Probing for interest (3.P system)

Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Wittgen » October 29th, 2010, 11:37 pm

Are we playing tomorrow? If so, when?
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 29th, 2010, 11:52 pm

Heh, I on the other hand, tend to make myself into a pure DPS guy. One of the reasons I love breath weapons so much. Although apparently I have to be dragonblooded or a half-dragon to take those metabreath feats.

being dragonblooded is easy. You can do that as a feat, or just be a Dragoborn of bahamut

Also, Entagling Exhalation and similar feats from races of The Dragon have no such limitations.

We can't play tomorrow unless everyone from one group miraculously has all their sheets and backgrounds done....

get cracking laggards! :biggrin:
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby gman391 » October 30th, 2010, 12:00 am

Well if Rigger is doing the one party one weak and the other party next week thing. The completed party could go while those without character sheets wait until next week.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Tempest Kitsune » October 30th, 2010, 12:01 am

And here's my character bio.
Spoiler: show
Kraklen Pire sometimes wonders if his mother was more of a seer than a bard, claiming to have come up with his name while enjoying an overly warm fire with his father. She was a retired adventurer, not one of much renown or connections though, having retired from the field when she found herself with child, as well as a with man who not only cared for her, but approved of her keeping her skills sharp even after their child's birth.

A turning point in Kracklen's life was when he was seven. A marauding Green Dragon, barely an adult really, targeted his town, demanding food and entertainment. When what they offered didn't appease him, he flew into a rage, and ascended to melt their village to one giant hissing puddle from the air. What no one had known up until then though, was that the lake the town had been built on the shores of served as the entryway to the subterranean lair of a Gold Great Wyrm, who had retired to the comforts of his home for a few years of study on some form of arcane lore. Upon learning of the villager's plight through word from one of his amphibious guards, he immediately set aside his research and emerged from the lake in a blast of superheated steam.

The battle was brutal, and short. Even an adult dragon is no match for a Great Wyrm, especially when they're surprised. Kraklen saw the whole thing, and was awed by the might of the dragon, and how it even took a hit from the Green's breath weapon to ensure that the town and its people were not harmed. After the fight, the Gold Dragon, circling once to ensure that the people who resided in his demesnes had come to no harm, dove back into the lake. He has not emerged since, and no attempts to contact him have succeeded.

Kraklen became consumed with the thought of having power comparable to the Wyrm, and studied everything he could about them. His mother's bardic lore helped his pursuits immensely, and his fascination with the beasts, especially the metallic dragons, soared. He also had a deep respect for helping others, even at the cost of yourself instilled in him from the fight. When he came of age, he left home, with a name to look up from his mother. The man she had sent him to was a Dragon Shaman that she had adventured with for a short time, and who had actually introduced his parents to each other at the tavern. When Kraklen took his first steps on the path of the Dragon Shaman, naturally he chose the Gold Dragon as his totem.

Since then he has adventured, seeking to do good, even if he has to skirt the law (or outright break it in some places) to do so. The gift of the castle from the king after this latest quest was a happy surprise. After all, all dragons needed lairs, and golds were well known for inhabiting castles as well as caves. And if it was occupied by hostiles at the moment? Well, let it never be said that Kraklen Pire ran from a challenge.

Kraklen has blue eyes and brown hair, and stands at a respectable 5' 5". He's well toned, although somewhat skinny, and has small scars here and there on his body, a testament to the battles he's been in. He moves with a fluid grace, and enjoys reading and idly carving wood when not in combat.
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Greybane » October 30th, 2010, 12:02 am

Pretty sure that we are not playing tomorrow. Could be wrong though.
Odd that. It actually worked.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » October 30th, 2010, 12:16 am

Yeah, in theory, we could play tomorrow, but in practice, I still need character sheets from Jasruv, bookworm, and TK, and I need to go get a new cell phone from where I sent mine through the washer two months ago. I think waiting until next week might be a good plan, unless everyone can get together at some point during the week.

I don't really want to keep pushing it back, but I'd rather wait until everything was really ready than rush in unprepared.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Tempest Kitsune » October 30th, 2010, 12:34 am

That works for me.
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
— Captain America

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby bookworm702 » October 30th, 2010, 1:39 am

And my character sheet's in.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Tempest Kitsune » October 30th, 2010, 10:11 pm

As is mine. One of the nice things about Coyotecode is that you can modify your skill layout in the 3.5 sheets to reflect Pathfinder.
"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."
— Captain America

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » October 30th, 2010, 11:08 pm

For the record, i will have a family thing the weekend of Nov 13.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby serbii » October 30th, 2010, 11:45 pm

Regarding time zones. May I suggest the meeting planner?

We set up one for crossover quest stuff and figured out we've got some quite horrible timing.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » November 1st, 2010, 6:00 pm

For the record, i will have a family thing the weekend of Nov 13.
in this case, I'd like to run for group two on this Saturday, and do a session with group one on the weekend of the 13th. That way we'll avoid at least a little. However, this is contingent on my not being scheduled for work on Saturday, which while I don't believe I am, is a possibility, so keep it in mind. I'll let you know as soon as possible, but it is more likely than not that I will be able to play this weekend.

And if you don't remember which group you're in, Group two is gman, bookworm, TK, and Satori.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Jasruv » November 1st, 2010, 10:10 pm

I'm now on Skype with a contact name of jasruv. If the members of group one want to give me a call to exchange connections, we can discuss party dynamics.

I don't believe in overkill, but I do believe in economy of force. Which is why I don't use tactical nuclear devices to get rid of gnats that are annoying me. Well, not often anyway.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby gman391 » November 4th, 2010, 1:41 am

Well for kicks and giggles I wrote up a bit of background for group two.
Spoiler: show
They were an unlikely band with friendships forged through battle. Each of the four had met the other during or after a fight.

The local religious authorities had attempted to silence Bob’s preaching. Bob had refused, thus the authorities had attacked. Bob had held his Sanctuary power for as long as it could.
As it fell Bob prepared to run.

Lee had come into the capital looking for information on the Basilisk Colony rumors he heard on the outskirts of the kingdom. Seeing a one on seven fight offended his sense of fair play.

Lee interfered before Bob could run. In the ensuing fight he gained a loyal friend. Bob promised to help Lee out should he need it.

Lee called that promise due soon after. Having discovered where exactly the Basilisk Colony was. Bob agreed the two quickly left the capital. Lee wanted to stop the basilisks as soon as they could. The duo hoped to pick up other adventurers along the way.


Kraklen had been working as a guard for for an archeologist by the name of Amyra Issichar. Amyra had found a ruin somewhat near the capital and begun exploring. After encountering more than a few monsters she had returned to capital for help.

Kraklen Pire had been that help. They met during a bar fight. Amyra had fought well enough and offered enough pay that Kraklen agreed to help. They then went to the ruins to continue clearing them out.

Unfortunately, the basilisks had migrated into the ruin during Amyra’s absence. Thus the Dragon Shaman and Incarnate began to fight for their lives against the deadly creatures.

Lee and Bob had entered the ruins from the east. Having tracked the Basilisk colony with some difficulty. As they cautiously made their way inside they noticed bodies. Lots of them

Concluding that someone else was fighting, they made their way quickly into the central hall.
There they saw a massive ball of fire kill one basilisk.

Lee and Bob soon jumped into the fray. After some initially heated discussion about not destroying priceless ruins with your fists the groups agreed to work together.

It was a long and hard fight but eventually the group cleared the ruins.


In the aftermath the King granted them a castle. Not just any castle but a rather important one as well one of the main army bases for the north.
Reactions were mixed.

Lee was willing to go because stabilizing the north would be a good thing. Not to mention the chance to challenge new foes. Although he didn’t see himself staying around to help with the administration for a long time.

Bob just wanted to stay with his friends. The first people who had willingly stuck by him.

Kraklen wanted to go for various reasons. Mostly to set up a lair like the Gold Dragons he loved so much, as well as face down the beasts that had taken over the structure and puzzle out its secrets.

Amyra was harder to convince. She wanted to return to the ruins to continue studying them. It was only the promise of the former owners vast arcane tomes that swayed her

With the King’s blessing the group set out for the Stronghold otherwise known as Rocknor
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » November 6th, 2010, 9:06 pm

Considering doing a campaign Journal for this, though i geuss i should wait until the other team has a chance to play....
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » November 6th, 2010, 9:22 pm

Yeah, a campaign journal could be fun, but I really don't want to go spoiling the other group.

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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Greybane » November 7th, 2010, 4:41 am

Each side write up a journal and compare them after sessions? Problem is if one manages to advance farther faster. Otherwise sounds great.
Odd that. It actually worked.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby Satori » November 7th, 2010, 11:43 am

Each side write up a journal and compare them after sessions? Problem is if one manages to advance farther faster. Otherwise sounds great.

Yeah, we wouldn't want to give away any details about the [Redacted] that happens after the [Redacted]. The [Redacted] when we [Redacted] was an awesome moment.
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby bookworm702 » November 7th, 2010, 11:47 am

Oh yeah, and remember when my [Redacted] totally slaughtered that [Redacted]? Man, we had to totally [Redacted] that [Redacted] so that never happened again. Then of course once we [Redacted] the castle, the [Redacted] [Redacted] on us. That was just [Redacted]!
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Re: Probing for interest (3.P system)

Postby MrRigger2 » November 7th, 2010, 11:48 am

But don't worry, that [Redacted] won't happen again. I found an update to the [Redacted] that will prevent it from [Redacted].

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