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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 29th, 2015, 2:34 am
by EdStargazer
Or simply work outside normal. Make yourself invisible. Set a trap with a big spike the size of a phone pole. Summon the EGGS to the trap. Wait for dragon to chase eggs and get spiked. Harvest dead dragon too.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 29th, 2015, 4:29 am
by TraceReading
Yes, and to get at most of the targets you've all listed, the magic has to bypass the skin first.
Everything I mentioned can be done when the dragon roars at you.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 29th, 2015, 10:21 am
by Wraith5
Yes, and to get at most of the targets you've all listed, the magic has to bypass the skin first.
Everything I mentioned can be done when the dragon roars at you.
I can only imagine the widespread disgust, horror, and vomiting that would happen if you used "Accio dragon (organ)" when it roars. I can't imagine viewing a dragon's stomach turned inside out (including the contents) would be anywhere near pleasant. :puke: Informative? Maybe. Pleasant? HELL NO.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 29th, 2015, 8:59 pm
by jgkitarel
I like Ed's idea, it's outside the box thinking and something that is, technically, within Harry's reach.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 31st, 2015, 6:29 am
by Phht
More fun: What if Harry successfully cast the Imperious on the dragon when it roars (to bypass any magic resistant skin issues)?

Tournament rules (no rules against using illegal/dark spells and no rules requiring competitor to conform to national laws) and national laws (not illegal if used on creatures cliche) reveal that he did absolutely nothing illegal with that curse, so he suffers no punishment (for bonus points, it'd be amusing if national laws would've had it as illegal to cast on the dragon if the tournament was at either other school instead). Well, other than getting only 10 points. Every judge but Karkaroff gave him 0 points, and he gave full points for the amusement of the Boy-Who-Lived from the school not associated with Dark Arts being the one to use a dark spell to complete the task.

At some point during that, someone decides to ask the important question: How did he learn how to cast the spell? "Well, Professor Moody demonstrated it in class, then spent a class or two casting it on every student a few times, so probably anyone that paid enough attention to the professor thoroughly knows the pronunciation and wand movements for the spell at the very least." Cue Dumbledore and "Moody" being taken in for questioning, Crouch Jr being discovered, etc.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 31st, 2015, 7:08 am
by jgkitarel
And then Voldemort goes to Plan B, talking with his old friend Albert Whesker.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 31st, 2015, 1:44 pm
by RavynousHunter
Take out its eyes, then. It was implied in the books (if memory serves) that a Conjunctivitis Curse would've perturbed a dragon long enough for Harry to get the egg, so if something as childish as that would work, why not something more serious like diffindo or a Bludgeoning Curse or, hell, even the Killing Curse? Given the size of an average dragon, their eyes are likely size of a man's head, making them much easier targets than a human's eyes. If you can pierce the eyes, then you can pierce the brain, so a sufficiently powerful piercing spell to the eyes would kill a dragon stone dead.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: May 31st, 2015, 3:49 pm
by Wraith5
Lol, if you're going to go that route, you could even do something like an improvised magic rifle. "Accio tent stake" followed by tossing it into the air and using some other spell to launch it through the dragon's eye... Hell, you could even use "accio loaded anti-material rifle." XD

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 2nd, 2015, 9:52 am
by RavynousHunter
Dude, enhancing muggle tech with magic would be awesome. Aside from the obvious military applications, could you imagine how cool it'd be to have self-breeding nuclear reactor fuel? Magical containment of fusion plasma? Using a conjuration to create antihydrogen in mass quantities?

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 3rd, 2015, 7:07 am
by TraceReading
I know there's already a few stories in a similar vein (Master of the Basics comes to mind), but a little thought all the same, either from a medic that served in a field hospital, or from a teacher...

Whiner need not be Naruto. Saying soldiers instead of ninja is my thing, going off a different idea where the military culture of the Hidden Villages is taken to its logical conclusion.

"Why the emphasis, though? Why the dogged insistence on such basic skills?"

"Because they can SAVE. YOUR. LIFE. I could tell you dozens, hundreds of stories of soldiers who went home crippled, or worse, in a pine BOX, because they FORGOT THE BASICS. Never underestimate what you can do with bog-standard, textbook basics. Some of the most skilled soldiers in the world were taken down by the simplest of tricks. You don't need a flashy power move in order to be an effective fighter."

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 3rd, 2015, 10:21 am
by MEKristian
Because the clone technique is going to be the most helpful thing against the guy who can twist reality by looking at you.

aka The problem with most "serious" Naruto fanfics is that they have to completely gut the franchise because you can't have "serious military story" and "fun shounen adventure" in the same story. And at that point, why are you even bothering to twist Naruto into being that story?

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 4th, 2015, 8:05 pm
by Dechstreme
Funny crossover idea: right after A's, Nanoha, Fate and Hayate take up a hobby to work off stress from school and TSAB work.

Six months later, the world is shocked as three elementary school girls leave a swath of destruction through the Under-19 Gunpla Battle Japan Team Championship.
Spoiler: show
Nanoha uses a Hi-Nu Gundam with a GN Sword II Blaster and GN Sword Bit edges to the Fin Funnels, allowing them to cut targets.

Fate uses a Deathscythe Hell with a GN Drive and the Epyon's Beam Sword.

Hayate uses a black-and-white Reborns Gundam with the Large GN Fin Fangs upgraded to Large GN Atomic Bazooka Fin Fangs.
Yeah, I think you, me, and MEK are the only ones familiar enough with the Build Fighters at this point, Nitramy...

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 8th, 2015, 10:40 am
by TraceReading
What would you call a bloodline based on Kirby's ability to copy the unique powers of his foes, and who should get it?

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 8th, 2015, 11:04 am
by MEKristian
The Sharingan?

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 9th, 2015, 5:59 am
by TraceReading
I said unique.

The Sharingan does not copy unique abilities.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 15th, 2015, 4:57 pm
by jgkitarel
That would be the Deus ex Machingan, the fan wanking version of the Sharingan.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 15th, 2015, 7:12 pm
by TraceReading
Of course we could just give [CHARACTER] the same initial ability as Rogue, but knowing the state of fanfic these days I would worry about excessive wangst.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 16th, 2015, 12:17 am
by jgkitarel
Just use the classic method of dealing with it. Take implement of wangst correction. Use said implement on character. Either they get past it, or get knocked unconscious.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 16th, 2015, 10:15 pm
by MEKristian
Here's an "Easy" one; choose a "Crack pairing" in whatever series that you find interesting.

Then build an entire story around making it plausible.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 19th, 2015, 2:45 pm
by jgkitarel
I would try, but I found a fic that would have any attempt I do beat.


Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 19th, 2015, 11:20 pm
by Phht
I would try, but I found a fic that would have any attempt I do beat.

I believe I've seen that story before. Passed over it because the summary didn't catch my interest. Oh god, definitely crack pairing made plausible.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: June 20th, 2015, 8:41 pm
by jgkitarel
And done in a very clever way, as well. An ultimate FU to the Reapers in the prologue, and then built from there.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: July 4th, 2015, 8:44 pm
by MEKristian
Allow a second bonus condition for the "Crack pairing" thing; pick a fandom that's very "set in their ways" about shipping. For instance, Avatar, Naruto and Harry Potter tend towards free-for-alls in the shipping department, so an unusual pair doesn't make much of a splash.

Depending on your shipping standards, for a real "Crack ship" you can go with things like harem anime, and anything else that has lots of fandom "Definitive" OTPs, such as with Nanoha, and to an extent Touhou. Or anything else you think of that I don't.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: July 14th, 2015, 5:22 pm
by RavynousHunter
During a bout of rather severe depression, I had one. Spoilered because its...well, depressing. (Has to do with Tenchi Muyo)
Spoiler: show
Basically, due to the laws in Tenchi's version of Japan (I don't know if this holds true for real Japan or not), Tenchi can only legally marry one of the girls. There was a drawing of straws, and Washu won. Being a good sport, she promised to share. However, on their wedding day, Tenchi is killed in a car accident while driving home after getting some last-minute alterations to his tux. Most of the story was going to detail Washu and the girl's grief in dealing with the sudden, tragic loss of the man they loved.
Yeah...depression screws with your mind. A lot.

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Unread postPosted: July 23rd, 2015, 1:03 am
by jgkitarel
Ouch. Would be interesting to read, but it would heavily depend on which continuity you are using.
Spoiler: show
The OVA continuity, which is the canon continuity, Tenchi's death wouldn't stick, if he could even die, and that is if something as simple as a car accident would kill him, given how tough he is and his raw power, especially given that he is now fully aware of it and is slowly learning how to call on it at will. He's more powerful that his own universe's gods and is de facto immortal.

The TV continuity? Yeah, Tenchi's fully mortal, so dying like that would be more plausible.