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Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 4th, 2015, 2:16 pm
by JamestheFox
oog: May the Fourth be with you.


[X]Tell him...
-[X]You're looking for a supply closet.
-[X]You're looking for paint. Lots of paint.

"Supply Closet. Need paint for a project."

Mace raises an eyebrow. "... Nice to see you're keeping busy. We have plenty of paint in Supply Closet 4. This way."

You fall into step with the Jedi.

"... So, what kind of project are you working on?"

[]Keep silent.
[]Tell him...
-[]It's not his business.
-[]You're helping Padawan Ahsoka with something.
-[]A lie (write in, CHA check)

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 4th, 2015, 6:58 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
-[X]You're helping Padawan Ahsoka with something.

"Helping Padawan Ahsoka. Have found paint can help with self-expression, help de-stress." Technically true, and pranks are wonderful for de-stressing the prankster, not so much the prankee.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 11th, 2015, 4:01 pm
by bookworm702
Sure, that works.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 3:12 pm
by JamestheFox
[X]Tell him...
-[X]You're helping Padawan Ahsoka with something.
Perception roll: 98+12WIS+12WIS=122 (MINOR CRITICAL!) vs Ahsoka's Stealth roll: 30+11AGI+12DEX=53
"Am helping Padawan Ahsoka. Paint can help with self-expression. Good way to de-stress."

"Self-expression, huh?" Mace smirks.

Freaking mind-reading monk-people. He sees right through you!

"... Just make sure I'm well away from this expression." Mace sighs. "That girl is one of our more... troubled younglings."

"... Er, is she?" You ask, keeping a stoic face. Though Mace doesn't seem to be aware, you notice someone hiding behind one of the pillars in the hall. A very small someone, carrying a bag of things with her. What's Ahsoka doing here?

"She's reckless and willful," Mace says. "She's aggressive towards others, and from what I hear she only rarely pays attention in classes. She causes quite a few headaches among the teachers, and I pity the Jedi who will serve as her Master... they've got a hard job ahead, if someone names her their Padawan in the first place..."

Ahsoka almost drops her ill-gotten goods. She quickly starts darting away, barely caring if someone sees her... but then, she's out of Mace's peripheral vision - you're pretty sure you're the only one to have noticed her.

"... She not all bad, right?" You ask. "Er... 'Diamond in Rough?'"

"... That's a good description. She excels in her Lightsaber classes... a sign that, despite all other indications, she's got a deep connection to the Force, one that maybe even she doesn't notice. It's just... too bad that she doesn't seem willing to focus on her studies. She has energy and a fair bit of natural talent, but... she doesn't apply that energy constructively. It'll be a shame if that ends up being her downfall."

The two of you turn a corner, and Mace points you towards a closet.

"But if she can just apply herself... she could be a great Jedi, someday. So yes. A diamond in the rough."

You nod, noting the vast supplies of paint inside, as Mace takes his leave. They're all fairly dull colors - the colors of the temple walls. You suspect that these, and the putty nearby, are supposed to be used to cover up damage from various lightsaber accidents.

You gather up the paint, sealing the buckets in a scroll, and turn on the communicator Ahsoka left you.

"... All items obtained. Meet up?"

... There's no reply... she's probably sulking.


[]Wait her out.
[]Go find her.
[]Keep trying the communicator.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 3:27 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
Find her, we need to address this before she lashes out; let her know the rest of what Windu said. We may not be a Inuzuka, or hold the Hatake summons contract but most nin at least have some capabilities at tracking; and she's unlikely to have tried to hide her trail.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 3:30 pm
by Wraith5
I vote for finding her. Maybe we can actually try to convince her to use the paint for self-expression instead of a prank? (After all, from what Mace said, it sounds like she has a 'history' of such...) I think this is something that could turn out well if we either left her alone for a bit or talked to her for a bit, but I think it would be better to talk to her sooner rather than later.

As far as constructive uses for paint: Give our droid a new color scheme? Find some large paper and actually paint things?
Constructive uses of 'other' things: Show her some chakra control techniques, see if she can pull of something similar using the Force?

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 3:44 pm
by Bezzerker
definitely go and find Ahsoka, she needs to know the rest of what Mace said. This might also segue into not jumping to conclusions until you've heard all the information and not just a part of it.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 4:23 pm
by JamestheFox
You start looking for Ahsoka.
Tracking Roll (DC 60): 68+12WIS+12WIS+5MinorCritBonus=92 (Pass)
It's somewhat difficult, with how little dust is in the temple - thanks to the efforts of the cleaning droids. But Ahsoka isn't exactly hiding her trail at this point. You track her back to the Clawmouse Clan... only to not find her there. Some of the other younglings are. A few of them look a bit... sullen, but there's one guy going on and on about something. He has a black eye...

"So I told her that that's against the rules, and she socked me! Last time I try to give her good advice!"

"Shouldn't we tell someone?"

"Baaah, just let her do whatever she wants. She'll be back, and she'll get in trouble, and that'll be that."

"May I ask where she went, and what she's doing that's against the rules?" You butt in, surprising everyone.

"Whoa!" The kid jumps in surprise. "Don't surprise me like that!"

You raise an eyebrow. "Ahsoka. Looking for her. Location?"

"Er, uh... Well, Ahsoka came in here in a bad mood..." The boy mutters. "She had this big bag of stuff... it's right over there, actually..." You notice the bag Ahsoka was carrying on her bed. "... and she was muttering to herself... then she just up and started undoing the ventilation grating! I told her she shouldn't... and wham! Right in the face! She pulled the grating off and just jumped right into the ventilation system!" He points, and you see a hole near the top left corner of the room, with a bit of grating hanging off a corner of the hole.

"How long ago?"

"About... 10 minutes ago, I think."


"Thanks..." You frown.

"Oh um..." one of the others pipes up. "... she... she said something a... about... leaving and never coming back."


"@!#$@#$%@#!" E7 beeps excitedly.

[] Go after her. Maybe you can follow her through the ventilation system...
[] Find help.
-[] Send E7.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 4:29 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
Send E7 for help while we go after Ashoka in the vents. Preferably for Yoda or one of the less hidebound Jedi we've encountered so far.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 5:14 pm
by JAGwin
With Tempest.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 5:54 pm
by Wraith5
Agreed. And maybe leave the paint behind? I'm assuming we still have it with us, right?

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 5:59 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
It's sealed in a scroll right now, no reason to leave it behind.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 10:14 pm
by JamestheFox
oog: A logical, "they might abuse this" side to me really thinks I should make limits to how much can be sealed into a scroll... But at the same time I'm thinking "but that would require more bookkeeping. I'm not exactly sure I want that."

Maaahhh, whatever.

Also, for those who haven't seen it, I now have artwork of various characters on Imgur. This includes Kyo in all his pinkette glory. Have fun with that.


You look at E7. "Go find someone to explain what's happened. I'm going after Ahsoka."

"@#$%***&&)(!" The droid beeps at you, rolling off to find someone.

You grimace as you stuff yourself into the vent. It's been a while since you've tucked yourself into something this small...
Tracking Roll (DC 70): 99+12WIS+12WIS=123 (Minor Crit)
It's dark in here, and hard to see signs of disturbed dust, but at least there is dust to be disturbed.... Psh, what are you saying? You're a ninja. This is easy.

You work your way through the cramped space, following the path Ahsoka's kicked up... and then it leads down a chute. Fun. Ah well.
Climbing Check (DC 60): 2+12DEX+14STR+5MinorCritBonus=33 (failed!)
You slide headfirst down the hole, only to apply chakra to your hands and feet to stop, bumping your head on the fan just below you. (-5 Chakra, 1 Minor Wound)


Luckily there's no blood, so Ahsoka must have found her own way to avoid death by fan. You slip into the path she seems to have taken. You can't be... too far, right?

Repeating this process a few times (-30 Physical Chakra), you eventually... find yourself coming out near the entrance of the Temple... There's dusty footprints that slink out of the temple... into the city proper.


This just got complicated.

[]Continue search. Not a moment to waste!
[]Find help. You can't do this alone!

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 10:18 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
[X]Continue search. Not a moment to waste!

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 10:31 pm
by JAGwin
[X]Continue search. Not a moment to waste!

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 10:48 pm
by Wraith5

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: May 18th, 2015, 1:44 pm
by Bezzerker
[X]Continue search. Not a moment to waste!

Also, leave behind some sort of marker, so that anyone friendly following us knows where we started from as well as the direction we are going.

Edit: small clarification.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 9th, 2015, 3:03 pm
by JamestheFox
Her trail is only going to fade more... you have to hurry. You hastily scratch at a wall, leaving an arrow pointing outwards, along with the Konoha Leaf symbol. That should help any allies follow your trail...
Tracking Roll (DC 70): 34+12WIS+12WIS+1d10 Jack of All Trades Bonus(4)=62
You follow your quarry's trail... but it's a long, slow going. It becomes especially hard once you get to the crowded city streets.

You think you saw her... but it turned out to just be a different Torguntan.

Okay, what did sensei say about these kinds of situations... You sigh. Nothing for it but to fan out. Hopefully you'll find her before something happens.


A full night passes fruitlessly. You've managed to look over most of this district's upper levels... leaving only the lower levels. You finally think you spot someone, but it turns out to be a Jedi and his Padawan. You hop down, surprising the Padawan, though he quickly gathers himself. "You here searching for Ahsoka?"

"Yeah. Name's Iago Mashayekhi." The Jedi, a rather pristine-looking man who looks a bit young to be a teacher, raises an eyebrow. "You're... Kyo, right? The outsider."

"Yes. Any luck?"

"Not really. There's a few of us sweeping the district... but we can't afford to distract too many Jedi. Something's happening out there... There's a disturbance in the Force."

"Master, I... I think I sense something." The dusty-haired Padawan mutters, pointing to the south. "There's a lot of pain and anger, coming from that way. It could be our wayward Youngling."

"... Hm. Well spotted, Gael." Iago smiles. "We'll make a Knight of you yet."

"Thanks, Master!" Gael's returned smile is bright.

You, however, don't have a good feeling about this. What kind of student senses something his master doesn't? It might be a false alarm. You look to the right, and see a bar. It's... possible someone's seen her.

[] Follow Gael's hunch. (Unknown Influence to your Tracking Check.)
[] Ask around the bar. Maybe someone's seen a little kid? (Costs (CHA Check -200)*1000 Credits. Adds (1d6-1)*10 to your Tracking Check.)

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 9th, 2015, 3:31 pm
by JAGwin
Follow Gael's hunch. There's something weird goin' on here, and I think it would be best to find out what.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 9th, 2015, 6:13 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
Follow Gael's hunch. And by that I mean pick the kid up and tell the Jedi to keep up before we take off running. If Ashoka is injured or in serious danger, we can't afford to simply hoof it like a civilian anymore. Use chakra to boost our muscles and apply wall-running and climbing as needed.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2015, 11:37 pm
by JamestheFox
oog: Starting next post, I'm going to switch this game to a Dice Pool system, as I've found that the 1d100 system can be... fickle. The rules will be findable in the Kyo's Data sheet under Useful Notes. This may require me to change up the effects of some of your traits and skills.


Tracking Roll: 50+12Wis+12Wis+8JoT=82. Gael's Modifier: (1d20-10)*10=+30. Final Result: 112.
You grab the young man, carrying him bridal style. "Lead on. Iago, keep up."

You launch to the south, much to his protests. "I can carry myself, thanks!" He wriggles out of your grasp, and sure enough, seems to be keeping pace. He's definitely moving faster than an average person. Iago catches up easily, and the two are even starting to outpace you, becoming blurs as they run, jumping surprisingly large gaps in single bounds. Meanwhile you're having to rely on your Chakra techniques to make smaller leaps and using the sides of buildings to cross the same gaps. "Keep up!"

"Tch." You push a bit more Chakra into your legs.
You've spent 10 Chakra
Suddenly, Gael comes to a halt. "... There. It... It's grown weaker... but it's still there." You follow his hand to behind a dumpster.

... It smells of blood. You swallow, and steel yourself as you move towards it.

Laying against the far side of the dumpster is a woman. She looks like she's late-term pregnant. There's a deep gash in her stomach that she's been pressing, and her eyes are unfocused.

You're distinctly aware of Gael's presence behind you. He's staring. "M... Master... she's hurt... What do we-"

Iago moves forward, and you feel... something... from his hands as he presses one against her wound. "Stay with us, m'am." He pulls out a capsule of healing fluids from his knapsack. "I need you to injest this-"

"... Je... di..." The woman mutters with a heavy accent, finally seeming to recognize the robes of your companions. "... Friends of... little girl?"

You hide the surprise in your face. "Yeah. We look for her. Is she...?"

"She... scare them away. But they take... my baby. They, they go to Warehouse 5... She run after them."

[]If you're to rescue both Ahsoka and this newborn... You'll need some help to win decisively. Iago can tend to this woman... and you and Gael will give chase. There's no time left to lose. Together, the two of you will end this quickly!
[]If you're to rescue both Ahsoka and this newborn... You'll have to show your full strength. While Iago keeps her breathing, Gael can get her help. There's no time left to lose. Besides... this is something you have to do on your own!

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2015, 11:42 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
We are a Konoha Nin. We served under the The God of Shinobi. Our commander is a good man. A man who would go out of his way to save an innocent. We can do no less. We know how long backup can take to arrive...

Let's be fucking Legends.

[X]If you're to rescue both Ahsoka and this newborn... You'll have to show your full strength. While Iago keeps her breathing, Gael can get her help. There's no time left to lose. Besides... this is something you have to do on your own!

"Gael, get help for woman! I'll take care of enemies!" Time to put on our serious face. It's been fun and games up until now.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2015, 12:29 am
by Bezzerker
The other Elemental Nations laughed at us when we talked of our Will of Fire. They called us weak and pathetic for clinging to such frivolous things like "friendship" and "brotherhood". They mocked us, calling us cowards for seeking the comfort of numbers like mindless sheep. When the Second Shinobi World War started, many thought that Konoha would be easy pickings.

How many nations are laughing now? How many villages were incinerated by the Will of Fire that drives Konoha forwards? How many now blindly copy our ways, hoping that their pale imitations can help them grasp that which allowed Konoha to survive the hell of war?

Konoha did not win the war because it was the home of a herd of mindless sheep, afraid to move out on our own. Konoha won because it is the den for a pack of cunning wolves, moving across the battlefield as a single whole. Even those operatives who undertook missions single-handedly were never alone.

Time to show this world what happens when you mess with the one of the pack.

[X]If you're to rescue both Ahsoka and this newborn... You'll need some help to win decisively. Iago can tend to this woman... and you and Gael will give chase. There's no time left to lose. Together, the two of you will end this quickly!

We have no idea how many hostiles there are going to be, so having an extra hand for the mission is always helpful.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2015, 2:24 am
by JAGwin
With Tempest.

Re: A Shinobi in Star Wars

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2015, 5:36 am
by Wraith5
Same. I pick blue.