

Postby LordVisser908 » January 3rd, 2013, 1:55 pm

Let's talk about it. I must admit, I'm not a big H/G fan. I actually prefer H/Hr, but with the way Matt writes it, it's just so beautiful and cute that I find myself thinking if only JKR had written it this way in canon, I would have been a die hard H/G supporter. Of course, I feel lately it's gotten a bit too sappy, but in the beginning, it was just a triumph, and I'm looking forward to finding out how he handles more of this. Personally, I want to see Harry's dream come true; they get married and have a few kids. For the first time in my life, I'm excited about H/G.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby someone » January 3rd, 2013, 3:23 pm

Honestly, what does it matter what the ship in a story is? As long as it is well written I don't care at all. Of course some are usually better written than others.

In any case NoFP is about Harry's struggle to improve the timeline, it doesn't really matter for that if his true love is Ginny, Hermione, Luna or Mariette Edgecomb.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby Atharyn » January 3rd, 2013, 3:29 pm

Someone, it is worth considering that everyone has their own quirks. And by "everyone" I mean the audience / readers. Some folks just can't stand an individual character and their characterization. I for one was .. "moderately annoyed" that JKR let the Malfoys off without so much as a slap on the wrist that the readers saw in Deadly Hallows. On the other hand you have the "Draco in leather pants" trope - folks who love Draco.

Also, consider that in canon Ginny's early characterization was the shy fan-girl. Just speaking for myself those kinds of ladies make me run screaming.

It's in the eye of the beholder. If a story includes something you don't care for, are you going to read very much of it?
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby jgkitarel » January 3rd, 2013, 3:40 pm

It's all about the quality as well. A well done story with a believable context can make even something you don't like more palatable. Well, sometimes.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby someone » January 3rd, 2013, 4:12 pm

Someone, it is worth considering that everyone has their own quirks. And by "everyone" I mean the audience / readers.
That was an 'I personally see no reason to care' not a 'you're wrong', apologies if that wasn't clear.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby jgkitarel » January 3rd, 2013, 8:08 pm

Frankly, I find the whole shipping wars thing amusing, sad, frustrating and generally pointless.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby LordVisser908 » January 3rd, 2013, 9:10 pm

I agree, it depends on how well written it is, unless the character is someone I REALLY can't stand, but Matt does Harry and Ginny so well that I loved it better than canon. I wish JKR could have done it a bit more like this...
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby jgkitarel » January 3rd, 2013, 9:19 pm

To be fair to her, the entire relationship bit between them was something that kind of sprung up on her and she just ran with it. It clearly wasn't initially planned.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby LordVisser908 » January 4th, 2013, 4:44 am

Sprung up on her? She'd wanted it for years. She'd always had a crush on him since before she went to Hogwarts. And Harry knew absolutely nothing about her, yet for some inexplicable reason he goes after her, I guess because she's pretty or something. What JKR was trying to do, and I get this, was to make it look like true love, something that is meant to be, but that's not the feeling I got. I actually thought Harry had more of a creepy stalker thing going on. This "feeling" that he equates more to a monster. That's not how real life emotions work, and I know, we don't read escapist literature for how realistic it gets, but the whole point of Harry Potter is magic, not a sappy romance plot. In fact, the one area JKR sucks worse than any other is in the romance department. Ron is an absolute prick to Hermione and Hermione never shows any reason why she finds him so interesting. In all aspects, canon Ron would make a LOUSY boyfriend (just look at Lavender!) and would never be able to support Hermione without getting jealous or getting bored and leaving. Look at his stance on SPEW to see what I mean.

Here, there's hints, there's actual reasons, and we get a fresh new perspective that hasn't been done to death a million times. Ginny seems more grounded, realistic, since she was sadly the most underdeveloped character of all, only beaten by the Sorting Hat. Hermione sees in Ron loyalty and undying devotion to his friends. Ron... doesn't really know what he sees in Hermione, he's confused, and that is actually kind of cute, a word I almost never associate with Ron Weasley, yet :bow Evil Authorlord :bow has also made Ron less whiny, immature, and annoying while still keeping him in character.

So yeah.

JKR + romance = bad.

Just my opinion.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby Joe » January 9th, 2013, 11:11 am

I agree that the set up points towards Harry/Ginny from the beginning. I think the reason that the romance development wasn't handled as well as it could be was Rowling didn't leave herself enough time.

We see some foreshadowing of their compatibility in OotP after Ginny gets over her shyness around Harry; she handles his temper better than any of the others and he confides his desire to talk to Sirius with her, rather than Hermione (in spite of having an identical opportunity to do so) because he knows that he won't get a lecture from Ginny about how it's too reckless to even think about, the way he would with Hermione.

The problem was, by the end of the book, Harry is still thinking of Ginny in purely platonic terms. With Ginny not having much focus in Deathly Hallows, that leaves one book to fit in the whole romance along with HBP's main plot and other sub plots. I think things would have worked better if, instead of Cho getting jealous of Hermione, she'd become jealous of Ginny. She could have seen them getting on really well together and seen the chemistry between them. It would have lead to a fantastic moment where Harry, not having conciously realised how attracted he's becoming to Ginny yet, is completely bewildered when Cho accuses him cheating on her with Ginny. Bonus points if the reason Ginny broke up with Michael was because he suspected something was going on between her and Harry as well.

But we didn't get that and that's why we get a three week time skip after Harry and Ginny hook up; the book is rapidly approaching OotP length and Rowling needs to push towards the climax of the book. So poor planning leads to her making the most basic writers error of them all; telling instead of showing. We don't get to see any of those 'happy moments' between the two of them; which is very disappointing given that we're talking about the canon pairing of the title character.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby gamebrain89 » January 9th, 2013, 1:08 pm

The "Sprung up on her" comment JG made was in regards to JKR's writing, not toward Ginny as a character suddenly deciding she was interested in Harry.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby Frances » January 29th, 2013, 8:10 am

canon!Ginny was initially attracted to Harry because she was star struck. I agree with Joe's comments that they showed good compatibility to be at least friends in book 5, but the "developing romance" was painted too lightly so that it seemed less than inevitable in the end. That said, for adventure stories, falling in love is frequently no more complex than, "My Hero!" and she swoons into his waiting arms. JKR did give the relationship significantly more depth than the bare minimum, and I'd forgive her because falling in love is notoriously hard to write well.

nofp!Ginny might have been a little star struck too, but probably would have fallen for Harry no matter who he was because he started attentively and sweetly courting her from the moment they met. I know courting wasn't what he told himself he was trying to accomplish, but he was doing it.

I also found the relationship represented interestingly in "Harry McGonagall" which showed an incognito!Harry attending Hogwarts without his famous name to draw Ginny's initial attention. Since he's also a Ravenclaw!Harry and has less involvement with the Weasley family, his interactions with Ginny are less forced and they develop a friendly rivalry around the fact that they are both seekers for their respective house teams but don't end up romantically connected. (She was a little pissed when she learned who he was.) I'm sure incognito!Harry has been done well elsewhere, but this is the one I'm familiar with.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby Atarlost » March 2nd, 2013, 3:10 am

I've always found this article a convincing indictment of the Harry/Hermione ship. Barring that it becomes nigh impossible to ship Harry with anyone but Ginny. Luna is too obviously the comic relief and no one else has given any sign of being able to handle the dark lord baggage. Ginny's a bit of a blank slate, but every other possible romantic interest is a complete blank slate.

And then there's the sour grapes that follows sunken ships. Rather than set the divergence point early enough to alter the dynamics subtly Ginny is always using love potions and Ron's always a death eater or they're spying on Harry for evil manipulative Dumbledore (tm, pat pending)...
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby jgkitarel » March 2nd, 2013, 9:56 am

I have less issue with alternate ships, but as usual, the sour grapes that tend to take things farther than they need to to make it believable is annoying. Sometimes you get ones that do it well, or just do it in a funny way, but most...
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby seraphnb » April 1st, 2013, 3:39 pm

I actually prefer H/Hr, but with the way Matt writes it, it's just so beautiful and cute that I find myself thinking if only JKR had written it this way in canon, I would have been a die hard H/G supporter.
This. 1000x this. I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby rbear1231 » November 28th, 2014, 6:31 am

I like hary and Ginny,

i dont like harry and mione, to me she is the sister he always needed. and he is the brother she needed.

i was always pissed off that ginny did not get more book time with harry.

i see alot of harem stories out there and a few that i thought was well written. but if ginny is not A)in the harem and B) one of the first and or main girls in the harem, i tend to just walk away.

i am a H/G fan period. thats who i am if you are not so be it.
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Re: Harry/Ginny

Postby thrawnca » November 15th, 2018, 9:41 pm

Atarlost, that's a brilliant essay. I don't necessarily mind H/Hr, but I'll freely acknowledge that whenever I start a fic that has Hermione realising she's attracted to Harry partway through canon, it feels out of character. That's just not how Hermione normally treats Harry, and in particular, it's not how he treats her.

One thing I'll note, the author repeatedly mentions that Hermione would need to significantly change in order to make such a relationship work, and that that isn't necessarily desirable. I actually think it's the other way around; if Harry matured quite a bit, got his act together more and listened to more of her frequently-sound advice, then they could be quite a bit happier together. But just as it may be undesirable for Hermione to make drastic changes from who she is, it's not necessarily right for Harry to reinvent himself.

It can sometimes go down better with a generous helping of AU. I didn't mind Blindness, by AngelaStarCat.

But I have no objection to H/G. Canon!Ginny is quite underdeveloped as a character, but it makes perfect sense that a Weasley girl would be a good match for Harry.
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