The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby desertfox » September 30th, 2015, 11:27 am

I have made this account for, precisely, this moment ( hi by the way, binged this fanficiton some days ago ), to share this idea.
PS: I numerated all points so it's easier to talk about them.
PS: english is not my first language

I was trying to guess how this will end as we don't know how many years it will take ( the waiting sucks ) but for how things are proggressing, year four will be when EVERYTHING goes wrong. It's when death eaters come back, people start dying and voldmort is resurrected. I also think viridian might be lying about somethings ( JKRowling did too after all ) when he talked about harry not being a horcrux anymore. Doesn't make much sense on how can Tom's soul have been "squeezed" by the time travel. Two things could have happened:

1-Voldmort's soul came back to voldmort. This would be a great plot twist, as both Harry and Voldie would be time travellers, both with increased magic cores (although Harry would hold advantage bacause Voldie would only gain a eight of his soul back) and both with fore knowledge.PS: Harry would still be an horcrux, it wont affect the one already implanted.

2-The piece of Vold's soul just stacks on the already present in Harry's body. This could have many consequences: the connection between the Chosen One and the Dark Lord would be a lot stronger and/or Tom would be slowly receiving his future's memories.

This, however raises a problem. Wasn't it established that future Harry won? Yes it was........ or Harry though it was! You see, after destroying every single horcrux and Voldmort himself, Tom Riddle, realizing that all his defences and secrets were broken, rested inside Harry, never revealing his presence. But how could the arrogant son a of bitch, mass murder, hide himself like a coward inside his greatest enemy? Two things come at play here:

3-Riddle respects Harry. Yup, that's right, Harry Potter, after more of a decade of fighting, become a ruthless and powerfull killer. Tom thought of him as a kid, but as time went on, harry grew up. When he killed Voldie, it was The-Boy-Who-Lived, it was The-Man-Who-Survived-Fucking-13-Years-,-Killing-Half-My-Army-As-Well-As-Defying-Me-Successfully-More-Times-Than-I-Can-Count-And-Killed-Me. By the end of Harry's life he was feared by all, he would pile up Death Eaters every time given chance without the slightest hesitation: he became Voldmort's image on the side of "light" ( cause that shit ain't light )

4-Because of this development in the way, I'm not sure if actually feared Harry, but he certainly wasn't going to challenge him for his body...not while he was strong. When Harry got in the depression, Riddle started planning for the perfect moment to take over his body, until, of course, Harry had the brightest idea of the world: let's travel back in time! It was perfect for Riddle as Harry would never suspect that he was a horcrux after "seeing" voldmort die without the need to kill himself and he would also keep his memories, guaranteeing revenge.

However, if Point 2 would be the correct one, how would he "leave" Harry's body? When Harry goes after Quirrel, Voldmort tries to use leggimency on Harry during the conflict. Although Harry successfully protects himself, he doesn't protect Voldmort's soul ( heck, that might not even be possible ), taking us to Point 5:

5-This would actually be against cannon, as surely, Voldmort also tried then the same leggimency but because his souls wasn't from the future, he never received different memories. Therefore, he never felt....different. But now, after doing on Harry, things changed as he received a very different feedback, consequently, became aware of the future.

Now, with that covered, how can Harry react? Well, my guess is that he will either discover it at the end of book 4 ( the climax of things going down the hole ) or during book 5. Both of them will happen with a lot of emotional stress as he will realize that he never defeated Voldmort: the prophecy might not be real. This will such panic on Harry as well as self-guilt ( everyone died for him because he was the chosen one, and in th end, he failed to do the very least they all expected ) that SUICIDE starts to feel reasonable. All his foreshadowing suddenly became useless as whatever he does, it might not matter at all! EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE AND HE CAN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT ( YUP, FATE IS LAUGHING, IT PERFECTLY FITS THE IRONY OF THIS FANFICITON ).This takes us to Point 6:

6-If the Deathly Hallows are not to be part of this story, this means Harry Potter will die. Furthermore, Harry will realize that they were wrong. He is not the Chosen One, Neville is.He won't share this secret with many people, maybe Hermione, Ron and Sirius but Neville for sure ( maybe Dumbledore too, but I have no idea how thing will be for this old man), He will feel so much guilt that he won't be able to tell Ginny ( yeah, its selfish, but then again... people are not perfect, and Harry with all his PTSD is far from it, which will only worsen). Harry and Ginny will have some bumps in their relationship ( PEOPLE WILL DIE ), but it will only cause it to become stronger. Harry will eventually see her as "his" Ginny, causing again a massive breakdown of guilty when he discovers he might not be capable of killing Voldie, thus can't, in any way, guarantee her safety.

7-Harry will use the Sword of Godric to create a weapon capable of annihilating horcruxes, infecting it with poison still usable on the Chamber ( in cannon, Ron and Hermone, after all, on year 7 they used the basilisk teeth to destroy one, so the poison still works ), making sure to leave something to take care of possible future problems. His paranoia will start imagening that Tom has even more Horcruxes.

In the final battle ( could happen at the Ministry, end of book 5....or not, doesn't matter ) harry will kill himself ( not the first time ) with Godrics Sword during the fight against Voldemort, with Neville taking the final shot. I think at this point they will need to be on good terms with Dumbledore, he could help them a lot at this point. After DD learns the true nature of the prophecy he won't be able to obliviate Harry, it's just too risky.

8-Harry dies for the greater good ( ultimate irony with Dumbledore ), leaving Ginny sad and heartbroken................................yeah, ladies and gentleman, we've got a sequel: Ginny goes back in time to save her loved one, thus guaranteeing a continuation to this amazing story.

Well, find my plot holes and discuss ( the bigger the theory, easier it falls)
:dizzy: Cheers!
Desert Fox
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby LadyCersei » October 2nd, 2015, 11:51 am

COrrect me if I am wrong: Your whole theory is based on the assumption, that Voldemorts Soul was still a part of Harry when he traveled back in time?
Its been a while since I read the first chapters, I do not remember anything that supports this assumption. And since DH has not been published when the great Author Lord startet the fanfiction, and the fact that Harry has a part of voldemorts soul inside him is only revealed in this book (again, correct me if i am wrong) , I do not think Harry being a Horcrux himself will play any role at all in the fanfiction. I think it will stay with the other Horcruxes known.
If I remember everything correctly, when Viridian started writing the fiction Harry being a Horcrux and this causing great troubles would not have been part of the plan. And if an author starts writing something this complex, he has a plan on his hand for everything from the start. Deviating from that plan is extremely dangerous and I do not think Viridian is doing that, especially because he already said he wont include the Deathly Hallows into the fiction. It is dangerous, because things dont play out as planned anymore, foreshadowings become senseless, and the author could write himself into a catastrophe. I think he will be sticking with the original plan.
Consequently: I think you are completely wrong.
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby viridian » October 2nd, 2015, 2:09 pm

BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING ELSE... Nicely done! Well thought out and provocative. I like the level of thinking that went into this. Do you have any work posted anywhere?

I will say that the possibility of Harry's scar containing a horcrux was widely speculated on well before Deathly Hallows was even announced. So... I made sure I allowed for the possibility and gave myself an out. See below for an excerpt from the prologue of NoFP...
Harry shunted aside the pain of his own injuries and thought about all he had lost during the war, starting with his parents. He thought about his friends, his teachers. He thought about the Weasleys, who'd become the second family he'd lost. He thought of Ron and Hermione who'd been with him from the start almost to the end. He thought of Ginny and the dam broke. He dropped his Occlumency shields and sent everything he was feeling through the link he shared with Voldemort's mind. The grass in front of him was lit with a green radiance that he knew was coming from his scar.

Voldemort screamed as the emotional torrent swept aside his defences and ripped through his mind. His black soul withered in the deluge of love and grief as 'the power he knew not' gave him agony that made the Cruciatus feel like a soft caress. Harry wondered if Voldemort was already driven mad by the time he was able to raise his wand and cast the blasting charm. He supposed it didn't really matter.

I figure if Harry channeled the legilimency attack that lobotomized Voldemort through that soul fragment, it likely did a good impression of a dragonfly encountering a bug-zapper. (Especially since it was charged with "Love" the "power he knew not".)

Note: There was also fairly strong emotion present when the two souls merged, the past fragment doing an impression of a hood ornament in a head-on collision. Nothing left but a smeary residue of Parseltongue... :ouch___it_hurts:
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby LadyCersei » October 2nd, 2015, 4:39 pm

Wouldnt a piece of voldemorts soul result in a part of his corpus magi in Harry, too? Even if not, in canon Harry gets some of Voldemorts abilities (parseltounge) and there is a strong magical connection between Harry and Voldemort.
Wouldnt that have shown on the Magical Resonance Imaging Test in St Mungos during the chapter "doing the mungo shuffle" (dont know which number it has)? I am not an expert on Wizard Medical Equipment ( :biggrin: ) but this seems logical to me...
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby viridian » October 2nd, 2015, 7:39 pm

My theory is that the horcrux creation process rips the soul-fragments loose from the corpus magi as well... otherwise you'd have Dark Lord's sacrificing hunks of their magical power when they create them. THAT would not be an acceptable sacrifice for them. (As opposed to sacrificing you, me, and the fellow down the street... That's just peachy.)

I'll go out on a limb and posit that everyone's corpus magi looks a little different, as everyone has different magical aptitudes. Harry's just looks REALLY strange... but then again, he's the B.W.L.
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby LadyCersei » October 3rd, 2015, 7:51 am

Ok, but the horcruxes in canon are objekts that influence the bearers with their inherent magic (p.e. Slitherins amulet makes them mean). The "Horcrux" in the diary can even perform magic on Harry and Ginny in tCoS. In my opinion that would not be possible if there is no magic "stored" in the Horcrux as well. And the magic that is part of the Horcruxes before they become one cant be the magic that manifests in these phenomenons (Which magic would have been part of the diary before it became a horcrux, if not voldemorts?)
I always imagined that Voldemort has found a way to become more and more powerful (aka. increasing the size of his corpus magi) perhaps via extracting the magic from his victims. (Dark, dark magic) So a little sacrifice of his own magic when creating a horcrux would not exactly hurt him. He would only store it for later, so he has a little magic from the start in case his current body and soul are killed (which is nothing he expects to happen). That would also be consistent with the fact, that Voldemort needs help (from Wormtail) before he gains his power back in GoF. Or do you think his original corpus magi was reunited with his body in the ritual on the graveyard?

I definetely didnt think it trough as much as you did, but that is how I always imagined it.
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby Tempest Kitsune » October 3rd, 2015, 11:43 am

I think you're coming at this from a different angle. I can't speak for Viridian on this, but my personal headcannon for the horcruxes being magical was because that when Tom was preforming the ritual to splinter his soul each time, he was also splintering shards of his magical core off with it. Because a magic user's soul and their core are bound together. You simply can't have one without the other, the soul needs the core to be keep it going (also explaining why wizards have such enhanced lifespans), and the core needs the soul to regulate it and in a sense feed it in a sort of cycle. Without the soul shard, the magic from the core will burn itself out, and without the core, the soul will wither away.

Naturally this is only for magic coming directly from the core, what's done with the paintings and living armors and all that is that it's laid into channels and prepared receptacles, and they absorb ambient magical energy to help them stay powered. Of course, put enough energy into one place and you've got weird stuff happening, especially when it's psychically charged energy like you'd have at a boarding school, which leads into the fanon theory of Hogwarts being alive and self-aware even without the Founders having designed it to become as such.
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby LadyCersei » October 3rd, 2015, 6:44 pm

Thats what I believe, what I was trying to explain and what I tried to underline with arguments. I thought I made myself clear, but since english is not my first language, I may have phrased that a little bit weirdly. Sorry for that.
Viridian explictly said in his last post that he does not believe that there is a part of voldemorts magic inside a horcrux, which is exactly the opposite from what you and I are saying. I was trying to argue with that.
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby desertfox » October 4th, 2015, 2:13 pm

Sorry my delay to answer
To LadyCersei
COrrect me if I am wrong: Your whole theory is based on the assumption, that Voldemorts Soul was still a part of Harry when he traveled back in time?
Yes, it is all based on the assumption that Voldie's soul was still part of Harry and was not destroyed by the time travel. All that comes afterwards is speculation, although not blind as i try to follow the story and cannon element incorporated in it.
Deviating from that plan is extremely dangerous and I do not think Viridian is doing that, especially because he already said he wont include the Deathly Hallows into the fiction.
That's what he (may) wants you to think!
Consequently: I think you are completely wrong.
That is a fair answer based on a very realistic probability ( but we can always have some fun :biggrin: )

To Viridian
BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING ELSE... Nicely done! Well thought out and provocative. I like the level of thinking that went into this. Do you have any work posted anywhere?
Oh my lord, spare your praise for this lowly, sinful creature.
But now seriously, thanks, it means quite something coming from you. This story you put together has a more gripping writing than cannon ( at least on an arithmetic average ), binged it in 3 days. Now if I have any works.....I do but not posted: I am a badwriter. I do come up with a lot of plots, both original and for fanfic, but i can't just make it work, it all seems "artificial". I did however try to write them in english, I think I should write it first in my mother language and then translate ( although that would be a pain in the ass ).
So... I made sure I allowed for the possibility and gave myself an out.
Note: There was also fairly strong emotion present when the two souls merged, the past fragment doing an impression of a hood ornament in a head-on collision. Nothing left but a smeary residue of Parseltongue...
Welllll, until you say the word kill ( or clear synonyms) the theory still "stands" ( in a hospital bed ) with what was given in the story ( but dont get me wrong, the Word of God is above all existance ). As you said "gave myself an out", such could be used for many plots, not just mine :tastey:

Now for the speculation about voldie's soul.
If Harry is a horcrux, wouldnt the Magical Resonance Imaging Test show something?
"A Horcrux is the word used for an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul"
-Horace Slughorn
I dont think the MRIT would show something, after all, the concept behind the horcuxes is "concealment", the very nature of the magic would hide it, accomplishing what was set to do. I understood that Horcruxes are created to conceal on earth parts of ourselves, being immortal is a consequence of this protection: Death cant find all your soul, therefore can't take you away. Even when a single horcrux is destroyed, if there are others of his original soul, then it can't pass on, but for being recked they also can't interact anymore ( this explains why Tom from the diary never tried to come back, he just couldnt do it like voldmort did after dying on Halloween ). Voldemorts piece on Kings Cross was waiting for the rest.

Are souls and magic cores connected? i dont think it really matters in this case but if I had to guess, I would say yes:
You simply can't have one without the other, the soul needs the core to be keep it going (also explaining why wizards have such enhanced lifespans), and the core needs the soul to regulate it and in a sense feed it in a sort of cycle.
spot on by Tempest Kitsune

Desert Fox
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Re: The Ending Guess ( BIG THEORY )

Postby Mark » October 6th, 2016, 2:43 pm

A few things come to mind here that may dispel this idea that Harry has voldemort's soul inside him again.

1. The sorting hat is a horcrux which was not true in canon. It was, however, mentioned in canon that there is something special about the number 7. So voldemort has separated his soul into 7 pieces: cup, ring, locket, diadem, nagini, harry, voldemort. So you can easily substitute harry for the sorting hat to keep the number seven.

2. IIRC, harry knew about the ring and the locket in book 6. it was in book 7 that they discovered and found the cup, diadem, nagini, and harry. So this could also be a twist in the sense that NOFP was written before book 7 was published. Therefore, any of the horcruxes discovered in book 7 could be swapped. If this was true, my guess is the founders four object horcruxes will remained unchanged as well as voldemort himself. But nagini, in this case, could be swapped for the sorting hat leaving harry as the final horcrux.

Finally, if Harry himself was a horcrux, he would have known come the end of his 30 year old existence. If that were the case then I would believe the first thing harry would do upon shipping himself back in time would be to kill himself right off the bat and get rid of that single horcrux. Although, I can easily counter this by saying: he is truly the most powerful wizard and is keeping that horcrux under locks until the time is right to destroy it. The fragment that resides potentially within harry has nothing to do with voldemort so it isn't as if voldemort is going to get future knowledge from this soul fragment unless he kills harry to retrieve the fragment.

My prediction/hope, as it was with the original series, is that there will be an epic dual. Harry realizes the depth of his powers and gets into a one on one with voldie and just demolishes him. none of this expelliarmus crap.
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