An Old Flame, A Naruto/Bleach Crossover

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An Old Flame, A Naruto/Bleach Crossover

Postby Wannabekurt » February 24th, 2013, 1:42 am

So, I decided to try writing again. The muse that caught my attention was one deeply inspired by Crimson Edge. For those who haven't read it, SHAME! But, the plot goes that Naruto is the reincarnation of Urahara (of BLEACH), and it goes from there. This follows much the same idea, albeit with a different Shinigami being reincarnated.

I've gotten some words down on it, but it feels like something is missing. If ya'll would kindly look over it, I'd be grateful. Thanks!
Spoiler: show
“Dammit, why can't I get this?” Naruto threw himself at the tree again, trying to use his chakra to run up the side. Sasuke had gone in for the night, but the young blonde was not going to give up. He got up as high as his previous best, but his next step broke the bark unexpectedly, the fragments coming away looking curiously singed- not that Naruto saw them. Even as he reached up to mark his progress, he knew it wasn't going to end well. He didn't have time to land on his feet. 'Fuck. This is gonna hurt isn't it?' The blondes prediction was proved right as he hit the ground hard- head first.

He awoke somewhere else. Somewhere that, if he head to guess, was miles away from the small meadow in Wave Country. Naruto looked around. The ground was ash under him...and it was ash in every direction. Flat, gray plains as far as the eye could see. He was pretty sure that there was nowhere like this in Konoha either. He'd poked his nose around all the training grounds he could back in the Academy, and none of them looked quite like this. The closest Naruto had ever seen was when he had looked at the ground behind a forge, where the slag, heat, and ash had killed every green thing that dared to poke a leaf up. His eyes narrowed. There, to the south- he wasn't sure how, exactly, he knew that- there was light. A very bright light. Brighter by far than the faded out sun. And that light was getting closer.

Very soon he could make out that this light source was a moving flame- bright orange and red, with yellow flickering between them. And that definitely looked like a solid shape, by the way it kept moving. Were those...wings? Yes, those were certainly wings. And that looked like a long tail. Naruto wasn't the most booksmart shinobi, by anyone's idea, but he loved his mythology. They were way more interesting than the history lessons the Academy loved to push on the perspective ninja in its care. That interest now let Naruto identify what he saw coming at him. A phoenix- one of the legendary beasts of existence. This was either a really weird dream, or he was in a lot of trouble. Beings like that didn't get involved with much of anything unless it was something REALLY big. Naruto swallowed with some difficulty. It would just be his luck that he had called some judgment on his own head, completely by accident. Or (and wouldn't THAT be rich) maybe he would be punished because of something the Kyuubi did. Stupid fox.

He swallowed again, noticing how much hotter it was getting. The phoenix was getting closer, and it was a lot bigger than he had ever dreamed. It was easily the size of the Hokage's Tower. It landed in front of him. The heat was crushing him, making it nearly impossible to draw breath. The great bird's long neck was capped with a heron-like head. While the beak and head were formed from the same flames that comprised the rest of the bird, the eyes were not. The eyes were orbs of white fire, larger than he was, if only barely. The phoenix peered at him with this white eyes, and Naruto felt like he was being measured up. He swallowed for the third time in as many minutes. He somehow knew that he did not want to be found wanting by this being. After a short while, the phoenix faced him. Its beak, somehow clearly defined amongst the flames, opened. Its gonna eat me its gonna eat me-

“Master. It has been a long time since last we met.” When the pheonix spoke, its voice was the roar of a bonfire.

Uzumaki Naruto was many things. Surprising. Determined. Generous, kind, and loyal. But one thing he most certainly was not was eloquent. As he would demonstrate with his response to the unexpected statement.


The tremendous phoenix shook its head slowly, almost mournfully.

“I should have expected this. Do not worry. We are bound, as we always have been. Yes, always.” it added quickly, seeing Naruto getting ready to interrupt. “All will be revealed in time. For now, just know that you are not alone, and your flame does not burn by itself. Now, be still- there is one thing more for you to do.”

“Whats that?”


It leaned down and touched Naruto, just over his heart. The heat screamed through his veins. His skin burned to ash in the stifling flames. His bones were reduced to slag. His heart and lungs boiled in the roiling inferno he had become.

His eyes shot open. He was back in the clearing. And he wasn't alone. A young woman, by the looks of it, gathering herbs in the clearing.
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Re: An Old Flame, A Naruto/Bleach Crossover

Postby Thozmp » February 24th, 2013, 4:46 am

Just so long as he doesn't suddenly remember everything it's fine. Crimson Edge, (as well as Case13's similar work, Livewire) was good because the past life just kinda bleed into his without just completely overwhelming and overwriting him, if you get what I'm saying.
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Re: An Old Flame, A Naruto/Bleach Crossover

Postby Wannabekurt » February 24th, 2013, 5:08 am

Just so long as he doesn't suddenly remember everything it's fine. Crimson Edge, (as well as Case13's similar work, Livewire) was good because the past life just kinda bleed into his without just completely overwhelming and overwriting him, if you get what I'm saying.
That was the plan. He's still gonna be Naruto, just with parts of Yamamoto thrown in.
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