Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 2015.

Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 2015.

Postby DidelotM1 » October 30th, 2012, 10:45 pm

I'll just leave this here.....

http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/10/30/ ... 1481237582

overall, sort of positive outlook for this for me. Wait and see mode engaged, but optimism is highish.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby JamestheFox » October 31st, 2012, 12:08 am

Phase 28 complete. Moving onto Phase 29.

No, but seriously, oh my goodness, I may spontaneously combust from the shock.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Vael » October 31st, 2012, 4:02 am

...so I guess this means Princess Leia is now a Disney Princess?

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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby gman391 » October 31st, 2012, 5:03 am

Leia would kick Belle's ass
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Wittgen » October 31st, 2012, 8:22 am

The prospect of a Star Wars movie where the director is not an extremely lazy film maker with unreasonable, unearned, god like weight in creative decisions is pretty exciting.

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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Farmer_10 » October 31st, 2012, 8:29 am

At this point I'd be happy with a Pixar Ewok Movie....Shit, that's actually a good idea
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby doc.exe » October 31st, 2012, 11:32 am

I really wonder what route they are going to take with the new trilogy. Logic dictates the story will take place after Return of the Jedi, but given that is incredibly unlikely any cast member of the original trilogy will return, I really wonder what they are going to do. Cast new actors as Luke and company? Use CGI and motion capture to the very max? Set the story many years after Luke and friends have kicked the bucket? And for that matter, will they adapt any of the Expanded Universe stories or go with an original one?

So many questions, but in any case, I’m actually excited for this.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby gman391 » October 31st, 2012, 2:47 pm

Another question is 'what does this mean for the EU?'

To be honest I would love to see the Thrawn Trilogy on screen.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Random_fan » October 31st, 2012, 5:07 pm

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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby DidelotM1 » October 31st, 2012, 5:17 pm

There's so much potential in sheer types of stories you can tell with the Star Wars backdrop that I think going for an original tale is the way to go. Sure having a nod to what came before is a must, but neither should they use what's come before as the end all be all of Star Wars movies. Personally I'd have episode 7 take place a generation or three ahead of where Jedi left off, that way we can have in universe 'famous' names mentioned (Solo,Skywalker,Ackbar,etc.) while having a totally new story, characters, and backdrop.

I'd LOVE for them to do something with The Old Republic setting, personally. That and do something that steps away if only slightly from the whole 'jedi/sith' thing. There's a lot more of that universe that can be played with. I'm optimistic. :yuush:
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Phht » October 31st, 2012, 6:47 pm

I'm unsure how to take this announcement. I love Star Wars. Admittedly, I lost most interest in the novels after the Vong arc, and pretty much the rest vanished after the Republic Commando series was killed because the Clone Wars cartoon retconned Mandalorians.

On one hand, I'm hopeful. Lucasfilms (and related companies) will be independent a la Marvel while still getting some benefits of being with Disney. This could mean an increase in SW game quality that's been in a steady decline the last decade or so (Kinect Star Wars, Angry Birds Star Wars, The Force Unleashed 1-2...). It could mean more fleshing out of areas of the mythos that aren't really touched on.

On the other hand, I'm worried. I'm worried that Lucasfilms and Disney will toss out 20+ years of Expanded Universe novels, games, comics, etc as non-canon. I'm worried that fanworks and organizations will get shut down by Disney because of copyright. I'm worried that the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises will be milked into the ground and wrecked.

To be honest, I'm leaning more towards the worried side given the immediate announcement that SW Ep7 is planned for 2015, and the report regarding SW Ep7 story. There's 25,000 years of history that could be used for movies. Plus however many years there are post-trilogy so far. And what happens? Disney buys Lucasfilms and immediately calls out Ep7 being in the works.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Wittgen » October 31st, 2012, 7:06 pm

Who cares if the EU is wrecked? It's not like those stories are somehow less or more worthwhile based on canonicalness. It's like comic book continuity. It can get so convoluted and built upon itself that eventually it's a better idea to just throw everything out and start again.

Good point on copyright stuff, though. I'm certainly not happy to see Disney control even more intellectual property.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby DidelotM1 » October 31st, 2012, 10:31 pm

Honestly? I'd rather have Disney own it than someone like say Sony or Warner Brothers. As for the EU and them tossing it all out? I never considered it to be 'canon' in the first place, so if they suddenly go 'yeah, all that stuff? Not canon.' I'll shrug my shoulders and go 'Alternate Universe'. I mean if Disney buying Marvel got us The Avengers, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to them handling the Star Wars Franchise. As for running the franchise into the ground and so forth, Errr...The Prequels and all the mud slung at them pretty much did that in a way, then there was the other licensed stuff that is already out. The kinect dancing game being one of them among others. Plus thier a corporate entity, milking a franchise that touches as many people as Star Wars does is going to happen. Heck I'm a Star Wars Fanboi in the worst way, but if I was in charge you're darn right I'd milk it for all it's worth. Heck #2 when the original trilogy hit you couldn't spit without hitting something with the Star Wars label on it. A lot of it was crap(I should know I had most of it! :biggrin: ), but amonst the crap were a few gems, I don't expect this buyout to be any different.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby gman391 » November 1st, 2012, 7:20 am

While I'm not overly attached to most of the EU beyond the KotOR games. I really did love the Thrawn trilogy and while I understand making your own stuff and screwing Timothy Zahn out of money because !#$% writers is Hollywood 101 I really do wish that they were adapting it. I want Mara Jade and Thrawn on the big screen dang it.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby doc.exe » November 1st, 2012, 12:20 pm

I think some of the EU material like the Thrawn trilogy or Dark Empire would make for terrific movies, but the problem is: How do you handle the fact that none of the original cast members are at the appropriate age anymore (and that’s without mentioning some of them don’t even want to do anything related to Star Wars again at all)?

Given that the images of Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher as Luke, Han and Leia are so entrenched in popular culture, recasting their roles would be a serious "NO".

I suppose they could go with the animated adaptation/CGI/motion capture route, but it would not really be the same.

In that sense, I think going with an original story (possible set decades after Episode VI and with a new cast of characters) would be the best path to go (although I wouldn’t mind a cameo of Mark Hamill as old Jedi master Luke at all).
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Phht » November 1st, 2012, 3:58 pm

I think part of my desire not to lose the EU is, quite frankly, because it's amazing. Not necessarily story-wise (I would have no issues with removing a number of post-movies books), but because I can't really say I can point out any other franchise that manages to combine books, comics, games, movies, and TV to form a comprehensive setting that lacks major continuity flaws while still being considered any level of canon for the length of time that the EU has managed. This has been going since the Thrawn trilogy came out (the copyright on my paperback copy of Heir to the Empire says 1992). Twenty years of having multimedia stories (I counted ~30+ authors just from the novels I have) told without seriously breaking continuity (discounting the obvious AU stuff or Prequels/Clones Wars caused retcons) while including books and comics from before the EU concept got going.

Maybe it'll be something like the Star Trek reboot and have two 'continuities'/'canons'. So we'll have the Expanded Universe canon (which would likely not include Ep7-9), and then a new rebooted canon that includes Ep1-9, Clone Wars movie/series, and only some or none of the EU canon (so we might have a 1,000 year old Republic instead of the 25k EU version).
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby DidelotM1 » November 2nd, 2012, 1:35 pm

It's not like the EU is going to up and disappear on you. Some fans may consider the EU as a form of cannon, but saying that I don't think it's wise to let such a thing dictate what the owning person or company can or can't do with their property. All the EU stuff that has come before will still be there in one shape or form or another. As for what's considered cannon or not, I tend go by the philosophy of 'cannon is whatever the creator/owners says it is.' anything other than that is just alternate tales by fans no matter how loud they may shout. If it means sacrificing the entirety of 'cannon EU',even though it's not really cannon, to get a blow your mind to Pluto and your socks off Episodes 7,8,& 9 all I have to say is 'this way to the sacrificial alter and here's the dagger.' :-p I mean like I said it's not like what's already made is going to go anywhere unless Disney has time travel or something....
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby Zankaru Zelladonii » November 3rd, 2012, 9:16 pm

After the prequels, anyone else except lucas making star wars is very exciting to me. I am worried about disney's history though. Yes avengers was fantastic, but the director was whedon (browncoat's salute!) and he is a very good director, so not a big surprise to me it was great. Look at pirates of the carribean though, it had a great first movie, then a steady decline in quality to the point the last movie had a plate of spaghetti as a plot. Worried avengers will follow the same path. Now disney is saying they are going to be making a new movie every 2-3 years.

It makes me very worried and very excited, but if we only get 2-3 good movies out of this, that is more than I ever dreamed of.
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Re: Disney to buy out Lucasfilm: Star Wars episode 7 due 201

Postby doc.exe » November 4th, 2012, 6:44 pm

Well,Disney has taken a very hands-off approach with Marvel so far, dealing mostly with distribution rather than with the creative process. I suppose they will take a similar approach with LucasFilm.

But yes, in the end the quality of the new trilogy will depend of the creative team involved. Hopefully they will find a good director and script writer.

Now, while I love Christopher Nolan's work as much as anyone I'm not sure his neo-noir style will really fit the tone of the Star Wars movies (although I would kill to see a Metal Gear or Bioshock movie directed by him).

In that sense, maybe directors like Gore Verbinsky, J.J. Abrams, Jon Favreau or (why not) Joss Whedon might be better suited for the new trilogy.
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