UPDATE:Voldemort:The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

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UPDATE:Voldemort:The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » October 4th, 2010, 9:13 pm


I am having trouble with getting Voldemort to be evil. You might wonder how this could possibly be a problem. Well I will tell you.

In my alternate universe - he's a dad.

I can imagine you are all clicking out of this thread right now, but I am serious, I want to make this part of my fanfic work, the rest of the fic hinges on it, so please find it in your hearts to read to the end at least.

He is still the evil bad guy we all hate, he hasn't seen Ashlee in years and years. However Ashlee finally gets the guts to go and see for herself if he really is so evil that he'd hurt even her . . . and that's where my problem begins. At first I write him evil evil but then the longer I write the more hints of niceness creep in. I need him to be his usual evil self, but only have some of his actions speak of his inability to completely disregard the fact that of all the people in the would his own daughter willingly came back to him (a bit late and only for a summer, but nonetheless).

I haven't typed up any scenes but only because I am again rewriting the entire summer. This time around Voldemort gives her a big test instead of just welcoming her and her Real Ebola Potion with open arms - he makes her attempt to break Lucius and crew out of Azkaban. Yes, this is the summer after 5th year and his and Dumbledore's duel.

But yeah, more evil, less niceness except though roundabout actions. If you need more Info just ask questions. I do so enjoy answering them! :biggrin:
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Greybane » October 4th, 2010, 11:16 pm

What is Ashlee's age? Who is her mother? What is her blood status? And why doesn't he kill her out of hand?
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » October 5th, 2010, 1:08 am

A. As of that summer? She is 15 turning 16 in July

A. Her Mother is Miranda Dumbledore O'Conner
(in my universe Albus was bi, Miranda is his daughter Grand Marie is her Mother. Grand Marie is the Matriarch of the O'Conner Clan)

A. Thanks to Voldie, Ashlee is Quarter blood, but no one knows that. They assume since she is an O'Conner she's Pureblood

A. He doesn't kill her (so Ashlee believes) because somewhere down deep inside a tiny part of him is still save-able and that part cares for her and her mother. The point of her going is to prove to herself beyond a shadow of a doubt that this part exists still. If it doesn't, she will let Harry destroy him.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby QuoteMyFoot » October 5th, 2010, 3:16 pm

In canon Voldemort is incapable of love, remember. (Though if you wanted to change that, I wouldn't blame you - I think that's a bit on the cruel side, myself. Voldemort couldn't help being conceived under a love potion! Punish the parents, not the child!)

The only reason I can think that he'd keep her alive is because he thinks she'd be useful in some way - perhaps she has some kind of special skill? That would make more sense if she was at least in her twenties (at least), could you age her up a bit?

How on earth did a daughter of Dumbledore's trust Voldemort enough to have a child with him? And at the height of the war? (Since she's about the same age as Harry...) If it was many years earlier I could possibly understand it. Voldy would've been, what, 43 when she was born? It'd make more sense if it was a side effect of manipulating Miranda in his 20's/30's (this does not preclude feeling some vague fondness for any children, but explains why, of all people, it was Dumbledore's daughter?).

I don't know, I'm having difficulty fitting your current ages into canon. The story idea in general is one I have trouble getting my head round.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » October 5th, 2010, 4:20 pm

In my AU: Dumbledore THINKS Tom is incapable of love . . . doesn't mean he is. Yes, he doesn't put much stock in it and has buried that part of himself and split it off into the horcuxes as much as possible but if love is as powerful as they say I think it might rear it's head if Ashlee does and says all the right things.

Ashlee is extremely useful: she's been going to Hogwarts since she was 8 years old because her Family - a Magical Matriarchal Family Triad who are collectively more powerful than even Dumbledore (that's right Dumbledore married up!) - couldn't handle her and figured that she'd be better off learning than being bored waiting for her 11th birthday. She finished Magical History in 5th year - the year that has just completed when this story takes place. I can't stress enough how stupid Voldie would be to simply kill her off or tell her to go away.
I can't age her up because if she were 20 Harry would be 20 and everything would have already happened and the point of my story would kinda be moot.

Miranda . . . was - VERY head strong. She was hell bent oh showing that aloof Slytherin boy he couldn't ignore her. They met at a school dance where she piratically manipulated Tom into dancing with her. It took a while but eventually the sarcastic remarks and stuck-up-ness melted into politeness and - what seemed to be- a deep caring. Miranda then vowed - as many young women do- that she'd "change" him. (lol) Ashlee is now determined to see if her mother succeeded - even in the smallest way. If she did Ashlee will save her father and restore him to a Daddy and Husband any daughter and wife would be proud to call their own - even if she has to use forbidden and potentially fatal magic to do it. 'After all, if he dies while going through what I have planned for him, everyone would be just as happy as if he died from Harry killing him so everyone will win anyway'- she thinks.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby jgkitarel » November 13th, 2010, 5:36 pm


Wait, what?

Ok, give me a second to collect my thoughts and get these pesky Ree off my back. They're distracting.

*shoves the Ree into an air vent with orders to pester Vael*

Hmm, you want to make Voldie evil, while making him a father. I would say give him the excuse to himself that his daughter has some use, while she tries to redeem him. Since she is his daughter, you can allow him moments of niceness. She is his daughter, after all, so she gets some leeway. Since she was shaped, in part, by Dumbledore, it is to be expected that she would try to turn him to the light side.

You can have him show her his capacity for cruelty, along with periodic debates on various moralities. You can also show his and Harry's conflict as one of mutually opposing interests, at first. If she has a good connection to Harry, you can have him consider that as a means of letting her into the fold. Since she is trying to show that he can be saved from himself, you have a lot of options here.

The fact is, you can portray him as still being somewhat human, just a bad one, who somehow has a soft spot for his only child. The conflict between a parent who believes himself beyond such things, or just can't comprehend it, and a child who wants her father to actually be so, gives you a lot of room to be creative. You can make him a cruel bastard at first, and then have him soften up as Ashlee works on him. He can still be an evil bastard for a long time, especially as he has a reputation to maintain, which could slowly wear away until he hits a crossroads: his daughter, or power.

That could give you a good way to redeem him, even if his redemption comes from him letting Harry kill him, and him apologizing to both of them in the end.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Farmer_10 » November 13th, 2010, 8:20 pm

For this to work you'll have to make Ashlee older. A lot older. Or do a massive retooling of the canon timeline. If you want her to be 16 during the series fifth year, that would mean Mommy and Daddy did the nasty a year before Voldies near death by rebound. But you have them meeting as students at hogwarts, which Voldemort attended during the 40's.
The period after he graduated ,when he drops off the map according to Dumbledore, I can see your stories relationship fitting in. But this would more than likely have happened during the 50's, way before Voldemort started mutilating his body and soul with immortality experiments. And the mass murder. We can't forget the mass murder.

So for her to be 16 she would have to be have been conceived at the height of Voldemorts Jackassery and Terrormongering. Which paints a dark picture of what Ashlee's mother is like if she was actually cool with all the stuff Tom pulled and slept with him. Because from the way you're describing it sofar, Ashlee's conception had to have been consensual if she actually cares enough to try for a connection with the scaly tool.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Aldraia Dragonsong » November 13th, 2010, 9:25 pm

Rosefyre, in case you are misunderstanding, the calls for Ashlee to be older are saying she should be older than Harry instead of in his year. So for instance, have her be twenty when Harry is sixteen.
On to advice, the exact place you want the fic sort of depends on how you want to end it -is he actually redeemable or does it just look like it for a while? In the former case you want to have more 'bouts of niceness' as it were than in the latter. Also remember that Tom Riddle is incredibly manipulative and will almost certainly try to turn Ashlee to his cause and/or convince her that he is not evil even if he is. So you have to keep in mind that Voldemort does not necessarily mean anything he says.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby gman391 » November 13th, 2010, 9:59 pm

Lie even when you don't have to that's the Death Eater way!
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » November 16th, 2010, 10:46 pm

I am beginning to see your point on the age thing. Nonetheless I will have to find a way for it to work . . . but yes, I suppose that will have to be addressed at some point.

"Miranda were you crazy? He was UGLY!"
"And he was Killing People! Don't forget the Killing People part!"

"Yes, I was crazy, can we please drop it now?"

Oh! I have it! Maybe being the only daughter of the Ruling Family of the Triad and knowing that she needed an heiress and that her time was short (biologically speaking, even a witch who can live 200 year only has so much time to conceive) maybe she said 'Know what? No one messes with me this long, and gets off Scot free!' and maybe she seduced him! Maybe she figured she'd failed and the very least he could do after marrying her was to give her her Heiress. Maybe she like . . . locked him in a magic proof room, took his wand, fed him aphrodisiacs (regular ones) explained the situation calmly, then told him he could give in or he could rot in there!

That would totally make sense, because later he put's her on magic house arrest so she can't interfere - maybe he also did it for revenge for locking him up! lol!
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby gman391 » November 16th, 2010, 10:56 pm

So essentially you're going to have Miranda date rape Voldemort?

.....I can't even begin to process how wrong that feels.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » November 17th, 2010, 12:42 am

O.O . . . .

. . . .


Fine, your right, I guess My only other alternative is to have the Old/Really Big/Mind-reading Time turner have originally belonged to Miranda. :confident:

Which sounds funky but I can make it work more convincingly than I can make a Triad Daughter . . . do what you just said. :O_O:

. . . >.< Inconceivable!

*burns former post and the idea it contains* :relief:
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby gman391 » November 17th, 2010, 1:00 am

Sorry I have this thing about love potions/aphrodisiacs
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » November 17th, 2010, 1:31 am

np, but I was talking about chocolate and oysters for the record!

(and maybe fresh passion fruit)
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby gman391 » November 17th, 2010, 1:34 am

You're writing an HP fic...that sort of thing can't be assumed.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » November 17th, 2010, 1:46 am

Well of course it can't! I was of course going to show her preparing the prisoners food - in a muggle way!

But you are right. And anyway it will showcase Miranda's powers that she was the original maker of my special time turner!

I already have the scene when she gets back planed out: Tom will be there - having remembered what happened - and he will be like " give me the Time Turner" and she - having prepared for this eventuality will pretend to be scared and step backward into a circle of salt and say "You want it? Come and get it!"

He will look at the circle, then back at her and lower his wand, and she will be all preparing for him to hit her, and he will be like "evil overlord/husband quip here" and she will say " good guy wife/tired newly pregnant mom words here"

ok maybe not allll planed but a good chunk of it's planed.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby SLAMU » November 19th, 2010, 11:16 pm

Seriously, play up the cruelty angle. He didn't just torture people for information, he did it for fun. On his own people, as often as not. He, cannonically, doesn't understand love, affection, or any other interaction between people that doesn't involve subjugation in some way. Have him portrayed as such. He's powerful (how so I'm not so sure, given what seems to be your power scale), intellegent, cunning, etc. The ideal Slytheren, in some respects. He also has the soul of a jackel, which he then horribly violated repeatedly because there was only one thing he feared.
Love is a strange new thing to him, not to be trusted. This feeling he feels for his offspring, it can't be affection. It must be pride, perhaps, or satisfaction that he made a useful pawn. If he feels oddly protective of her, it is only because she is useful to him, and it would be a shame to squander her. Yes, that must be it.

Sorry, that may or may not be helpful. Just adding +$0.02.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » November 24th, 2010, 6:39 pm

Actually! That might work! I like that Idea, *saves it for later*

Thanks Slamu
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » January 9th, 2011, 11:47 am

is there a quick way to download this one thread?

Some of the ideas in here are pretty sweet, was wondering if I can save them or do I have to save one part at a time?


Also does anyone have MSN? I wanted to make a official Viridian Dreams Group while we wait for the YES!/NO! on the Chat on the site Issue
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby serbii » January 10th, 2011, 10:04 am

Press Crtl and S at the same time or right click 'save as' somewhere on the page (not an image) to save a webpage to your computer.

Don't have MSN, mine got all buggy and spammy a while ago so I stopped using it.
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Re: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and Dad

Postby Rosefyre » January 16th, 2011, 1:26 pm

woot thank you, it worked! :biggrin:
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UPDATE: Voldemort: The fine line between Evil Overlord and D

Postby Rosefyre » March 2nd, 2013, 1:50 am

hihi guys, Rosefyre is back again!

So, The Beginning of my HP FF 'Heiress' has been officially started!
I plan to include quite a number of your awesome ideas and I've retooled Ashlee as well.

I call this Version Ashlee 4.0 as it is the 4th (or 5th-ish) time I have revamped her and my AU HP Universe.

The old beginning was trashed. Ashlee does not immediately trust herself OR Harry not to 'mess everything up'.
In fact the beginning actually starts at the beginning of 3rd year this time instead of after Hagrid's class ...
which has lead to me being able to include a scene I have longed to write since I began this fan fiction!

But no spoilers for you! (Sorry, friends!)

I still need some help, though and was wondering if anyone is interested in Betaing for me.
I can't trade Beta chores, and I am fairly terrible at keeping on any schedule, but if you have a Paypal, I'd love to work something out.
(But after LARP, please. I fear I have nothing to spare right now v.v)

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