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Suggestions Implemented

PostPosted: July 20th, 2014, 10:02 am
by runsamok

Since we have a suggestions box, I'm going to keep this thread updated with suggestions that were made and the response.

Suggestion #1:
Perhaps an Introduction Topic, for us n00bs who came crawling out of the woodwork just now? :D Might be nice to get to know new people? At least it would be a little handy for those who weren't over at the yahoo mailing list.

Response: Sounds good! Done.

Re: Suggestions Implemented

PostPosted: July 20th, 2014, 10:04 am
by runsamok
Suggestion #2:
I was looking for the user CP to find if there was a way to change how many posts I can see per page. I'm used to seeing 25, and the 10 is throwing me off as to how long the threads are. It's not a big deal, but if I missed it, or it's something can be added, I would appreciate it. :)

Response: The number of posts per page is a setting that Site Admins control. It cannot be changed in the User Control Panel. I've changed the "topics per page" to 25 per your request.

Re: Suggestions Implemented

PostPosted: July 20th, 2014, 10:07 am
by runsamok
Suggestion #3: I'm a simple man and as such I was wondering if we could get a separate chapter progress log here on this site as well, perhaps in the form of a sticky at the top of our respective fanfics (ie a meter for T8 in the T8 section ect)? Anyway I humbly submit this suggestion for your perusal.

The forum is not meant to replace the Blog. Thus, the progress bars are staying on the blog, where Matthew also posts updates on what he's currently working on. He also posts the latest snippet of True Colours. There's a nice, useful link at the top of this forum called "Viridian Dreams Blog" so you can check the progress bar if you want. Also, updating multiple progress bars in different places takes time and energy away from Matthew's writing, and we don't want that, do we?

Re: Suggestions Implemented

PostPosted: July 20th, 2014, 10:12 am
by runsamok
Suggestion #4:
I did a quick glance around the forums I frequent here, and didn't see it if it is I'm quite sorry in advance! I noticed we have a spot for Fics we like, dislike, and even our own fics, but we didn't have a sticky in place for people to try to find certain fics. It's happened to me as I'm sure it has you. You read a certain fic you're quite taken with, but you reformat your computer, and forgot to save the bookmark list! You get along without it, and even forget about it for a little while, however you begin to wonder about the fic, but alas it's been so long ,and you can't remember the name of it. Desperate searching produces zero results. Frantically you turn to the one place you know you can seek aid the sticky in the General Fanfiction Forums! Or at least you would if such a thing existed. My suggestion is to create a sticky that is expressly for people who are looking for certain fics, and can't remember/find them in the general fanfiction discussion forum. There could be basic rules of formatting required if desired.
Example post:
The genre (Hp/Naruto/whatever else)
Basic idea of the plot you remember
Anything else that could be of use to others who might know the identity of the fic you seek.
I humbly submit this idea for your perusal.

Response: Thanks for the suggestion. Since there was already a "Fic Search" post in the general fan fiction forum, I made it sticky per your request.