarutobi frowned, at the boy in confusion.

He just shrugged. “Well, all cases marked success could lead a... normal life again. Or at least pretend to. However many of them will have various phobias and ticks, for the rest of their lives. And sadly there isn't much I can do about that. As you can see a few pages in my success rate is even lower, where the removal of... quirks... is concerned.”

Sarutobi shuffled the pages before he came to the indicated page. His eyes widened again. A 5% rate of recovery. He quickly checked the various seal attached to the pages. They seemed real.

He carefully looked at the boy, no man, in his office.

The man rolled his eyes. “That number is exaggerated too by the way. I expect at least three quarters of them to regain their various “quirks”.” He said, almost angrily. “And it takes a lot of time to come even that far. It would be better to continue the therapy.” He sighed, shaking his head. “But I suppose for most people it's only important that they can work again, not how healthy they are doing it.”

Sarutobi just stared at the man. If he could just remove the quirks from one of his ninja... Kakashi for example. Or Gai... Or Jirayia... or Hatake... or... or... or...

“You wish to work for Konoha directly then?” He asked, working hard to hide his excitement.

Konran nodded cheerfully. “Yes. I thought about going to one of the other villages. However, Konoha's reputation, especially in regard to civilians, is far better than most villages.”

Sarutobi kept his face carefully blank and grunted noncommittally.

“Oh I don't doubt that you have your own skeletons. However, compared to the other villages? I expect them to be... less. And if I can do something about reducing their consequences...”

He seemed sincere, very sincere. But Sarutobi couldn't just let him into a position of such power...

“I also realize that your ninja will not be able to talk openly about many of their missions. Classified information and so on. However, while that will prolong any therapy. Some healing is usually better than none.” Konran added.

Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, he was very sure that the man had known what he was thinking. A bloodline?

“I'm very good at observation, extrapolation and guessing.” came the reply before he had a chance to ask. “Comes with the territory.”

Sarutobi snorted in amusement. “I see. Well, you realize that with those skills I can't let you run around the village unsupervised. Besides, if you do get results... well other villages might want you for themselves. So if you work for us, you'll have to accept a guard follow you around in the open.”

Konran blinked, clearly the thought hadn't crossed his mind.

“Uhh, I'm not so sure I like that idea.” he muttered. He carefully looked at Sarutobi. “I can expect that I have a reasonable amount of privacy? Especially when talking to my patients?” He finally asked.

“Yes. There would be guards around your house. But only to watch the outer perimeter.” He hoped that would be enough. He couldn't let the man go. Not with the promise of no more flames of youth. Or no more coughing, or irate kunoichi demanding Jiraiis head. But at the same time he had to make sure he wasn't a spy.

“That would be acceptable.” Konran inclined his head.

“Now about payment...” Sarutobi waved him off, recited a number and watched, as the man's eyes widened.

“That... that will be enough, Hokage-Sama.” He managed to stutter out.

Sarutobi smiled. It was Tsunade's wages while she worked in the hospital. Quite a bit above what the average healer made. But if he was as successful as he claimed...

“And of course a bonus for any true recovery.” He added.

Konran nodded blankly, but a smile crept slowly onto his features.

Of course, he couldn't just let the man start talking to one of his ninja. That would be risking too much. So who needed a mental... well that was easy.

“I already have a patient for you too.” He said.

Konran blinked and opened his mouth, he wrung his hands. “Already? But I've just arrived. I don't even have an apartment...”

“Don't worry. You'll have a few days to settle in. I'll arrange for an apartment too. Unless you want to search for one yourself?” Sarutobi asked, seemingly unconcerned. If he could set up the apartment he would feel much better. It would give him a bit more control over the man.

Konran shrugged. “That's very kind of you. I'm not very good with finances...”

Sarutobi nodded in understanding. Neither was Tsunade from what he heard.

“Well. Let's talk a bit more about the details of your stay. And your first patient.”

- - -

Sasuke stared at the ceiling. It was white, should be white. But all he could see was red. Red faces, red hands, red bodies. And red eyes. Those horrible red eyes, cutting into him, dissecting him, breaking him.

And then tossed him away. Because he was weak, worthless.

“Hello Sasuke-kun.” A voice said. But the voice wasn't important. Just another voice in the cacophony, that drove him mad. Screams for mercy, for revenge...

“I'm here to help you...” The voice said, like some of the other voices, before. They couldn't help him. He knew that. He was just too weak for help.

“I'm here to help you kill Itachi.”

And it stopped. The screaming, the blood, it all stopped, the ceiling was white again.

On a chair, sat an older man. Sasuke frowned, he didn't look like a Ninja, how could a man like that help him kill Itachi.

“Welcome back to the real world Sasuke-kun.” The man said.

Sasuke blinked. The real world he had been in the...

He looked at the ceiling again.

“I know you don't think I can help you. But I'm not here to make you stronger. I'm here to help you face Itachi.”

Sasuke flinched, red eyes seemed to appear everywhere. Desperately he burrowed in his pillow, whimpering.

“Well, yes. I'm here to help with that.” The man muttered. Sasuke didn't look at him, he had his eyes firmly screwed shut.

“It won't be easy. But you have time. And if you work with me, when the time comes, you'll be able to face... that man without this fear.”

Sasuke didn't react, he hardly moved. Face Itachi? How could he? He was so weak, Itachi didn't even bother...

“I'll leave for now Sasuke-kun, get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow. We can continue then.”

Continue? Continue what?

“Continue what?” He croaked. “You haven't done anything.”

“You are talking aren't you?” The man asked cheerfully.

Sasuke blinked.

“For today that is enough. We can't rush this, healing takes time. And I'm not a ninja, who can substitute chakra for that.” The man waved at Sasuke. “Till tomorrow then Sasuke-kun.

Sasuke felt... he didn't know how he felt. He closed his eyes and quickly opened them again. He had seen and heard... again. He stared at the ceiling. Hopefully the man would return soon. He or anybody else.

- - -

“So, how do you plan to kill Itachi?” Konran asked Sasuke. He had only worked with the boy for a few days now, but it had already become apparent, that the only way to talk to him was through his brother.

“I...” Sasuke floundered, his mouth open, moving soundlessly. “I...”

“You don't know.” Konran finished for Sasuke.

The boy nodded, eyes on the floor. “I'm just too weak. There's no way I could ever beat him.” He whispered.

Heh perfect opening.

“Beat him? Oh that's easy.” Konran dismissed Sasuke's worries. “Killing him, that's difficult.”

“What? You think I can't bring myself to kill my brother? He killed my entire clan!” Sasuke rounded on Konran, glaring heatedly. “I will kill him. You said you would help me! If you think it's impossible then leave me alone!”

It was typical of Sasuke. One second he would doubt whether he would ever be strong enough to defeat Itachi, the next he would rage against the world and wildly declare Itachi's death.

Understandable, of course.

He waited till Sasuke had finished his tirade. Death, kunai in uncomfortable places etc. Then spoke up again.

“I want you to tell me how you can beat him. And I'm not talking about killing him. Just beat him.”

Sasuke looked at him as if he was insane. “If I can beat him, I'll kill him.” He said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Which Konran supposed it was, for Sasuke.

Still, he forced himself to smile. “Oh, I don't know, maybe....”

Sasuke stared at him, eyes widened in utter contempt. “I. Will. Kill. Him.” He punctuated.

“And you won't stand in my way!” He shouted the last part. “I will avenge...”

“That' enough for now.” Konran interrupted the raving boy. Sasuke almost immediately calmed down. He still glared of course, but he had that much self control.

“I'll talk to you again tomorrow. And I want you to think about what Itachi wants.”

Predictably Sasuke flew into another rage. But Konran tuned it out, turned around and let Sasuke rave. The boy would think about it, of that Konran was sure. It would give him a chance tomorrow.

He pulled out his notebook. Next patient was... Hatake Kakashi. Well, he would have a bit of time to go and grab lunch. Actually, didn't he want to get a massage? And then that new movie came out. Yeah, he would have a bit of time, before Hatake-San would show up after all.

- - -

Kakashi stood in front of the office. Hokage-Sama told him to be here, or else. Well, he was here. An hour late, but here he was.

Now where was the guy he was supposed to meet?

- - -

Kakashi wanted to punch something. He had been waiting for over two hours. And the Hokage had send some Anbu to keep him here. And that bastard doctor had ordered the Hokage to confiscate Kakashi's Icha Icha.

He was bored to death! Nothing to do for two hours!

“Ehem.” A voice said behind Kakashi. Just a civilian, though, so Kakashi hadn't bothered to turn around. The wall made such interesting patterns... not.

“Can I help you?” The civilian asked.

“I'm waiting for somebody.” Kakashi answered tersely.

The civilian held a cup of tea and a dango stick, munching happily.

“Oh that wouldn't be me I suppose?” He asked, with a shiteating grin, Kakashi would have loved to wipe from his face.

“Are you Chou Konran?” He asked instead.

The civilian nodded. “That's me. And I'm terribly sorry about the delay. But after I talked to Sasuke-Kun I needed to grab some food. And really, I was so terribly stiff afterward, I needed that massage. And well, I just heard of that new movie...” The bastard trailed off.

“What kind of excuse is that?” Kakashi, didn't shout. He had too much self-control for that. But it was close.

“Hmm better ones?” The annoyance dared to suggest. Better than what?

Ok, yeah, he got it. This was about his own... temporal confusion. But still!

“I'm also afraid my next patient will arrive in...” The asshole looked at his watch. “Ten minutes. So we'll have to postpone this meeting.”

Yeah right. “No way. I've waited two hours for you...”

Konran shrugged. “Well if you want to sit in with Gai, therapy.”

Well... no, no way in hell. “You win, this time.” He bowed slightly. The bastard had him beat, outflanked and outmaneuvered.

- - -

Sarutobi cackled, as he read the report on Kakashi's session, finally, finally somebody stood the brat up. Usually the matter was too important to pull that one off. But with Konran it wasn't as if there was any critical mission going on.

He nodded to the Anbu, who had been watching her captain. “Good work, keeping him there.”

“It was my pleasure, Hokage-Sama.” she answered. Well to be expected when dealing with Kakashi.

“Do you think it will help?” He asked.

She hesitated, then shrugged. “The man managed to make Sasuke talk again. It only took him a few minutes. He might be able to make Kakashi punctual.” She shook her head. “But who knows. Kakashi is stubborn. And, he has his reasons...”

Sarutobi nodded, that was another reason he got away with it. “I suppose. Lets hope Konran-San manages to do some good.”

The Anbu nodded, then disappeared.

Sarutobi really hoped Konran did succeed. Sasuke was talking true. But it was either threats to Itachi, or an exposition on Sasuke's incompetency and weakness.

But Konran seemed to think that was good. They would see and hope that the man was right.

- - -

Sasuke glared at his hands. They were bloody and shaking. An hour of punching a log would do that. He supposed he was lucky they didn't hurt anymore.

“Let me have a look at that.” Somebody said. Sasuke whirled around. How had anybody been able to sneak up on him? He should have paid better attention.

Konran-sensei ignored his frustrated growls and calmly began to bandage his hands.

“You really should wear some bandages. There's no sense in permanently disabling your hands now is there?” Konran asked.

Sasuke looked away. So what? Not as if he ever would be able to even touch Itachi.

Konran sighed, and looked at the sky. “Did you think about what I asked you yesterday?” He asked.

Of course he had. Even if he didn't want to, he grumbled, angrily.

“So, what do you think Itachi wants?” Konran pressed.

Sasuke stared at the log. What did that bastard care anyway? It was none of his business.

“It's hard, isn't it? Being alone?” The... words failed Sasuke.

“How would you know?” He screamed at the man. “How would you know what it feels like? Hearing all those dead? Seeing, seeing...” He trailed off, his mother... his father...

“Sasuke!” Konran shook him. Sasuke shoved the man away.

“You know nothing. You just show up and expect me to...” He glared at the man. “What do you expect of me anyways? You aren't my father.” Father was dead. “Why would you even talk to me?”

“Sasuke, I just want...”

“You just want... yeah that's all they want. You all just want to feel sorry for the poor boy! Don't think I haven't heard the nurses. They all feel so sorry. But they don't understand. I need to... but I can't!” He wouldn't cry. Not in front of that bastard.

Konran sighed, hanging his head. “I see.”

“You said you want to help me kill Itachi. But all you want, is to keep me away from him. You don't want me to bring him to justice...” Yes, that was it. He was protecting Itachi, that is why he wanted Sasuke to think about what Itachi wanted.

His hands flew into the seals for the grand fireball. Seeing Konran's eyes widen in panic, was worth it. He would show him. Itachi wouldn't win.

Itachi... why was it dark already? It wasn...

- - -

Konran nodded in thanks to the Anbu, who had knocked Sasuke out. He was very glad she was there. He also would have to make sure, not to press the stronger ninja too strong. In retrospective he was sure, if he had pushed Kakashi just a little bit stronger...

“You sure this is a good idea?” The Anbu asked.

“I'm going a bit fast maybe. But... if he wants to resume the academy and interact with the other children. Well he needs to work through his issues at least somewhat.” He knelt besides the boy. “And that means we have to work fast. Even if there is a risk to me and him. I hope that interacting with others will accelerate the healing. But he must be willing to do so.”

Shaking his head he stood up again. “Can you bring him to bed? I have to think about this approach a bit more.”

The Anbu shrugged, but picked him up and disappeared.

Konran slowly moved towards his own apartment. Was he moving too fast? Or was he just too forceful.

He would have to be more careful. Ninja were nothing like civilians, even if they were still kids.

- - -

Sasuke glared at the wall. After yesterday he wasn't allowed to leave the room. He needed to train!

“Hello again Sasuke-kun.” Konran greeted him. Sasuke simply glared at the man.

“I just want to inform you, that I have control when you are allowed to train again.” He continued.

Sasuke glared stronger. The bastard wouldn't get anything out of him. Even if he did control Sasuke's training schedule.

“I” Konran hesitated, but then soldiered on. “I can't know how hard this is for you Sasuke. But, if you don't let me help you will never defeat Itachi.”

Hah, as if he wanted him to defeat Itachi, he just wanted to keep him far away. Sasuke looked at the ceiling.

Konran ignored the clear dismissal and blathered on. “As you are, you will never be able to kill Itachi.”

Duh, as if Sasuke didn't know how useless he was.

“And not because you are weak.” The ignorant civilian just didn't know what he was talking about.

“But because you can't fight him with a clear head. That fear and hatred... it will make it impossible to fight Itachi on equal footing.” Well, that made a little bit of sense at least.

“I only want to help you with that. But for that to be possible you will have to talk to me.” He finished. And just looked at Sasuke.

This went on for a few minutes, Sasuke staring at the ceiling, Konran looking at Sasuke.

“Fine.” Sasuke finally growled. “Itachi wanted me to become stronger! So he would have a challenge! So that he could fight a decent opponent!”

The weakling smiled, that incredibly annoying smile of his. As if everything in life was just a fine and dandy!

“Well, that's a good start I suppose. Well then, what can you do to defeat him, if that's what he wants?” He said.

Sasuke looked at him, really looked at him. Could one person really be that stupid? Ok it wasn't entirely fair. The man was a civilian. Of course he wouldn't get it.

“Train, until I can defeat him, of course. What else can I do?” Wasn't that blindingly obvious?

- - -

Konran stared flatly at the idiot. Could one person really be that stupid?

Well, that wasn't entirely fair. The boy was still a kid. Of course he wouldn't get it.

Still, this would take a while.

- - -

Sasuke paced in front of Konran, two years made quite a difference, the man thought, as he watched the young boy rant.

“... and they won't leave me alone! No matter how much I ignore them. It's always, 'Sasuke am I pretty?' or 'Sasuke do you like my hair?' It's driving me mad.”

It was an old rant by now, one Konran could almost recite by memory. He chuckled slightly, even though Sasuke complained, he seriously doubted he was all that bothered by it, otherwise he would have asked for help by now.

“I mean, do these twits really expect me to care about the color of their clothes? I don't give a damn, if some weakling looks pretty. My wife will have to be strong, not some useless little girl.” Sasuke continued, ignoring the chuckle entirely.

That last part was new, he must have thought about it a bit more, since last time.

“I give up sensei. What do I have to do, to get rid of them?” Sasuke demanded. After all, he didn't plead. But Konran could read the boy like few people could and he knew, that for Sasuke the mere fact that he asked for help was a form of pleading already. Well, that he asked for help outside of training. They had worked on that very early and Sasuke had managed to regularly get teachers at the academy to give him extra lessons.

“Why don't you just tell them that?” He asked Sasuke.

Sasuke stared at him, face blank. Then he walked to the wall and began hammering his head into the small indenture there.

It was a bad habit, Konran thought, rolling his eyes and he should have done something when Sasuke started doing it. But the boy felt so much better after doing it...

“... Idiot, Idiot, Idiot...” Sasuke chanted, for a few seconds, before he turned to Konran and bowed low.

“Thank you sensei. I don't know what I would do without you.” Sasuke said.

Konran shrugged noncommittally. “Probably suffer in silence. But you are strong, so I think you would manage.”

Sasuke's lips twitched into one of his faint smiles for a second. “Heh, yeah. Well, I still have some training to do. Thanks for the help, even if you just pointed out what I should have seen myself.

Konran waved the boy out of his office. It was always interesting to work with Sasuke, the boy needed constant reassurance, but it was worth it, to see the reclusive boy happy now and again.

He looked at his notebook, the next appointment would be Gai...josh...

- - -

Sasuke watched the area in front of the academy with narrowed eyes. It seemed clear, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe, that just because he didn't see them, they weren't there.

He gave Kiba a signal and the boy rushed forward. In a few seconds he had reached the entrance and ducked into it. A second later the all clear signal followed.

As he rushed towards the entrance Sasuke reflected on how it came to this. How he had to sneak into school, his only allies Kiba and Shino.

It was, he decided that stupid declaration. He should have realized that, like everything Konran did, his advice would have unforeseen consequences.

Oh it worked well enough.

He ducked into the building. Kiba had scouted ahead and indicated him to follow.

Nearly ninety percent of the girls had given up after his declaration. Only four had still pursued him, and two of those had dropped after a week, where he made it very clear, that only a girl who could beat him was worth his attention.

However, he used a mirror to look into the next corridor, two hadn't given up. In fact, they had started to train almost obsessively. And slowly but surely that had started to catch up.

Kiba was gone. Damn it. Where were they.

He looked around frantically. A brief pulse of chakra later and he knew where one of them was.

That left the other, either out of range, or...

“Sa-Su-Ke-Kun.” A voice whispered behind him.

He lashed out with his elbow, but his opponent blocked the panicked punch easily.

“Tztztz, disappointing Sasuke-Kun.” The voice said.

Sasuke smirked, as he whirled around. He wouldn't be beaten that easily. But his blond opponent easily hopped over his legs, as he swept them under her.

“Come now Sasurck.” Ino was interrupted in her taunting, as Shino, tackled her to a wall.

Best decision Sasuke ever made, recruiting him. “Thanks Shino, meet me...” He dodged a kunai flying at him... no not at him...

Shino leaned back slightly, letting the kunai embed itself in the wall, a few millimeters from Ino's head. “That was extremely...” He stopped talking, but Sasuke didn't have time to worry about him, he could take care of himself.

Instead he focused on Sakura, who followed the kunai, smiling madly, more kunai at the ready. And he had no doubt, those would be aimed at him.

Still, he smirked, as the red bled into his eyes. Even as good as they had become, since they had managed to activate his sharingan, in an incident he really wished he could forget, they were just too slow. Sakura didn't stop at the sight of his sharingan. Not that he expected her to. Instead she threw the first kunai, then another and another.

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he could dodge ten kunai without the sharing...

Suddenly he was thrown forward, by an explosion behind him. He didn't dare turn around, he would have to focus on Sakura and hope to god Shino could deal with Ino.

He focused on the first kunai, no threat, neither were the next three, they were just there to box him in, and let the following six do him in. He smirked and leaned his head slightly to the left, dodging the first. Slightly leaning forward he dodged the second. A twitch of his hand avoided the third. His eyes widened, a desperate jump saved him from the exploding kunai Sakura threw at him. Or at least avoided the worst.

The explosion, coupled with his own momentum, slammed him into the ceiling, not hard enough to stun him though.

With a grimace he pushed off the ceiling towards Sakura, who still grinned ad him, another kunai ready.

He could feel himself grinning as well. No matter what awaited him after a lost battle. This was fun!

Still in the air, he threw a kunai of his own. Sakura dodged lazily, barely even bothering to move. But that was ok, he wasn't aiming for her anyways.

After all, Sakura wasn't the only one who could play with explosives.

The explosion was just a little bit bigger than the ones Sakura used, but in the hallways it was far more powerful. The shock-wave threw Sasuke back a good meter. He grimaced, hopefully Sakura would be alright, he didn't want to, he looked into the smoke, however there was no sign of Sakura at all.

He idly noted, that he had deactivated his sharingan awhile ago, conserving chakra for when it was needed again. So he wouldn't notice her replacing herself with a henge.

He whirled around, sharingan springing back to life, affording him a beautiful view of Ino's chakra rushing him at high speed. He would...

“Gottcha.” A Sakura's voice appeared in his ear, as her arms circled his torso, forcing him to hold still.

- - -

Iruka stood beside Sarutobi, as they watched the ambush in the academy.

“Ah, to see children play.” Sarutobi said cheerfully.

Iruka snorted, only a ninja would call that playing.

“Sasuke had the sharingan for a year now.” Sarutobi continued, “But he hasn't improved much, beyond the speed at which he can activate it.”

Iruka shrugged. “There's only one person who can teach him. I can only do so much without a sharingan of my own.”

The Hokage hummed, as as the kunoichi released Sasuke again. They didn't bother tying him up. They had won and he would know it.

“Sasuke did approach Kakashi for training, didn't he?” The Hokage asked.

Iruka nodded. “Yes, after Sakura and Ino managed to recruit Anko and Kurenai. However, Sasuke failed to recruit Kakashi. Something about no appreciation for art I believe.”

Sarutobi chuckled. “I see. They will all pass I assume?”

Kiba, Naruto and Hinata joined the little group in the hall. Kiba's bowed his head, though Sasuke didn't seem to blame him. He did glare at Naruto though. Words were exchanged and the two boys started another fight, or tried to. Hinata dragged Naruto away and Sakura and Ino claimed their own man.

Iruka still had to chuckle as he thought back to Sasuke's declaration on how he planed to remake his clan.

“Yes, thanks to Sakura and Ino all of them, well besides Shikamaru and Choji, are well above the requirements. I'm actually thinking about not bothering with the test for them.”

Sarutobi raised an eyebrow. “What about the other students?”

Not funny. “The others? Well most of them will pass the test, sure. But I wouldn't advise to let them become genin yet. If they had to compete with that group...”

The Hokage nodded. “I suppose so. What about Shikamaru and Choji?”

Iruka grinned. “They managed to stay neutral even with Ino and Sasuke working on them almost nonstop. I think they'll manage.”

Ino and Sakura said something to Sasuke, who was sandwiched between the girls. A smile crept onto his face, before he passed out with a nosebleed.

Naruto, predictably laughed loudly. Until Hinata whispered something in his ear, and he joined Sasuke in dreamland.

“They are a bit young for that sort of thing aren't they?” Sarutobi muttered.

Oh yes, that they were. “I had a talk with Kurenai about that. All the girls agreed to wait till they were sixteen at least.”

“And you believe them?”

Iruka scratched the back of his head. “Well, I hope they'll wait at least till they are fourteen.”

With an amused sigh Sarutobi turned around. “That's the best we can hope for I suppose. What about the teams?”

“Well, Sasuke, Sakura and Ino are the strongest, followed by Naruto and Hinata, then Shino and Kiba. Only Shikamaru and Choji come even close to their level now.”

And all that just because Sasuke decided to stop the girls from pursuing him. Well that backfired spectacularly.

“I decided to keep the couples away from each other. I've also separated Shikamaru and Choji, since they reinforced each other in their laziness. Kiba, Shino and Sasuke already know how to work as a team, however they need to learn to form teams with relative strangers as well. So they were also separated.” Iruka explained.

The Hokage nodded. “Yes, that would make sense.”

“The only thing I'm worried about is their reaction.” Iruka shuddered a bit. If they all formed an alliance... well, it would be... painful. Hopefully they would realize the wisdom

“I think you can deal with a few genin Iruka.” The Hokage rolled his eyes.

“Hehe, of course.” Iruka gulped, he didn't think he could deal with them, at least not all at once.

“I'll get to class then Hokage-Sama.” He muttered. It was still a few days till graduation. Maybe things would change? Or he could think of a compelling reason to stick Sasuke with Ino and Sakura and Hinata with Naruto. The rest wouldn't complain too much or too loudly.

- - -

Sasuke barely followed Iruka's lesson. He was well ahead there anyway. And the girls with Naruto kept him in top shape. In a few days he would graduate. True, he could have graduated sooner. But he didn't see the point, it only cost him valuable training time.

Genin had to run d rank missions. And most of them weren't exactly the most dangerous, or difficult missions. Hell all of them were pretty easy.

He thought back to Ino and Sakura, both of them hugging him. He felt the perverted smile return, that he had sported then. That would show the weasel. He wouldn't life a miserable life. He would find happiness. And what better way to that, than to marry two beautiful and extremely powerful kunoichi?

Well, marrying only one probably. He probably could get his own will in there at least sometimes.

But at least they were willing to wait a few years, before they would get serious. Maybe one of them would loose interest?

He idly caught the eraser Iruka threw at him.

Well probably not. They weren't deterred from pursuing him by his declaration of strength. Or his declaration that he would take at the very least one mistress.

He could have worded that better, definitely. He should have put more arrogance in it. And he should have absolutely left out his thoughts on pregnancies. He should have just said I want more than one broodmare.

Yeah, that would have gotten them off his back. And killed, but that would have been a small price to pay for freedom.

Though he didn't regret it quite as much now, as he did when he made the declaration.

He leaned his head slightly to the side, as Iruka threw another eraser, to make sure Sasuke was paying attention.

The eraser nailed a kid behind Sasuke who wasn't. Loser.

Sakura and Ino giggled about something, probably him.

Man, it would have been so easy, instead he said something along the lines of:

“I want to rebuild my clan, that means children and a lot of them. I don't want to force a kunoichi to give up her life for my ambitions.”

How exactly did he think that would deter anybody? As soon as he said it he realized his error, every girl in the room had looked at him. Damn it. He tried to salvage the situation. But the rest of his declaration:

“So I need at least one mistress.”

Just removed the interest from the girls who had already given up anyways.

Ino and Sakura? He didn't know whether they would have agreed with a more... creative... first sentence. But chances were they wouldn't have cared much. He was pretty sure he had been turned into a price for their rivalry at that point anyways.

But after that declaration? They suddenly had become interested again! Probably because they now didn't have a reason to act like enemies anymore.

And could openly move their relationship into friendly rivalry territory.

He was...

“Sasuke! Pay attention damn it!” Iruka shouted from right next to him.

“Huh? Wha? When did you get here sensei?” Sasuke asked confused. Hadn't Iruka been at his desk chucking erasers at him?

“If you have time to daydream about your girlfriends, you have time to demonstrate a henge.” Iruka growled.

Sasuke shrugged, no problem. “Sure sensei.”

He walked in front of the class and henged into Iruka, who nodded.

“Good, now henge into the Hokage.” Iruka instructed.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. It should have been obvious that he could do that. A quick henge later and the Hokage stood in front of the children.

“Good, now a bunshin, as the Hokage.”

Hmm a bit more difficult, but nothing he couldn't do.

Iruka made him go through a few more techniques then asked Sakura to do the same. Sasuke yawned, as he sat down again. The genin test would be soon, so it was understandable for Iruka to test them he supposed.

When it was Naruto's turn he flooded the class room with clones. But then Naruto just didn't do fine control. He yawned again.

Hopefully D-Rank missions would be more exiting.

He briefly wondered who would be on his team. And desperately hoped not Ino and Sakura. He liked them and enjoyed sparring with them. But having them on the same team? Hell on earth wouldn't describe it. That was, luckily, unlikely enough. Teams consisted mostly of two boys and one girl.

Hmm weird, Iruka had only called the, let's be charitable and call it motivated, students to demonstrate. Well, them and Shikamaru and Choji.

Oh well, he probably wanted to give a demonstrations to the losers in the class.

- - -

Sakura looked around. The office was quite homely. Several pictures hung on the walls, mostly of Konran and his patients.

There was also a picture of the smiling man and a fuming Sasuke. He was so cute.

She still wasn't entirely clear why she was here, but she wasn't worried much. There was nothing wrong with her and even if there was, Konran-san would deal with that.

The door opened and he came in.

“Good day, miss Haruno.” He greeted her cheerfully.

She smiled and returned the greeting. “Good day, Konran-sensei.” She even bowed.

The man grinned. “Such a polite girl. I'm afraid I don't get that too often. Only Hyuga-san ever bothers.”

Sakura blinked. “Huh? Hinata also comes to you?” She thought only Sasuke went to see him. At least he was the only one who talked about it.

“Not anymore, at least not as often. She did for a short time a few months ago. But since you and Ino took her in, she has improved dramatically.” He bowed, looking her in the eyes. “Thank you for that.”

She blushed, she hadn't really done anything. It was just... they were already training with Naruto. And Hinata liked him. So why not include her as well? It also meant they would get some experience fighting the byankuan.

And the better Hinata was, the better the experience gained from sparring with her.

“Ah, we didn't do much. We just needed another sparing partner.” She waved him off.

He grinned. “I would also like to thank you for taking Naruto in. He was quite lonely before.”

Her blush intensified, they had really just recruited Naruto as a punching-bag. But the idiot grew on you. And he was a fast learner. As long as you didn't bring in big words, or any intellectually challenging concepts into the matter.

“Eeh. We did even less there.” She looked away.

Konran chuckled. “I suppose.” He indicated to the chair in front of his desk. Why don't you sit down?” He sat down himself.

“Do you know why you are here Sakura?” He asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. My parents are worried that I'm training too much.”

“Oh. And how long are you training?”

Again, she blushed. She would have to do something about that. A tell like that... if Sasuke ever found out how to embarrass her, she would never be able to fake him out.

“Well most of the day...”

“And you don't think that's too much?”

She glared slightly at the man. “I want to become a ninja. I need to be strong.”

An eyebrow rose on Konran's face. “And this has nothing to do with Sasuke's declaration that he would only marry a kunoichi that could beat him in a fight?”

My wasn't that ceiling interesting. So many different shades of white.

“Maybe?” She ventured finally. “But it isn't just about Sasuke. It never was!”

“Could you explain that?” He asked.

“Well, we are ninja. Or will be. So the stronger we are, the better right?” She looked at him. He nodded.

“So that's one thing. Also I won't lose to Ino. If she can train till she drops, so can I!” She clenched her fist. She wouldn't lose.

“And Naruto and Hinata need to be strong too. What if one of them were weak and something happened on a mission?” She shuddered. “I could never look the other in the eye. They need to be strong, in order to protect themselves, when we aren't there to protect them.”

Ok that last one was made up on the spot. What made her think that reason even made sense?

Konran looked at her a bit confused. “I suppose so, but what has that to do with you training the entire day.”

Yeah, he didn't buy it. “Well, we can hardly expect them to train by themselves. And we need to train our-self too.” Nope still didn't buy it.

“But... you are training with them already. Wouldn't that be better than training with yourself? Besides, from what I know they are training as much as you.” Konran seemed very serious about this.

Why was she defending herself anyway? She was training. She was a ninja. She liked it!

“We like training. So what if other girls prefer to buy dresses and make themselves pretty? I like making myself stronger. As a ninja that is an important part of me.”

Those books in the library were just full of useful quotes like that.

Konran made a few notes. “I see. So you would say you don't train too much?”

Stupid question. Of course she didn't. Otherwise she wouldn't do it.

“Yes.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Four months ago, would you have said the same?”

“Of cour...” She looked at he doctor, blushed and looked away. “No.”

“This was brought on by Sasuke. I don't think training like that just for a boy is a good idea.” Konran looked at her. “Do you think so?”

“No. But I already said it wasn't just about Sasuke!” Dammit, she wouldn't fall behind Ino. “Ino's parents don't think she trains too much. They are happy, she trains as much as she does!”

She couldn't stop now. If she did, she would never be able to stand on her own feet.

Konran-sensei looked at her, he was frowning. “So this is about Ino? Sasuke was just an excuse?”

She nodded, before she could stop herself.

Konran leaned back. His eyes looked right through Sakura. “Sensei?”

“Hmm, just thinking.” He murmured. Sakura leaned back as well. She wanted out of the office.

“Why do you want to be better than Ino?” He asked after a minute.

Sakura looked away. She shouldn't want to beat her friend. But... “I don't want to depend on her for everything. I... I need to stand up for myself. I can't always hide behind her. But I need to be strong for that, stronger than Ino. Or at least as strong as Ino.”

She looked down. Fighting tears.

Konran-sensei hummed again. He would tell her to stop and be more supportive of Ino, that she was a bad friend....

“I suppose that's a good reason.”

His voice cut through Sakura's pity party. “Eh?”

“You want to prove to your friend that you can stand on your own feet. That's admirable. And you are right. As a ninja you will need to be as strong as possible. I'll talk to you parents about this. They don't need to worry themselves.” He smiled at her. “Just make sure to rest properly alright?”

She nodded, rest was important. No problems there.

“Then run along. And have fun training.”

“Thank you sensei.” She smiled as she waved him goodbye. He was pretty nice. Just as Sasuke said.

- - -

Konran sat and looked after the girl. He would probably never understand ninja, even if they weren't ninja yet.

But, the girl wasn't endangering herself. And if the parents of her friend weren't worried and they were ninja, then he supposed it would be alright.

Well, who was his next appointment? He leafed through the papers strewn across his desk. Not this, not this either. Ah here.

Anko... he giggled for a second. He liked Anko's appointments. Even if they generally left him deeply worried. At least he had some eye candy while getting scared shitless.

- - -

Anko looked at the two girls, who had come out of nowhere. She wondered how they were even in the bar.

And they stood in front of her as if they owned the place. Of course, the nervous glances from the pink one... she was pretty sure she had seen that one before. But she didn't remember, so it wasn't important.

The blond one stared at her challenging though. Totally ignoring everything that was going on around her.

“What do you two brats want?” Anko finally asked, taking a drag from her bottle.

“You.” The blond said, the challenge never leaving her face.

Until Anko spewed the alcohol all over her and her pink friend.

“What?” She asked incredulously, they started that young?

The two girls made disgusted noises, as they wiped off the alcohol.

“We want you.” The blond repeated. “You are the most sadistically reckless kunoichi Konoha has right?”

Anko backed away from the little perverts. Whatever games they wanted to play, she didn't want anything to do with it.

It was quite beside the point that she wasn't like that. No matter what Kurenai might say. There was also the fact that Sarutobi would have her hide.

“I think,” She said, preparing to run. “that I just remembered an important appointment, somewhere else.” She eyed the two warily. Who knew what they had planned.

The pink one shoved herself forward. “Please, we need somebody to train us.” She pleaded.

What exactly did Kurenai tell people about her? That she was some kind of teacher for perverted games?

“If you don't train us Sasuke will never...” Anko dropped the bottle and covered her ears desperately she didn't need to know that. The deviant practices of anybody didn't interest her. The practices of kids downright terrified her.

Oh god, she would have to talk to Konran tomorrow. Molested by academy students. She frantically looked for a way out.

There, Kurenai had just entered the bar. She could foist the deviants of on her! Yes, would serve her right, to spread such rumors about poor little Anko around Konoha.

“You know what,” she didn't dare look at the freaks, who knew what tricks they had. “She, can teach you much better than me.” She pointed at Kurenai, who looked at her strangely. She was still out of earshot good. “I'm a lousy teacher really.”

“But we need somebody willing to hurt us and not stop even if we are begging for it.” Blondy stated.

Oh god, this was sick. Let Kurenai have them.

“Otherwise we will never get better.” The pink one nodded.

“Anko, what are these two doing in this bar?” Kurenai dared to ask, as if she didn't know.

“They were asking for you. Something about teaching them about pain or such.” Anko quickly explained, and tried to push past Kurenai.

“What?” Kurenai gasped. She grabbed Anko's arm and effectively trapped her.

“Why would you want me to do that?” She asked the freaks. But why did Anko have to be there?

“Huh? We just want her to train us.” The blond pervert said.

“Yeah, Sasuke's only interested in strong Kunoichi.” Her partner stated.

“So you want me, to teach you how to hurt him.” Kurenai said incredulously. Anko nodded. “Yeah, that's exactly it.”

Pinky shook her head. “No, we wanted the most sadistic Kunoichi of Konoha to train us.”

Kurenai looked at Anko, then at the girls. “Why are you looking for me then?” She asked.

“We aren't. We are looking for her. But she doesn't want to train us.” The blond menace growled.

“I have no Idea why.” Kurenai deadpanned. At least she realized how wrong this situation was.

“Please, nobody at the academy is willing to train us.” The pink abomination pleaded.

“You asked at the academy?” Kurenai gasped.

The blond shrugged. “Of course, where else. But they aren't willing to push us. It's all going so slow. We'll never catch up that way.”

Anko didn't want to know anymore. She knew there were things hidden from the public eye. The kyubi for one. But that academy teachers would teach that!

“Alright. Let's stop this.” Kurenai groaned.

“You.” She pointed at the pink sadomasochist. “What exactly do you want from Anko. Be as clear as possible.”

Anko's stomach turned. She really didn't need to know that. “Kurenai, I don't want to know about stuff like that.” She whined.

The pink nightmare drew breath, her blond companion glaring at the two women.

“We want Anko-sensei to instruct us in the various ninja arts. Genjutsu, Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. As well as any additional arts she might be proficient in. Additionally we need her to push us harder than the academy teachers are willing to push us.”

She took another breath. “We are aware, that our combat potential is suboptimal at the current junction of time.”

The hell was it with that vocabulary?

“And while our motivation might be enough to enable us to prevail in the face of extreme hardship...”

“Ok that's enough.” Kurenai cut in. She eyed the girl warily.

“So what you are saying is.” Kurenai looked at the both of them. “You want to be stronger. You need a teacher willing to push you, even when you aren't willing to go on. Is that right?”

The blond nodded. “Yeah.”

“Yes.” The pink one added, looking at the floor.

Kurenai looked at Anko, her eyes narrowed. “That doesn't seem so bad.” Anko nodded.

“Why didn't you just say that?” she asked. Honestly, giving her such a scare.

“We did?” The blond one said, confused.

“Didn't sound like it.” Anko muttered. Honestly, who wouldn't mistake their approach for something more sinister?

“Still, Anko won't be able to teach you. She is far too busy.” Kurenai said to the girls.

And she was right. Anko didn't have the time to teach some brats how to throw kunai. That's what the academy was for.

“We are willing to pay you.” The pink one... ok she really needed their names.

“How about you introduce yourself? And maybe we should sit down. And you are paying for my sake.” She looked at the bottle she had dropped, fleeing.

“What? Why should we pay for your clumsiness?” The blond one shouted.

Kurenai groaned.

“Becau” Before Anko could show the little brat who was boss, Kurenai had clamped a hand over her mouth. The blonde brats partner had restrained her as well.

“Let's go to a table, I'll pay.” Kurenai said.

A minute later they were all seated. The blond one glaring at Anko.

Anko glared back, of course. there was no way she would give in.

Kurenai and the pink one were sharing looks, those looks. Anko shifted her glare.

“Now, who are you two anyway?” Kurenai asked.

The pink one perked up. “My name is Haruno Sakura, this is Yamanaka Ino.” She introduced them. “We are ten. And will graduate in about two years.” She managed a small bow, even seated. Ino growled at Anko. Cute, like an utterly retarded puppy.

“Ok Sakura. Now as I said, Anko can't teach you. She's far too busy. She has to take missions...” Kurenai began. But she was interrupted by Sakura.

“I know, but we have enough money for a D-Rank mission.” She smiled.

“What? Are you stupid? Why would I waste my time on a D-Rank mission?” Anko laughed.

Dammit! Why did the girl have to look that sad, now she felt guilty!

“But... but...” She was starting to cry. Oh god no. Nothing worse than crying brats. And the other one gave her those accusing looks. Kurenai gave her those accusing looks!

“Fine! If you scrape the money together, I'll take that stupid mission.” There that should stop her from crying.

“Do... do you promise?” Sakura sniffled.

“Yeah yeah, I promise.” Anko groaned, at worst she would have to train them once. Even D-Rank missions were pretty expensive.

“Thank you!” The girl threw herself at Anko and hugged her tightly. “Thank you soo much.” She looked at Kurenai, who suppressed a giggle. And at Ino, who was gloating very strongly.

Why did she get the feeling she had just been had?

“Come on Ino, we need to fill the mission request. A D-Rank was 20000 Ryo wasn't it?” Sakura asked Ino.

“Yeah, we have 100 thousand, so that's at least 5 training sessions, should be enough.” Ino replied.

“Enough for what?” Kurenai asked them curiously.

Ino grinned evilly at Anko. “Why, enough to annoy her so much that she'll want to torture us with training for free. Goodbye Kurenai-san.” She bowed to Kurenai.

“Bye hag, see ya tomorrow.” She waved dismissively to Anko.

“Err... sorry?” Sakura asked. Before shrugging and following her friend. “Honestly Ino, she's not that stupid. Pretty stupid, but not that stupid. She'll never fall for it now.”

Anko glared at Kurenai. “You'll suffer with me.”

“Suffer? You get to kick them around. I would have thought you would enjoy that.” Kurenai defended herself.

“But that's what they want! That takes all the fun right out of it.” It was extremely frustrating.

“You could just not take the mission. Verbal promises aren't binding you know.” Kurenai rolled her eyes.

“That would also mean they have won.” Anko growled. “No, the only way to win this, is by making them give up.” She grinned nastily, several patrons shying away from her. “But, I need somebody to make sure I don't kill them. And to keep me sane. And since you, decided to let them talk... it's you.”

Kurenai raised an eyebrow. “And what makes you think I will help you? I have better things to do. And I won't be suckered...”

Anko did her best beaten puppy expression. She trained that everyday. She had gotten pretty good at it too.

Kurenai twitched. “Please stop that. You are scarring the other patrons... and me.” She sighed. “Fine, fine. But you better hurry breaking them. I don't want to waste more than a week on them.”

Anko grinned. “Sure, they won't survive one session.” She cackled. With Kurenai there she wouldn't have to worry about any permanent damage.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Phht » March 6th, 2010, 2:55 am

The last scene (or two?) seem out of place. Wouldn't the Anko recruitment scene go before Ino and Sakura defeat Sasuke?

I found that scene quite amusing though. :)
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 6th, 2010, 6:02 am

I'm planning to do the story with a lot of jumping all over the timeline. We see a few scenes from the present, then we might jump to Kakashi talking to the good doctor.

Or maybe explain why somebody is the way he/she is, acted that way in this scene, by going back and having a scene explaining it.

Might drop that however if it's too jarring.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Magnificate » March 6th, 2010, 6:28 am

Anko was freaked out by children? I'd guess she would be more non-plussed. Still, the rule of funny justifies that particular scene.

I stand by my previous comment that I would prefer the changes being less prominent at the beginning of your story.

Does Sasuke is still in need of a rival? Is Sakura good enough to be his rival? That would be awesome.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 6th, 2010, 9:54 am

Anko was freaked out by children? I'd guess she would be more non-plussed. Still, the rule of funny justifies that particular scene.

I stand by my previous comment that I would prefer the changes being less prominent at the beginning of your story.

Does Sasuke is still in need of a rival? Is Sakura good enough to be his rival? That would be awesome.
Well, it's more that she doesn't want to be accused of anything.Thus she wants to be as far away from them as possible.

I'm afraid, I won't change the story to make that happen. The entire thing would have to be rewritten. So... yeah.

As for a rival. Well, Ino and Sakura are pretty good at keeping him on his toes. Alone they won't be able to beat him. They come relatively close. However, even with their insane training regime. Sasuke's is just marginally less insane, and he has a head start, as well as a bit more talent. Still, Sakura will keep him on his toes and with Naruto there, he will have more than enough challenges to keep him happy.

Also, I really, really want to have the original team 7, Kakashi trying to deal with them... it would be hilarious. but I just can't think of a decent justification. Kakashi getting Sasuke is a done deal. But from there... it's either Shikamaru or Choji as the weakest. Then any girl would qualify.

But he Hinata has the least attachment to him, and would therefore be less distracted...
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby unknown11228 » March 6th, 2010, 11:23 am

Hi, first post. :seeya
How about Kakashi is an idiot. He decides to milk Sasuke's "insult" to his book for a favor... to get Naruto on his team. Iruka tries to tell him that then they won't be able to split up the crushes but Kakashi thinks he means crushes like Rin had on him and won't here different. The Third, who is pissed that Kakashi is still late everywhere, decides to let him dig his own grave, and allows it. Kakashi then asks for Sakura to dodge clan politics. We have team 7, with Kakashi only able to blame himself for his suffering :devil .
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Magnificate » March 6th, 2010, 11:52 am

I'm afraid, I won't change the story to make that happen. The entire thing would have to be rewritten. So... yeah.
That's understandable.
Also, I really, really want to have the original team 7, Kakashi trying to deal with them... it would be hilarious. but I just can't think of a decent justification. Kakashi getting Sasuke is a done deal. But from there... it's either Shikamaru or Choji as the weakest. Then any girl would qualify.
Well them, you could have Sasuke/Sakura/Shikamaru with Kakashi and Naruto/Ino/Kiba with Kurenai. Still, that combination makes the third team a bit lackluster and leaves Hinata out.

Or you could ignore normal "2 males 1 female" and "strong average weak" team pattern. Heck, you can even ignore Kakashi getting Sasuke. Instead of being a jonin-sensei he just provides private training.
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Kirai » March 6th, 2010, 12:34 pm

Know a weird thing? I kinda like Naruto Sakura more, don't really like Sakura Sasuke all that much... and yet I pair her mostly with Sasuke... well either her or Ino... it's kinda weird...
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Nasdaq » March 17th, 2010, 2:21 am

Eh, you subconsciously see the light, clearly. :P

Loving it, by the way. Very interesting and unique take on a For Want Of A Nail story.
"Sasuke was not really happy with his team. The shy Hyuuga, and the laziest person he'd ever known where not people he'd have picked. And he never expected how a blue-eyed, blond-haired, and newly minted jounin would transform them all into a true team." - Naruto-sensei, currently in Arc 2: The Chuunin Exams
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Re: Conservation of Obsession (Naruto)

Unread postby Phht » March 17th, 2010, 4:00 am

It might make it less jarring if there were dates listed (Maybe, "Present" for series start time frame onward, and "X Years Ago..." for earlier scenes) so people are aware it's not in order.

I don't mind Sasuke/Sakura, as long as it's not recent Shippuden!Sasuke and it's not bashing Sakura (and possibly Sasuke).

*snerk* endofsanity's idea for getting canon Team 7 is amusing.

To be honest, I'd think the instructors (like Iruka, not the jounin-sensei) would consider the genin too immature to be able to handle the hostage-ing/loss of a loved one mid-mission and thus would not group couples/trios together. Maybe Sasuke/Hinata/Kiba, InoShikaCho (the trio works well enough together), Naruto/Sakura/Shino. It keeps Sasuke/Sakura/Ino (and Naruto/Hinata) broken up so there's no issues during missions due to their attachment - and prevents the third team member from possibly being a third wheel (har har).

Also, would the jounin-sensei be the same group, given the changes in many of the students?
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