Evidence of Hell

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Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 24th, 2010, 11:00 am

I've seen this question pop up once or twice now and wonder what the reaction here is.

Scientists discover proof of hell. They have enough of it to convince every sane human being. All humans, no matter their behaviour end up there. No escape, no way out.

What would humanity do?

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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Magnificate » June 24th, 2010, 11:11 am

Scientists discover proof of hell.
Which hell? Not Christian hell, since you wrote:
All humans, no matter their behaviour end up there.
First thought would be to cut some sort of deal with the devils.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 24th, 2010, 11:18 am

Whatever hell, eternal suffering for humans, more isn't important for the question really.

When you enter that place you will suffer. You enter the place upon dead.

There is evidence for it's existence that scientists can bring back.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Darkandus » June 24th, 2010, 11:29 am

If it's a hell like what happens in Event Horizon then obviously the only response it to remove our eyes. As we won't need them where we are going.

But really, this is a rather pointless question, humans would just do what they always do. Try to blow up the problem, and if that doesn't work try to blow it up more, and if that doesn't work invent new methods of blowing things up that will work, and if even that fails then we'll just open fast food franchises there, and maybe a starbucks or two. With the whole eternal suffering thing within just a few centuries it will feel just like home, only a bit worse.

And as you didn't specify the level of suffering I'm just gonna go with the level of general suffering similar to feeling sick while standing in line to fill out unnessicary forms.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 24th, 2010, 11:39 am

Ok general level of christian hell suffering, eternal burning and all that stuff.

Geez, I need to think of that stuff^^

But really I'm just looking to colaborate the findings on other forums that posed the question. There's already a general consensus there, I'm just wondering if the trend continues.

Also what would your reaction be? Would you be in support of blowing stuff up? Or at least conquer the place?
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Magnificate » June 24th, 2010, 11:49 am

Also what would your reaction be? Would you be in support of blowing stuff up? Or at least conquer the place?
If scientist can prove it exist, then in time it could be researched and proper 'weapons' could be developed.

There is hell, but are there devils? Hierarchy humans could exploit or join into? Do these devils have an agenda? What of Heaven?
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Darkandus » June 24th, 2010, 11:51 am

How bad is this eternal burning? Are we talking a kinda Chaffing level of burning or a oh god I'm at the center of a nuclear explosion level of burning?

Is the torture inflicted or is it a property of that particular level of existence? Is it possible to function despite the suffering? If you were to destroy your ability to sense pain would you be immune to physical suffering?

There are so many possible undefined variables that you can't really say what your reaction would be one way or the other.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby gman391 » June 24th, 2010, 2:33 pm

Dammit....the whole burning in hell thing was Dante's idea not Christianity's. The concept was from this:

After God finally has enough of us...The Apocalypse happens. Then God casts all the demons and non-reformed sinners into a lake of burning fire and sulphur.

As for what happens with absolute proof of hell. I'd think we'd end up trying to destroy it. Probably a few new religious movements.

Salvation War anyone?
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 24th, 2010, 2:59 pm

Well, I'm really only talking about a dimension universe of everlasting pain or something that all humans end up in.

No particular rules beside extreme agony for it to exist.

Also yes, salvation war^^

And the responses so far seem to be the same, humanity would try to destroy it. No matter if you are a wh40k fan or not^^
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Disconnected » June 24th, 2010, 3:51 pm

Two responses.

1. Start a rebellion take the place over.

2. Become accustomed to the pain so they can no longer torture you that way then become accustomed to what ever else they throw at you till they are forced to kick you out because they can no longer torture you.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby gman391 » June 24th, 2010, 3:52 pm

Think this through Kirai. The default response to anything that causes us pain is to kill it.

Why would a dimension be any different?
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 24th, 2010, 4:30 pm

Oh, that's exactly what I expected the answer to be^^

Just in those places where the question has been asked before, there are some people that argue that this response is stupid and juvenile because we can't succeed in doing it. Or even interact with the place.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Magnificate » June 24th, 2010, 4:43 pm

Just in those places where the question has been asked before, there are some people that argue that this response is stupid and juvenile because we can't succeed in doing it. Or even interact with the place.
Nah, as long as the place is scientifically understandable normal modus operandi applies. It would be different if not for that assumption.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Lthayer3 » June 25th, 2010, 1:15 am

I'm sure humanity as a whole would work to destroy the place. It is what we do best, after all.

Personally, though, I think it would be the perfect opportunity to research just how souls, death, and such actually work. I mean, if we go there when we die, who's to say that the process couldn't be manipulated? Immortality? Reincarnation? Although, with reincarnation, we'd be cutting close to that moral line. Intelligent opponents to crazy medical advancement wouldn't mind so much with hell being proven, but religious fanatics can never really be reasoned with, so...

And, well, maybe encourage/fund better medical research and standards in the process -- prolong life as much as possible. If the immortality ideas don't pan out, at least.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby GenghisQuan » June 25th, 2010, 7:49 am

I'm guessing a good couple of us here read Salvation War?
Kirai - the stardestroyer.net guys have a ready solution: if we can't interact with the Hellions, then they can't interact with us. If their torture works on us, no reason our bullets won't work on them.
I, for one, welcome being one of Hell's new human overords.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Nasdaq » June 26th, 2010, 3:00 am

If EVERYONE goes to hell, then I say we invest massive sums into transhumanism, a concept I normally loathe, and work towards technical immortality.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby tjchaos » June 26th, 2010, 6:46 am

Well considering the basics of extending human lifespans by a factor of 4 to 6 already exist, I'd go with working to the immortality option. First benefit would be to have more time to work on the issue. I'm not too sure that 'blowing the place up' would necessarily be the best option, kind of implies destroying the souls of all those already there. Granted they may actually want that but it's still something to look to avoid I would imagine. I also like the idea of creating/finding another universe that would be a better place for an afterlife and then shunting souls there away from hell. Almost like an artificial heaven or perhaps limbo, either sounds better.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby doc.exe » June 26th, 2010, 4:16 pm

I agree about looking for a better dimension to pass the after life.

As to the search for inmortality, I believe that would only be a good idea if at the same time we sterilize the entire population in order to stop it from growing. The purpose of death is to make sure that a population does not grow at a rate beyond the point where its enviroment can sustain it. If everyone becomes inmortal, the growth of the population may reach exponential levels very quickly.

Even if we assume that as inmortals we don't need food, water or air in order to survive, we still be consuming resources as part of our daily activities. And I don't know what you believe, but living eternally in a barren, deserted and overpopulated planet it's not exactly my idea of a better place than burning in Hell.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Nasdaq » June 26th, 2010, 4:35 pm

I agree about looking for a better dimension to pass the after life.

As to the search for inmortality, I believe that would only be a good idea if at the same time we sterilize the entire population in order to stop it from growing. The purpose of death is to make sure that a population does not grow at a rate beyond the point where its enviroment can sustain it. If everyone becomes inmortal, the growth of the population may reach exponential levels very quickly.

Even if we assume that as inmortals we don't need food, water or air in order to survive, we still be consuming resources as part of our daily activities. And I don't know what you believe, but living eternally in a barren, deserted and overpopulated planet it's not exactly my idea of a better place than burning in Hell.
>Implying that with immortality, would not come a combination of breeding restrictions and much lower natural resource requirements.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 26th, 2010, 4:35 pm

deserted and overpopulated planet
Does not compute^^

But I think if we gain immortality we would evacuate the planet and spread across the universe. Also once we archive that, no sterilization.

And I don't doubt for a second that we would try to stop the torture of the souls already present. if for no other reason than that we don't have a guarante for total immortality. Accidents happen after all.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby doc.exe » June 26th, 2010, 5:30 pm

Mmmm... "Wasted" was probably a better adjective than "deserted".

My suggestion was mostly under the assumption that humanity would still be confined in planet Earth, but if it manages to find a way to explore the rest of the universe, sterilization or breeding restrictions would not be neccesary.

Mmmm... Now I'm wondering if the idea of this thread started with EVE online or something similar.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 26th, 2010, 6:18 pm

While eve probably would be at least a possible outcome(though in eve a shitton of people die every second), the salvation war was the real reason to post this. It started with a discussion just about this question.

I was curious if the reactions would be similar here as well^^
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Darkandus » June 26th, 2010, 6:22 pm

I have to say, The Salvation War is interesting in concept, but it's execution is severely lacking.
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Kirai » June 26th, 2010, 6:52 pm

I liked it^^

There are problems with it, no doubt, but those didn't make me not enjoy it^^
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Re: Evidence of Hell

Unread postby Darkandus » June 26th, 2010, 7:23 pm

Well, I've never had a problem with people liking anything they want. I just found some parts of it to be extremely contrived. For example, pretty much every country on Earth teaming up? The majority of the antagonists being extraordinarily stupid? Hell, I can get on board with the whole "The Christian God is a Bastard" concept considering in all the original writings he is one, but playing him out to be a moron who is too damn lazy to use an ounce of his considerable power to verify what he is being told? And I'm not going to even get started on how stupid the Demons were considering they had the most contact with humans. For example. This story would have you believe that Demons regularly telepathically rifled through peoples minds to screw with them but ignored all the bits about technology, advancement, population and power? Seriously?
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