Games of the Moment

Games of the Moment

Postby ShonenHero » June 22nd, 2011, 2:15 am

You know, was about to post in the Random Thread again for probably the sixth time to plug some new fangled game I'd been playing recently and maybe give a brief snippet of the game and why I enjoyed playing it. Then I thought, 'well, I can't be the only one who's been playing video games on this forum, so why not make a thread and probe to see what everyone else is playing at the moment?'

So that's the jist of the thread: post the game your playing at the moment, and describe what you think about it. Discussions about some game of the moment are fine, but if they get too long they should be relocated to another thread. And remember, any serious spoilers for a game that aren't about ten years old or more should be marked as such.

Anyway, let me share my game of the moment! Been playing Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. I'd heard about it a little while ago, and that it was one of the better visual novels released recently. So when I stopped by to Game Stop to see about picking up a power cord for my 360, I found 999 sitting on a rack for about $30 dollars. Nabbed it, and have been playing it for three days straight now with me just finishing my final playthrough. As I've played quite a few vn titles, and not many good I was pleasantly surprised to say this was probably one of the best I've played in recent memory. It's a smart, savvy, and almost a spiritual sequel to another great visual novel: Ever 17 (recommend playing that one, for any interested in a good VN)

If any forumgoer here loves things like numerology, mysteries, puzzles, clever foreshadowing, good characterization and the like I'd like to point them to 999 because it's got all that and a lump of pork.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Psalm Of Fire » June 22nd, 2011, 3:13 am

I've never heard of a VN except inside my own imaginings. Interesting... I may have to check it out.

As for me, I'm going back and playing Mirror's Edge. (IMG)
Spoiler: show
The game is an action game where shooting is an option, but isn't the main point. It has a free running system that's pretty intuitive with an incredibly clever control scheme. The "action" in the game comes from running across rooftops as enemies from the that roof you have to get to 500 feet away try to pepper you bullets. You pick your way across the environment at high speeds. It sports an incredibly simplified graphical presentation: when you're running, almost everything is made up of 2 tones: white or green. Despite this, it's never felt graphically lacking to me, but rather just nicely stylized in a way that make the world easier to process at high speeds.

There are usually several ways to get from a to b, and useful terrain turns red to help guide you. It also has this concept of "momentum", the longer you go without slowing the faster you get, allowing you to jump further. This opens up new paths in the world, rewarding split-second risky decisions, and urging you to just keep up that flow. And do things like use wall-run leaps to overcome fences instead of climbing them. Once you get into it, you tear through the environment at a break-neck pace, and it's awesome.

A bit of interesting background, "How a publishing monster learned to play nice": it came out when EA launched it's EA Partners program. For anyone who knows, this was a huge step for EA. Originally they were seen as the soulless corporate monster of videogames. Their management had them buy out smaller, creative companies, fire half the staff, take the flagship title, and run it into the ground with yearly releases (producing both and unpolished product and interest fatigue). A terrible short-term business model that villainized them.

CEO's were fired and EA Partners was founded. Instead of saying "we shall consume you and spit out your bones", EA took a different approach. They don't buy the game companies, the buy the publishing rights and support their creative endeavors, with the idea that the successes of the several would outweigh the failure of the few.

Mirror's Edge was one of the first games produced from this business model. A risky thing for EA. Mirrior's edge and three other games from the first batch of EA Partner games did poorly, only selling a million copies combined. With clever wording EA hid the disappointment from investors, distracting them with a success...

BioWare. Mass Effect 2 was published under the EA Partners program, and raked in record RPG sales numbers and massive critical acclaim. It's success floated the lack-luster sales of the less appreciated games like Mirror's Edge. But Mirror's edge is a good game. Not a great one -- it has a great mechanic, and a decent story, but lacks polish and does a strange down-grade to e-sureance style animation for the cutscenes -- but it is a good one. It just didn't come with a built-in audience like Mass Effect did (drawn from both RPG and shooter fans).

Fortunately, EA was ultimately rewarded for supporting creatives instead of cannibalizing them. I haven't heard a lot about EA Partners since, although there are still several studios functioning under the system. However, I have to compliment EA on maximizing their assets. They purchased BioWare, and everyone feared cannibalization. That wasn't the case, however: over 90% of the BioWare staff stayed. The leaders of BioWare were kept in charge. Now, BioWare had the financial backing of the then-largest game publisher worldwide.

EA went on to create an "RPG" devision, and placed one of the two BioWare founders at its helm, while the other stayed at BioWare to work more closely with the games of the original studio. BioWare had already founded BioWare Austin, but another studio was added, BioWare Montreal, to add to the ranks of story-based game creators now placed under BioWare's command. In addition, Ray was given the helm to the MMO trainwreck-and-yet-brilliant studio, Mythic Entertaiment. Yes, trainwreck. The infighting and forced unpolished launch of their MMO title, Warhammer Online, marred their almost glorious MMO game. Many at Mythic were expecting for the studio to be dissolved, and lose forever the impressive creative power that studio almost harnessed. However, Ray minimized firings and restructured studio management. He even insisted that EA not wipe their name. Instead of Renaming the BioWare [Location] as planned, EA agreed and they are now know as BioWare Mythic, signaling the detachment from the tumultuous past as "Mythic Entertainment" and their inclusion into one of the greatest game studios in the world, but also not erasing their identity, history, and studio culture. We've yet to see whether or not this was an excellent decision, or if Mythic had become too dysfunctional for salvaging. Here's hoping for the best!

Currently, BioWare is under assault from the recent rash of hacker attacks from the Anonymous splinter-group, Lulzsec, for unknown reasons. Some passwords may have been stolen from a single forum, but other information has remained protected. Though... check out their website, it's totally down! Hm, I'll save you the time.

Anyway, Mirror's Edge isn't perfect, but it is a hidden gem. If you see it in the discount bin for less than $30, pick it up. It's worth. Just make sure you give it enough time to learn its clever control scheme.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Phht » June 22nd, 2011, 7:49 am

Ah, Mirror's Edge. I picked it up in a Steam sale at some point. The free running system is pretty awesome. I kinda wish more games made use of a system like that.

There are some things to keep in mind on the game: no save points (checkpoints save progress through a level and serve as respawn spots when you die) and clunky melee combat system. I think if they had spent some more time working on the melee system and making it smoother, more forgiving, and more intuitive, the game would've been lots better. There are a couple spots where the checkpoints and clunky melee conspire against you, and there are a couple spots where the free running path can lose you (or is very unforgiving).

But overall? The game is fun. Who cares most of the time that the melee's clunky? You're mostly zooming over buildings and up walls and leaping gaps like a hyperactive monkey! It's awesome!
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Tempest Kitsune » June 22nd, 2011, 11:06 am

Been playing D&D Online, and so far I enjoy it. The quests are all pretty much self-contained, so there's no grinding for items to complete quests. You can build characters that are either set along pre-made paths (doing a trapmaster Rogue path atm) and most of the raves are free to play. The thing works on micro-transactions, so there's a lot of content you can't access unless you buy it or subscribe to the game, but there's still a lot there that you can do for free.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Psalm Of Fire » June 22nd, 2011, 2:10 pm

Hm, I never had a problem with the melee system. I mean, you can wall-run, leap over a barbwire fence into a flying-air-kick into the baddie's visor. Or slid under a protruding vent duck and kick him square in the nuts, and the come up with an uppercut.

Of course, I don't actually do the kicking and punching all that much. I just focused on the disarm attack timing, which pretty much lets you dominate. It's fun to play "disarm everybody and live", ha ha ha, thought that gets really hard in the later levels.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby ShonenHero » June 25th, 2011, 5:42 am

Been playing Infamous as of late, and I love it. The control scheme is a little sensitive, and I have to nudge the R3 nub gently if I don't want to go careening off a building...yet despite it's sensitive movement controls I'm content. I get all nostalgic whenever I have Cole scale a building with his barehands, and parkour off it to nab some battery shard or whatever. It brings back memories of playing Spiderman 1 for the Playstation 2. Ahh, good times.

Anyway, I love the powersets. Been a fan of electrokinesis since I was in junior high and watched Static Shock on the weekends. So it was nice to see the developers go all out on how to apply Cole's conduit abilities. Favorite ability so far? The grinding abilitiy. At least, on the electrical wiring. Not a huge fan of the electric rail grinding, though that may be because I hit a train one too many times while zipping along past some Reapers. Bleh. -_-

And you know, before I popped Infamous in I was a bit nervous about the whole 'Karma' thing. Was worried I'd get choices that essentially boiled down to typical pure paragon of virtue/depraved, morally reprehensible homicidal actions, but while the characterizations are a little broad stroked the evil decisions you make as Cole are fairly realistic, albeit sociopathic. "Murder the recently widowed man so you don't have to tell him his wife's dead, and have him possibly snap on you while trying to perform a dangerous mission', that kind of thing. And being good, oh boy, really reminds me of the term 'being good is like climbing a mountain'.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Tempest Kitsune » July 16th, 2011, 8:36 pm

So, Blizzard has let loose yet another teaser for D3, this time detailing the Runestone system, which can upgrade and change the effects of your skills, similar to the rune system that could be use to upgrade and enhance armor in Diablo 2.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby ShonenHero » July 26th, 2011, 11:01 am

Diablo 3? Why did I already think that was out? Oo I really need to get my hands on one of the Diablos and actually play them. Are they anything like NWN or games based on the D20 system (like Icewind Dales and Temple of Evil?) I heard it had D&D elements, so I figured I'd ask.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Lthayer3 » July 26th, 2011, 12:10 pm

They're not really like d20 games at all. The closest RPGs to them that I can think of are the Dungeon Siege games, but even that is more just in how combat, stats, skills (sort of), and quests work than the actual feel of the games. Diablo was designed more to be entertaining for multiplayer coop or pvp -- single player gets rather tedious, has almost 0 replay value, and doesn't encourage players to do anything more than trudge through the horribly linear questline. Hopefully Diablo 3 will fix some of those issues.

Of course, D2 is over a decade old, and its gameplay really hasn't aged well. Though at 10 or 15 dollars, D2 is still probably worth picking up for at least a couple weeks of entertainment. I think D1 was actually more fun, but my memory of it is a bit hazy.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby ShonenHero » July 29th, 2011, 4:13 pm

Hmm, I'll have to sweep through Amazon and see if I can nab it for a cheap price. If I any sweet deals, I'll let you guys know as well!

Oh, and I've been playing a lot of Visual Novels at the moment, mostly those done by KEY (Little Busters being their most recent entries in the VN world, and the one I'm currently playing)

Not sure when I got into VNs exactly. I think I got into them mostly as a by product of playing one or two dating sims on the DOSbox emu as a teen; stuff like Princess Maker, True Love and other niche' games like it. I also got my hands on a couple JAST USA games around that time, and the few games on that site that weren't complete smut were actually pretty heartfelt and entertaining (Kana: Little Sister, Crescendo, and a Drug that Makes You Dream being the ones that I remember )

Eventually my taste evolved, and I thought I'd try to sample the best of the medium. That's when I came across the Visual Novel Database, and checked out the games that were listed and rated as some of the best games on the Database (Ever 17, Clannad, Tsukihime, fate/stay night, etc.) and they blew my mind away. I haven't turned back sense.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby TheGodfather » July 30th, 2011, 4:39 am

Oh, and I've been playing a lot of Visual Novels at the moment, mostly those done by KEY (Little Busters being their most recent entries in the VN world, and the one I'm currently playing)
Ah, visual novels... I never really got to play/read (which term is appropriate here :boo!: ?) any of them, maybe I should start. Any solid recommendations?

Personally, I've stopped playing my slightly more "hardcore" games as of late, with no FPS allowed until I finish exams :p
So all I currently play are League of Legends (US Servers) and Eden Eternal. Really looking forward to a few upcoming games though... coughragecough.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby ShonenHero » July 31st, 2011, 11:39 pm

Oh, and I've been playing a lot of Visual Novels at the moment, mostly those done by KEY (Little Busters being their most recent entries in the VN world, and the one I'm currently playing)
Ah, visual novels... I never really got to play/read (which term is appropriate here :boo!: ?) any of them, maybe I should start. Any solid recommendations?

Personally, I've stopped playing my slightly more "hardcore" games as of late, with no FPS allowed until I finish exams :p
So all I currently play are League of Legends (US Servers) and Eden Eternal. Really looking forward to a few upcoming games though... coughragecough.
Hah, LoL. My friend Aaron was giving me the run around, but reality ensued and we had little time to meet up online to play. I liked it though, good ol' official DOTA. Just wish I had time to learn the ropes.

Hmm, as for VN recommendations, what are you looking for in particular story wise? VNs are in general just that, 'novels'. So you'll be doing a lot of reading, and one poorly written or poorly translated VN can put a bad taste in your mouth.

EDIT: Ahah, wait I think I've got one VN in particular I feel comfortable in recc'ing: Phoenix Wright, for the Nintendo DS. An endearing title, and one of the best VNs on that platform. It follows the story of a new up and coming Defense Attorney named Phoenix Wright, just starting out in his new law firm while being mentored by his friend and adviser Mia Fey. The process of law has never been so much fun! :D
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby TheGodfather » August 3rd, 2011, 4:39 am

Oh, and I've been playing a lot of Visual Novels at the moment, mostly those done by KEY (Little Busters being their most recent entries in the VN world, and the one I'm currently playing)
Ah, visual novels... I never really got to play/read (which term is appropriate here :boo!: ?) any of them, maybe I should start. Any solid recommendations?

Personally, I've stopped playing my slightly more "hardcore" games as of late, with no FPS allowed until I finish exams :p
So all I currently play are League of Legends (US Servers) and Eden Eternal. Really looking forward to a few upcoming games though... coughragecough.
Hah, LoL. My friend Aaron was giving me the run around, but reality ensued and we had little time to meet up online to play. I liked it though, good ol' official DOTA. Just wish I had time to learn the ropes.

Hmm, as for VN recommendations, what are you looking for in particular story wise? VNs are in general just that, 'novels'. So you'll be doing a lot of reading, and one poorly written or poorly translated VN can put a bad taste in your mouth.

EDIT: Ahah, wait I think I've got one VN in particular I feel comfortable in recc'ing: Phoenix Wright, for the Nintendo DS. An endearing title, and one of the best VNs on that platform. It follows the story of a new up and coming Defense Attorney named Phoenix Wright, just starting out in his new law firm while being mentored by his friend and adviser Mia Fey. The process of law has never been so much fun! :D
Phoenix Wright... I've heard some very good things about that particular one.
Yeah, I play LoL casually and still prefer DoTA by a long shot... Cannot wait for DoTA2, by Valve. It better be free to play ~_~
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Psalm Of Fire » August 3rd, 2011, 12:37 pm

What about Blizzard DoTA? Could be awesome, though as far as I can tell right now the strengths will be geared toward creating a friendlier player environment (achievements for helping newbs and stuff), instead of DoTA's infamously hostile playerbase.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby QuoteMyFoot » August 3rd, 2011, 2:11 pm

Phoenix Wright and the spin offs are easily some of the most fun games I have ever played. I'm not much of a gamer, but still - some of my favourite characters ever. The first PW game is hard to get now (I think?) but the sequels should be fairly easy to come by and you don't need to have played the first one to understand the story.

:grin: Just here to add my thoughts.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Flux_Blade » August 3rd, 2011, 10:23 pm

Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon. I like it, it's like B-movie fun, and even though the story isn't that deep, the dialogue is pretty fun, and they fixed the vehicles controls from the last game. Though it seems like I don't get to fight the mothership yet, though that might be different on the harder difficulties? I'm trudging through hard right now. Though I do really enjoy being able to revive teammates in this one. Also the AI teammates seem a bit smarter.

Phantasy Star Online Episode I and II for the Gamecube. It was the first online game that I know of for consoles. Of course since sega server is down, I'm playing split screen with friends. Which does mean that we get absolutely no dialogue except for shops and the med bay. The magic system is slightly interesting, as the spells have levels, except for the whole teleport back to base. Also, episode II is much harder than episode I, even though both can be started at level 1. Stupid Poison Lilies and poison and paralysis.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Aldraia Dragonsong » August 4th, 2011, 12:14 am

Golden Sun is totally awesome. The magic system is very different from any other game I have played, the characters are interesting, the story is fascinating, and the game is just fun. The combat is enjoyable. Solving the puzzles is enjoyable. I love puzzles.
My only complaint is that the game is occasionally insufficiently clear about a few things - how to get all the djinni is the main example I can think of, though the end also kind of comes out of nowhere (that is to say, when the game ended, I was taken by surprise that that was the end and there was no more game). Still, overall it is a very fun game which I enjoyed immensely, and I look forward to tracking down The Lost Age and getting to play that too.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby doc.exe » August 4th, 2011, 2:27 am

I finally got my hands on some Wii games (my only current generation console) that I really wanted to play: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (a nice appetizer before the incoming release of TLoZ: Skyward Sword :yaeh_am_not_durnk:)

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

Fun game, really fun. I have not touched a "Capcom vs. whatever" game in years, this one made me remember why I considered them so fun to play. It's incredibly fast paced and has a fighting system that allows you to pull off incredible combos. The characters are really charming, even if I admit I don't have any knowledge of most of the Tatsukono side of the rooster. The music is awesome as well. My only complaint is that more characters and stages would have been apreciated.

Metroid Other M:

Probably the most controversial game in the entire franchise, yet I still wanted to play it. I have to say that it's a really good game, even if the mechanics take some time to get used to at first. It's certainly not on the same quality level as Super Metroid or the games of the Prime trilogy, but it offers a nice blend between the 2D and 3D games of the series, and I wouldn't mind it if they used a similar style for a future installment of the franchise.

The story is a deffinite mixed bag, but IMHO, it doesn't destroy Samus character as a strong and confident female warrior, even if I understand where some people are coming from with their arguments. It certainly paints her in the same archetype as characters like Kenshin Himura, Vash the Stampede, Solid Snake or Cloud Strife (i.e. a character that given his/her traumatic past, is plagued by inner demons and moments of weakness, yet, when the time comes, he/she puts his/her act together and shows just how much badass he/she can be). Now, the process could have been done A LOT better, yet I have to admit I always imagined Samus to be that type of character. In the end, I think the real sin of the story (and the major problem of the infamous "Ridley sequence", as well as other scenes that are at the core of the controversy) is that it fails at the "Show, don't Tell" rule of storytelling. Respecting that rule could have avoided a lot of troubles.

Super Mario Galaxy 2:

I lost interest in the Mario franchise at the end of the N64 era. Indeed, outside of Paper Mario 2 (which actually I only played for the first time about 2 or 3 years ago), I never played any Mario game that came out during the Gamecube era. Yet, when the first Galaxy was announced, it somehow reignited my interest in the franchise, and I have to say it: Playing it was the most fun experience I have had with a videogame (any videogame) in years. The levels were vibrant and colorful, full of interesting challenges and inventive mechanics, to the point that many times I found myself having to mercilessly crush that part of my brain that was repeating "Oh, come on! Just one more star! Just one more! You know you want it!"

Of course, I was anticipating the sequel but never got the opportunity to play it until now. It's a really fun game, and yet for some reason it's not as addictive as the original. It has all the fun mechanics of the previous game and adds a lot more (Yoshi rocks!), but outside of a few galaxies, many of the levels just don't feel as charming as in the previous tittle. It's still an awesome game, and certainly more challenging than the first one.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Psalm Of Fire » August 4th, 2011, 4:11 am

Uninstalled StarCraft II for the time being a few days ago. Probably not for months and months, but I have school and writing I want to do, and so long as that easy reward is there (and lets be honest, between multiplayer and custom games it almost ALWAYS is), it makes it a fight to do the things I want to do.

Still following the eSports scene, though. Man do I enjoy that! Just ask Spencinator if its awesome, he just recently watched his first pro SC2 game.

So, does rooting for pro players count as a game of the moment? If so, that's totally mine. That, and keyboard typing practice games to adjust to the new layout.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby TheGodfather » August 4th, 2011, 7:39 am

What about Blizzard DoTA? Could be awesome, though as far as I can tell right now the strengths will be geared toward creating a friendlier player environment (achievements for helping newbs and stuff), instead of DoTA's infamously hostile playerbase.
Oh yes. I loved those idiots that were acting all pro but cried like 12 year olds when they got destroyed by yours truly.
Golden Sun is totally awesome. The magic system is very different from any other game I have played, the characters are interesting, the story is fascinating, and the game is just fun. The combat is enjoyable. Solving the puzzles is enjoyable. I love puzzles.
My only complaint is that the game is occasionally insufficiently clear about a few things - how to get all the djinni is the main example I can think of, though the end also kind of comes out of nowhere (that is to say, when the game ended, I was taken by surprise that that was the end and there was no more game). Still, overall it is a very fun game which I enjoyed immensely, and I look forward to tracking down The Lost Age and getting to play that too.
If you cannot find an actual copy of The Lost Age, I can instruct you on how to play it via emulator.
Golden Sun is easily one of my favourite games of all time. And yes, I agree - there are a few unclear things. I've spent days wondering about the world map trying to figure out where on earth to go and what in hell to do. I always found the Djinni to be rather cute and a great aspect of the game... I am so going to re-play this very soon. Maybe I'll make a Let's Play for it again.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby ShonenHero » August 8th, 2011, 1:25 am

Hooray, a Lets Play. This forum hasn't seen on of those since Serbii decided to Lets Play a rom hack of Pokemon a year or two ago. Is Golden Sun for the GBA? What's the plot synopsis?

Out of curiosity, any of you folks get your hands on Catherine these past few weeks? Hows it play? I've been hearing mixed reports of love and hate for the story, gameplay, characters, and a mixture of the above. Is it really as hard as some people are saying?
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby gamebrain89 » August 8th, 2011, 2:21 pm

So finally started playing Fallout 3 for the first time. Saw it for ps3 for 14 bucks and figured why not? Right now im at lvl 7, sneaky/energyweapon focused, and just finished running around the roboco facility for Moira and am set for laser ammo for quite some time now.. So far, im enjoying it. I wish it had an actual ironsights option like i read new vegas does, but its a nit pick. Havent picked up any dlc for it, and honestly might only get broken steel and mothership zeta. But thats a ways a way.
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby MrRigger2 » August 8th, 2011, 4:51 pm

Fallout: Equestria made me go out and pick up Fallout 3: GOTY Edition. So I had the DLC preloaded. I've got to say, being able to do Operation: Anchorage from the door and pick up Power Armor Training long before I make it to the Brotherhood Citadel was seriously nice. Aside from that, I've nearly completed the main storyline (one quest to go), finished all the main side quests, and have Mothership Zeta, Broken Steel (obviously, since it's post game content), and The Pitt to complete. I'm level 22 right now, focusing almost exclusively on Small Guns (Big Guns are too heavy to carry many multiples, and Small Guns are more plentiful than Energy Weapons), with max ranks in Repair, Lockpick, Science, Small Guns, and Speech. Starting the game with 9 Intelligence, picking up the +1 skill rank per level perk at level 4, and getting the Intelligence Bobblehead as soon as possible means loads of skill points to spend.

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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby Phht » August 8th, 2011, 8:16 pm

Can you actually go over 10 points on SPECIAL stats? I went Int 9 + bobblehead (let me tell you, navigating down to the Citadel, swimming across the river, and dodging/battling mutants on my way to Rivet City at nearly game start was an experience). I'm actually kinda lagging on playing. Going around doing side quest stuff instead (and can I say, Moira has the crazy quests ever. "Go for 200-600 rads!)" "Lose at least 50% health AND get a limb crippled!" I mean, seriously?) of going to the radio station (or doing Operation: Anchorage).

I'm actually using the excuse that I haven't finished FO3(GotY Edition) to avoid reading FO:Equestria. :D
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Re: Games of the Moment

Postby MrRigger2 » August 8th, 2011, 8:41 pm

No, you can't go over 10 in a SPECIAL stat. It's disappointing. I actually did most of the main quest before doing many of the side quests. I think Oasis was one of my favorites.

And yeah, Moira is pretty freaking crazy. Most of them aren't particularly difficult though. The radiation is really easy, just go stand in the pool right there in Megaton for a few minutes, and you can do the limb crippling by jumping off roofs there in Megaton as well. Telling her that her Repellent Stick is really a Head Explosion Stick was pretty damn fun as well. I could have done without the trek through MInefield though. A 15 in Explosives makes the mines beep just long enough for you to go "OH SH-" before a explosion cripples your legs.

And I will say that Fallout: Equestria is better now having played Fallout 3, as it lets me understand the little references and mirrors the fic has. Not everything is a direct translation, of course, but some of the side-quests are nice mirrors.

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