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Chap 43

PostPosted: January 17th, 2016, 7:42 am
by DeviousLuxray
Thoughts on what may happen?

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: March 17th, 2016, 10:46 pm
by estelaris1974
A hell of a fight

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: March 24th, 2016, 9:07 pm
by jgkitarel
And as Harry will find out...

War, war never changes.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: March 25th, 2016, 12:23 am
by JediMasterDraco
Well, you can bet that Harry will likely start listing who could have put his name in. I predict that there'll be a fight between Harry and Draco before too much time passes.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: April 4th, 2016, 1:53 pm
by girlinpink
Hi new here, found HPatNoFP a couple of weeks ago and read through it and then joined the site.

To me there's a two-fold question regarding that cliff hanger.

1. Who put his name in the GoF?
2. What was their intent?

After all, with the removal of the age line, that second question can come into play. With the first through fifth years (though when I make this statement I'm more implying first and second years) able to sub might names, could someone in his fan club done it.

Or, not knowing that the bones are gone thus the ritual will be null and void, are we still more or less on track with the book, minus their only being three champions.

And why Malfoy over Krum? I agree with Harry on that one.

I just hope we get the amazing bouncing ferret...

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: April 7th, 2016, 3:11 pm
by CNhuman
For Malfoy over Krum, I have two theories:

1. Snape tricked the Goblet into picking the ferret as an element to the Voldemort/DE plot.
2. The extra training Viridian has been talking about in the Author Notes has been continuing at an accelerated pace (see Narcissa bragging about Draco's progress at the Quidditch World Cup), and Malfoy IS actually more dangerous and impressive than Krum in this timeline.

Does anyone have any theories as to how exactly the Goblet picks competitors? Are they the most formidable, the showiest, or is it some sort of "generic movie protagonist" search engine?

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: October 20th, 2016, 3:31 am
by Kayab
I have 2 theories.

1 - Dumbledore

As a sort of test, because he still doesn't trust Harry.

2 - Snape

First, the age like could be Snape's doing because he can then enter Draco (all that "advanced" training I think might actually be remedial training to catch up to Durmstrang and/or the Deatheaters) Nobody can tell what names were submitted, because the headmasters of the foreign schools just put them all in. He could have easily put Draco's name in All the submisions.

This also brings to light that the tasks and rules might not be the same. Different organizers and all that.

Also trying to think what is Umbridge doing there... did she leave her beloved Fudge? Or is something else amiss. Can't Stop thinking about it, what could possible be her agenda? :dizzy: :wut:

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: December 10th, 2016, 8:41 am
by telgalad
Hey all,

I just had to create an account to come and say that this Harry potter fanfiction is hands down the best Harry Potter fanfiction I have ever read. I see that the author hasn't updated Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past in over a year now. I hope S'Tarkan is alive and well and can answer the following question. Will this fanfiction be continued at some point? I recently found and read the entire thing in the last 72 hours and am dying to find out what happens next!!!!

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: December 12th, 2016, 6:06 pm
by thrawnca
this Harry potter fanfiction is hands down the best Harry Potter fanfiction I have ever read.
I consider it to be my favorite on-hiatus story :). Hard to say how it compares with Mother of Learning, but that's regularly updating, so it's in a different category.

How much fan fiction have you read?
I hope S'Tarkan is alive
He is.
and well
He's recuperating.
Will this fanfiction be continued at some point?
Yes, he has continued to commit to that, including as recently as late October.
I recently found and read the entire thing in the last 72 hours and am dying to find out what happens next!!!!
Well, we don't want to rush him at the cost of his health. You might want to take a look around at other stories you might enjoy while waiting.

Backwards with Purpose is another redo fanfic (and is complete). It has its ups and downs compared to NoFP, but I recommend hanging in there, because the sequel, The Book of Albus, is impressive.

If you haven't read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, it's probably worth checking out. Some love it, some hate it, but it's substantial, complete, has a complex plot, often hilarious, and it aims to help people think about how they think. I recommend ignoring all discussions about its merits or downsides until you've tried it for yourself. Also I recommend Daystar Eld's alternative beginning, which expands the first few chapters and IMO gives a better first impression of our new Harry.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: January 14th, 2017, 4:40 am
by runsamok
I wanted to let you know that Matthew is starting to write on chapter 43 for NOFP. The writing is slow and steady because he can only sit up for short periods of time as he is recuperating. You can see the updated status on the Viridian Dreams blog.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: January 14th, 2017, 8:45 am
by MrRigger2
Woo-hoo! Glad to hear he's recuperating, and while I don't speak for everyone, I'd rather wait a little while longer for Chapter 43 because he's writing at a slower pace, than wait even longer because he pushed himself too hard and set himself back.

If he has trouble sitting up to type, has he looked into speak-to-text options? That might be an option for less physically stressful writing, though obviously I don't know what kind of setup he's working with, so it might not work.


Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: January 14th, 2017, 7:11 pm
by runsamok
He uses speech recognition when chatting on Skype and for general typing.

However, for writing, since it is more typing, editing, then typing, then editing some more, it is a much more intensive process. Speech-to-text has not worked as well for the editing part. Thanks for the suggestion!

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: January 14th, 2017, 7:20 pm
by MrRigger2
Fair enough. I was envisioning using speech to text to get the main body written, then coming back and editing with regular typing, but now that I think about it, that could be a jarring shift, so I could understand not wanting to do that.


Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: May 21st, 2017, 3:31 pm
by Siriuslyblackparade
Howdy folk! I understand I'm most likely the absolute latest to the game here but I'd just like to pay my initial respects. Harry Potter and the nightmares of future past is fan.tas.tic. I love it and I am veeeery excited for chapter 43 to come out. Now about the story. I think it's safe to assume that there isn't an age line this time because dumbledore has no doubt Harry would be able to hold his own in the tournament this time around. Obviously this Harry is significantly more competent and capable. There's also the added benefit of having suffered "trials" for lack of a better word, significantly less life threatening than his future self had at that point. Also, this Harry would be pissed if dumbeldore tried to protect him with an age line.. now as to Harry getting selected again.. possibly Barty jr wriggled out of his shackles much the same way that peter did and still ended up at hogwarts as moody? Although the way his future self got volunteered was by barty adding him in under a fourth school which was why Cedric got picked too so I guess that's less likely. Maybe "the agent" nominated him anonymously? Regardless, I think we can expect Draco to act like krum did in the maze for pretty much the entire year. Lordy Lordy I cannot wait. I love this book man thank you so much for writing

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: June 1st, 2017, 3:25 pm
by daphfried10
To me, it is obvious how two out of the three got selected by the Goblet...possibly how all of them got in....

One of the changes between this year 4 and canon is that the headmaster/headmistress put in the names of their potential champions. In the case of Snape, the only name he put in was Draco so as to ensure his being selected. Based on the lack of hostility by Beaubaton students, I would guess that something happened before they arrived so as to choose whose name was selected. The motivation for this is easy to understand. In canon, the worst of the school could decide to put his/her name in and potentially be selected to the shame of the school. This prevents that from happening. Also, with the removal of the age line (and as a consequence, the ability of older students to come) something had to be done to potentially prevent the tragedy that would occur if say a first year was selected to go up against dangerous tasks. The real question concerns how Harry's name was placed. One theory would be that Snape did so in a similar manner to how Crouch Jr did it in canon. It would also potentially explain why draco would be so eager to be selected (parental push towards helping the Dark Lord combined with a wish to /finally/ win against Potter).

Concerning Ch 43 (or rather book 4 in general), I think that in spite of having to go through the Tournament (and risk being part of bringing Voldie back again), Harry will find some degree of enjoyment. This time, he's not the despised 4th champion. The school will have his back (3/4 of it anyway). Ron doesn't have his head shoved up his behind, so he won't have to deal with that jealousy. The Yule Dance (if it mention was made of having to buy special robes) won't be frought with the terror of who to ask. Unless the tasks change significantly, he shouldn't have too many problems (beyond a potential breakdown post-seeing Ginny in the underwater village and angsting over what he should do in the maze). I'm hoping that they keep the tasks the same. I can imagine Charlie being there for the first and second one and getting a wake-up call upon seeing how much Harry cares for Ginny. I think that there is a possibility that the Beaubaton crowd will join in with the Gryffindor Six at least to the extent of training for the tasks. Harry won't care if it gives Fleur a better chance at survival (future sister-in-law + not trusting Snape/Draco as far as he can throw 'em would likely make him somewhat protective)

Does anyone know if the author is still working on HPNFP? It's been a while since the last update....

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2017, 8:20 pm
by Tempest Kitsune
He is indeed still working on the fic, it's just some RL stuff has been holding things up. He's nothign if not stubborn though, so I fully expect him to get a new chapter out eventually.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: August 3rd, 2017, 3:23 pm
by christineocheallaigh
I started reading this a couple days ago, and realized I'd read it before, but kept reading anyway since it had been a while. I could have sworn this one had been completed, but apparently not. Right now I'm agreeing with Harry at the end of Chapter 42: "Bloody buggering hell." :-P I understand, though. RL gets in the way and there's nothing you can do about it, I totally get that. Hopefully he'll be back and able to finish the story soon (but don't rush, take all the time you need, I know I hate it when people expect me to just bounce back like nothing's happened :-) ) because I would really like to know what happens next.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: October 7th, 2017, 2:17 pm
by Lucinda
Oh my god!!!
I just finished reading chapter 42 of NoFP. It is just so awesome, I absolutely love it! Never seen a work so wonderfully written! The reviews and likes it has got are totally deserved! I loved it, I can't say the fact enough times that I love it!
Ahem, now on to serious topics.
I hope Matthew gets well soon! I heard that he is recuperating and am very glad to hear it! (I am not at all meaning to pry, but if possible, can I know what happened?)
I am quite sure he is trying his best to write and I appreciate him for his efforts, and to people who are doubting that if he is alive, he is definitely alive (Touch wood) as said by Runsamock.
Now, on to my theories:
Spoiler: show
The pain Harry is experiencing during Animagus training, I guess that his 14 year soul has a different inner animal that his 30 year soul. The different animals fight for dominance when he lets his magic wash over him, causing him immense pain. How many of you think that my theory is likely? (I have posted this theory on fanfiction. net under the pen name Lucinda Hindle on a review for chapter 42, so its the same person, no copying, if anyone reads the reviews.)
The name in the Goblet, I am pretty sure by the way Matthew has portrayed Snape, he is likely to have cheated Draco's way into the Tournament. The names being entered by the teachers was quite suspicious, as to who entered Harry's name, I would like to keep it a suspense, even to myself...............................
Something is wrong with Draco, something is really really wrong with Draco.
I am quite happy for Millicent and Fleur. The chapionship is definitly going to be interesting now.
Spoiler: show
To anyone who is in contact with Matthew, or if you are reading this yourself, please know that I am really happy that you are recuperating, I think that you are a brilliant writer, I haven't read any other story with your calibre. (And mind you, I have read quite a lot.)
I want to offer my thanks to you for sharing this wonderful story with us and I hope you get well soon.
(Any idea how long is chapter 43 due?)

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: November 8th, 2017, 8:21 pm
by thrawnca
Progress meter has updated to 41%. It seems like a much shorter interval than the last time it updated, which I take as a positive sign about the AuthorLord's state of health :).

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: December 5th, 2017, 10:34 pm
by Brickgirl
This is legit the best fanfiction I have EVER read and i've been reading Fics for over 9 years... I was terrified to see how long it had been since the Fic was updated and was very concerned for Matthew.... and ended up hunting for this forum... I never go on these but seriously NoFP was seriously that good... I am glad to see Matthew is getting better and there are others just as inthralled by this amazing piece of work! LIke i said, I dont normally go on Forums but this fic has made me and i hope to see more at a later time

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: December 19th, 2017, 11:21 pm
by thrawnca
Progress increased to 47% a day or two ago.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: September 9th, 2018, 7:19 pm
by thrawnca
Three years yesterday since Chapter 42 was released. Hang in there, viridian, we believe in you!

Progress meter is at 62% btw, and has been for a few months.

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: November 11th, 2018, 9:00 pm
by thrawnca
As pointed out by bcolemanr (thanks!), the progress meter has updated in the past few days, to 81%. That's a 19% increase, which means that the next update might be the complete chapter!

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: November 18th, 2018, 5:31 pm
by NotAFanficWriter
Now at 94% :biggrin:

Re: Chap 43

PostPosted: November 21st, 2018, 7:19 am
by thrawnca
I'm most of the way through a re-read; at this rate, I should finish it about the time chapter 43 arrives :).

Oh - and I hope that the AuthorLord doesn't mind me reporting chapter 24 to the author of Minuets in B Minor. S/he has indicated that it will appear in the next instalment.