Probing for interest (3.P system)

Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 22nd, 2010, 4:27 pm

Okay, probing for interest. This is the basic backstory of my prospective campaign.
Spoiler: show
The group has recently assisted the king by felling a colony of Basilisks that was threatening the safety of the realm. Rather than bestow upon them a cumbersome and unwieldy amount of gold, the king granted them mountainous lands along the northern border of his control. A castle was included, and while it has been uninhabited for roughly a year, the king was certain that they would be more than strong enough to handle anything that had perhaps moved in or were threatening in the surrounding area. The group has traveled for two weeks, and is now close to the stronghold.
I'm not sure how many people would be interested in this, but I'd like the party to be around 4-6 members. If there's a huge amount of interest, I can run the same campaign with two different parties. It would be interesting to see how two different parties tackle the same situations, though a bit more work for me.

I'm not banning anything, but I want to keep the party power around the same level. I don't want a Batman Wizard and CoDzilla running around with Complete Warrior Samurai. I'd like the balance point to be around Tier 3, but if you want to play something of a different tier, that's okay. I want this to be fun, and that's hard if you aren't playing the character that you really want to. Effective Character Level 5, and if you want to play something with a Level Adjustment, let me know and we can work something out. I'm planning on using the D&D 3.P rules system, i.e. Pathfinder for core races, core classes, spells, feat progression, skill system, and so on, with 3.5 splatbooks. Any conflicting rules between Pathfinder and 3.5, let me know, and I'll work out what seems appropriate.

Ability scores are 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, placed as you want, before Racial adjustments.

Beyond that, Expanded Psionic Handbook, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, Magic of Incarnum, Book of Exalted Deeds, the Complete Books, the Races of series, etc. are allowed, as I'm not putting a flat ban on anything, with the caveat that you you don't try to create Pun Pun or some other crazy Theorical Optimization build. Be warned, if you do create Pun Pun, I'll optimize the same level you do.

For those of you who don't know the tier system, here are the links to the relevant threads. It isn't perfect by any means, but it is fairly solid. ... pic=5293.0 ... pic=5070.0

For those of you who don't have the Pathfinder core book, contact me on Skype (mrrigger) and I can send you a PDF copy. Same thing with most common books you might need. I've got a good stack of books to draw from, if you are looking for something in particular.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Kirai » October 22nd, 2010, 5:17 pm

Interested but I don't have access to the rulebooks
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Wittgen » October 22nd, 2010, 5:27 pm

I'm interested but unsure if I have the time. Work, grad school apps, and the vampire chronicle I'm running come first. If I can, though, I'll play. So a few questions. When would we play, roughly? How often and for how long? What would we use to play? (Skype, Ventrilo, RPGTools, AIM?)

I don't have the rulebooks, but that's what the pathfinder SRD is for, right?

I'd want to be a bard, probably. Sadly, it's not starting high level enough to be a kraken bard with lots of Perform (Big Band), but still. Never played a bard before.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 22nd, 2010, 5:42 pm

Unfortunately, Wittgen, I'm planning on using Skype, which I know your computer gets along with oh so well. If you can get your computer and Skype to cooperate, I'd love to have you. I would use RPGTools, but my computer tends to burp when using it. It downloads fine, but tends to cut out at inopportune times. If you can get it to work out, Bard is fine. Never played a bard, or had anyone in my group play a bard. Could be interesting.

And Kirai, like Wittgen mentioned, there's always the Pathfinder SRD, which is free online, and feel free to contact me via Skype and I can send the necessary books to you. It isn't the quickest method in the world, but it works.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 22nd, 2010, 5:48 pm

How are you playing (IM, PbP)? I'm interested.

I'd love the chance to play with incarnum. Incarnum is my favorite.

Incarnate/Mishtai Bloodline/Necrocarnate... Trying to recreate the glories of the fallen mishtai race.....

Oh, skype and tools? I don't think either runs on my non-pentium mac. well maybe skype. T_T

I offer my not inconsiderable character building skills to anyone who doesn't know the rules well but wants to play. Just gimme a theme.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 22nd, 2010, 5:58 pm

I'm planning on playing via Skype. When I played my last online D&D game, Skype worked well, especially once everyone had a microphone. If you don't, you should still be able to listen to the call and IM your responses to the group chat.

I'm not really experienced with Incarnum, but like I said, as long as you don't use more cheese than can be found in Wisconsin, it should be okay. I'll have to break out my copy and read over it.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Wittgen » October 22nd, 2010, 6:00 pm

I went ahead and gave Skype another try. Lo and behold, it worked. It must have been the security programs. Before, I was using stuff that my school required. It didn't seem to be updating, though, so I switched to COMODO. Anyway, I'm good to go. I should have the time if it's just playing.

As a fair warning, I am not at all a combat optimizing kind of player. At all. I remember playing in a level 20 monster mash one shot. A ghost nymph druid, my character's first action was to use the create water cantrip to put out the villagers that had been set on fire by the first two character's delayed blast fireball salvo. (They were dragon sorcs. Time stop+multiple fireballs.)
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 22nd, 2010, 6:10 pm

Good to hear, Witt. Skype really is a nice program. And while combat will definitely have a good part, as a bard you're more likely to be a support character than a front-liner anyway. I also don't plan on sending you against OMGI'mgonnadierunrunrun monsters anyway. If that's what it takes to challenge the group, sure, but I don't see that being the case.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Phht » October 22nd, 2010, 6:20 pm

So this campaign would start out with maybe a lot of hack-and-slash to secure the castle and surroundings, then go a bit more diplomatic regarding the people living in the area you control now? Or entirely hack-and-slash fun times?

... and you know? I've never used Skype. I guess I should look into it regardless.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 22nd, 2010, 7:01 pm

That actually pretty close to my plans, Phht. Start off with Hack and Slash fun, happily clearing out your new castle, then getting a bit more Role Playing as you establish yourselves and find out what's going on. Still some Hack and Slash, but you'll have to be a bit more careful about who you are Hacking and Slashing.

Skype is a good program. Free IMing, free voice chat with other people who have Skype anywhere in the world, and very cheap phone calls to anywhere in the world.

And Satori, I don't have any problems with you playing an Incarnate, I've looked at the Necrocarnate PrC, and I have to say I'm hesitant. Not on any of the class features that I read, but because of the fluff. I usually see fluff as fairly mutable, but when everything about the class says that these are evil, evil, evil, evil people, I hesitate. However, there is some good news. I didn't want to come out and say no straight away, but I've had some bad experiences with Evil PCs in the past, so I was happy when I saw the Adaptation section of the description providing suggestions for a good Necrocarnate more suitable for PCs. If you're willing to work with me to make a good version, I don't see a problem with this idea. Let me know.

I forgot to mention it in the original post, but I'd like to stay away from Evil PCs if I can. Alignment is usually difficult enough to deal with amongst the party, having good and evil characters in the same party is just asking for trouble. I can't help but remember the game I played just starting out (with another player just starting out), where when confronted with the BBEG, my fellow Party member (who was nominally Chaotic Neutral but was only using that to get away with blatantly evil acts) decides that the BBEG has a pretty good deal on the table, betrays me, and I end up dead. Took me a while to play with him again. Only did because it actually was in character for him, and the Player swore not to do that to me again.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 22nd, 2010, 10:16 pm

In the spirit of make sure every has a character that can contribute in battle (sitting on the side and knitting when the enemies are immune to your favored shtick is never fun) I reiterate my offer of advice on character building to anyone who might want a little assistance.

Really, you have to know how to break the system in order to know how to NOT break it. I'm pretty good about making almost any concept into a solid tier 3.

I think I can make skype work, but RPG tools are PC-only right? :(

That and time zones are the obstacles to my participating.

As for necrocarnate, I'm not wedded to the idea. If you're campaign world is one where Necromacy is not inherently evil, then I can probably adapt a neutral or even good necrocarnate rather easily. (I could raise deathless rather than undead.) If that doesn't work out, I have LOTS of other ideas.

It's been pointed out that if necromacy is not inherently evil, necromancers are FANTASTIC citizens, with a lot to offer to society. Zombie clean up crews for sewage and waste disposal or hazardous material handling mean that living beings don't have to do that job... and it's not like undead feel pain or have a sense of smell (except vampires, but no one likes them anyway). If it's not evil, undead labor is a great thing for the economy. Ability to speak with dead makes solving crimes much easier. Life draining spells turned down to minimum can be used for pest control. etc, etc.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 22nd, 2010, 11:42 pm

I agree, you do have to know how to break a game before you know how to not break it. Or it's certainly easier that way.

I know Skype works on Macs, I'm working on one right now. RPG Tools are not PC only, they do have a version for Mac that's available for download, but I'd like to avoid using it if I can, as I said, my computer does not like it very much. Plus, it would mean building the castle twice, once on paper and once on the computer, and it gives me a little less leeway during the session. If the group ends up in a near TPK that I didn't anticipate, and the next room contains another big nasty creature, I don't want to have to spend five minutes changing the map. I want to just be able to say, "You enter the next room, it's brightly lit with a bed of regeneration and a fountain of Cure Light Wounds potion."

What Time Zone are you in, Satori? I'm in GMT -5, for reference. Last time I did this, we had a Time Zone spread of GMT +2 to GMT -7, and it was difficult to get everybody together at the same time. It wasn't impossible, but I feel it was one of the factors that led to the game dying off.

I'm personally of the opinion that magic is inherently neutral, and it's the practitioner that sends it one way or the other. Necromancy can be used like you said, to the benefit of everyone, just like Abjuration isn't always used to protect the downtrodden. It can just as easily be used by the Evil Overlord to create an impenetrable barrier around his lands that ensures his subjects will never be able to flee his rule. That said, Necromacy is a lot easier to make evil than the other schools. You are ripping souls back from the dead and whatnot. And the Necrocarnate, in the flavor text of the entry, is evil. Straight up, flat out, evil. But the adaptation section says that you can reflavor as good if you want, so that you aren't raping the souls of the dead, and I'm willing to work that out with you if you want to play a Necrocarnate. Or if you want to play something else, that's fine too.

Necromacy isn't evil as a branch of magic, and casting some of the staple spells like Animate Dead, while they might have the [evil] descriptor, won't make you evil. That said, there are evil spells that only evil people cast. You can find most of them in the Book of Vile Darkness, which for this game, players won't really need. I don't want an evil party, so not much from that book could apply to you at all. Anyway.

At this point, preliminary findings say that Wittgen would like to play a bard, Satori would like an Incarnate with a possibility for a reflavored Necrocarnate, and gman would like to be a human Unarmed Swordsage.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 23rd, 2010, 1:24 am

I agree, you do have to know how to break a game before you know how to not break it. Or it's certainly easier that way.

I know Skype works on Macs, I'm working on one right now. RPG Tools are not PC only, they do have a version for Mac that's available for download, but I'd like to avoid using it if I can, as I said, my computer does not like it very much. Plus, it would mean building the castle twice, once on paper and once on the computer, and it gives me a little less leeway during the session. If the group ends up in a near TPK that I didn't anticipate, and the next room contains another big nasty creature, I don't want to have to spend five minutes changing the map. I want to just be able to say, "You enter the next room, it's brightly lit with a bed of regeneration and a fountain of Cure Light Wounds potion."
So we're not using RPG tools? That would make life easier for me.
What Time Zone are you in, Satori? I'm in GMT -5, for reference. Last time I did this, we had a Time Zone spread of GMT +2 to GMT -7, and it was difficult to get everybody together at the same time. It wasn't impossible, but I feel it was one of the factors that led to the game dying off.
I am in GMT -5 right now, but i'll be going home to GMT -11/10 after this semester. That puts a slight crimp on things.
I'm personally of the opinion that magic is inherently neutral, and it's the practitioner that sends it one way or the other. Necromancy can be used like you said, to the benefit of everyone, just like Abjuration isn't always used to protect the downtrodden. It can just as easily be used by the Evil Overlord to create an impenetrable barrier around his lands that ensures his subjects will never be able to flee his rule. That said, Necromacy is a lot easier to make evil than the other schools. You are ripping souls back from the dead and whatnot. And the Necrocarnate, in the flavor text of the entry, is evil. Straight up, flat out, evil. But the adaptation section says that you can reflavor as good if you want, so that you aren't raping the souls of the dead, and I'm willing to work that out with you if you want to play a Necrocarnate. Or if you want to play something else, that's fine too.
Well i really like this necrocarnate idea, but i can always try a swift hunter if that works out better.

My idea for adapting the necrocarnate is to make it a class for Mishtai-descendants trying to reclaim just a littel bit of their ancient heritage. (Mishtai were the original Incarnum using race that is now extinct, several modern icnarnum races are descended from them)

By harvesting the dead for soul energy, the Rememberers of the Forgotten Kingdom, colloquially known as Soulseekers, try to pick out strands of recycled Mishtai soulstuff, which, by interacting with them for a day, they can mine for fragments of memory from long dead Mishtai. The soul energy is bound for a day, but the process does not destroy or harm souls, and after a day of study, Rememberers are obligated to sends souls on to their final rest. There are the rare Soulseekers who use horrific means to keep a soul for longer, but these are so unspeakably evil and dangerous that all other Rememberers, even those who are evil aligned, are sworn to destroy these madmen, especially since their actions threaten to damage or destroy the very think Soulseekers are trying to find and learn from - Mishtai memories.

Noe that this is also a cute plothook for the DM... anytime a soulseeker harvests, the DM can drop a hint of poetry, prophesy, or practical knowledge that can nudge the plot... or provide a red herring.
Necromacy isn't evil as a branch of magic, and casting some of the staple spells like Animate Dead, while they might have the [evil] descriptor, won't make you evil. That said, there are evil spells that only evil people cast. You can find most of them in the Book of Vile Darkness, which for this game, players won't really need. I don't want an evil party, so not much from that book could apply to you at all. Anyway.

At this point, preliminary findings say that Wittgen would like to play a bard, Satori would like an Incarnate with a possibility for a reflavored Necrocarnate, and gman would like to be a human Unarmed Swordsage.

So that gives us...

A party face (Bard), who should be able to buff
A Striker (Swordsage) who can deal out damage and/or status effects and probably and good mobility.
A potential tank (me) - at level 5, i'll actually be really weak, but come level 7, i'll be able to Tank quite well (+30 Hp from vitality belt), and so will my Zombie buddy.

Oh, right. Bloodlines. You do allow them?

I'd really like to homebrew a Mishtai bloodline, either Major or Intermediate.

1st +2 on Concentration checks
2nd Improved Initiative
3rd Constitution +1
4th Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)
5th Mishtai affinity +2*
6th +1 to natural armor
7th +2 on Handle Animal checks
8th Midnight Dodge
9th Charisma +1
10th Locate Object 1/day (Sp)
11th Mishtai affinity +4
12th Resistance to acid 10 (Ex)
13th +2 on Knowledge (the planes) checks
14th Speak with animal 1/day (Sp)
15th Wisdom +1
16th Suggestion 1/day (Sp)
17th Mishtai affinity +6
18th +1 to natural armor
19th +2 on Sense Motive checks
20th Immunity to acid (Ex)

* bonus to Diplomacy checks with Skarn and Rilkan.

The "animal" stuff is because i came up with this legend of how Mishtai used incarnum to domesticate the first draft animals. The rest should be pretty straightforward.
Last edited by Satori on October 25th, 2010, 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 23rd, 2010, 2:11 am

I'll be honest, I've never used Bloodlines before. I've seen them, I know there are at least some in Unearthed Arcana, but I don't know the rules for in game usage. If you want to post a quick guide for what is involved, I'd appreciate it, and I'm going to look it up myself in the morning, but it's two in the morning and I'm going to sleep.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 23rd, 2010, 4:04 am

I'll be honest, I've never used Bloodlines before. I've seen them, I know there are at least some in Unearthed Arcana, but I don't know the rules for in game usage. If you want to post a quick guide for what is involved, I'd appreciate it, and I'm going to look it up myself in the morning, but it's two in the morning and I'm going to sleep.


I'm losing (3) hitdice, with the accompanying BAB and save boosts. Bloodlines stack for things that are based on level, so my Essentia, Binds, and Max Soulmelds shaped advance, and my meldshaper level "double dips". Meldshaper level controls only a few things though, o i don't think it's broken. Especially at the cost (being behind on HD means not only lower Saves BAB and HP, but less feats)

At level 5

3 Hitdie, BAB+1, 2 feats from levels
3 essentia from class levels
meldshaper level 5

HP = 13 (average, from HItdie) + 15 (con) + 10 (Vitality belt) = 38

At level 8 (when the payoff is)

5 d6 hitdie, BAB +2, 3 feats from levels
7 essentia from class levels
meldshaper level 11

HP = 20 (average from hitdie) + 25 (con) + 33 (Vitality belt) = 78

(for the record, Incarnate is the class with the HIGHEST hp of all classes, since it's CON based and has bonus HP from Vitality Belt. At level 20, an Incarnate can easily have over 400 HP)
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 23rd, 2010, 10:29 am

Satori, I'm not going to say no to your bloodline right now, but I'm not saying yes yet either. I don't want the time you spent homebrewing the bloodline to be wasted, but I really don't know a whole lot about the variant system, so I want a second opinion. I'm leaning towards yes, but don't base your entire character concept around it right this second. Sound good for now?

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 23rd, 2010, 3:23 pm

Satori, I'm not going to say no to your bloodline right now, but I'm not saying yes yet either. I don't want the time you spent homebrewing the bloodline to be wasted, but I really don't know a whole lot about the variant system, so I want a second opinion. I'm leaning towards yes, but don't base your entire character concept around it right this second. Sound good for now?

I'm very flexible. I have dozens of characters on my "try sometime" list, so I'm not wedded to this.

I'm more concerned about the harvest soul ability, which is for some reason, uncapped by RAW (which is just plain dumb) I think there needs to be a rule limiting the amounts of souls that can be harvested in one day. 1 at any given time is on the skimpy side, but I can deal. 2 at a time would be nicer, while still leaving me behind where a straight incarnate is at higher levels. 3 at a time is probably too much.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 23rd, 2010, 5:03 pm

Yeah, I was thinking about capping that. RAW, it also doesn't matter what you kill. You could kill a chicken and it would count. Buy a hundred chickens and suddenly you have more essentia then you could ever use.

Beyond that, I'm not sure I want you to have the Mishtai Bloodline. The whole double dipping for your meldshaper level seems like it isn't so bad right now, but later on I think it might get out of hand. Plus, if no one else is going to use a bloodline, I'm not sure if I want just one person to have it. You understand, right?

Party makeup right now:

Wittgen - Bard
gman - Unarmed Swordsage
Slamu - Sorcerer
Slamu's sister - Barbarian?
Satori - Incarnate/Necrocarnate?
Kirai - Rogue

Last edited by MrRigger2 on October 23rd, 2010, 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 23rd, 2010, 5:46 pm

Yeah, I was thinking about capping that. RAW, it also doesn't matter what you kill. You could kill a chicken and it would count. Buy a hundred chickens and suddenly you have more essentia then you could ever use.

Beyond that, I'm not sure I want you to have the Mishtai Bloodline. The whole double dipping for your meldshaper level seems like it isn't so bad right now, but later on I think it might get out of hand. Plus, if no one else is going to use a bloodline, I'm not sure if I want just one person to have it. You understand, right?
Yeahs sure. if it helps, think of bloodlines as basically being funky versions of templates with LA. They're quite similar to Savage Progressions.

Meldshaper level is Relevant to I think only about 4-5 soulmelds. Admittedly 2 of those are my key melds (Vitality Belt and Necrocarnum Circlet). The power of all other soulmelds is based on Essentia, not MSL.

Hmn, actually, Bloodlines might not stack for essentia and binds.. i'll have to check that again. That would make them less powerful, if the only stacked for ML (they stack with both incarnate and necrocarnate for ML, thus the double dip).

Anyway, it's not like Psions aren't taking Overchannel to boost their ML...
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 23rd, 2010, 10:25 pm

Something that came up when working with gman regarding HP. See, I don't like squishy players. Beyond the normal max HP at first level, you get at least half your HD. If you have a d6, you get at least 3 HP each level, if you have a d8, you get at least 4, d10 get at least 5, and d12 gets at least 6. I've forgotten to mention that up until now, and I apologize if that messes anybody up.

Also, does anybody know of a good online dice roller that allows you to share your results with in real time? It's not that I don't trust anybody, I just want to try and remove any temptation to fudge rolls.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 23rd, 2010, 10:42 pm

Something that came up when working with gman regarding HP. See, I don't like squishy players. Beyond the normal max HP at first level, you get at least half your HD. If you have a d6, you get at least 3 HP each level, if you have a d8, you get at least 4, d10 get at least 5, and d12 gets at least 6. I've forgotten to mention that up until now, and I apologize if that messes anybody up.

Also, does anybody know of a good online dice roller that allows you to share your results with in real time? It's not that I don't trust anybody, I just want to try and remove any temptation to fudge rolls.


GAIA online's forums also have built in dice rollers.

Or you could roll for us, if all else fails...

Incarnates are very unsquishy, because from level 3 onward any incarnate worth his salt has Vitality Belt shaped, and can shift Essentia to it to boost his HP.... this reduces his offensive options, but literally being able to dial up more HP on demand is a excellent ability.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 24th, 2010, 12:44 am

Incarnates might not be real squishy, but we are looking at also having a Bard and possibly a rogue (or maybe a rouge, though I'm not sure why Kirai would want to play a kind of cosmetic), and Slamu is looking at a Sorcerer. So we've got some squishiness going on. Plus you're all organic, so you're all squishy compared to a Warforged or a Golem. At least, no one has come to me asking to play a construct.

Also, for building your characters, make sure you're using the Pathfinder Skill list. It's slightly different than the 3.5 list. For instance, Concentration is no longer a skill. Concentration checks are now your Character level plus your Constitution modifier (or if you are a spellcaster, your spellcasting ability). Other skills are combined. Balance and Tumble are now covered by one skill, Acrobatics. Speak Language, Decipher Script, and Forgery are now simply Linguistics. Spot, Search, and Listen are now the generalized Perception. If there are any questions on this, let me know and I'll clarify.

Class skills and cross class skills are handled differently as well. Cross Class skills no longer cost additional skill ranks. All skills have a rank cap of your character level, class skill or cross class skill. However, if you have skill ranks in a class skill, you get a +3 bonus to that skill. There's no more Synergy bonuses. For more information, look at Chapter 4 in the Pathfinder core book, or look on the Pathfinder SRD online.

Also, I'm not a big fan of tracking encumbrance. As long as you don't go crazy with how much you carry, I won't have much of a problem with it. Just don't go crazy.

Also, gman has sent me his build, and I have given him a preliminary okay. As soon as I okay everybody, I'm ready to start. So, backgrounds and builds as soon as you can. Remember, you guys have been together for at least one quest, maybe longer, so you know each other. I'm not saying you all have to be childhood friends, but you know a little more than each others names, or at least you should, you know?

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 24th, 2010, 2:30 am

Hmn, do you allow feat retraining?

Should I PM my character info to you or make a character sheet on Mythweavers
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 24th, 2010, 10:47 am

Go ahead and make one on MythWeavers. It'll keep it more in order than the trying to fit it in the PM box. Yes, I will allow feat retraining if necessary, but I'd rather have fewer feat changes than more. I know that some in the group aren't as experienced as others, so some feat choices won't be as educated as others, but I do encourage thinking ahead in your character build, which feat retraining mitigates somewhat.


EDIT: Since it has come up with two players already, I think I need to clarify. In my rules, Weapon Finesse gives Dexterity to attack rolls and damage. I didn't realize it would be a big thing, so I hadn't brought it up.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Greybane » October 24th, 2010, 4:12 pm

I mentioned it to you MrR, but figured I would post my interest if you end up making a second party or enough people have difficulties with this one. I was thinking of playing a rogue/shadowdancer. Most likely Human, Half-Elf, or Elf. Want me to make up a backstory just in case?
Odd that. It actually worked.
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