Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby bibliophile20 » August 29th, 2008, 11:35 am

Alright, time to shift gears a bit: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8.


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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby unknown427 » August 30th, 2008, 4:44 pm

First time posting...please remember: all things are relative.

CMF #1: Kurenai felt her blood change to ice. Her student had discarded the uniform Ikitaro had spent so much effort altering the previous day. Instead, he was wearing a bright green leotard that bunched up in odd places on his small frame. The burnt umber leg warmers were there as well, with the toes of his sandals barely poking out of the fabric pooled around his ankles. Topping it off, his hair had been unevenly dyed black, so some of it was ebony, some bits were still blond, and gray-yellow streaks abounded. It had also been hewed, apparently with a dull kunai, into a crude approximation of a very distinctive bowl cut.

Gai had practically sworn not to do this. Naruto wasn’t supposed to make major changes to his equipment without consulting her. She’d taken so damn many precautions, only to see… this… after only one training session. She didn’t know how her kunai had gotten into her hand; all she knew was that it felt very, very right somehow. “I am going to kill Gai in his sleep,” she snarled. “He promised me! No, I’m going to just sever his spinal cord and let him live as a quadriplegic!”

CMF #2: The Hokage was more amused than anything else once he learned the full story that evening. Kurenai was mortified when she discovered how large an area Naruto had effected. Nearly a quarter of the village had felt the chakra pulse. It hadn’t hurt anyone or damaged anything… as long as you didn’t count the dignity of the wives of a few village elders. Kurenai was secretly annoyed at the frivolous uses some made of her art, so having one’s cosmetic illusions stripped away suddenly, seemed a just comeuppance.

CMF #3: “That’s bullshit!” (and of course, the image of Naruto reeling backwards to fall into the creek right after)

I think I should stop there...
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby ShonenHero » August 30th, 2008, 6:28 pm

When Kurenai thought Naruto lost to Sasuke in the Chuunin Exam prelims, only to find that the opposite was true. xD
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Random_fan » August 31st, 2008, 8:58 pm

Well I can't remember much of the humour as I haven't read it in a while but I'll go with this:

“What variety of flowers would be appropriate?” Shino asked in the calmest, most matter-of-fact tone of voice he could muster.

“What?” Tenten asked, rubbing a bruise on the side of her head that she’d sustained in her loss to Temari. To their credit, both of them appeared upset with the outcome of the last match, but Shino still had a point to make.

“For your team mate’s funeral,” he clarified.

Lee paled.

This just had me laughing, the first time I'd heard Shino say something funny, and he was being serious.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby U2P » September 6th, 2008, 1:01 am

Shino with this gem bolded here
Spoiler: show
Shino watched the rest of his team leave. While he might have preferred to follow them, it would serve no logical purpose. Also, there were still several shinobi present in the room that possessed unknown capabilities. He could best serve his team by staying and making careful observations. He had qualified for the next round, and he had little doubt that Naruto would as well, so any information he might glean could prove vital.

But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

Maito Gai had removed Hyuuga Neji from the room, which was fortunate. There were several individuals present that did not appreciate his actions, and candor required that he admit he was one of them. It would not do for them to begin the next set of matches before the preliminaries concluded, as he doubted that such eagerness would be appreciated by the examiners.
Shino ready to dispense justice as required. It struck me as hilarious.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby viridian » September 6th, 2008, 4:55 am

I'll never forget the Siege Tank driver's line from Starcraft:

"I am about to drop the hammer and dispense some in-dis-crim-in-ate just-ice!"
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Tempest Kitsune » September 6th, 2008, 2:58 pm

Personally I always prefered the Ghost's entry qoute.

"Somebody call for an exterminator?"
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby coronal » October 13th, 2008, 9:25 pm

I could just visualize this, and it is great!
“Target practice?” Kurenai asked curiously.

“Hai,” Lee said abruptly. “It’s to test our reflexes. Naruto-san and I are the targets and Tenten-san practices.”

Kurenai blinked.

“Blunted kunais,” Tenten said quickly. “They don’t draw blood. Well, not much anyway.”

“I don’t let her hit me in the face anymore,” Naruto said innocently.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby WishIwasASbadASS » October 17th, 2008, 7:01 am

So, for once, Uzumaki Naruto decided to keep his mouth shut.


Sitting in an office elsewhere in the tower updating the list of remaining participants, Umino Iruka suddenly stiffened as all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He didn’t know what was causing it, but he instinctively knew that a massive violation of the natural order was occurring. He suspiciously peered around, even looking under his desk, but he couldn’t find anything to explain that uneasy feeling.

Controlling his shudders of dread, the chuunin sat back down and double-checked the list again.

:rollin: LOLZ!
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby viridian » October 17th, 2008, 9:48 am

I thought it verged on being too over-the-top, but a surprising number of people didn't get it, so I guess it wasn't...
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby WishIwasASbadASS » October 17th, 2008, 10:41 am

Yeah, it would be over-the-top except that I didn't even get it the first time. I just thought Orochimaru was doing something terible and didn't give it a third thought. Then I re-read it and busted a gut. That was what made it so great for me :biggrin1 .
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Greybane » October 17th, 2008, 12:53 pm

I got it the first time and while it may have been a little over the top, it was a nice pleasant omake-ish thing-y that helped a semi-secondary character get his own special moment. Plus I busted out laughing.
Odd that. It actually worked.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Comosicus » October 20th, 2008, 2:47 am

Thanks for pointing this out. I didn't understand it in the first place.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby WishIwasASbadASS » October 21st, 2008, 3:07 am

Seems we are proving your point, Viridian. I like it, even if it does kind of belong on my "Wall of Shameful Moments">
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby unknown8644 » December 16th, 2009, 8:47 am

Everytime I re-read Team 8, this moment in chapter two *always* brings a smile to my face:
Naruto didn’t sound too enthused at what she was suggesting… right up until she mentioned that it would make him faster and stronger than Sasuke. At that point he would have cheerfully agreed to being lit on fire.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Vael » December 17th, 2009, 3:24 am

They began to bow, Naruto watching Hinata from the corner of his eye to make sure he went far enough, but she waved them off. “No need for that, this isn’t a meeting of the clan elders, otherwise Shino would be bullying people and making them feel stupid. We just want to get to know our son’s friends. I’m Misato, and I see you’ve met Shibi-kun already.”


“Not a bit,” she said. “I met my husband when he was the official envoy to Hidden Mist.” She smiled over at her husband. “He was so serious and solemn that I never stood a chance. His assignment ended right after Shino was born and all three of us returned to Konoha.”


“Anyway,” Misato concluded, “that’s why I’m a little livelier than these two.” She cracked a teasing grin as Shino and Shibi both raised visible eyebrows above their glasses. “I had such hopes for Shino, too… he was such a pretty baby, always laughing and so ticklish.” Her eyes took on a wicked glint as she exercised her parental prerogative to embarrass her child in front of his peers.


Shino let out an audible sigh from behind his jacket collar.

“Shino…” Misato said in a tragic voice, her eyes dancing with mischief. “This is the first time you’ve brought friends home. I have a lot of time to make up for.”

“Perhaps,” Shibi countered, “we can continue this discussion over dinner, as that was the reason our guests were invited.”

“Very well,” Misato agreed and started leading them toward an archway. “The roasted termites are probably about done, but they won’t stay crispy for long.”


“She has an… unusual sense of humor,” Shino muttered quietly as he fell into step next to him.

“I heard that,” Misato said as she entered the dining room.

“And good hearing, too,” Naruto commented.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby viridian » December 17th, 2009, 3:35 am

Yeah, she's (very slightly) based off of her namesake from another series, at least in some of her mannerisms...
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Tempest Kitsune » December 17th, 2009, 3:46 am

Well at least she's not a full-blow alcoholic with a pet penguin, eh?
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby doc.exe » December 17th, 2009, 3:50 am

That makes me wonder what was her lifestyle back in Kiri... :?
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Vael » December 17th, 2009, 8:28 am


Let's not and say we did, neh?

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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby unknown388 » December 17th, 2009, 11:01 am

Yeah, she's (very slightly) based off of her namesake from another series, at least in some of her mannerisms...
Someone needs to ask Shibi why he married her, so he can tell them, "At the time, it seemed the logical thing to do."

...yes, I hear Shibi speaking in Mark Lenard's voice. That's OK; in my head, Shino is voiced by Lawrence Fishburne (especially after the prelims).
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Stormseed » December 17th, 2009, 1:24 pm

That's OK; in my head, Shino is voiced by Lawrence Fishburne (especially after the prelims).
Wait, what?
Yeah, she's (very slightly) based off of her namesake from another series, at least in some of her mannerisms...
What about physically? :lech
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby AntiNaba » December 17th, 2009, 3:30 pm

I can imagine her reason for getting into Shibi:

'Was it one of those romantic things where you endeavoured to follow him around until you could make laugh?'

'Pfft, nah. I just cracked as many bad bug jokes as I could until he snapped and payed some attention."

From beyond the table, Shibi voiced his opinion with the faintest touch of a sulk. "This is the first time I've heard you say you deliberately made them distasteful."

"Marriage is a journey, dear heart." Misato winked back to the boy opposite her, "Don't listen to that grouch, he ended up having to shut me up the old fashioned way. He liked it."

Naruto's mouth dropped, he'd never pictured Shibi as the abusive type. Well, not often.

"I... uh..."

Misato quickly ran the comment through her head and grimaced. "I meant that he kissed me, you silly boy."

Naruto's face changed to imply that, if anything, that was even worse.
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby Dechstreme » December 17th, 2009, 4:00 pm

Yeah, she's (very slightly) based off of her namesake from another series, at least in some of her mannerisms...
And here I was thinking the naming was just a coincidence!!! :shock:
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Re: Crowning Moments of Funny in Team 8

Postby viridian » December 18th, 2009, 4:32 am

Someone needs to ask Shibi why he married her, so he can tell them, "At the time, it seemed the logical thing to do."

...yes, I hear Shibi speaking in Mark Lenard's voice. That's OK; in my head, Shino is voiced by Lawrence Fishburne (especially after the prelims).
No, that's the expected answer.

Picture a monotone voice... void of inflection... saying "spectacular sexual intercourse"... right as Shino is taking a drink.

Hot green tea goes gushing out of the Aburame Genin's nose, along with a few members of his colony that didn't get out of the way in time. The liquid detritus and half-drowned kikai lands mostly in Naruto's hair, though some splatters his face.

Misato grins. "I've always said it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, right Hinata?"

Hinata's head slams forward, partially to avoid looking at Naruto's bespattered visage, partially hoping to batter into oblivion the mental images of Shino's parents having sex... while covered with bugs.

As they leave that night, Naruto and Hinata realize why most people avoid the Aburame Clan, and plot horrific vengeance on their Sensei who ducked out on the dinner without warning them first.
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