Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby MEKristian » September 26th, 2015, 10:15 pm

Here's one I thought of a while ago, but apparently never mentioned here;

Set a Persona game plot inside Hogwarts. Bonus points for making it a side-story to the actual books or a continuation fic.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Phht » October 2nd, 2015, 5:44 am

I think I briefly pondered a Persona/HP fusion, but nothing really sparked so I moved on.

*cough* I did say I'd do the 2185 section after I woke up, didn't I? Well, technically this is some time after I woke up. Nearly two weeks after I woke up, but still. Might've gotten this done sooner, but I felt like it'd be better to show via scene snippets and kept being distracted by shiny things. And at this point, I still only have one scene down out of 4-5+ in my head.

As a note, ME1 Shepard is a Soldier. No tech, no biotics. Figured I'd point that out before we got going. I kinda feel like this arc is better explained by scene chunks. First up, getting Shepard off the tutorial station. Now with 100% more Death.
Spoiler: show
“Shepard. Shepard! Wake up!”

She opened her eyes. Normal ceiling above her. Head rolled left. Well, if nothing else, at least it wasn't space or planetary re-entry. Shepard groaned and sat up, looking around for the source of the voice and finding no one.

“Thank god you're up. Listen, you're not supposed to even be awake yet, but a traitor on the station set all the security mechs to kill everyone in an attempt to keep you from waking up. And that's not the bad news. First, get a pistol and armor from the cabinet.”

Jane's body felt like it had been asleep for months if not years, but the feeling faded rapidly as she found the cabinet in question and geared up. The voice over the com system continued as she put ont eh armor.

“Security mechs are a problem, but they're not too rugged. The bigger problem is that she is on the station. You need to hurry.”

“Who is this 'she' I'm supposed to know simply from the pronoun?” Shepard couldn't help but interject as she double-checked the fittings on the armor and linked it to her omni-tool. “Also, this pistol's broken.”

“The pistol's not broken, it uses thermal clips which aren't currently loaded into it. You eject them out when they're at heat capacity instead of doing any venting, increasing rate of fire. Unfortunately, you're in a medbay, so there's not much need to store thermal clips for use there.”

The voice ignored Shepard's muttered, “And yet there's apparently need for armor and a pistol to be stored here?”

“As for who I'm talking about... Dr. Testarossa is on the station and heading straight for your location. She's killing anything in her path, mech or human. Get moving before she catches up to you.”

Shepard recalled the last time she saw Testarossa and winced. Yeah, it was definitely time to hustle. Just outside the medbay, she found a discarded cylinder on the ground, which the voice helpfully identified as a thermal clip as she expected. She made good time forward, mowing through the security mechs and mentally agreeing on the durability of the things.

Passing through a burst of flame didn't feel near as bad as if should have, even with armor and shields helping. She glanced back, thinking she saw someone watching from the balcony she had left, but no one was visible.

“Dammit, the mechs are moving on my location. Keep along this path and meet up with Jacob. He's trustworthy and will help you get to the shuttles. I'll meet up with you there.” Gunfire was heard. “Oh, and sensors report that Testarossa is nearly to you. Run.”

Jane moved quickly through the corridors and up a set of stairs. Someone was on the other side of a window screaming as a larger mech became visible stomping out of the smoke, before a rocket slammed them into the glass. It gazed at her then started to turn. The turn never finished as a golden energy swept across it several times and the entire mech crumbled to the ground in pieces. Behind it stood an armored form with what seemed to be robes or a cape that, in combination with the golden energy scythe blade on the staff being held, made the being look like the Grim Reaper from humanity's past. A red eyed, blonde haired personification of Death.

“Liara was nothing. That city was nothing. Do you know who I was? I was Death.” Jane blinked away the memory and swallowed as she met Testarossa's gaze. When the woman began making her way through the debris towards her with a smile, Shepard got moving.

She stopped a few steps past the door and started working to seal it, ignoring the gunfire going on directly in front of her. She worked harder, paying no mind to her shields decreasing and failing. The shot that came close enough that she felt the breeze of its passage, however, got her attention. Jane growled at the distraction, coalescing biotic energy around her arm as she thrust it out and closed her fist.

The energy surged forward, past a human male firing on mechs across the way, and split around to form a bit of a biotic sphere. The sphere then compressed, shredding everything within whether mechs, floors, walls, or doors. The energy faded away, leaving a shredded balcony area and ruined doors. With the fading energy, the barely audible tune in the back of her mind also faded, only really becoming noticeable to her with its absence. Shepard stared at her arm in disbelief.

“You're not a biotic.”

She moved her gaze to the man, working her mouth in an effect to come up with a reply while letting her arm drop. “Apparently, there were some side effects?”

He glanced over at the opposite balcony, then back to her. “Those are some side effects. I'm Jacob Taylor. Miranda told me she was directing you this way and to meet up with you.”

“Before we get going, could you seal this door tight?” Shepard pointed at the door she came through.

“Sure I can, but why?” Jacob pulled up his omni-tool and in short order the door was sealed closed.

“Testarossa's was approaching on the other side. I doubt that will hold her too much, but the extra time could be useful.”

“We need to go this way. Cut through service tunnels and a control room or two and come out at the shuttle bay.” He nodded and turned to the other door they could approach. Jacob unlocked the door as a golden blade of energy speared through the other door and slowly started carving through it.

Shepard brought her pistol up, and once a gap was left in the wake of the blade, she fired several shots through the hole. The blade withdrew and she followed Jacob through the opposite door. A glance back showed amused red eyes staring through the gap before the door closed. She turned to find Jacob talking to someone over coms.

He turned to her after ending the conversation, taking a moment to seal the door behind them. “Another survivor. He's directly along our path, so we can pick him up on the way. This way.”

They found the head med tech, Wilson, who was back on his feet with a medigel application. The reveal that it was a Cerberus facility had Jane verbally wondering if this incident counted towards the organization's track record of things going crazy, killing everyone, and taking over the base. Wilson was unamused. They continued forward, clearing the shuttle bay area.

“C'mon, through here.” Wilson moved up to the door to the shuttle, unlocking and opening it as fast as possible. Jacob and Shepard moved up beside him. As the door opened, he continued, “We're nearly to the-”

Whatever he was going to say was cut off with a scream as a golden blade briefly jutted from his torso, Wilson collapsing forward and to the side once the blade was removed. Jacob dove forward, turning as he came back up with pistol in hand. Miranda, standing on the other side of the door, shifted to the side and raised her pistol as well. Shepard spun around, inadvertently placing herself between the downed Wilson and his attacker. She hid her fear as she found Testarossa at the other end of her pistol.

Testarossa smiled. “Could you move aside? I only have two more humans on the station to kill.”

Behind Shepard, Jacob and Miranda moved to the shuttle and began prepping it for take off, one keeping an eye and a pistol on the situation. Shepard tilted her head. “What, I don't count?”

A throaty chuckle answered her. “I'd never kill you, sister.”

Jane narrowed her eyes. “I'm not your sister. I've never been your sister.”

Testarossa reached past the gun with her free hand and traced a finger along Jane's cheek. “That may have been true at one time, but perhaps some time you should ask Miranda about what exactly Project Rebirth does, given that she used it on you instead of their original plan.”

She glanced down at the still form of Wilson, past to the shuttle holding Miranda and Jacob, then finally back to Shepard. “Well, it looks like I won't get a full sweep for a second time. Until next time, sister!”

Jane could only stare as Testarossa turned and strode away, vanishing in a flicker of golden light. Miranda's voice reminded her of the situation, and she boarded the shuttle.
Spoiler: show
Yes, Shepard is a biotic now, and does not have an amp in use. Why would she, she's not supposed to be biotic. I would class her as a Vanguard now, though when things start clicking.... When I do a bit of the Freedom's Progress visit, we'll see things briefly click again, and the top half of an Atlas get turned into confetti and chunks of debris.

Fate never really calls Shepard by name unless she wants Shepard's attention. Plus, calling her "sister" annoys her, so added bonus. Nanoha is on the SR2 (which I'm leaning towards naming Cannae instead of Normandy, and Shepard has two reasons for that) for the whole mission against the Collectors, though not necessarily by name or appearance.

Hayate and co helped Nanoha get her head on straight over the last 80ish years, and when the burden gets too much, she finds an uninhabited planet away from the Relay network and just cuts loose until her share of the Defense System power pool is under half to quarter strength. She lets it regenerate normally (no draining to recharge), so only needs to do it once very 5-10 years. Fate, OTOH, just suppressed and repressed things for 80ish years, nearly cracked during the confrontation with Shepard before Virmire, and did crack a bit during the confrontation with Saren. She got a cut loose session soon after to relieve the pressure on her from the system. And yes, that means that what happened at the end of the ME1 arc on the planet was not them cutting loose and tapping into the system reserves. More of a group power effort, and Fate/Nanoha didn't mention what the result would be before the spell was cast. Hayate was not happy.

Fun fact: Fate and Nanoha aren't quite emotionally... normal? When they were made into guardians for the Defense System, certain aspects were... burned out of them so to speak, and other things burned into them to make them proper guardians (also, not upset/furious about being conscripted into the role). If asked if they felt regret or guilt over the death of all life on that planet and 1 light-second around it, they'd answer that they regretted missing catching Saren and Sovereign in it. All the bystanders killed? No sort of emotional response to their deaths. That's not to say they don't feel emotions, just that there seems to be an emotional disconnect when it comes to nearly all killing and death.

The ME2 arc would be Shepard finding out just how she was brought back, coming to terms and starting to accept it by the end, and learning about the other use of Project Rebirth. Oh, and the actual reason of the experiments Jack was kidnapped to be a part of (hint: she was kidnapped 16ish years after the first use of Project Rebirth, to be surgically enhanced into the most powerful human biotic possible).
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby RagnorakTres » October 3rd, 2015, 1:15 am

Been sitting on this one a while, not sure how to approach it properly. Maybe somebody else can give it a look?

Crossover: HP & A Certain Magical Index
Harry with Imagine Breaker <I think I prefer this as the “power Voldy knows not;” the idea of Harry no-selling a killing curse out of the air barehanded is too badass to pass up

How does the Imagine Breaker interact with normal wizardry?
My immediate thought is that this means Harry can only cast with one hand, and his other completely nullifies all magic, whether it's curses, transfiguration, warding (he has to touch the actual ward anchor, and it's only disrupted while he's touching it), healing magic, blah blah blah. Might be OP since all he has to do in a fight is present his left side and use his Seeker reflexes to catch curses. Only effective way to fight him head-on I'm seeing is the conjure/banish cycle, or transfiguring something very big into something very small and then banishing it at him, since he nullifies all transfigurations on contact.

Not really thinking about adding any of the aCMI or aCSR characters necessarily, but the Imagine Breaker itself is the ultimate no-sell tool for a magical world. Maybe that's what Lily did to him when Riddle came for them? Would he even have had accidental magic outbursts? what about apparition or self-transfiguration, or holy shit what happens if he touches Tonks.

I feel like it sets up interesting interactions and possibilities, but I'm unsure that I'm skilled enough to model them properly; my knowledge of the canon characterizations is horrendously skewed, between nearly 8 years of reading fanfic and not having refreshed canon in my head for at least 5.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » October 3rd, 2015, 1:25 am

Not a bad idea, really. You can also make it a double-edged sword for Harry. You also forgot to mention one minor detail. Since it requires magic to come into contact with him, magics that don't require contact, or any direct effect on his person, can still affect him. After all, if you can't use magic against him directly, a savvy wizard, or just one who's throwing a spell out in desperation, can still affect the area around him. Considering that some of the enemies he's run against are most definitely not stupid, one of them would figure it out sooner or later.

Certainly would be interesting to play with.

As for Phht's ideas...

Damn, you don't spare anything there. Fate is even more emotionally broken, and it isn't to say that she and Nanoha are unaware of their disconnect, it's that they've been programmed not to care about it. I have a feeling that one of Shepard's main goals will be to get them, or at least Fate, past it. As for Jack, well Cerberus, you've managed to make Jack even more psychotic. Now all Shepard has to do is find Chronos Station and turn her loose.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » November 27th, 2015, 1:47 am

Is it me, or is this site being laggy?

Anyway, Crazy Plot Bunny time!

This is an idea I got from watching Sword Art Online and reading the rather good SAO x HP crossover Magic Online. While contriving the events that would lead to it are giving me some fits, here's the loose idea:

Mystic Knight Online

In the aftermath of Harry's second year, Lucius decides to take Harry out of the equation using means that can't be attributed to him, and avoiding using more lethal methods (again, to avoid suspicion).
He is also not completely ignorant of the muggle world. He might not understand it, or fully comprehend its technology, but his family didn't get so wealthy and influential by allowing itself to be completely ignorant. Thus, he hears about a bit of technology about to be unveiled in Japan, the Nerve Gear, which can simulate reality. While not understanding what virtual reality exactly is, the concept is one he does understand, which gives him an idea...

He decides to remove Harry from England by using manipulation, bribery, judicious use of the confundus charm, and more to get Harry out of the country. In the end, Harry ends up in Japan, where over the next few months he gets a crash course in the language via magic bullshit method to give him competence in it, and a Nerve Gear shoved on his head in time for SAO, which is expected to serve as a nice distraction for him. This actually would be somewhat in character for Lucius in a way, as it is a complex plan, and complexity addiction would strike me as a flaw in the Malfoys. Also, what happens to Harry afterward is not his problem and the method, while not cheap, is considered an expense well paid in his mind.

Needless to say, the entire thing does serve as a distraction for Harry, as he gets thrust into the Death Game.

Pairings: I'm inclined towards Harry/Silica due to them being relatively close in age to begin with. Of course, the canon SAO pairing of Kirito/Asuna will remain. (don't see Lisbeth having much of a chance with Kirito)

I have a lot of ideas on this, though I need to plan it out. I actually have the endgame and mid parts fairly well conceived in my mind, but the start and the necessary contrivances to get it off the ground? Well, the first bit is one idea and seems to be the most likely to work.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Phht » November 28th, 2015, 2:33 am

If the plan sticks together long enough for Harry to get trapped in SAO, then Lucius just assassinated Harry Potter. Because can you imagine once the British MoM or Dumbledore locates Harry, that someone's not going to do something incredible stupid involving the Nerve Gear out of ignorance and kill him?

Flipside, what are the odds that the Nerve Gear suffers the fate of electronics around sufficient amounts of magic and kicks the bucket on its own, either before or after SAO release day?
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » November 28th, 2015, 3:07 pm

Well, at least in the variant I’m storyboarding, that’s not going to happen. That is a possibility that has to be considered, though.

In the case of this story, the magical world is not deliberately ignorant of muggle technology or developments, so there is some awareness involved. This is as much due to the muggleborns, as it is due to them wanting to make sure that if the muggles come up with something truly dangerous to them, which does happen on occasion and the 20th Century has given them a number of shocks in the form of modern weapons and the space race. Some can be countered, the rest can usually be avoided, but it’s best to be aware of them.

In other words, the magical world isn’t run by complete idiots, even if they don’t fully comprehend just what has been happening over the last few decades. If they get told that removing it will kill him, they won't remove it, even if several in Britain wouldn't mind Harry dying.

I'm also intending to play around with the Walking Techbane trope in this case. In my consideration, magic and technology mix, just not normally well. A single witch or wizard, unless they are actively using magic, won't short out tech just by touching it. Even when using magic, it's a toss-up, as some things don't have problems, some do, and some it really just depends on random factors. Places like Hogwarts are so saturated in magic that modern electronics don’t work for the simple fact you have two forms of energy trying to occupy the same space. In this case, electronic circuits short out due to being overloaded from too much energy going through them.

General magical ignorance of muggle developments is more due to cultural and social factors. Since they’ve routinely had magical solutions to their problems, they generally haven’t had to find other solutions. When a muggle solution does come up that they can see a use for, they might or might not adopt it. They adopted radio for many of the same reasons the muggles adopted it, efficient mass communication.

The level of ignorance also varies by culture. Some are less ignorant than others. And some are on the verge of just saying “fuck it, we’re going that route” and going towards a more integrated society. The Japanese are in the “fuck it, we’re going that route” category, but that is more due to the fact that muggle technology gave them a rather brutal wakeup call in the form of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed 5% of their magical population, rand had some other nasty effects on the remaining survivors. That and Japanese culture makes it a little easier for them due to mysticism still being a part of it.
Spoiler: show
A number of magical families went effectively defunct due to the fact that they produced only non magical children for the next six decades, if they did produce children, with only the most recent generation beginning to show signs of magical recovery. And yes, that does serve a plot point in this series.
As for the Nerve Gear, considering that it has a microwave transmitter/receiver in it, it has some shielding built in, if only to protect the rest of the system from itself. Or Kayaba is aware of magic (or at least accepts the possibility of it) and took some steps to make sure the Nerve Gear doesn’t get affected. Take your pick, but I’m more leaning toward the latter, if only because it’s Kayaba.

Also, Harry is in another country. Removing him from that country entails having to go through a few hoops, and with Harry being trapped in SAO, the Japanese may see it more beneficial to keep him there for a time. At least until he either gets out, or he dies in the game and the Nerve Gear kills him. After that, things can get muddier with Harry having some pressure to return to Britain, while some elements in Japan, like Seijuro Kikuoka, try to keep him in Japan as a potential asset for as long as practicable.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Phht » November 29th, 2015, 1:34 am

...Horcrux. Ahahaha, the possibility. Imagine something fails and the battery goes fzzzt with its shot into Harry's brain. Now, imagine that instead of killing Harry, it instead is directly by Harry's magic/sacrificial protections to the "horcrux" in Harry's scar.
Spoiler: show
"How is he still alive? The battery should've fried his brain!"

"Well, he IS Harry Potter, the person who, as a baby, survived a magic spell that has killed everyone hit by it before and since."

"...fucking magic."


Now, instead of somehow having Harry hidden in Japan for a few months getting the language stuff into his head (without being found/rescued during that time), what if you go for maximum magical bullshit method and simply have a translation charm on him? Though if we stick to the sales starting Oct 31 and game launching Nov 6, then he'd have to be hidden in Japan for at least two months anyhow, otherwise he'd be at school. Unless he was kidnapped earlier in summer and it took a few months to get him to Japan in a very roundabout manner to throw off investigations. If nothing else, I'd want to shift the game launch day to Oct 31, to keep the tradition of bad things happening to Harry on Halloween.
Spoiler: show
If we go with slapping a translation charm on him, have Japanese Dark Witches/Wizards keeping an eye on him (feeding him, etc) to repay a favor to Lucius. When they learn about SAO trapping players in the game and killing them when the character dies, they get the idea to let the game deal with the Boy-Who-Lived and remove the charm (along with any magical wards protecting/hiding the location) and leave the area after sending an anonymous tip to the police about the location of a SAO player. Harry'll be in the hospital being cared for, so they haven't broken the deal with Lucius, but without having any understanding of written or spoken Japanese in the game any more, what are the odds that Harry will survive? This results in having part of the plot including Harry being taught written/spoken Japanese by other players that are to some degree fluent in English. Perhaps that one group that Kirito was social with early on spends time tutoring Harry instead of hitting a dungeon while their guild leader goes to buy a house for the group.

Also, given that accidental magic tends to occur in order to protect a person (such as Harry ending up on the roof when being chased by Dudley) or to act on an unspoken desire (such as turning someone's hair a different color or summoning a toy from another part of the room), and given that magic is a means for a witch or wizard to affect reality on a limited scale, could it be possible that accidental magic could affect a virtual reality in order to protect a person? I can't help but imagine accidental magic permanently setting the invulnerable flag on Harry at some point and Kayaba being frustrated at never being able to remove the flag (once he discovers it in place).

Of course, you could extrapolate things more. What if Kayaba was magical but didn't know it, and his magic unknowingly seeped into his game, given it a degree of "sentience"? The removal of the log out option and the battery EMP kill options are things that the software cannot circumvent, but it tries to find ways to combat the... infection? disease? that it feels Kayaba put into it. This could result in people with magic having their Nerve Gear alter over time to be powered by their magic rather than the battery and isolate the battery so it can't EMP. It could also result in finding someone that can, over time, be given admin controls to counter Kayaba (though given such controls may be hidden under the settings menu, the person given the controls may be unaware they have the access). This could short circuit the ALO arc, if say Harry has the admin access and notices the 300ish accounts transferred to a new server instead of being logged out and tells the authorities after he is logged out. Particularly if the admin rights are carried over to ALO with his character (like what happened to Kirito).

I expect that Harry gets kidnapped some time before or after his Third Year at Hogwarts. After Second Year means that he's now very much on Lucius's radar, and before Fourth Year means that kidnapping Harry to Japan won't involve having to deal with OotP guards watching Harry. Though if age-wise he should be near Silica, that'd mean before third year, possibly even before second year (late in the summer after his b-day, but before the Weasley boys come rescue him?). Hee, maybe getting Harry bundled off to Japan occupies enough of Lucius's time that he doesn't do the CoS mess that year (and then Sirius Black's escape preempts things the year after, etc).
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » November 29th, 2015, 5:38 am

On the first bit, that would make for a good omake.

On the second bit. Hmm, interesting. I like the Halloween launch idea, as it only shifts the date earlier by a week.

That's something I would need to work on, though I am inclined to take a tack on both. It takes time to get Harry to Japan, while his language skills grow partially due to incentive to learn just how he's being talked down to, and partially due to his captors wanting to make sure he understands enough to not make a complete ass of himself, and by extension them. Thus, even when the charm is taken off, he's already picked up enough of the language to get by. The rest he picks up out of sheer necessity. Or I can just handwave it as "A wizard did it, and did it better than intended."

Having him work with the Moonlight Black Cats has some potential, and is an idea I didn't think too hard about, especially since Harry intends to be in on clearing the game. Maybe it happens when he takes a break from constantly putting his (and Silica's) life on the line. He finds himself helping them out, and unlike Kirito, sees no need to hide the fact that he's front line.

As for accidental magic doing what you entailed, not what I was thinking of in terms of power, but the fact that it can relieve the death sentence hanging over him has some potential. If anything, his accidental magic is what triggers him unlocking a Unique Skill, mostly because it wouldn't be a fic involving Harry Potter without him facing Voldemort somewhere. So, why not have him face the Horcrux? End result? Harry nearly killed, Horcrux is killed, and he gains a nifty ability that will save his ass when he does bring it out. Will need to be kept in the context of SAO's rules. This ability would be unlocked around the midpoint or later. I was thinking around floor 50.
Spoiler: show
Skill: Mystic Blade (Unique Skill) - Initial Ideas
Effects: Allows Harry to use limited magic with a sword or dagger. The magic is limited to giving his attacks elemental effects based on environment at first, but greater proficiency allows him to call those elements at will (he basically has to master it). It is a double edged sword at times.
Fire: Offensive Element that slightly increases his damage output and allows him to apply burning damage over time to the target. More hits stack the burns increasing the DoT damage.
Wind: Massively boosts his speed making him almost as fast as Asuna, while not sacrificing his offensive power. At the same time, a good solid hit is more dangerous for him as he ends up sacrificing defense.
Water: Crowd control and healing. His crowd control abilities allow him to slow most enemies down, or slow down their attacks. At the same time, it gives him some healing ability and health regeneration.
Earth: Damage reduction ability at the cost of speed. Not as effective for Harry due to him not using a shield, which would make it significantly more effective, but carefully timed uses can save his ass.
As for Kayaba, the idea of him being magical and unaware of it is a possibility I have entertained. Considering some of my ideas, I can also have him aware of magic, but unable to use it due to other reasons, like a nuke knocking the ability out of his family line for a few generations.

And yes, I was thinking about doing it between second and third year. I could also increase Silica's age by a year easily enough as well (the idea I'm storyboarding is already playing loosely with canon and changing an age is far from the worst sin I can commit). In fact that can open up some other avenues in their relationship, especially since I can see some amusing hijinks coming as Harry begins to notice girls, especially when word on how to turn the Ethics Code off spreads. Also, between second and third year has the benefit that Harry's thwarted Lucius with the CoS incident, giving Lucius an immediate incentive to get him out of the way, especially since doing so will distract Albus long enough for him to work on chipping away at Albus' image.

I'll PM you a few of the ideas.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby RavynousHunter » November 30th, 2015, 9:46 am

Just thought of a very interesting crossover idea... (Doctor Who/Tenchi Muyo)

Washu tried experimenting with time, the final dimension she had to conquer through science. Little did she know that exposure to the raw power of time would end up with her getting sucked...into the TARDIS, with a very surprised Tenth Doctor fresh from defeating the Rachnoss and saving Donna Noble's life, as well as the entire Earth, once again. Hijinks and drama ensue as Washu tries to return her universe all while having insane adventures with the last son of Gallifrey.

Washu: "Do you have to run everywhere you go?"
Doctor: "Not all the time! ... Okay, a lot of the time, but running's good for you!"
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby RagnorakTres » November 30th, 2015, 8:31 pm

Little bit of a continuation from my previous post, thought I'd give some thought to the background setting. Sort of a "how did we get here?" Any glaring errors going on? Obviously a bit of an alternate history is necessary.
Spoiler: show
In the 8th century AD, Baba Yaga is a Romani witch. She bears and adopts many children, mostly girls, and trains them in the Romani traditions of magic.

One moves to Great Britain in the early 10th century for reasons unknown, and bears a daughter. To her daughter, she teaches all the things Baba Yaga taught her.

This daughter then weaves all of this magic into physical form; a Library. She passes it to HER daughter, Vera Hathaway, in the hopes that it will continue to be passed on.

Vera Hathaway marries into the Potter Family through their second son Richard, bringing with her the Library Romani (as it will come to be called). This verifies the joining as the founding of a branch house.

During the 14th century, a rash of radical misfortune, both contrived and not, results in the destruction of the mainline Potter house. The branch house is, after some deliberation, granted the Crest, Lands, and Library of the main house in addition to their own Lands and Library, making them one of the most powerful magical families in Great Britain. They maintain this status for some 600 years.

In the chaos of the 17th and 18th centuries, the lore of Libraries is largely lost, resulting in the mass misuse of their ability. During this time, some families turn to the newer Index style, turning one member of the family (usually a distant cousin or willful daughter) into a living Library (see the Malfoys, the Gaunts). Some do not, and lose their Library entirely (see the Longbottoms), but retain political clout and magical power. The Potters, in a last ditch attempt to avoid losing 800 years of Romani ritual lore and Saxon countermagics, Twin their Libraries together and tie them into a powerful ley line, resulting in the only known Twinned Library. It is secreted away on a parcel of land known as Godric's Hollow. This knowledge is lost over time.

The last of the Gaunt line, Tom Marvolo Riddle, searches for, discovers, subdues, and absorbs the Gaunt's Index of power-enhancing rituals and assault magics, thus catapulting him from "annoyingly capable Dark Wizard" to "world-class threat."

James Potter, during a youthful misadventure in the summer of his fifth year, discovers the hidden Libraries, but doesn't know what to make of them. He throws them into his trunk, intending to ask a teacher at Hogwarts about them, but forgets.

Lily Evans discovers them quite by accident during a seventh-year tryst and begins to make inquiries. A year later, she works out how to use them and she and James quickly become the greatest thorn in Voldemort's side through ambush tactics and capable countermagics.

James and Lily are married, and go into hiding to protect their unborn son, Harry. During this period, Lily Potter, knowing that many magics can be made into permanent enchantments if worked into a growing body early enough, pores over the Twinned Libraries, searching for a way to better enable her son to protect himself. In early October 1981, the Twinned Libraries show her an antimagic ritual. Performing it on Harry takes 3 weeks, and grants him the Imagine Breaker in his left arm.

Hallowe'en 1981 occurs, and Harry becomes known as the Boy-Who-Lived. He retains a fragment of Riddle's soul, and with it, a copy of the Gaunt's Index. The Twinned Libraries are taken by Sirius, who secrets them away before going after Pettigrew.

Harry is raised by Vernon and Petunia Dursley, who treat him grudgingly well due to his apparently normality as Imagine Breaker stops the worst of his accidental magic.
I figured I'd codify a Library as a crystalline structure that retains the memory of a spell or ritual, while an Index serves the same purpose but uses the preexisting structure of a human brain. Obviously, then, Indexing a human is a pretty objectively terrible thing to do, and it frequently drives the target insane as their brain is forcefed data.

I was figuring that holding a Library would allow one to cast any spell out of it, but that this drains the Library of necessary power. So a bunch of families drained their Libraries of too much power and didn't know how to recharge them, resulting in a very pretty doorstop. Madam Longbottom and Dumbledore might be the only persons alive to have seen an active Library, and Dumbledore is probably the only person alive with even a few of the puzzle pieces I laid out above. He might know that the Libraries Romani and Potter are Twinned, and he might know that the Library Romani has the ritual to recharge a drained Library within it, but there's almost no chance he'd know both of these facts for certain.

My thought is that Sirius would've recognized (from stories) the Libraries and hidden them in Godric's Hollow again, intending to retrieve them for Harry's edification after he dealt with Peter.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » December 1st, 2015, 4:11 am

Good idea with timelining some of the history behind it and how things led up to the events in the series. Considering that your idea is a crossover, playing a bit with the timelines is accepted as well. Now, Harry having both Libraries, but unable to use them is interesting. Of course, a good deal of that is that while he technically has them, he can't access them due to them being hidden away. Given that he also has Imagine Breaker, I can see that having some interesting effects with his own magic as well.

Anyway, a rough timeline of the beginning events for my story idea follows.
Spoiler: show
July 31, 2009 – Harry Potter Born

Oct 4, 2009 – Keiko Ayano (Silica) is born (year earlier than in canon).

Oct 31, 2010 – Voldemort attacks the potters, killing James and Lily and orphaning Harry

June 2022 – Chamber of Secrets incident in Hogwarts is resolved, putting Harry solidly on Lucius Malfoy’s radar.

July 1, 2022 – Lucius Malfoy gets the idea of getting Harry out of the way. Begins planning and making necessary contacts.

July 31, 2022 – Harry Potter’s 13th birthday.

August 3, 2022 – Lucius Malfoy’s plan is put into action. Harry kidnapped by the magical equivalent of the Yakuza and taken to Japan by a roundabout route.

August 25, 2022 – Harry Potter arrives in Japan. Numerous charms are used to give Harry a crash course in the Japanese language, as well as basic technical knowledge. Effects knock Harry out of commission until September 1.

September 1, 2022 – Hogwarts begins, Harry not present.

September 2, 2022 – October 30, 2022 – Captors use a combination of charms and drugs to keep Harry tractable due to his repeated, and sometimes impressive, attempts to escape. They avoid more effective ones because they need the boy coherent and able to think.

Oct 24, 2022 – SAO released (week earlier than in canon)

Oct 31, 2022 –
  • 10:00 JST Harry fitted with Nerve Gear, body purged of waste, and immobilized. He is given a final command: Complete SAO to the best of his ability and to not die if possible.
    13:00 JST – SAO servers go live, Harry enters SAO.
    17:00 JST – Kayaba implements plan, trapping players.
    17:30 JST – Kayaba informs players of their situation.
    21:00 JST – Captors become aware of what Kayaba did and confer on a plan of action.
    23:00 JST – Decision reached. As they were told that Harry was wanted kept alive for the time being, they decide that simply killing him is not an option at the time. They decide to sanitize site and leave Harry’s fate to the authorities due to the impracticality of keeping him at the site for a prolonged period. It also means that if he dies, it is out of their hands or control. Message is sent to their contact to get to Lucius.
Nov 1, 2022 – Harry’s captors begin the process of sanitizing the site they kept Harry at and remove most of the control charms. Harry begins a period of disorientation and takes refuge in an inn.

Nov 3, 2022 – Last control charms removed, authorities notified of Harry’s location. Captors clear out site. Harry taken to Hospital. Harry’s disorientation ends and he spends the next two days regaining himself. Resolves to help clear the game.
While the same group that took Harry and squirreled him away in Japan is not averse, or even shy about, killing a minor if deemed necessary, I am going on the assumption that various people want him alive, if only as a bargaining chip. Turning him over to the muggles makes some sense, as it takes the entire matter out of their hands, allowing them to disavow any responsibility if he does die. Also, considering the nature of the death game, he might not survive anyway.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Dechstreme » December 16th, 2015, 12:21 pm

Flipside, what are the odds that the Nerve Gear suffers the fate of electronics around sufficient amounts of magic and kicks the bucket on its own, either before or after SAO release day?
Electronics don't really malfunction around Magic in the HPverse outside fo Hogwarts, and that happens in the first place because it's implied that Hogwarts has a techbane field on purpose. Otherwise, the sheer concentration of magic in the magical communities would cause major malfunctions in the surrounding areas and then there went the secrecy.

The "Magic doesn't get along with technology thing" is usually something that is transplanted from the Dresden Files in the first place, so it's rather out of place in Harry Potter. Most important to remember? There was never any indication that machines went haywire in the Dursley home ANYWHERE in the narrative. It just wasn't a thing outside of Hogwarts.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby MrRigger2 » December 17th, 2015, 12:35 am

Dechstreme, thank you so much for remembering and understanding that concept. I can't count how many times I've had the same conversation about how HP wizards are not walking techbanes like they are in DF. Or how many stories I've read have included it unnecessarily. Besides it never being a problem anywhere outside of Hogwarts that I can recall, the best evidence I can think of is that nothing is ever mentioned regarding random technological breakdowns in the Dursley household. And if things kept randomly breaking, Vernon and Petunia would definitely blame it on Harry (rightly so, in this hypothetical case). Since we never hear Vernon bellowing about the TV shorting out again, it's not a big leap to assume that it's not an issue.

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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » December 17th, 2015, 12:52 pm

One reason I intend to avert that trope in the first place. Well, if I ever get around to writing it, since I am still working out the base plotline in an attempt to get it to work with minimal issues. Futile, but I want to be at least consistent on the details.

That doesn't mean that magic and modern technology can't do screwy things together, but that is more due to the fact that you have two types of energy trying to occupy the same place, which can result in a short. Here's the thing, that only applies to active magic, or areas that have so much magic saturating them (like Hogwarts), and it is a relatively easy problem to fix with adequate shielding or grounding. You know, shielding or grounding, like what comes relatively standard with most modern electronics in the first place due to the need for relatively sensitive components to work together without shorting each other out. For something that has components as sensitive as a Nerve Gear would, it would be decently shielded due to the fact that some of the components it has are either extremely sensitive, or it does have a microwave system in it (that's something that is a whole other issue with the Nerve Gear, but that's beside the point).

If you looked at some of my earlier posts, you will also note that even with the separation, the magical world is not completely ignorant of developments and technology in the muggle world. They might not fully understand the technology, but they are at least generally aware of it, and some technologies are adopted if they look at it and say, "Hey! The muggles are on to something!" That doesn't mean that it's immediately adopted, or quickly, but it eventually is. Of course, they adopt it as it is at the time, and any improvements they make are not necessarily going to be the same improvements over time the muggles make. Different needs and requirements mean that developments progress in different directions.

You can see that my version of the magical world isn't run by idiots here. Well, it's not run by complete idiots.

Thus, Lucius sees a way of getting Harry out of the way and getting one over on Dumbledore. While doing so would be expensive, it would be cheaper than trying to bribe his way out of prison, or ending up in prison in the first place, should he be caught trying to kill, or actually killing Harry. Well, that and he might have a need for Harry in the future. After the whole Kayaba thing, it simply becomes, if the boy dies, too bad, but it can't be tied to him. If he survives, just as good, and he might have a use for him, or just find ways to keep him out of England.

Of course, I thought of this mostly because I needed an excuse plot in the first place to get Harry absconded off with to Japan, but these details still needed to be thought of.

The planning is still very much a work in progress with the story outline (which I am not making the mistake of rigidly holding myself to in the first place), abilities, relationships between Harry and the SAO cast, and the exploration of ideas. The fact that I have to work out just how this will change Harry is also important. I don't want to make him a super!Harry, or at least not do so without proper justification and buildup. It might happen, some of the post SAO events would be awesome in my mind if he picked up some nifty abilities that translated into the real world.

Yeah, I'm still thinking of things.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Dechstreme » December 19th, 2015, 10:54 am

Dechstreme, thank you so much for remembering and understanding that concept. I can't count how many times I've had the same conversation about how HP wizards are not walking techbanes like they are in DF. Or how many stories I've read have included it unnecessarily. Besides it never being a problem anywhere outside of Hogwarts that I can recall, the best evidence I can think of is that nothing is ever mentioned regarding random technological breakdowns in the Dursley household. And if things kept randomly breaking, Vernon and Petunia would definitely blame it on Harry (rightly so, in this hypothetical case). Since we never hear Vernon bellowing about the TV shorting out again, it's not a big leap to assume that it's not an issue.

You are welcome. And even THEN.... the only proof we have of Hogwarts being a Techbane Area is.... A book Hermione read.... And Hermione never tried stress testing to see if it actually happened due to her bad habit of taking the word of Authority Figures and Books as near gospel. This is something people forget, she's smart... but she's not curious enough to be a proper scientist.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby MrRigger2 » December 19th, 2015, 8:06 pm


Yeah, the test bears it out. Hermione is definitely a normal person by this criteria.

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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Dechstreme » December 20th, 2015, 5:54 pm

*Imagines Hermione being scandalized at being called normal*

My darling girl, what we do, we do for your own good.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » December 21st, 2015, 9:54 am

Give her time, give her time. While it is reasonable to hope someone of her intelligence would instinctively lean toward the joys of SCIENCE!!!, we can indoctrinate her to it as she gets older.

Not to mention, sporking the techbane thing will allow me to give her (and by extension myself) ideas.

Now, I wonder what an AmuSphere and the Room of Requirement would do together, especially if Hermione has a copy of ALO ready on it when she brings it in. I was thinking that if I had her introduced to ALO, I would have her as an Undine due to how it would fit her character type, and then remembered, why that? Go Cait Sith, because of that polyjuice incident. On an unrelated note, Crookshanks was there and is now serving as a winged dire tiger that serves as her friend, companion, mount, and protector.

And Dumbledore's reaction? Asking Minerva to bring popcorn, asking Hagrid to bring his special reserve homebrew, and Pomona to make her special herbally treated snacks. This will be entertaining to watch, and he wants the staff good and buzzed when the fallout happens.

Would make for a good omake.

Heh, thanks for inspiring an idea to play with later guys.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Dechstreme » December 21st, 2015, 3:43 pm

What have we wrought?
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby jgkitarel » December 21st, 2015, 8:25 pm

Eh, you never know. :meaw:

Anyway, on the techbane bit of fanon. Honestly, people probably assumed it due to familiarity with other franchises, like DF, where magic and technology don't play nice. It also serves as a handy way of explaining just why wizards and witches are so ignorant of technology.
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Dechstreme » December 22nd, 2015, 11:05 am

They are ignorant of Science and technology because of their self imposed isolation and because they don't bother trying to actually learn on account of, you know, the contempt and looking down of anything of Muggle origin that the magical society is guilty of.

The fact that there is a class called "Muggle Studies", a class that you can spin as having a racist name because Muggles are human and they are treating them like something alien and separate that are more of a curiousity than something they should learn about, speaks rather badly of the Wizarding World seeing as it would be more accurate to call it Non-Magical World Studies.

There is also the fact that the class is an elective rather than mandatory. It can be taken to mean that learning about the Modern World isn't considered important at all, in spite of the fact that, when you get down to it, it's the mundane non-magicals, the Muggles, that actually RULE the world.

It doesn't help me that for the past few days, I've been imagining scenes where one of my own characters, who happened to be Transuniversal Travelers, takes a job as a Muggle Studies teacher and takes the opportunity to make waves and run merry hell on Hogwarts to bring her new students to the 20th century.

Rowling says that the barriers between the magical and mundane world are insurmountable? I say

SMASH THE SYSTEM!!! :ka_boom:
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby RavynousHunter » December 28th, 2015, 1:46 pm

A simple bunny for One Punch Man:

A fic told entirely from the point of view of Mumen Rider. Think about it: you've got this world with monsters that level whole cities, people with crazy ass psychic powers, and that's not even touching the insanity that is Saitama and his power, and you're just this regular guy with a bicycle, goggles, minimal protective gear...and the heart of a fucking lion. I think it'd be an awesome perspective to explore, especially since he's so insanely dedicated.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Dechstreme » December 28th, 2015, 7:21 pm

Yeah, Mumen is all sorts of awesome. Unfortunately, I don't hink anyone here has the chops to do him justice.
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Re: Plot Bunnies to a good home (May be rabid)

Postby Phht » January 1st, 2016, 10:54 pm

Had a hilarious thought. What if, during Revenge of the Sith, the entirety of the Jedi Council other than Anakin died or went missing, or get put into a multi-month coma or something? Some point prior to the confrontation between Mace and Palpatine. So, say, Yoda and Obi-Wan go off on a mission together, contact is lost with the ship and a search can't locate them. They could have crashed somewhere and show up a few months or more later. Others are outright dead.

But how would Anakin handle being, to the best of anyone's knowledge, the last remaining Council member? How would the Order deal with it? Does Ahsoka find the situation so amusing she reappears to laugh at her former master?
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