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Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:04 pm
by Arganaut
"I personally came here of my own free will: the prospect of an adventure, with new friends and new illusions, was just too much to pass up." The illusionist said with a grin at Clara, before turning to Max. "I'm sure my parents will be fine. They live in the capitol of Wales, what's the worst that could happen?" Othello said, before clapping his hands together.

"And yes, rooms, sounds marvelous. The initial rush should be over so now the halls should be easy to navigate." Othello said with a small laugh.

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:05 pm
by gman391
A show of trust Shawn reflected would be a good idea.

"Never played D&D. But in a place with magic your probably ahead of me on experience then. I don't honestly know what my specialty is yet. But I'm really good at making people think I'm not there." he continues."

Shawn thinks for a moment.
"As for rooms. I say we go up high. Easier to cut down on ways for people to sneak up on you. At least without magic."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:07 pm
by Aldraia Dragonsong
"I have not done magic in some time," Kirana admits. "It rather unnerves the people at the orphanage. I know a few tricks, but I am quite out of practice, alas."
To Shawn's suggestion, she replies, "Going up high will make us a target. It looks like we are setting ourselves above the others. It looks like we plan to make a bid for power. In addition, it opens us to aerial attacks. Below is more defensible, generally."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:09 pm
by gman391
"Tch...forgot that people probably can fly here. On the other hand the dungeon's probably have all the darker parts of this place down there. Either way there's a risk."
Shawn shrugs

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:09 pm
by bookworm702
Ancell looks questioningly at Kirana. "That doesn't make much sense to me. We need to move higher. The inital movers would have scrambled to take whatever was available. More options become available the further we move from the initial point of reference, this room."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:10 pm
by serbii
"I'll be friends," Shannon said, "'Allies' it only seems like you're with a person because you need to be or to get something out of it. I don't want to live here with that attitude."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:12 pm
by LifeOfGesture
Elizabeth nodded quietly in agreement.

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:13 pm
by ewuvi
Clara smiled at Max, "That would be awesome. I want to unpack and see if all my stuff is intact. And Eliza's bags look rather heavy to carry around all the time, too, so rooms sound like a great plan," she turned to the other girl, "And if you need help with your bags at all, I'd be more than happy to help."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:13 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
Benny notes Kirana's evasion of his question, but decides to call her on it later. "Low is nice, except that we're that much easier to bury. However, since we're the low end of the food chain at the moment, most of the people who could do such probably have more important matters to focus on; for now. And it does give us a potential resource, as well as potential extra storage, if we're smart about it."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:13 pm
by gamebrain89
Nikola nods to Shannon, his worry momentarily forgotten as he gives a slight smile.

"Friends sounds good to me. And Ancell is probably right. I doubt we will find much left close to here."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:14 pm
by Arganaut
"Oh, I'll help with bags too! All I have to carry around are changes of clothes, chocolate and glitter." The young illusionist said with a big grin.

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:15 pm
by Aldraia Dragonsong
"Well, the dungeons are more likely to have undead wandering around," Kirana acknowledges. "It really depends on what risks you are more willing to take."
To Ancell she nods.
"That is a point I had not considered. With so many of us, space becomes more of an issue. Farther from this point, more space will be available - but there is a reason for that. Farther from this area, the Scholomance becomes more dangerous. Reality itself may become sketchy if we go too far. Remains of old magical experiments, some successes and others failures, will lurk about, creating hazards utterly unpredictable."
Kirana is still smiling cheerfully.
"So, it all depends. Which risks do you feel are worth taking?"

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:16 pm
by Darkandus
"Right, I think we should stick together, it'll be easier to guard each other if we are close by. I know it sounds rather horrible to say it like that but there will be people out to get us."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:16 pm
by Wittgen
Lily pulled her bag behind her as she drifted out with the large majority of the students. Everyone around was such a doom and gloom sourpuss. She wondered if anyone was smiling other than her and an interesting young man who had hurridly shook her hand and introduced himself as Othello Maria Tiddles the 18th, Esquire. She'd have to find him at breakfast. She didn't think it would be very hard to pick him out of the crowd. But for now, Lily wanted to find a nice out of the way room.

She gave one last backwards glance as she reached the door, mentally noting those who had resisted the herd mentality and stayed behind. She even made eye contact with a young man in a red coat. His eyes weren't particularly warm, so she just did her best closed eyes, anime style big smile and turned her attention back to where she was going. There were so many interesting people. It was going to be a good year.

Lily hummed to herself as she walked through the hallways. All around here there was chaos. Pleading, screaming, growled threats, hurried conversations filled with darting eyes. The headmaster really knew how to inspire the student body! Eventually she took a small turn off the main path to follow the sound of a low but heated argument. In a short while, she saw two young men glaring daggers and saying the word dibs a lot.

Blithely ignoring them, she looked around them and into the room, setting down her stuff. It was beautiful. A stone room with a wooden ceiling, a twin bed, a desk, and a window facing north, looking out on, wait, a Pagoda? This place was weird. But wait! was that a trap door in the corner. Even if it only led to a small storage thing, it was perfect. Sign me up, she thought. Spying a piece of paper on the desk, she went ahead and did exactly that, claiming the room as her own. After signing, the paper glowed and popped into disintegrating confetti, which after a half second delay, prompted a giggle from Lily.

It did not prompt a giggle from the boys outside, though it did attract their attention. Finally. (Really, some people had no situational awareness. Poor dears. Good to know though.) "Hey!" they said as one with shockingly well matched levels of indignation. It was kind of impressive. "This was my room." Again in unison, though they did take a little time to glare at each other after that one.

Lily's hand went over her mouth and her eyes went wide as saucers. "Oh no. I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"How could you not know? We were standing with our stuff right in front of the door!" said one. The other just stared at her, mouth agape.

"I just, I mean, there were two of you and the bed means this is clearly a single. And your stuff wasn't in the room or even blocking the door. I figured you were strategizing for where to look for a room for you two."

They sputtered. "But, I mean, we're not rooming together. Why would you think that?"

Lily shrugged and looked at them from under her eyelashes, a small smile slowly returning to her face. "The way you were debating. It was heated, but there was a natural rhythm to it. A chemistry, the kind great friendships and alliances have. Or bitter feuds, I guess. But," here she peered at them closely, making them squirm just a little, "you both look pretty smart, so I figured you wouldn't have stumbled into having a great nemesis ten minutes after arriving. Sorry, I guess I assumed a lot, but I already took the room, and I really do think you two could work great together. Why not try? The headmaster makes out like this place will eat us alive if let it."

They looked at each other for a long moment.
"Sorry, I was kind of rude before."
"No problem, I mean, I can't fault your tastes in rooms," and they shook hands.

Lily looked at her watch. "Oh no, that just wasted ten minutes. I hope that doesn't hurt your chances of finding a good double."

The two boys exchanged a panic filled look, hurridly thanked Lily, and rushed out of the room, grabbing their bags as they went. Lily shut and bolted the door behind them, sat down on her bed, and took a moment to soak in her new room before she got to work. And oh, there was a lot of work ahead.

Lily's full blown smile returned.

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:18 pm
by LifeOfGesture
"Ah, thank you." Elizabeth hesitantly returned Clara's smile. "It's just clothes and books, that's all. I guess I should look for a room with a bookcase then. Shall .. we go?"

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:18 pm
by serbii
"Great," Shannon says grinning and grabbing the nearest person's wrist, Nikola, "So lets go meet the other new people too!"

She proceeds to drag him over to the other group, motioning for the others to follow.


Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:19 pm
by gman391
"Compromise then. We're friends. We stick together and go medium high. Sound good? Kirana given that you seem to know this place. You mind taking point? After Shannon and Nik get back anyway."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:20 pm
by bookworm702
"I for one wish to move our plot point to the outlier of the scatterpoint, while still remaining statistically relevant." Ancell nods to himself ,as if this makes perfect sense.

As he sees Shannon attempt to move toward the other group, he grabs her hand. "No. We're done with that."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:22 pm
by Aldraia Dragonsong
Kirana considers Ancell's statement a moment before nodding.
"Yes, that seems a sensible idea," she agrees, as if it made perfect sense to her too. "I do not precisely know this place... I know about it, in a general way, but as regards the layout, I know as much as any of you. It does not necessarily stay constant, either. I suggest we take the exit taken by the fewest others, however."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:23 pm
by gman391
"For those of us who haven't passed grade 12 math. Care to explain that again Ancell?"

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:25 pm
by gamebrain89
Nikola looks back and forth between the girl who had grabbed his wrist and the one who had stopped her. He quickly slips the key chain back into a pocket and tries to decide what to do. He eventually settles for addressing Shawn.

"That sounds fine to me. Let me know when you go."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:27 pm
by serbii
Shannon scowls at Ancell but with no real angar, "You don't have to come but I'm not going to not talk to people just because you don't want me too."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:28 pm
by Darkandus
Max turned to look at the girl who said hi, before noticing the young man grab her wrist. Oh, that would simply not do. Roughing up a woman you didn't intend to murder was the height of barbarism. He smiled towards the girl.

"Come find me at breakfast. I am called Max."

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:29 pm
by Arganaut
Othello nodded slightly. "Yes, I do believe that now would be a-" Othello began, hearing someone call out to them. Turning around he saw a young Australian woman with another student in tow, seemingly waving with a smile. Othello grinned as he turned around, waving at her.

"Well hello there-" He paused as he noticed one of the young men suddenly grabbing her by the wrist, stopping her from moving. Othello's grin slipped a bit before it rose back up, walking over slowly to the group.

"Hello there, Othello Maria Tiddles The Eighteenth, Esquire." Othello said with a smile and a nod of his hat. "Nice to meet you miss, would be nicer if this young man would remember that its polite to keep his hands to himself when dealing with a lady." Othello said, a toothy smile still on his face.

Re: Public discourse

Unread postPosted: June 1st, 2011, 10:32 pm
by Aldraia Dragonsong
Kirana shifts away from the wall, stepping closer to Ancell and Shannon.
"Please, could we perhaps not fight on the first day?" she requests with a gentle smile. "If Shannon wants to meet people, that is a valid use of time. If Ancell wants to leave and find a room already, that too is valid."