KH: Visions of Destiny 2

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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby MrRigger2 » June 3rd, 2017, 1:22 pm

The three of you return to the bunker. When Laguna, Goofy, and Donald see you together, subdued but obviously in better shape than you left, they breathe a sigh of relief, and send you to some cots you can use to sleep in.
We just got up from our cots, according to the last passage. We're still at the Bunker.

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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 3rd, 2017, 4:25 pm

AAAARRRGGGHH!!! The site ate my post. Now I have type it out all over again. *sigh* Here goes...

*clears throat*

Now that I've read the James Reports and had time to think, I'd like to voice my thoughts. Posting this here because I don't have an account on SV.

Spoilered mostly for length, but also because I'm going to be talking about some spoilery things related to the crossovers (but, then again, It Was His Sled):
Spoiler: show
Another odd mechanic noted by the Keyblade Order is that every Princess has or will have a "knight" who will loyally fight for their Princess. These knights have been observed to fight endlessly, even unto their own death, for their Princess.
Now that is interesting... What's also interesting, on the other hand...
Four of them now stand together, in the ruins of Hollow Bastion, putting everything they can into trying to break into Maleficent's abode.
Belle (Beauty and the Beast): Captured by Maleficent
Nia (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann): Captured by Pete.
Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros): Captured by Jafar.
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica): Captured by Dr. Facilier.
That has to be the strangest team up in the history of the Multiverse.

A plumber who regularly fights a turtle-dragon-thing to save his princess (when they aren't going Go-Karting or something with said turtle-dragon-thing) and (going by SSB here because I'm not familiar with Mario) can throw fireballs and probably has other fire powers.

A time traveler who, before the Heartless came and did what they do best, had locked herself into a Groundhog Day Loop to save her princess, and is probably still stuck in Heroic Safe Mode just to deal with that, nevermind whatever else has happened since then.

One of the most hot-blooded men the Multiverse has ever seen (the most hot-blooded likely being his sadly deceased brother-figure), who has hopefully managed to bring at least his larger-than-a-person mech that looks like a head with arms and legs with him and may or may not have learned how to make giant drills out of his own blood and willpower.

And a prince with anger issues who has been cursed into the form of a hairy Beast because he was rude to an enchantress, and is probably leading them by dint of having been at this the longest.

I can't wait to see how they interact with each other. Any chance of a spinoff or something about them when this is over?

I'd also like to know how they even got to Hollow Bastion in the first place.
As far as Facilier's concerned, Madoka was the most annoying. He had to deal with the timejumps and perfectly timing his attack for when Madoka was easiest to snare. And he STILL had to deal with Madoka's friends. If he hadn't had Hook directly on hand, those time-normalizing Heartless nearby, and Madoka already in the Brig when the Puella arrived, that could have ended badly. Hook concurs with Facilier.
I guess that was harder than our Dream Vision made it look. Considering Homura, I probably should have expected that. Still, something interesting to note here...
And he STILL had to deal with Madoka's friends.
Friends, plural. Homura had backup. I can think of two possibilities, which aren't mutually exclusive.

One: Some of the FFXIII cast pitched in to try and help save Madoka. Technically possible, but very improbable. Lightning and Serah were elsewhere, I personally doubt Fang and Vanille were anywhere nearby (not impossible though, I'm just guessing on a feeling), and going by PMMM mechanics, Snow, Hope and Sazh wouldn't have been much help in a fight, at least not at the time and compared to the others. Plus, the quote mentioning how that one went only mentioned "Puella", so probably not those last three.

Two: Some of the original five from PMMM besides Madoka and Homura were still alive at the time (if so, then it must have been a good timeline for Homura). I hope so, and that they're okay, wherever they are. Considering our GM, however, it's probably best to expect the worst.
As far as Jafar's concerned, Peach was the most annoying Princess to kidnap. Mario was chasing him the whole way back to Hook's ship, even as the Heartless destroyed the world around him.
Wow. That must have been some chase. I guess they learned from that by the time they went after Madoka. Too bad too.
As far as Maleficent's concerned, Destiny Islands was the most annoying. Those goons just refused to stay dead, and it cost her the Princess.
Stay dead? That's strange. That's very, very strange. I wonder what it means.
Pete personally got real tired of Simon's shit, real fast. It took such nasty tricks as putting Nia inside his own body (making it hard to attack him without harming her) to make sure he could leave in anything remotely similar to peace.
Ouch. That must have been painful for Simon. Also sounds like any other member of the VoaS would have failed that one.
Everyone who was involved in the operation agrees in retrospect that Belle was EASY, in comparison to the others. That said, Beast has been the biggest thorn in their side by virtue of being the one who's been assaulting their base the longest.
After everything the others put them through, taking on a cursed prince with anger issues and a bunch of living furniture would look easy.

I was going to quote Random Member's question, but James already answered that one on SV.
That's everything I wanted to say (that I can remember). Sorry the walls of text from all the quoting I've been doing.

EDIT: AARRGGHH!!! The site tried to eat my post again. Good thing I learned from last time and copied it before I tried to post.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby Wraith5 » June 4th, 2017, 12:48 am return to the bunker...
We just got up from our cots, according to the last passage. We're still at the Bunker.

Oh... in that case, I'll go back to my original line of thought (before I remembered we found Riku elsewhere...):
  • *Mention Amy to someone who could retrieve her.
    *Ask about weapon upgrades.
    *Talk to Cortana (maybe just Donald and/or Goofy instead of the entire party).
    *Fourth District (maybe split up?)
So, yeah. Pretty much put my vote under plan Rigger, only we tell someone about Amy first.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby gamebrain89 » June 4th, 2017, 6:46 pm

Im with Rigger. Got nothing to really add, other than keep talking it out with Riku and stuff as much as possible, metawise see if we can't find an excuse to get him to talk (and maybe apologize) to Pinkie.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 5th, 2017, 7:10 pm

Day 54
Traverse Town
Time - Endless Night

You grab your jacket and shoes and make for the showers. Feeling refreshed after a short soak, you walk back to the cots, and see Riku still sleeping.

You look at Kairi, and you both have the same villainous thought.

"Whuh- BLAAAGHH!" Riku jolts to attention as the two of you each pull on a corner of his mouth. "Whuh ah ya doin!?"

"Rise and shine, Riku! Let's stretch those smile muscles!

"Yu dorhs! Gerroff!" Riku gets up, forcing the two of you to back off. "Alright, already, what's up?"

"Well, the invasion's over," Kairi says, "and we figure we should get some stuff done early, so we can have a day or two just to have fun."

"Huh." Riku thinks for a moment, then smiles. "Alright, I'm up for that. What's the plan, then?"

"Well, first of all, I was thinking..."

"Sora, Riku, Kairi?" Cortana's voice echoes from one of the nearby speakers. You all look up.


"I have an update on the piece of technology you brought in before the invasion. Do you have time to discuss it?"

"... We're right here if you need us," Kairi says, a little disappointed.

"What's up?" You ask.

"It appeared, at first glance, to be the motherboard for an extremely advanced computer, but it may very well be much more. Processors, storage, and various other devices we can't even guess the nature of are attached to this central unit, that are infinitely smaller than any we've seen before. It blows everything in my logs away... Not even the Precursors-" There is a pause. "Extremely careful scanning has found that the device is almost as old as your chain."

"Okay...?" You start. "What does it...?"

"That's what we need your aid to find out, Ch-Ch-... Sora. There's a particular part of the board we think is the external connection port, however... it has a lock on it. Luckily, we think we have the keys." You get the distinct impression that she'd be shooting you a glance. "If we can open the port up, we can manufacture adapters to hopefully connect the board to something we can use to access it."

"Ummm. Okay, let's see what we've got. Mind if we grab breakfast on the way?"

"No, of course not. We'll be waiting at Chamber 7355."

You nod.


The three of you meet up with Donald and Goofy just outside of the room.

"Good morning, fellas!" Goofy says. "Sleep well?"

"As best as I could," Riku grumbles, though he has something of a smile in his eyes. He dunks down a paper cup of coffee, and smashes the cup between his hands. "I'll be up and at them once this kicks in."

The five of you enter, and see the board itself, accompanied by Cortana's projection, The Chief, and Laguna.

"Hey kids. Sorry to pull you away from whatever you were planning for today," Laguna says.

"It's alright. We're the ones who presented this thing to you guys." You put your hands behind your head. "So, where's the lock?"

Cortana walks across the table, pointing out a small nub on the edge of the board. "Right here."

Riku nods, and steps forward. "I'll take care of it." He peers at the port. "... There's a lock there?"

"Yes. Based on the last time you used this power, you'll want to align your Keyblade like... so." She adjusts her arms to point at it from above and to its right. Riku frowns, shrugs, and puts his Keyblade in the position.

"You sure this thing is a-" a keyhole shape appears from the nub, and the Keyblade shoots a beam into it, passing through Cortana to do so. "-lock?"

"So it appears," Cortana says, stepping out of the way as Riku twists the Keyblade.

Suddenly, the nub glows, despite not seeming to have any light-up parts on it, and a strange globe of blue light surrounds it and the area nearby.

"Well, I'll be..." Laguna says. "I was expecting it to kinda... open up, or something. What kind of port is that?"

"Scanning..." Cortana says. "It's... possible that the port... Mayor, could you grab a cable? Something not connected to anything we don't want to lose?"

Laguna nods, and produces a short, thin cable. "For my music player, heh."

"That should be fine. Put the end you'd stick into a computer into the field." Laguna does so.

"Okay, what n-" He pauses, blinks, and lets go of the cord. The end in the field remains there, floating inside the field. "Okay. So it doesn't need adapters. Neat."

"So what now?" The Chief asks.

"Well, we hope that we can access it with modern day tools." Cortana says. "I'll admit, I'm extremely curious as to what's inside... but it probably isn't wise to plug myself directly into it."

"Well, wise or not, we might have to, if we want to know what it does. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Laguna says. "For now... well, I've already got a separate computer we can use." He turns to face Riku. "Thanks. We'll let you know what we find."

Riku nods. "So, you were saying, Kairi?"

"Well..." Kairi starts. "I noticed, before the invasion, that some of our friends seemed interested in our SILHOUETTE equipment... Cortana, can you find me... Rarity... Squall... um, Rei... Max, Light and Bulma, please?"

"Of course... Head to room 7354, you'll find a device that'll spit out a slip of paper with everyone's locations.

As the five of you walk out, Donald frowns. "So, what's this all about?"

Kairi pulls out the marble form of the Raising Heart SILHOUETTE. "If this invasion taught us anything, it's that we need to be stronger..." You get the message Kairi leaves unsaid - she needs to get stronger. "If there's a way to make our equipment better, we should at least consider it."

"Master," the marble's voice starts up. "One feature added to most SILHOUETTE designs is the ability to be modified - in lieu of not being as effective as the weapon being replicated, we possess superior modular capabilities. It is possible for the engineers you speak of to each develop additional functional modes for any SILHOUETTE projects, with the ability to return to the base state. However, it may take significant time to perform this upgrade. Thus, it is recommended that Master ensures she is equipped during my absence."

Kairi nods. "Um. Thanks for the information."

"You are welcome."

Please select whether to upgrade your Raising Heart SILHOUETTE and/or Power Sword SILHOUETTE, and who to leave in charge of the upgrade. Multiple people can be asked, but it will generally take 10 in-game days for each person to create their own upgrade. Some may develop their upgrades faster than others.

Power Sword SILHOUETTE may be upgraded by: Leon (into Power Sword LIONHEART), Light (into Power Sword FOCUS), or Bulma (into Power Sword-Z), ????? (into Power Sword ????), or ??????? (into Power Sword ????).

Raising Heart SILHOUETTE may be upgraded by: Rarity (into Raising Heart HARMONY), Rei (into Raising Heart LONGINUS), Max (into Raising Heart ATLAS), Bulma (into Raising Heart KAME), or ??????? (into Raising Heart ????).


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Last edited by JamestheFox on June 5th, 2017, 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 5th, 2017, 7:30 pm

oog: Before I vote, James, the link to the Gummi Ship sheet was taking me to the old sheet, from before the mechanics change. Not sure if it's been fixed yet, but anyway, while I'm on the subject, I'd like to point out that we had 131 Ship EXP before the mechanics change. While it's not how we upgrade our ship anymore, can we get a free upgrade or something for it? I'd rather it not turn out that those Research actions were a complete waste.

Also, where are our Gummi Blocks? Last I saw, we had 152 of them.

ig: Have Bulma upgrade Raising Heart, and if Max and Rarity can upgrade it after that, do it. I'd also like for the Power Sword to be upgraded by all three, but priority goes to Leon.

Kairi can borrow the Mage's Staff from Donald in the meantime.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 5th, 2017, 8:17 pm

Fixed. I also put two Gummi Items in Vault-G 1. Will soon be posting some Lore here, for those who don't want to hop to the other forum to view them.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 5th, 2017, 8:30 pm

First, to get us caught up with SV, the James Reports already posted, that weren't already here. Most of this, as always, showed up on the Skype Chat ages ago, so. If you are interested in joining and getting more stuff way ahead of everyone else, let me know!


In KHVD, The World Order is not just a guideline those few people who travel the worlds try to keep to, it's a law, upheld by a coalition of worlds known as the Galactic Federation. This Federation divides worlds into two categories: Closed Worlds, which are the vast majority, and whose residents are generally unaware of the existence of other worlds, and Open Worlds, which consist of worlds of people who know of and can travel to other worlds. It is generally illegal to intervene in the affairs of Closed Worlds, or uplift them into an Open status.

Before the World Order was made into law and the Galactic Federation came into being, many Open Worlds ended up at war with each other, and many drained many nearby worlds dry of their natural bounty (and, in some cases, the population was enslaved).

Ultimately, the Keyblade Order teamed up with a number of worlds to stomp this madness down. The tyrannical worlds were defeated, and everyone else came together to form a federation. Each world still rules itself, but the Federation has its own army, funding, and laws that hold in all inter-world affairs. Representatives from all worlds (and more recently, from a number of multi-world organizations, such as the Green Lanterns) gather together, report to each other, ensure the laws of the worlds are kept, etc. At the very top of this council is a Grand Council(wo)man who acts as supreme judge in cases regarding The World Order, and whose job it also is to ensure that everyone below him or her (currently her) is doing their job. In times of war, they also have a number of emergency powers.


The Clone War, starting in about 14 BKHVD and ending in 10BKHVD, was a relatively small war between two factions: The Galactic Federation as a whole, and a small group of worlds that wished a clean break from the Federation and its World Order, calling themselves the Separatists. At first it puzzled all involved, as despite this supposed desire, the Separatists for the most part maintained the very World Order they claimed to want no part of.

The Clone War was named such because the majority of the fighters in said war were mass produced clones, ordered clandestinely on the bankroll of a MIA member of the Jedi Order. Despite this, the Jedi notably protested their use, and when the war erupted anyway, joined the battle primarily to preserve lives on both sides, while trying to investigate the motivations behind the Separatist movement and the true story behind the Clone Army.

Master Xehanort, philanthropist Keybearer, aided the Jedi several times and went on many mercy missions to worlds affected by the battles.

It was ultimately revealed that Chancellor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sideous, a well-respected member of the Federation, was behind the creation of the Clone Army, and in fact was also puppeteering the Separatist movement from behind a number of proxies. His goal seemed to be to cause enough chaos to warp The Force that both Jedi and Sith use towards the darkness, and subsequently use the power the imbalance would grant him to wipe out the Jedi and perform a coup on the Federation, obtaining complete domination of all worlds. He was captured and imprisoned by the dual efforts of Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, but mysteriously vanished before he could be properly tried.

Few are aware that history could have taken a very different turn, if not for a chance conversation between Anakin Skywalker and a young Keybearer who was in the area on other business, shortly before the final battle.

This conversation was the last encounter with the Keyblade Order any member of the Galactic Federation had before the very last members of the old Keyblade Order fell off the radar completely, and their primary world vanished, replaced by an eerie castle. The last Keybearer, one Mickey Mouse, remains silent on the matter of what became of the Order afterwards.

It was the vanishing of the Keyblade Order and the barely averted annihilation of the Jedi Order that has resulted in the Federation making room to allow such protective organizations to have their own representatives in the Federation Council.


Ahhh, the Keyblade War. I started this quest just a little before KH3D happened, and while it hasn't been supremely relevant, I have put together a mockup of how it all happened, which has been modified to include most of what was in KHχ and its derivatives (barring perhaps Union Cross' season 2, but I'll burn that bridge if/when I get to it).

There were, in fact, Unions, and a Master of Masters, and a Book of Prophecies, copies of which have been handed to the leaders of each Union. The Dandelions also exist, so.

A few minor differences:
- In those days, Kingdom Hearts was visible from the ground - always hovering just above a place known as the Origin Fens. So no "I'm gonna summon Kingdom Hearts" stuff. That said, the χ-Blade is also just sitting around, enshrined just beneath Kingdom Hearts, so "I'mma steal the χ-Blade and unlock Kingdom Hearts" is still a viable threat.
- The only Chirithys belonged to the owners of the Book of Prophecies. Worryingly, the Dark Chirithy did not seem to be among them.
- Chirithy is one of a breed of Dream Eaters born from the Book of Prophecies - special creatures born from the power of the future and given form by the future's inhabitants. Think of them as chibi versions of people from the future. Each Keybearer receives one, seemingly chosen once their training is complete, and aside from serving as an advisor they also gift their abilities and powers to their wielder.

The major difference between KHχ and the KHVD Keyblade War is scale and time. The events seen in Back Cover are only the very start, the moment things start falling apart. From there, the Unions all split up, following their own paths to saving the world, all of which end up failing and/or causing the Foretellers and many among their subordinates to fall to darkness.

The final battle is a result of just about everyone deciding for one reason or another to head to the Origin Fens, where the fabled χ-Blade is enshrined, and to use its power to achieve their goals once and for all (or to protect the χ-Blade from those who would abuse it).

A number of big things happened in between the great falling out and the final battle... but I'll leave those for a little later on.


As you may already have guessed, the Seven Princesses of Heart have been changed from their canon members. Among the seven, only Kairi and Belle remain part of the Princesses of Heart in KHVD.

'Who's replaced everyone else?' you might be asking! I've yet to unveil all seven Princesses in-story, but I will drop the names currently known and their current status:

Kairi (Kingdom Hearts): Safe, known to the VoaS, under the protection of Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy.
Belle (Beauty and the Beast): Captured by Maleficent
Nia (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann): Captured by Pete.
Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros): Captured by Jafar.
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica): Captured by Dr. Facilier.
Roll (Mega Man): Safe, 1 Failed Capture Attempt, VoaS member destroyed, VoaS unaware of status, under the protection of Rock and the Galactic Federation.
?????: Unknown Status

The Galactic Federation is as of yet unaware of why Roll was targeted, or of anything related to the Princesses of Heart.

The mechanism by which Princesses of Heart function is perhaps different than in canon: Purity of Heart is in fact achievable, if only for a passing time, by other hearts, but Princesses posess within their own hearts fragments of the χ-Blade - specifically, fragments of the weapon's light, which keeps Princesses of Heart pure and overflowing with light.

This shard can be removed, and is passed down to a random pure-hearted girl upon the death of the previous Princess. Princesses can also willingly surrender their shard to someone else who meets the conditions to inherit the Princess of Heart status. Notably, the first to do this was one of the first Princesses of Heart, period.

Another odd mechanic noted by the Keyblade Order is that every Princess has or will have a "knight" who will loyally fight for their Princess. These knights have been observed to fight endlessly, even unto their own death, for their Princess.

Four of them now stand together, in the ruins of Hollow Bastion, putting everything they can into trying to break into Maleficent's abode.


The Villains of a Sort, or VoaS, are a group of powerful villains led by The Mistress of All Evil, Maleficent. It is unknown where the heck Maleficent came from - she rose swiftly and suddenly, overwhelming a world and making it her base of operations in a matter of days. Shortly after, her influence spread like wildfire, thanks to the seemingly endless army of seemingly immortal dark monsters she suddenly obtained.

It is unknown exactly how many allies and flunkies Maleficent has obtained since her rise - different estimates claim they number anywhere between the hundreds and trillions - but it is known that she has a circle of allies that she deems closer than the others. Among them, Pete of Disney Castle is known to have been her most long-lasting and loyal companion, with everyone not Pete receiving far less trust than the big man himself.

VoaS General MO when it comes to taking down a world:
1: Scout the World for Princess Candidates, as quietly as possible. This can take anywhere from weeks to years.
1a: Try to figure out if the candidates are actually princesses (Pete was doing this when he came upon you in Wonderland’s Waking World). Takes a couple minutes to an hour per Candidate. Can take longer if the Princess is from an Open World or under heavy guard (Such as in a Prison).
2: Scout for the Keyhole, as quietly as possible. This is usually where they're discovered, and where a LOT of Open Worlds start screwing them over. This can take anywhere from hours to months.
2a: If the VoaS got found out, do your best to still find the Keyhole. Preferably sending Heartless everywhere to make sure the heroes are preoccupied. Discovery by the natives generally makes searching for the Keyhole take MUCH longer.
3: Kidnap the Princess if they found one, and flood the Keyhole with darkness. Preferably at the same time. Every Princess capture has succeeded (except for Kairi and, unbeknownst to them, Roll)... but they've run into complications practically EVERY time. Usually they solve it by forcing the complication to deal with Heartless barring the way.

As far as Jafar's concerned, Peach was the most annoying Princess to kidnap. Mario was chasing him the whole way back to Hook's ship, even as the Heartless destroyed the world around him.

As far as Maleficent's concerned, Destiny Islands was the most annoying. Those goons just refused to stay dead, and it cost her the Princess.

As far as Facilier's concerned, Madoka was the most annoying. He had to deal with the timejumps and perfectly timing his attack for when Madoka was easiest to snare. And he STILL had to deal with Madoka's friends. If he hadn't had Hook directly on hand, those time-normalizing Heartless nearby, and Madoka already in the Brig when the Puella arrived, that could have ended badly. Hook concurs with Facilier.

Pete personally got real tired of Simon's shit, real fast. It took such nasty tricks as putting Nia inside his own body (making it hard to attack him without harming her) to make sure he could leave in anything remotely similar to peace.

Everyone who was involved in the operation agrees in retrospect that Belle was EASY, in comparison to the others. That said, Beast has been the biggest thorn in their side by virtue of being the one who's been assaulting their base the longest.

They ultimately try to stay away from Open Worlds if possible, since their first attempt ended disastrously (they still WON, but it cost them valuable time. And one of their members.) and subsequent attempts have ended even worse. They're saving a lot of them for once they can just blitzkrieg them with a rain of Heartless that covers the entire world, hopefully finding the Keyhole in the process. For now, most of their dealings with Open Worlds has been "Can we send enough Heartless that their troops can't come after us? Yes? Do it. No? Leave them be for now, let's not have their attention shifted to us."

The Galactic Federation is doing what they can, but their forces are spread thin by pre-set patrols and the sheer scale and nigh-invincibility of the Heartless invasion. They're currently in talks regarding trying to take the fight to them. However, they're divided pretty badly. Some feel that gathering forces to strike out at them would result in leaving entire sectors unprotected (for what little the protection is worth). Others think that any such attempt would be futile; the forces would just be lost to the Heartless inevitably sent their way. Others are more worried about this or that other group slinking about in the shadows, attacking any worlds the Federation takes their eyes off of for even a few seconds.

The only grim hope a lot of the Federation's higher-ups have is that defending the remaining worlds will get easier as more worlds are lost, freeing up enough ships and men to attack Hollow Bastion.

The Green Lanterns are also obviously spread too thin for the same reason. The Justice League are doing the best they can with their sector of the universe.

Honestly, this kind of insanity is historically the Keyblade Order's job. They be slacking.

Grand Councilwoman: "They be EXTINCT. *BECAUSE* this was their job. And we didn't *help* them!"


The first Incubator Contract in KHVD (they weren't called that, and they weren't generally performed until after the Keyblade War ruined everything forever) was meant to be a simple power boost. A Keybearer named Puella Magica, seeking to stop the X-Blade from falling into the wrong hands, teamed up with an Incubator (they weren't called that until later, as well), who gave her power. It was her that came up with the term "Contract."

During that time, there was no apparent need to worry about entropy; Kingdom Hearts supplied for all. The Incubator wanted only to make sure that stayed the case. So he used his powers to draw out her power, and moved her Heart and Soul into what is now called a Soul Gem, to help her fight more effectively. Together, they started to learn of the nuances of being a MG, and using Lucid Materials, her gem was kept clean as they traveled together.

Over the course of their journey together, the Incubator gained a Heart of his own from being in contact with that girl. During the final battle of the war, Puella died, and the Incubator, grief-stricken, attacked her killer (who happened to have the X-Blade on hand). When his consciousness returned to the hive mind, he raged incoherently in his grief, which did not help the Incubators' "Emotion=Insanity" correlation. He was summarily reprogrammed, HARD.

That said, his knowledge proved to be of help when the Incubators realized "oh, hey, the amount of energy in the world appears to be decreasing, what do we do?" They had some of his memories on hand (a lot of the hive-mind's memories were damaged and corrupted by the near-end of the world that the Keyblade War wrought, so they didn't and still don't have all of the memories), and figured out that the energy built up from the MG effect outweighs the amount of energy spent in raising a human to adulthood. Quite simply, the Heart possesses untold power, if properly harnessed. And so they set out to save what little was apparently left of the world.

The Incubators' records of this event have been scrambled and corrupted pretty badly by the present day. They only remember that the world used to be much bigger, and then something happened, and the world's energy levels suddenly dropped, a huge chunk of the world vanished, and then the world's energy levels began dropping further. So they're correlating "Energy drop" with "World destruction."

And if they had emotions, they'd be the equivalent of the Spirals, fighting tooth and nail against this seemingly insurmountable force and shouting hot blooded declarations at it.

They don't know how to stop it, but for now, they have a way to fix the damage done, and so they'll do it. Even if it means sacrificing hordes of young girls to do so. Course, once they learn that all that was meaningless, it'd be a good thing they don't have emotion-capable hearts.

“... You mean... for all these eons, we've been sacrificing these people for... for nothing?"


In the time of legends, shortly after the Keyblade War, there were once a number of Keyblade Wielders whose actions either shaped the infant Keyblade Order, or caused their first great challenges. For one reason or another, they eventually became associated with Cards in the Major Arcana (A set of cards used as trump cards in games and for divination in certain worlds). Their visages and legends were told in a special set of 22 cards, often used to teach young apprentices the unique virtues and vices connected to the Keyblade Order. Whether these vices and virtues were actually possessed by each Keyblade Wielder, or even if these Wielders actually existed, is unknown.

Major Arcana cards depicting these wielders are now unfathomably rare. There are only 2 full sets known to have existed in the last few decades.
One belonged to the lord of The Land of Departure. With his death and the subsequent razing of the world (followed by the world's transformation), this set's location has been lost.
Another belongs to Master Yen Sid. He is the only Master in recent years to have performed the tradition of teaching the vices and virtues of the Order through a game of cards (to a young Mickey Mouse).

0 The Fool
Virtue: Faith
Only a child when the Keyblade War ended, this child’s desire to ensure the peace of the worlds became a source of hope to the fledgling Order. She held Faith in the goodness of all around her, even unto her death. It is suspected by scholars in different eras of the Order that she was one of the first Princesses of Heart.

I The Magician
Vice: Inquisitiveness
A skilled mage. After the world was rebuilt, his first instinct was to try and understand what exactly had happened. He learned a great deal about the new structure of the worlds, aiding the Order in jumpstarting their new beginning, but his curiosity got the better of him. He entered the Realm of Darkness and never returned.

II The High Priestess
Virtue: Patience
Like the Magician, she sought out the reasons for the destruction and recreation of the world. However, she took the slow route, taking things as they came. Her patience allowed her, over her many years, to not only learn a great many things, but to use this knowledge to guide the order over many hurdles.

III The Empress
Virtue: Harmony
A well-loved leader during the Keyblade War, this woman was the emotional center of the Order, the one who was always there for others. While her husband was the one to keep the Order in a structured state, it was her that formed the connections that brought them together in the first place.

IV The Emperor
Virtue: Discipline
His strong, steady arm shaped a smattering of grief-stricken, powerful, and scattered Keyblade Wielders into the Keyblade Order. Ironically, some legends state that he himself never carried a Keyblade.

V The Heirophant
Virtue: Honesty
Brother of The Fool. A sage who spread the word of The High Priestess and The Fool as their agent. His honest words and disposition inspired trust in those he spoke to.

VI The Lovers
Virtue: Loyalty
Two Keybearers who were known for their undying trust and loyalty to each other. Though one or the other was often led astray by the forces of evil, each time the remaining bearer was able to bring them back on the right path simply through kind words.

VII The Chariot
Virtue: Willpower
A bearer who did not falter, even in the most trying of times, and was always moving forward. In the end, he refused to die until the end of a great battle, despite terrible injuries, and through his sacrifice and inspiration, his companions were able to win the day.

VIII Justice
Virtue: Impartiality
A warrior who served as judge in the early courts of the Order, always weighing evidence and always working towards a fair and just punishment for the guilty. Even those who died by her judgement were said to respect her decisions.

IX The Hermit
Virtue: Atonement
Another sage, whose grief and guilt of the old world was only cured through a lifetime of atonement. He who lived selflessly and without luxury touched many lives even as he secluded himself in the far reaches of an empty world.

X Wheel of Fortune
Virtue: Initiative
A warrior of little skill, intellect, or power in any great shape, who nonetheless influenced many great battles and changed the world simply by being in the right place at the right time, and taking the chance offered to him.

XI Strength
Virtue: Resourcefulness
A hero who used every ability, item, alliance, and other such resource he had at his command to overcome extraordinary odds.

XII The Hanged Man
Vice: Hubris
A bearer whose pride got the better of him. He sought out the Princesses of Heart to make them his brides, thinking himself to be the only man deserving of such perfect beings. In his hubris he was defeated not by the Order, but during a battle against normal warriors, who lead him into a grove full of thick, hanging vines. In the end, he was entangled in this garden, and was left hanging there, where eventually he died.

XIII Death
Vice: Despair
A bearer whose grief coupled with guilt, setting despair in his heart. In his guilt, he decided that all Keybearers must die, and he struck against the Order with the ferocity of one with nothing to lose.

XIV Temperance
Virtue: Moderation
A sage who kept the Order grounded in reality, and served as counselor to all who would hear her words. The High Priestess is her daughter, and learned well from Temperance the value of taking things as they come.

XV The Devil
Vice: Lust
A Bearer of extraordinary power. Far from being horrified by the destruction caused by the Keyblade War, The Devil was said to have been enraptured by the sheer power shown by the χ-Blade in its final moments. His only desire, it is said, was to reforge the χ-Blade. It was his notes that theorized that the Seven Princesses of Heart, combined with thirteen (yet to be seen) great Darknesses, would bring about the reformation of the χ-Blade.

XVI The Tower
Vice: Stubborness
She who claimed sovereignty over many worlds, believing that the Keyblade made herself and all other bearers worthy to rule over normal people. Lacking wisdom, her kingdom fell apart around her, and only after all the worlds under her dominion fell into ruin and what would be ages of suffering did she finally die, slain by her own “subjects.”

XVII The Star
Virtue: Tranquility
She who meditated at all times, never once giving into emotion, sought to be a mediator between light and dark. After the death of Justice, The Star took his place, serving as impartial judge in all things.

XVIII The Moon
Vice: Deception
He who lied and betrayed his comrades to the darkness with honeyed words. His manipulations brought many bearers off the path of righteousness, and his actions had far reaching effects, sowing disorder within the Order.

XIX The Sun
Vice: Self-Righteousness
A bearer whose splendor caused many to flock to her side. With this support did she command a crusade against the darkness, to stamp it out of the worlds. By her hands did many, many worlds be reduced to ash, deemed unfit for the Realm of Light. In the end, she and her forces flew into the Realm of Darkness, seeking to destroy it utterly. They never returned.

XX Judgement
Vice: Wrath
A terrible darkness that erupted from the Realm of Darkness following the Sun’s crusade. It took the form of The Sun and her forces, twisted and corrupted. This evil sought the end of all worlds, and required the full might of the Keyblade Order to strike it down. It is often debated if Judgement simply took the form of The Sun’s forces, or if those forces had actually been corrupted by the very darkness they had sworn themselves against.

XXI The World
A bearer who involved herself in the affairs of the order, going out of her way to help other bearers through their problems. Her kindness and wisdom aided many and guided the Order into a golden age. It was her actions that put an end to Judgement.


As far as weapons development goes for Disney Castle's Gummi Ships, there are two major schools of development:

Blast Heaven: Essentially Disney Castle's "NEEDS MOAR DAKKA" development team. They specialize in weapons that will help you attack more often or more people at once.

W(e don't know what kind of)M(onster could survive)G(uns like these): Disney Castle's "NEEDS BIGGER DAKKA" development team. They focus on making stuff that "Vill *VREAK* ze enemy vike a wee twig!"

BH wants to be able to blot out the sun with their bullets and make their foes fight in the shade.
WMG just wants a single solid attack that'll punch through ANYTHING.


Will be posting a few more Lore Pieces very soon. They'll show up here before they appear in SV.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 5th, 2017, 8:41 pm

oog: Keep forgetting to mention this... James, you got at least two Tarot Cards mixed up. Justice is number XI. Strength is number VIII.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby MrRigger2 » June 5th, 2017, 10:06 pm

I'm up for swapping our Disposition to Visionary, and using that VP as an Unguided Vision. We've got good odds of finding out more about a prospective SILHOUETTE form, and if not, more information is rarely ever a bad thing.

I say we like Leon have a crack at upgrading the Power Sword, as Riku doesn't need it in order to be effective. I'm torn on whether or not we should have Kairi give up the Raising Heart for an upgrade. I want it to be upgraded, but we've been on Traverse Town for a long time, and I would not mind a change in scenery. Alternative weapons for Kairi are the Mage's Staff Donald is currently carrying, the 5 Foot Nail sold at the Gizmo Shop, and the Mog Staff at the Moogle Shop. All of them actually have a higher Magic bonus than the Raising Heart, but Raising Heart has Magic Booster, automatically bumping Kairi's spells up a rank, and there's no guarantee the new form will have Magic Booster. If we do decide to upgrade Raising Heart, I propose we take a few days (the duration of the upgrade), and fly to Disney Castle. It's not far, and there's bound to be plot hooks there, besides the fact that Donald and Goofy probably want to see Daisy and Max, and there's a chance we can find out more information about the Keyblade and the Keyblade Order, if Mickey left any books or notes available. Just an idea, tossing it out there if we don't get any major plot hooks dangled in front of our faces.

After tracking down Leon (and possibly whoever we want to upgrade Raising Heart (I vote Rei)), head for Amy's statue.

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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 5th, 2017, 10:38 pm

Actually, JAG, those two have been interchangeable over the years, depending on the deck. I did quite a bit of research on that end. Quite a bit.


James Report: Open World Files: Remnant


If someone in KHVD knew how the events of canon RWBY played out, they would be able to point at Remnant as a supreme example of a world whose history has been forever changed by being Opened.

Opened by by the wars leading up to the creation of the World Order, Remnant has changed VASTLY in the past 150 years, in several ways.

Remnant's main goods are their technology and education, their main import being additional fuel and resources. Prior to the fall of Radiant Garden, the two worlds had quite the relationship. Many of the finest SeeD warriors made use of weapons made in the Remnantian style, in fact, and some even spent a year or two in one of Remnant's many prestigious Academies, as part of a well-loved exchange program. Meanwhile, while Remnant does possess some of the most extraordinary energy sources known to man - a material known only as Dust - Dust becomes slightly less potent except as a synthesis material when it leaves Remnant, making its popularity somewhat limited outside of the world itself. Even within Remnant, some have begun to forsake the old ways, instead using the magic awoken within many warriors when the world was Opened, and others have even begun to use alternative fuel sources, imported from other worlds. In addition, the ability to trade for metals, lumber, and other materials from outside Remnant has hurt the domestic businesses, who must grapple with the price of Huntsmen to protect their operations.

Though the new resources have allowed the people to hold their own, they have been unable to properly defeat or even suppress the omnipresent, almost world-defining threat known as the Grimm. However, Remnant's people have found a new answer to the creatures - to turn, and walk away. From the rich and powerful to the impoverished and desperate, many people have outright left Remnant, seeking to live their lives elsewhere. Faunus, in particular, have fled in droves, seeking freedom from the predjudices of their homeworld. Many have made their way to Olympus and Disney Town, and the reactions and perceptions of each world regarding this influx is... well, as different as night and day. Olympus has accepted far more immigrants than its erstwhile rival, though not without first subjecting them to their... some will say questionable means of integration. However, what Disney Town lacks in numbers, it makes up for in support and compassion, with everyone from the lowest commoner to the Queen herself doing all they can to make their new citizens welcome, and ensure they find a home and a life they can call their own.

However, Remnant itself is not without its champions. Many remain in their homeworld, fighting ever more valiantly to try and push back the Grimm, and despite everything a certain group of four young ladies have still made their way to the proud halls of Beacon Academy...

Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, two sisters from different mothers, hail from a small island known as Patch. For a long time, it was a fine place to live, and raise a family... but a year ago, the Heartless invaded, led by a member of Maleficent's forces by the name of Chase Young. It is unknown what exactly Chase Young sought in Patch, but he ended up clashing with Ruby Rose, only for her to flee alongside her sister as their uncle, Qrow, did battle with the commander. Qrow ultimately distracted and delayed Chase, as Federation Forces brought out their ultimate failsafe against the Heartless - a weapon known as the Apocalypse Cage. Powered by sunlight reflected via satellites, this orbital cannon began a ceaseless barrage of lasers upon the island, razing the city and trapping all the Heartless (and allegedly Chase himself) inside a prison of unending bombardment that continues to this day. While their house remains just outside the blast zone, Ruby, Yang, and their family now live in the Kingdom of Vale, a great city to the east of Patch...

Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, has lived her entire life offworld, as her father manages the affairs of his Remnantian mining company from the safety of Republic City in the Four Elemental Nations. However, curious regarding her homeworld and straining under the thumb of her father, she has elected to become a Huntress, as her grandfather was. Though her family is originally from Atlas, she has chosen Beacon as her school of choice. She has grown up sheltered from the affairs of the common Remnantian, and this is her first time on her own. Needless to say, she's somewhat shaken by the cold reception she's received...

Blake Belladona's history is... spotty, to say the least. Her family founded a peace organization known as the White Fang, meant to stand up for the rights of the downtrodden Faunus. However, their efforts failed at every turn, and ultimately, the White Fang began its slow decline into the terrorist organization it is known as today. Hoping to keep their child from such hatred, they wished to send Blake to another world, saving up a great deal of munny to move her away from the fighting. However, the day before her ship was to arrive, the oddest thing happened - Blake Belladona vanished, for three years. Now, she's resurfaced as just another applicant to become a Huntress. But of course, there must be so much more to that story...
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 6th, 2017, 8:26 pm

Formatted to suit SV's vote-tallying program:

Current VD-side Plans:

[]Plan JAGwin:
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Bulma > Max > Rarity
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon > Light > Bulma
[]Kairi Equips Mage's Staff

[]Plan Mr. Rigger:
[]Unguided Vision (Use Visionary Disposition's Bonus VP)
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Rei
[]Kairi Equips Mage's Staff

Current SV-side Plans:

[]Plan Random Member:
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Unspecified
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Unspecified
[]Donald Equips Mage's Staff
[]Kairi Equips Giant Candle

Will edit this as things change.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby gamebrain89 » June 6th, 2017, 11:39 pm

I'm a bit torn here. I wouldn't mind doing upgrades to both, queuing up a couple of each and leaving it for a while, since if we hold to pattern it'll be a good while before we're back here. On the other, I kinda want to hold off on Raising Heart if we're going to Disney Castle, on the off chance that Minnie or someone there is a potential upgrader for it.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 7th, 2017, 9:27 am

I doubt we will. What ig reason do we even have to go there instead of another World in this Cluster that we haven't visited yet? On another note...
Actually, JAG, those two have been interchangeable over the years, depending on the deck. I did quite a bit of research on that end. Quite a bit.
Huh. I don't remember TV Tropes mentioning that...
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby gamebrain89 » June 7th, 2017, 4:11 pm

I wish we had more funds, because the glasses at Tool of the Trade make me go "ooooooooh, shiiiiny..." But at this moment we don't have much. We'll have to come back for it.

I'm down with Plan Mr. Rigger, I think, but I'm not sure about Kairi ending up with the Mage's Staff. If it's allowable, that'll work. Otherwise I think it'd make more sense, fluff wise, for her to end up with the Candle some how, but whatever works.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 7th, 2017, 5:38 pm

If the reason you're interested in the glasses is Doublecast, I think it let's us cast a spell twice in the same turn. Can't find it on the Ability List to confirm, though.

That said, if we want more cash, we can sell our crafting materials (besides the Remembrance Materials, because Cortana) and some of the gear we don't need anymore (the Dancer's Anklets (aren't these supposed to have Break Time) aren't all that useful compared to the Tweedles, and the Tough Strap is pretty much just starter gear that we've outgrown). Personally, I'm in favor of doing so before we leave so we can get upgrades for the Ship, but that's for later.

EDIT: Found out why I couldn't find Doublecast on the Ability List. It's a Command. And it does let us cast two spells in one turn, in exchange for increasing the MP cost of both by five.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 7th, 2017, 6:31 pm

Doublecast has become a Command in this system (if it wasn't already), but is not yet in the database.

Vision inbound, prepare to adjust plans accordingly. Update proper will happen at some point tomorrow.

Day 54
Traverse Town
Time - Endless Night

Spoiler: show
You see Max at his desk at the Gizmo Shop, with the Raising Heart SILHOUETTE on the desk.

"Hmmmmm." He pulls out a bunch of photos. "Let's see..." Your Vision pans to view him from the front, and the world grows dark. "Raising Heart SILHOUETTE, Astounding Junk Heap, and... Brave Little Linda..." the staff and two pictures floating behind him - one of the Junk Heaps, and one of an elephant rearing for an attack.

You hear a clock ticking... and then a buzzer.

"Aww, man. Well... how about Raising Heart SILHOUETTE, Quartz, and... Hmmmm! Jurak."

The buzzer blares again.

"Drat! Ummmmm. Raising Heart SILHOUETTE, Fountain, and... Holy Emblem?"

You hear a buzzer, in a slightly less annoying tone.

"Wait, wait, I've almost got this..." He crosses his arms. "Raising Heart SILHOUETTE, Holy Emblem, and... Chinese Lantern?"

The buzzer blares again, as annoying as it was the first time.

"Gah! Alright, Raising Heart SILHOUETTE and Fountain it is. So for the third one..."

"Oh, what about the Moon Crystal?" Monica supplies, appearing from out of your view.

"Wait, you think-"

You hear a ticking sound... and then a triumphant fanfare!

"Haha! Say cheese!"


You see Kairi standing in Traverse Town, pulling out the marble-form of Raising Heart SILHOUETTE.

"Preparing Upgrade modulation... Patch data consolidated. Upgrade compartmentalized. Set Up!"

It glows, and shifts in color from red to blue, and a golden ring surrounds it as it floats in the air, manifesting a staff not dissimilar to the original one. The orb, floating at the head of the staff, is now shifting slowly between red and blue, and the head of the staff looks slightly more... wrench-like than before.

"New designation - Raising Heart ATLAS. Preparing patch notes..."

Kairi nods as you come into view, pulling out your Keyblade and entering a battle stance. You charge, and the two of you clash, before Kairi swings at you with the staff.

"All-around boost to basic attributes, confirmed."

Kairi smirks, and you gulp as she raises her staff, gathering energy as she points it at you. "In-Memory spell data altered. Light element strengthened compared to basic data." She fires off an array of balls of light which home in on you. "Magical Optimization Capabilities retained."

"Ow. Ow. Ow! Ow! Okay! We get the picture, you're way stronger!"

Kairi narrows her eyes, zeroing in on you as light gathers around her heart, brightening up the battlefield.

"Overall, a solid but average upgrade to my previous functions," Raising Heart ATLAS notes.

Kairi raises her new staff, and the light from her chest gathers into the air, before exploding into a barrage of light and earth.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 8th, 2017, 2:38 pm

Current Vote Tally:

[]Plan JAGwin:
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Bulma > Max > Rarity
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon > Light > Bulma
[]Kairi Equips Mage's Staff
Votes: JAGwin (VD)

[]Plan Mr. Rigger (original):
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Rei
[]Kairi Equips Mage's Staff
Votes: 4th Monado, Gamebrain (VD)

[]Plan Mr. Rigger (post-vision):
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Max
[]Donald Equips Mage's Staff
[]Kairi Equips Giant Candle
Votes: Mr. Rigger

[]Plan Random Member:
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon > Bulma
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Rei > Rarity
[]Kairi Equips Mage's Staff
Votes: Random Member

I'll be closing the vote in about an hour or two. Any further voting needs to be made by then.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 8th, 2017, 2:47 pm

*sigh* Switching to Rigger's new plan.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby gamebrain89 » June 8th, 2017, 3:20 pm

We're probably gonna be gone long enough to get a pair of upgrades, I'm down with Rigger's plan, tag on having Rei and Light do their respective upgrades as well while we're gone.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 8th, 2017, 3:30 pm

Switching to gamebrain's plan.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 8th, 2017, 4:44 pm

Voting is Closed, Final Tally is...

[]Plan Random Member:
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon > Bulma
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Max > Rei
[]Donald Equips Mage's Staff
[]Kairi Equips Giant Candle
Votes: Random Member (SV), Demojay (SV), Mr. Rigger (SV)

[]Plan Gamebrain:
[]Power Sword SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Leon, Light
[]Raising Heart SILHOUETTE Upgrades: Max, Rei
[]Donald Equips Mage's Staff
[]Kairi Equips Giant Candle
Gamebrain, JAGwin
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 8th, 2017, 7:34 pm

Day 54
Traverse Town
Time - Endless Night

"This sword?" Leon asks. He's looking at the toy-like weapon like it's beneath him. "... I would think that with the Keyblade you'd be all set for weapons."

"Maybe," Riku says. "But Brainiac's shown me that there's more enemies out there than the Heartless, enemies that the Keyblade's not always suited to fighting. That sword's seen a whole lot of use lately."

Bulma nods. "Well then. If Leon won't help you, I'd be happy to tinker around with it."

"I didn't say I wouldn't do it. It's just..."

"Don't under... uh... esta..."

"Underestimate!" Donald supplies.

"Underestimate it," Goofy finishes. "It's actually a replica of a fairly well-known weapon. The real one has faced off against all sorts of baddies."

"... Fine, I'll give it my best shot."

"And if he finishes up before you get back, I'll see what I can do for it."


Max nods. "Alright, I'll help you out. Consider it returning the favor!"

Monica nods. "I'll make sure he doesn't blow it up, alright?"

"Context clues indicate there is a non-zero chance of me detonating." Raising Heart SILHOUETTE beeps out. "Questioning wisdom of this decision-"

"Oh relax, you'll be fine!" Max says.

"Remember, it is all towards your purpose," Rei says. "If by improving you I can find meaning..." her face is set. "... I will give my all to see it done. If Maximilian proves a danger to you, I will not hesitate to rescue you by any means necessary."

Max takes a step back as Rei's tone darkens. "Eesh! I'm not gonna blow it up, okay!? Relax!"

"I am relaxed," Rei says, unflinching. "That was a joke, was it not?"

Monica bends over, laughing, as Max pouts. "You should probably work on your delivery."


"Sooo... what am I gonna do without Raising Heart?" Kairi asks as you leave the Gizmo shop. "I mean, the old Oar is still in the Gummi Ship..."

"Hmmmmm..." Riku crosses his arms. "That's probably not a great idea."

"Darn," Donald interjects. "If only we had a spare staff... Oh wait!" Donald pulls out his candle, and the staff he was using when you first met him. "Ta-daaaaa!"

You think you can hear a pin drop.

"Oh, come on!"

"Your delivery needs work," Riku says.

"Annyway," Donald says, "This may be a blessing in disguise. You've been relying on the power boost that staff gave you to hit harder, but working without it should give you a better idea of what your actual strength is." He tosses Kairi the candle. "Sounds like advice I should be taking, too. I'll go back to using my older staff."

Kairi nods.

"Enough about that," Riku says, turning to look at you as you pass into the First District. "I can't believe you didn't tell me there was someone just past those cats!"

"Sorry. I just... knew it'd be on your mind all through this invasion, if I told you. Or you'd go do something crazy, or... you know."

Riku grits his teeth at that, and sighs. "... I hate when you're right, and doubly when it means that girl might have gotten..."

"It'll be fine, I'm sure. Let's just... get over there, okay?"

Riku nods, and the five of you enter the Back Alleys, and Riku and Donald lead you to where they were attacked. It looks like a crazy fight went down, here - you can see claw marks deep in the stone.
Investigate vs Enemy Stealth. Investigate Check Rank 3 vs all, Rank 1 vs Riku
"Well, here we are. Let's find her and-" Riku pauses. "That smell..."

Donald raises an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"What is that smell?" Riku asks himself. "You guys... smell it, right?"

You shake your head. "Well, you know what they say about tha-" And then you get the sense that something's looking at you from-

You spin, summoning your Keyblade and looking up, just as Riku and Goofy likewise get ready to fight. Above you, two cats prepare an attack. One is diving from the rooftop, and the other is casting some kind of dark attack from safety. They both are familiar to you - the cats that were going to disrupt the Dalmatian pups in your Vision, so long ago.

But based on the darkness shrouding them, and the many shades darker their fur is, and the unsettling feeling you get looking into the glowing yellow that was once their eyes, they are no longer those cats - they've become Heartless.

Surprise Round! Sora, Riku, Goofy, and the Siamese Cats, Si and Am, get a free round!

Battle has begun! Meet with the GM on Roll20 (on a date to be determined!)


KH1: Traverse Town
KH2: The Encounter

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GM of Kingdom Hearts VD: Visions of Destiny. You never know who you'll run into next. Until your Vision shows you.
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JAGwin » June 8th, 2017, 8:00 pm

Spoiler: show
Riku nods, and the five of you enter the Back Alleys, and Riku and Donald lead you to where they were attacked. It looks like a crazy fight went down, here - you can see claw marks deep in the stone.
Investigate vs Enemy Stealth. Investigate Check Rank 3 vs all, Rank 1 vs Riku
"Well, here we are. Let's find her and-" Riku pauses. "That smell..."
Well, looks like Riku can smell Darkness now. Not sure how I should feel about that...
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Re: KH: Visions of Destiny 2

Unread postby JamestheFox » June 10th, 2017, 9:43 pm

Battle Time Confirmed. Battle will rage for 4 hours on Saturday, June 17th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time. If the conflict is not resolved by this time, additional meetings will be scheduled.

Report to Roll20 at the above time to take part, live, as Sora and his companions do battle with Si and Am.
GM of Kingdom Hearts VD: Visions of Destiny. You never know who you'll run into next. Until your Vision shows you.
Shinobi in Star Wars GM. Kyo's Data here.
Pokewizard Quest GM. Harry's Pokedex here.
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