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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: December 27th, 2016, 10:38 pm
by JamestheFox
Hope you all had a merry Christmas! Here's some more KHVD!

Also, currently using Roll20 for the map. If you have an account with Roll20, the link is here, and should take you directly to the battle map currently being run. If you don't have an account, the link will ask you to make a free account. Once you're on the map, you can chat with anyone else looking at the map via the sidebar, allowing for easier communication (though votes will still be counted here and here only) and to an extent the messages there will stay for a good long while. I can also roll dice on there, or ask you to do so for me.

I am open to alternatives, but Roll20 works pretty darned well.

Day 53
Traverse Town
Time - Endless Night

Round 1
Spoiler: show
Sora: Attack -> Shadow 1
Hit, FINISHER! 16 Damage per hit! 16+32 Damage!
Shadow 1 is defeated!
The Party received 19 EXP! The foe dropped a Potion!
The foe dropped 24 HP! The foe dropped 48 Munny!
Number 8 Used Kindle! Gained 8 PG! Allies' attacks are Fire Element!

Riku: Quick Blitz -> Shadow 2
Hit, Hit, Miss, Quick Blitz! 11 Damage per hit! 11+11+22 Fire Element Damage!

Shadow 3 -> Kairi Goofy

Shadow 4 popped back up!

Kairi: Faith Aura
Targets: Shadow 2, Shadow 3, Shadow 4
50 Damage to all targets! Shadow 1 is defeated!
The Party received 19 EXP! The foe dropped a Lucid Shard!
LUCKY STRIKE! The foe dropped a Lucid Shard!
The foe dropped 16 HP! The foe dropped 48 Munny!
Number 2 Used Reload! 2+1 PG gained!
As you finish the job Donald started, Number 8 whirls his... disc... blade... things? With a swirl of his coat, the floor is lava. And somehow you're still alive.

"Light em up!" Number 8 scratches his weapons against the ground, catching them ablaze.

You look down at it as flames dance from the floor up your body, towards the Keyblade. Around you, your allies are gaining the same effect.

Riku grins and runs past you, unleashing fiery swipes at the Heartless that tried to attack Kairi. "Hraah!"

"Congrats, you finished off a weakened Heartless and gave another some burns. You lot might make true keyslingers yet," Number 2 remarks as he reloads his gun. He teleports to Kairi's side. "What about you, kiddo? What'cha got up those sleeves?"

Kairi jumps a little at his sudden nearness, but raises her staff, which beeps to life. "Detecting intent... Wide range light spell. Optimizing... Optimized!"

Kairi swings the staff down like a hammer, and a wave of light surges past you, filling the thin hall.

"Eugh-" You cover your eyes.

When the light fades, and the spots in your eyes clear, you can see one of the Heartless reduced to flicks of darkness, and the other two don't look too good, either. One of them is pulling away from the ground, and its upper half appears to have been deeply wounded by the light.

"Not bad! I'd applaud you, but I'm kinda holding onto some very important things," Number 2 says.

"Ummm... thanks," Kairi says.

There are a number of items laying around where the Heartless you defeated once were.

Round 2
Spoiler: show
Goofy: Taunt
Goofy is taunting nearby foes!

Donald: Attack -> Shadow 3

Shadow 4: Attack -> Goofy

Sora's Turn!
Goofy charges ahead, drawing enemy attention. "Well, what're you waiting for? I'm right here!"

Donald moves forward as well, shooting a small spell at one of the Heartless. However, a tilt of its head causes the attack to go wide.

Kairi, Riku, and Donald LEVLED UP!
Kairi boosted her MAG!
Donald boosted his MP!
Riku boosted his AP!

Battle Data So Far:
Goofy: Init 39, 98/100 HP, 10/10 MP
Shadow 2: Init 36, 0/80 HP 48 Munny, 1 Potion
Shadow 1: Init 35, 0/80 HP 48 Munny, 2 Lucid Shards
Donald: Init 34, 30/30 HP, 32/35 MP
Shadow 4: Init 33, 30/80 HP
Sora: Init 31, 90/90 HP, 35/35 MP
Riku: Init 30, 119/120 HP, 45/45 MP
Shadow 3: Init 27, 30/80 HP
Kairi: Init 26, 40/40 HP, 52/65 MP

Number 2: 3/13 PG
Number 8: 8/13 PG


KH2 - Organization XIII
Superman TAS - Brainiac Confrontation
KH2 - The XIIInth Struggle

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Sora's Vision History
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: December 27th, 2016, 10:41 pm
by MrRigger2
Looks to me like we can finish them off with another round of regular attacks. No need to get fancy.


Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: December 28th, 2016, 11:18 am
by JAGwin
Agreed. Let's finish this and move on.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: December 30th, 2016, 12:01 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
Thirding the motion, time to get through to the Main Brain.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: February 15th, 2017, 10:18 am
by JamestheFox
oog: I apologize for the wait, guys, and have some kinda-bad news. While writing this latest update, about a month or so ago, my browser went nuts on me, and had to be reinstalled. This had the unfortunate side effect of deleting my practically-complete update, which was something of a morale breaker.

It also means that most to all of my calculations for this round of battle are gone, I only know the results - you guys won. I'm not sure what kinds of items and EXP you got, or whether I've already updated the sheets with them. So. Uh. Yeah. In order to save me some tears, I'm going to just try and rewrite the fluff for that lost turn, so we can get you to the boss of this story arc. Sorry for the wait.

I also have some maybe-good news - I've come up with a way to handle battles that should be a little faster, kinda. Maybe. When a fight starts up, I'll put down a link to Roll20 and a date, during which all comers are invited to take part in the battle, live, for as long as I've got time to do so. When time runs out, I'll put up an after-action report here regarding the results of that battle.

If you don't have a Roll20 account, it is free, and is a fairly good way to view tabletop maps and roll dice and that sort of thing.

Let me know if this plan of action works out for you guys.

Hope you all had a great Valentines Day!


Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 25th, 2017, 10:12 pm
by JamestheFox
oog: Wow, took me longer than I was hoping to get this together. Let's do this. Here's hoping I don't lose this copy of the update as well.

Day 53
Kryptonian Battleship
Time: ????

You dash forward, swinging your Keyblade at the Shadow. You manage to dent it several times, before it dips below your attack and rises above Number 8's attempt at following up. "Why you-"

Riku, meanwhile, finishes off his opponent. "Come on, Sora. We're taking too long here as is."

"I know!" You gasp as you dodge the Heartless' counterattack. It leaps at you again, but is suddenly nailed by several bursts of wind, which tear it apart. You look to the source. "... Kairi?"

Kairi looks at her staff. "When'd I figure that out...?"

"Who cares? Details aren't important. The important thing is, you saved your little boyfriend, and I didn't have to do a thing." The coated man by Kairi's side flourishes his gun, which simply vanishes. "Making me waste my time, here, Number 8."

"Heh. Sorry."

The lot of you look about the hall. "Well, that was the last of them," Goofy says. "Where to?"

"Well, the big boss is just beyond the door over there. It's a miracle that we didn't trip any alarms." Number 8 scratches the back of his head. "Course, this is where I gotta leave you. Number 2 here is your ride out, once you're done here." Number Two waves from where he is, plucking more miniature worlds from the shelves. "I've gotta go see about distraction ops."

Riku nods. "Great having you with us."

Number 8 waves and walks through a portal of darkness.

"You all ready for this?" Riku asks.

"Even if we're not, we don't have much choice..." Donald replies.

You nod, and the five of you step through the door.

Sitting in a throne across from you is an entirely too large man, made of metal. As you approach, he seems to watch you.

"You have finally come. I have been watching you and your allies causing trouble in my vessel."

"Well, you came to cause trouble in our... uh... vessel... first!" Riku answers, summoning his Keyblade and brandishing it.

"You have come to terminate me. You will fail." The floor around you suddenly lifts upwards, the edges falling away. Walls open, and a strange, glowing green liquid pour into the room. "You think numbers will save you. Unlikely. This entire ship is under my command... as is everything within it." Chutes open up, and smaller versions of the metal man drop onto the main platform. "You cannot defeat me. But I am impressed at your ability to make your way here." The giant rises from its throne, and stands tall. The platform you're on reaches up to his midsection. "And this presents an intriguing opportunity - I have precious little data regarding the properties of the Keyblade.

Very well. I will fight you fairly. Five against five." His hands crackle with electricity.

Goofy: 43
Riku: 40
Donald: 38

Brainiac Drone 4: 38
Brainiac Scouting Program: 37
Brainiac Drone 3: 37
Brainiac Drone 1: 33
Brainiac Drone 2: 33

Sora: 27
Kairi: 27

Enemy List:
Brainiac Scouting Program: 110 HP, 10 MP
Brainiac Drone 1: 110 HP, 10 MP
Brainiac Drone 2: 110 HP, 10 MP
Brainiac Drone 3: 110 HP, 10 MP
Brainiac Drone 4: 110 HP, 10 MP

Battle Session will occur live on Monday, March 27th, starting from 10 AM EST until 9:30 PM EST (or until victory is achieved), with possible pauses in between as players/gm arrive or depart (time pending and subject to change). Players may contribute battle suggestions or advice on the forum, but the battle itself will be waged on Roll20, here. You can make a free account here.

Players will control all allied units. If victory is not achieved by end of session, the in-progress results of the fight will be posted here, minus crunch, and a second Battle Session will be scheduled.

Hopefully, this will speed up combat some.


Superman TAS - Brainiac Confrontation
FFXIV - Locus

KHT Manual
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Jiminy's Journal
Ansem Reports
Sora's Vision History
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 6:30 pm
by JamestheFox
Day 53
Kryptonian Battleship
Time: ????

Goofy suddenly steps ahead of you. "Well, uh, come and get it!" He slams his fist into his shield, glowing with power. You immediately feel a great deal of attention being drawn to the shieldbearer. "I'm a-waiting!"

Riku narrows his eyes, and with a shout, becomes surrounded in dark mist. "This is where you meet your end!"

At the same time, Donald flings forward a rain of ice and hail. "Take that!" The shards flick off of the lesser Brainiacs, who seem unimpressed. "... Why you big palookas... I'll cook you something up..."

"No," Brainiac says, dropping some kind of disc into the air. "I do not believe you will. Preparing Kryptonic Wave..." For a second, the world seems dark, but for a prinprick of terrifying light coming from Brainiac's disc. "Firing."

The world is filled with green light, and you think you're finished, until you see two shapes stand in front of you. "Nnnngghhhh!"

"Riku!?" Kairi calls out, from behind him.

"This... is nothing...!"

Goofy nods, pushing aside the beam of death with his shield, sending it careening into the faraway wall behind you. "Gwarsh, I thought that was going to be tougher than it was." He suddenly gets conked on the head by long appendages. You watch as the lesser Brainiacs pull back their highly extendable arms. Goofy stumbles for a bit, but somehow only seems stronger than he was. "Aww, shucks. Don't you know I get hit in the head all the time? That was nothing!"

You grin as you turn towards one of the approaching drones. "Alright! Let's do this!" You rush him, and begin swinging away as you feel light burst out from behind you, making the area ahead seem darker by comparison. Kairi seems to be doing well. However, no matter how hard you try, you find that neither you nor it can get a solid hit on the other. You growl in annoyance after another failed swing, before suddenly a sense of vertigo surrounds you.

Spoiler: show
You see Brainiac release another disc, which rains lightning above your allies, behind you. You Keep careful track of how the electricity comes down, hitting your friends, and more importantly where they need to be to avoid it. Your Vision then fizzles, and you see Brainiac drawing liquid from the pool below.
You quickly turn about, "Kairi, left, now! Riku, backwards! Goofy, drop now!" You smirk with satisfaction at the distinct lack of pained screams as another burst of light fills the room.

You feel Brainiac's eyes on you for a moment. "Quite impressive. Does the Keyblade offer the ability to predict outcomes via numerical data?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" You shout back as you continue to fail to hit this stupid robot! You take a step back, drawing out a link between yourself and your friends, creating a defensive aura around you, Donald, and Kairi.

"Yes. I would."

Riku shouts in triumph as he sends a robot into the liquid below. "I have yo-" Then the machine pops out of the water, slowly approaching the platform again, glowing dangerously. "-u've got to be kidding me!"

You look at the bot you're fighting, which reaches out for you again. "Ehh, no thanks." You leap back, powering up the Protect Generator you bought earlier. You see a barrier surround you, and smirk, tossing the generator to Goofy. "Catc-"

"Catch me!" Kairi cries out, leaping right into you. You and Goofy both fumble with your packages a bit, but your hands at least keep Kairi from tripping and falling. "Sorry, needed to get into position!" She raises her staff.

"Detecting optimal position. Channeling light based magic... Channeled. Executing..." You're almost blinded, but remember to close your eyes.

Donald growls in frustration, seeming to have similar luck to yourself, but with his magic. "Why don't you take this!? FIRAJA!"

The invoked spell engulfs a machine in fire. Donald swings his staff about, prompting a larger burst of fire to erupt from right next to the greater Brainiac. As he sidesteps it, sparks from the pillar of flame fall upon the energy source below. Suddenly, you smell something burning, and for a second, everything's quiet. The silence is shattered by a small rumble and popping noise. The pops begin to spread, moving from this room into the pipes, rapidly growing in speed, force, and sound. Then, you hear and feel a distant explosion, and the world rumbles around you as more powerful detonations begin to occur throughout the ship, near and far.

Brainiac pauses as explosions start to rock the battlefield from below. "It seems allowing my liquid fuel to be transported to me out in the open had less than desirable side effects... I will not make that mistake again. All gathered data is being uploaded to the master unit. However, all physical samples, including yourselves, will likely be lost. It appears that this is farewell." He simply stands there, watching the lot of you struggle as the world comes apart around you.

You are rocked and sent sprawling by an explosion, and suddenly lose your grip on Kairi, who is flung from your grasp. "Kairi!"

Kairi almost slides off the platform, only to bump into someone's shins. "Whoa whoa whoa there!" Number 2, having appeared from nowhere, kneels down and looks around. "What did you dudes do?

Everyone looks at Donald.

"What!? What!?" The duck squawks.

"Okay, okay. We've gotta get you guys out of here. Keyblade Wielders don't grow on trees." He opens a portal with one hand as he tries to pull Kairi up to her feet with the other. "Go-" Another explosion knocks him off his feet, and this time he's knocked off the platform. "-Oh..."

⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘Player Control Switched - Kairi⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘

Suddenly, he stops falling. He looks down at the liquid, and up, confused. "How am I not-"

You pull on his hand, still laying flat on the ground. "I've got you! Don't let go!"

"... Look, dudette? That's sweet and all, but I'm a Nobody. Doesn't truly exist, kinda destined to fade away, and all. Not worth you lot risking your lives. Just get to the portal, and get out."

This is bad - you're starting to slide off, too. For someone who doesn't exist, he's heavy "Sora, Riku! I need some help here!"

Riku nods, only to be kept from getting back up by another explosion. "This is ridiculous!"

"... I'll say. Saved by you of all dudes? As if." Number 2's tone and inflection is... different... as he whispers to you, barely audible over the explosions. There's emotion in there that wasn't there before, and something... familiar...

"... What... what are you saying?" You ask.

Number two reaches up with his free hand. "Ain't it obvious?" He grabs his hood. "Don't you remember?"

He pulls it back, and suddenly, you're staring into the single eye of-

"So you do remember! Have you been a good girl?"


"It's been years. But I knew you were just peachy. A light like yours doesn't fade to darkness so easily."

You're not sure you can talk. Sora tries to get over to you, but rubble falls and bars the way. "Kairi! We're on our way!"

"Course, we're both different people, nowadays. I mean, look at you! Going out and saving the world. If I had a heart, I'd be so proud. And me, well, you know. Turns out I made some big mistakes back when I was somebody, so now I've lost that little privilege." He pauses. "... Can't even regret what I did."

"Darnit, get out of the way!" You hear Sora call out, and the sound of metal against metal. You slide a little closer to the edge.

"... So, I gotta ask. Honest, harmless question here. Why haven't you let go yet?"

For a second, you consider it, and decide...


FFXIV - Locus
KH2 - Organization XIII

KHT Manual
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Jiminy's Journal
Ansem Reports
Sora's Vision History
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KHVD Main Party Members
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Funny, how life works. Your decisions, and the actions that follow, lead you to here and now.

I offer you, the players, another choice. A life saved, or revenge claimed? Choose wisely.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 6:34 pm
by gamebrain89
Pull him up, and once we're safe, follow Sora's example and kick him in the nuts.

as for the question...

"Because you're not worth it."

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 6:44 pm
by MrRigger2
I'm with Game. Save his life, then kick him in the balls.


Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 6:52 pm
by JAGwin
oog: James, is there any particular reason you skipped two or three rounds (besides time constraints)?

I would vote for blasting him into the Kryptonite outright, but since I don't think Kairi would go that far.

ig: Let go.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 8:32 pm
by Wraith5
I'm with Game and Rig.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 8:44 pm
by JAGwin
Can anyone explain to me why you guys are voting to save Xigbar?

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 9:34 pm
by MrRigger2
Because Kairi, for all her trauma associated with Braig, is a good person. She is a Princess of Light, and probably the best of us. If Riku was holding him, he'd be dropped, and if Sora was holding him, I think we'd be having a lot more of a discussion. But we're controlling Kairi, and I'm not sure she would be willing to kill someone, even one of the people who brought her so much pain.

Especially since I'm not sure how much Kairi has actually processed. She's remembered far more than she did before our little excursion, true, but she woke up, then was immediately back in the fight, because there's a war going on. That doesn't leave a lot of time for actually dealing with her trauma, and comprehending it. She might recognize Xigbar as someone who hurt her, but that doesn't mean she knows how she feels about it. Right now, she's probably a giant ball of twisted emotions that she has no idea how to deal with, which is a far cry from "You tortured me for months on end. I hate you. I want you dead."

Not to mention that Kairi's a fourteen year old girl. A sheltered fourteen year old girl, up until recently. She doesn't want to kill anyone, or let anyone die because of her. That's not something she wants on her conscience, especially in her current emotional state.

To that end, I think Kairi would choose to save Xigbar in this moment. Give her time to process, understand exactly what was done to her and who is responsible, and then I might be willing to talk about turning Kairi into a murderer.

And after saving him, Kairi kicks him in the balls, because she does know he deserves it (and so much more). That's my reasoning, anyways.


Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 27th, 2017, 11:16 pm
by Wraith5
Yeah, pretty much my reasoning, if a bit more verbose.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: March 28th, 2017, 12:36 am
by Tempest Kitsune
Casting in with Game. Stealth nutcracker while he's got his guard down after we save him.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 8th, 2017, 9:04 pm
by JamestheFox
Day 53
Kryptonian Battleship
Time: ????

... No. It's not even worth considering.

You keep your grip tight.

"I'm not letting go. Just hang on!"

"Why? Don't you hate me or something?"

Because you're not worth it. The thought twinges on your mind - almost as though it wasn't your own - before being quashed. "I'm not about to let someone die. Not even someone like you. Now give me your hand!"

(Kairi Grip Roll: 10. DC: 12)

You feel your grip failing you, both on... him... and on the platform. As valiantly as you are struggling, you just can't find a foothold to support the both of you.

"... Huh." Number 2 looks at you oddly through his one eye as he reaches up to you. "That isn't the answer I expected."

"It... kinda surprises me, too. When I got my memories back, I thought... I might hate you, if I saw you again." You should. It's a strange thin-your thoughts are interrupted by another rumble, which sends you sliding off the cliff. You try to find purchase, but it is to no avail. "Eaahhhh!? Sora!" You call out as you go off the edge.

In the strange, slow moments as you plummet to your demise, you look at Number 2, who is still giving you that odd look. "I guess you were right. S-silly me. Sorry."

"You're apologizing to me, now?" He closes his eye. "The heart really is a crazy thing. I guess I'll never understand you." He grabs your wrist with his free hand, and he pulls as he starts to spin in midair. "Let go, kiddo - you're gonna need those hands to hang on to your britches."

"What are yooooouuuu-" You are dragged along as he spins three times, accelerating.

(Number 2 Grip Roll: 11. DC: 10)

"See you again, in the next life." He lets go, and you are sent tumbling upwards. You can see him fall away, mumbling something to himself. "Hah. As if..."

⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘Player Control Switched - Sora⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘

You scream out in soot-covered, sweaty frustration. You slam your Keyblade against the pile of rubble one more time, pulverizing it as you rush to Kairi's side - only to see noone on the edge of the cliff.

"Kairi!" You stare as there's nothing where she should have been. You're too late. You're too late, you failed her, she's d-d-

"AAIIIIEEEEE" Kairi suddenly flies back up the cliff, screaming as she flies, head over heels, and lands sorely on her rear. Alive. She's alive.

And she rushes for the edge again.

"Wait a sec-" You grab at her, as she stops just short of leaping off the cliff. Kairi seems to be looking for something among the burning liquids, falling metal, and explosions.

"... He's gone." Kairi says. She stares. "That... that... he's gone." She lets out a heavy breath. "... I couldn't..."

"Come on, we need to get to that portal." You say. That Organization guy. Number 2. He was here, too, but... Things click together, even as rattled as your brain is. "... Come on, he wouldn't want us to stay here."

"... R-right." Kairi nods.

The two of you exit through the hole in the rubble seeing Donald finish blowing his way through the rubble between him and the portal, guiding Goofy and Riku. "We all good? Where's tha-"

You shake your head before he can finish in a curt, "don't ask" manner. "We need to hurry."

The five of you rush through the portal, your hand gripping Kairi's tightly. As you pass through the threshold, the noise and chaos of destruction falls away, leaving only silence.

The portal spits you out just outside District 10's Bunker. All around you, you can see hordes of Brainiac's minions, either deactivated or flailing about mindlessly, easily dispatched by the defenders.

"Hey!" Rinoa shouts from her position as the portal closes behind you. "Looks like those coated guys' plans went off without a hitch!"

You nod breathlessly.

Leon sighs from atop the Metal Face he's sitting on. "You all look pretty roughed up. Head inside, we've got things from here."

"Don't need to tell us twice," Riku says. Now that things seem... safe... you note that he, and most of you, are covered in black soot and small burns. Riku's hair is a bit singed. His clothing is already starting to repair the damage to itself, though.

Donald takes note of this, scowling . "I'm gonna have to get me one of those..."

The five of you make your way into the bunker, and are directed to the medical wing... again.

"I recognize those footsteps. If you're not-" Dr. Haruno turns around as you enter, and pauses. "Oh."

"Riku!" Serah gasps. "What on earth happened to you!? You're-"

"You should see the other guy." Riku manages a chuckle, before coughing out a puff of smoke.

"You idiot," Light grumbles as she tends to one of the turtle people. "What did you do?"

"... W-well, we won. Those pricks are done for - we took out their base," Riku says, as Serah inspects the black spots in his hair.

There's silence as his words echo through the room.

Then cheers. A sheer cacophony of shouting and whooping erupts through the room.

"... Should I have said that? I mean. Uh. Maybe we should have talked with Laguna or-" Riku suddenly stops talking as Serah's lips press against his own.

Kairi manages a small chuckle as Serah pulls away, her lips as black as... well, most of Riku.


KH2 - Kairi's Theme
KHBBS - Peaceful Hearts
KHBBS - Cheers for the Brave

KHT Manual
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Jiminy's Journal
Ansem Reports
Sora's Vision History
Most Current Battle Map

KHVD Main Party Members
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Command Chainer

oog: Take note: Next update is most likely the last before the end of the day. If you want to use your VP, now is the time.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 9th, 2017, 9:41 am
by JAGwin
oog: Invisitext:
Spoiler: show
"See you again, in the next life." He lets go, and you are sent tumbling upwards. You can see him fall away, mumbling something to himself. "Hah. As if..."
Well, as much as I'd- Wait, what!?
Leon sighs from atop the Metal Face he's sitting on.
Brainiac cloned him!?

*cough* Ahem, anyways... As much as I'd like to think that Xigbar died back there, knowing him, he'll be back. Probably during the Quest's equivalent to KHII. Or whenever the Organization shows up again, whichever comes first.

ig: Make a mental note to tease Riku like never before when you get the chance (preferably right now). If we haven't used our Visionary VP yet, do so. Unguided, please.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 9th, 2017, 8:43 pm
by MrRigger2
Why should we tease Riku? He got kissed by a pretty girl we know he likes. He's one of the Big Damn Heroes of the day. I mean, I get it, but I just don't understand why we'd tease him, especially when it'd be so easily countered by bringing up the eternal dance Sora and Kairi are stuck in. If we do anything regarding Riku and Serah, we should jump between him and Lightning, before she tries to put him down.

As far as what to say next, check in with everyone to make sure they're alright, debrief with whoever we need to debrief with, using VP is fine with me. Additionally, shyly glance at Kairi, silently search for a sign that she'd be interested in a post-victory kiss, get caught looking by Kairi, blush and look away, then the rest of the interaction is on Kairi, but one possible scenario would have Kairi touch Sora on the arm to get his attention, then kiss him on the cheek if you're looking to stretch things out more often, or kiss him for real if Kairi's decided to take matters into her own hands and make something happen before the next horribly traumatizing event/full blown war occurs.


Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 9th, 2017, 10:46 pm
by JAGwin
Why should we tease Riku?
Because the results would be hilarious?

That said, I do agree with your plan, as long as it's the Visionary VP that we're using.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 9th, 2017, 10:47 pm
by Wraith5
We tease him because we're kids. Also, that's kind of what best friends do.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 10th, 2017, 6:14 pm
by gamebrain89
Pass on the teasing. With Rigger. Someone just died. So not the time.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 10th, 2017, 6:46 pm
by Ristridin
I'll vote for no teasing.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 10th, 2017, 8:03 pm
by Wraith5
Can't believe I forgot about that. Damn classes...
I've changed my vote. No teasing.

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 19th, 2017, 9:24 pm
by JamestheFox
Brainiac cloned him!?
Mass produced him, actually. Don't you remember hearing something about Metal Face uploading data when he died?
I just don't understand why we'd tease him, especially when it'd be so easily countered by bringing up the eternal dance Sora and Kairi are stuck in.
I'll admit, that's a hilarious way of putting it. TBH, I've mostly avoided pushing too far into romantic/sexual content for the sake of not awakening and angering the ancient mods that watch over this place. The last big quests I followed forbade even a kiss between the player character and anyone.

Also, forgot to give out EXP and other rewards for that fight. Let's do that right now.

The party received 216 EXP!
Sora: 2193+216=2409! Sora LEVELED UP! TWICE! Please select what stats to boost!
Riku:2223+216=2439! Riku LEVELED UP! He gain AP!
Kairi: 1722+216=1938! Kairi LEVELED UP! TWICE! She gained HP and AP!
Donald:2111+216=2327! Donald LEVELED UP! He gained AP!
Goofy:2590+216=2806! Goofy LEVELED UP! TWICE! He gained AP and DEF

Sora: Got Tornadobreaker!
Riku: Got MP Rage!
Kairi: Got Nil Sentry!
Donald: Got Second Wind!
Goofy: Got Tornado Spin!

Now, one more item before we go...

KHVD now has a TVTropes page! Be good to it, give it some love every now and again, and I'm sure it'll thrive!

Day 53
Traverse Town
Time - Endless Night

Spoiler: show
You see a grey and white abyss. In the center of it sits a great pillar, and atop those sits thirteen smaller pillars, the top of which seem to be thrones. A strange symbol sits in the center of the pillar. There are 8 men atop the thrones, wearing black hoods and coats.

"... So, Number 2's gone," says one of the men, his voice breaking the silence as he fiddles with a hand of cards. "I suppose Lady Luck finally gave up the ghost on him."

"It was always gonna happen eventually," says another. "It's the fate of a Nobody."

"The superior tell you how it happened?" asks a voice you recognize as Number 8, Axel.

"No." One of the men shrugs. "Only that it's happened."

Another man, fiddling with a blue guitar, plucks a few notes. "Five hundred munny says he went and annoyed Brainiac. It's stupid and awesome."

"I'll take that bet," the card-carrier says.

"Uh, er. Kinda joking. I mean..."

"You don't want to lose any more munny to me?"

"Well, that and I don't have the cash."

"Don't say things you don't mean," says one of the men in a stern tone. "Empty jokes before a heartless audience aren't funny."

A few more notes play in the room. "True enough."

"What do you think happened, Number 7?" Number 8 asks.

The stern man looks at Number 8. "It doesn't matter. What matters is whether he completed his mission-"

"Which he did." All hoods turn to one of the empty seats, which fills with another hooded man. "Number 2 faded away defending the Keybearers' female companion, and his portal ensured that she and her allies escaped the destruction of Brainiac's ship. In addition, despite the... hasty method with which they defeated Brainiac, Number 2 was able to safely secure the world fragments Brainiac had extracted." The man leans back into his chair. "All in all, our efforts at Traverse Town have been successful."

"So. What now?"

"We can proceed with our goals. Remember, it is imperative that the Keybearers defeat the Heartless, as quickly as possible. We have but two of them, however - we cannot afford to lose even one. Move with caution, support however you can." The man pauses. "You all have your missions, but there are a few changes we must make. As requested by the Keybearer with the eye that gazes through time, I have taken some extra time to preliminarily scout the forces of the fairy, Maleficent. This is the reason for my recent absence."

"Oh good, glad we got that cleared up." Number 8 says.

One of the other men speaks up. "You wouldn't be mentioning it to us if you didn't find something to worry about."

The superior nods. "My findings during the scant moments I spent attempting to spy on them has revealed that her forces have drastically changed since we infiltrated her circle." The superior pulls out a number of cards with three points at the top. "Namely, she has gained a vast, vast number of allies. Not just within her inner circle, but overall, her allies have ballooned beyond expectation. The incidents at Robocity 200X and Remnant, four years and one year ago respectively, have deterred no one from joining her cause."

"Well, she is promising countless worlds to rule as you see fit."

"Indeed." The superior thumbs through the cards in his hands. "In addition, there is a particularly troubling progression regarding her search for the seven Princesses of Heart."

One of them looks up from his book. "Why are we even worried about that - we know one of them is safely guarded."

"That is the troubling situation. Those of us who were here remember the incident at Destiny Islands, eight years ago."

"That thing the locals called Alexander?"

"The one and the same." The superior throws some cards to the others. "The boy on this card is named Porky Minch."

Number 8 looks at the card. "Alright, if I had a heart, I'd be laughing my ass off. I mean, he's a kid but he's got a full mustache. And his face!"

"This is quite serious, I assure you. He recently joined Maleficent's forces, and has displayed a most dangerous ability - time travel."

"I'm having trouble ascertaining your problem. Time travel is vastly different from world to world, and very few methods are applicable outside of the original world the method was discovered in."

"He has found a way to travel freely through time and space, from world to world."

There is a silence.

"You see our problem." The superior leans forward. "He has been using this method to travel through time and space, seeking additional Princesses of Heart. Already he has succeeded in a venture, and we already know of one other venture he has made."

"Which one was... Oh." Number 8 crosses his arms.

"Luckily, he does not have the Heartless on his side during these misadventures, so it can be assumed that quite often the locals have managed to force him to leave. Based on the fact that there has only been one attempt on the Destiny Islands, he was not aware that his prize in fact rested there - we can rest assured that his appearance there was mere coincidence." The superior throws out another set of cards. "However, we can confirm that with this latest acquisition, Maleficent has five of the seven."

The men unfurl the cards tossed to them, revealing a number of faces.

"Belle of Beast's Castle, Nia of Spiral Dimension, Princess Peach of The Mushroom Kingdom, Madoka of City of Grief, and now a girl from the distant past. Already, Minch has returned to his search. Even if the princesses of the present day are kept safe, there is no longer any guarantee that Maleficent will not simply grab a Princess from an era we cannot follow her minion to. This is unacceptable."

"What should we do?"

"... Proceed as previously planned. Distract Maleficent's forces however you can. Ensure the continued safety of the Princesses we can protect. Speed the Keybearers on their way. And if you see Porky Minch... eliminate him."

With that, the 8 members of the Organization vanish from their thrones, leaving their leader behind.
Light looks about to jump in, but you meet her eyes. Maybe it's the look on your face right now, or something else entirely, but she looks to the two of them, and she seems to have second thoughts. Instead, she walks over to you.

"What happened to you all?"

"Hey, most of this wasn't our fault. You can blame the charbroiling on Donald."
"I heard that!"
"Riku's pretty tough, though," you admit. "He and Goofy took a bad hit from Brainiac. I'm more worried about them than me - the only real injury I took was to my pride." You look again at Riku and Serah, the latter of whom is carefully checking over Riku's injuries.


"... Ow."

"Sorry. Dr. Haruno, can you toss me one of those Cleansing Potions?"

"Catch!" A potion flies over your head from where Dr. Haruno is checking on Kairi.

"I got it-Ow." Riku clutches his head as the potion flies over Serah's reach.

"Sorry!" Both Serah and Dr. Haruno call out over the excited chatter.

"Hmph." Light sighs. "Idiots. Well, you look fine, other than the soot. And the insanity."

"Sora?" Kairi leans against you. With all the soot, she looks like one of those Organization guys. "I'm beat."

"Yeah," you say. "You look it."

The two of you walk out of the hospital wing, a pair of black lumps meandering through the halls. You steal a glance at her, only to realize that she's stealing a glance at you, too.

You're feeling lucky (or perhaps, unlucky) that she can't see the red filling your cheeks under the black covering them. You think.

It's funny. You... love her. You know that.

And you know she loves you too. You know in a way that few people could know. For a while there your hearts were one. There were precious few secrets between you.


What if something happens? What if your friendship is ruined by your romance? What if-

"Don't think too hard, there, Sora. Your head looks like it'll explode."

You startle a bit at Kairi's words. "Heh. Uh. Sorry. You alright? You look like you've got a lot to think about, too."

"... Number 2."


"He was... Him."

You don't need to ask. You can tell in the way she says the word. "You alright?"

"Yeah. He... he saved me. But I... I don't know what to think about it. I feel like I should hate him. But I... I can't. He lost everything, already. He even lost his heart... No heart, no friends. Nothing."

You remember Tarzan's words. In your Vision, the Organization didn't seem to so much as care that Number 2 had died. "Nothing..."

"I... pity him, I guess." She shakes her head. "It's strange."

"Well. I can't really give you advice, there. Just... follow your heart."

"... Thanks."

The two of you continue on your walk. "... We should get cleaned up, or something."

Kairi looks at you with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, we look like living coal. Even your hair's all black!"

"... Think it's a good look?"

The two of you break into uncontrollable laughter. You're not sure why. But it feels so good to just laugh like a pair of maniacs.

"... Feeling lighter, now?"


"You were looking like you had a lot to think about, earlier." She pauses. "... Weren't you the one to tell me to stop bailing?"

"... Yeah. I guess I was!" You scratch at your cheek.

"So... What's got you down?"

You blush, and close your eyes. "Well, I mean... It's just. It's silly..." You turn away, legitimately afraid that the heat on your face will light the soot up, or something-
Kairi opens her mouth in an "ooooohhhhh" sound, and smirks.
"... Sora, you lazy bum." Kairi grumbles, humor in her voice. "Do I have to do everything?" She teases.

A hand grabs you by the shoulder, and turns you to face her. She smiles, arms around you, as you look down at her.

"Well? I'm waiting."

You blink, confused for just a second. And after that confusion, just like that, you realize.

You love her. She loves you. Pretending otherwise may trick everyone and everything, but it won't trick the heart - and the heart won't shut up about it. If things go sour, or something bad happens, or if the two of you are hurt... if you keep letting doubts and fears get in your way, and something happens, you'd never forgive yourself.

Whatever lies beyond this can wait.

You lean forward...

Her lips taste like burnt wood.


The two of you recoil, spluttering, and you start to laugh.

"... Yeah, we should probably wash up."


"So you blew up the ship." Laguna says.

"Donald did that, actually."

"Uh huh," Laguna says. "That was... reckless. But at least you're okay."

"Not all of us..." Kairi says. "Number 2, of the Organization, died saving me."

Behind Laguna, Number 1 of the Organization shows no response under his hood. "He has faded away, then."


"He was a valuable asset. But in his final act before ceasing to be he has proven more valuable still. His fall will not be in vain, so long as you keep fighting."

Kairi nods. "..."

"The threat to this world is defeated. Keybearers of the Realm of Light, I would again ask of you - defeat the Heartless that plague the worlds." He pulls out an envelope. "I leave you now with the writings of the man whose foolishness set loose the evils that now plague our worlds."

He places the envelope upon Laguna's desk, atop all the other paperwork, and turns to leave.


KHBBS - Cheers for the Brave
KH: Piece of Peace
KH2: Organization XIII

KHT Manual
Shop Sheet
Jiminy's Journal
Ansem Reports
Sora's Vision History
Most Current Battle Map

KHVD Main Party Members
Gummi Ship
KHVD Minor Party Members Sheet
Command Chainer

Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

PostPosted: April 19th, 2017, 10:57 pm
by Wraith5
Oh dear. Gurren Lagann? That will be... interesting... LOL!