Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby ewuvi » September 6th, 2008, 10:57 pm

Hot damn. Between this and the book suggestion thread I have so many books I want to read that I may end up using the $75 worth of gift-cards to Borders that I have stock piled... or I might just whip out the library card and pay off the fines. It'd probably be cheaper, and I am ridiculously cheap.

Yeah, so, even if Harry wanted to do the evil doom torture and let himself entertain the thought without guilt, there is this: He'd split the resistance. If Harry were to go through with it, the Weasleys' at the very least trust would be betrayed. In addition to this, his already tense relationships with McGonagall and Dumbledore would also deteriorate. They might even decide to make a resistance to fight against Voldemort and Harry. If this were to happen, Voldemort's chance at success would greatly increase because his enemies would be divided. To quote someones signature, and I'm not quite sure who's it is and I'm to lazy to look it up:
It's like taking laxatives and sleeping pills, it just doesn't make sense.
I actually did that once. Nothing bad happened, but the point still stands. There was also a pretty interesting chain of events leading up to my strange combination of pharmaceuticals.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby Darkandus » September 6th, 2008, 11:03 pm

You can't just hint and not give us the story ewuvi. The suspense will kill us all.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby MrRigger2 » September 7th, 2008, 2:15 am

To quote someones signature, and I'm not quite sure who's it is and I'm to lazy to look it up:
It's like taking laxatives and sleeping pills, it just doesn't make sense.
I actually did that once. Nothing bad happened, but the point still stands. There was also a pretty interesting chain of events leading up to my strange combination of pharmaceuticals.
Thanks for thinking of me, ewuvi. But I agree with Darkandus, we need a story.

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby viridian » September 7th, 2008, 7:28 am

Wow. This has been a highly entertainingly divergent bit of speculation. Completely wrong, but highly entertaining nonetheless. Bookmark this for... say three chapters or so.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby Tempest Kitsune » September 7th, 2008, 1:00 pm

Okay, you guys are all right that Harry's too noble to do something like that. Now me on the other hand, I'm a right damn bastard, and a child killer's gonna get no mercy from me. I'd want the little *censored*'s torment to last, to make him truly regret killing the kid, and then when he begs for mercy, lean down real close and ask him, very softly, if the girl begged for mercy before he killed her. And then I'd walk away.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby unknown434 » September 9th, 2008, 6:19 pm

Alright, Evil Authorlord, Sir,
Bookmark this for... say three chapters or so.
That's just mean. Not that I'm trying to push or anything, but we've had only 2 chapters in over a year. At that rate, 3 chapters or so is a year and a half off. Some of us may not make it! ;)

However, back ON topic, I initially thought it might be the Rat, too, but after the last AIP sighting, I changed my mind. I may not know who it *IS*, but I think we can identify some who it ISN'T:

I think it's definitely NOT any Gryffindor (with the possible exception of McClaggen), any DADA teacher (not even Umbridge - in canon, her motivation was to protect Fudge, and NoFP Fudge doesn't need protecting from Harry. Yet.), or any female (I agree with the precious comments on this).

OK, so that basically leaves us with with male NG's (Non-Gryffindors). I don't think it's Draco, Lucius, or Peter.

Hmmm...this thought just struck me, even though it contradicts one of my earlier thoughts: What about Percy? :devil
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby MrRigger2 » September 9th, 2008, 6:52 pm

No. Percy said he wasn't working contrary to the Weasley family's interests, and that he never would. Swore a magical oath to that effect. While he specifically said that didn't include Harry, there's no way that didn't include Ginny. And since the agent was included in the plot to get the diary to Ginny, it can't be Percy. That would have been harming Ginny. That's my logic behind it, anyway.

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby ewuvi » September 9th, 2008, 8:09 pm

The reasoning? I got sick. With a lot of different things. PM me if you want further explanation, I'm not burning the eye sockets of innocents with this one.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby unknown434 » September 9th, 2008, 10:32 pm

You're right, Mr. Rigger, I had forgotten about that. Scratch Percy.

Hmmm...Other male NG's. What about Zacharias Smith?
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby Blitzster » September 15th, 2008, 1:59 pm

I have following ideas for the AIP:

1. Harry's early success prompted Malfoy to hire an outside contractor to interfere with Harry any way possible. Probably has access to an invisibility cloak and an expense account.

2. When Harry killed himself, he inadvertently created a Horcrux in himself simultaneously, and both spirits entered the time displacement field, transporting both halves to the time. One ending up successfully in younger Harry, the other spirit elsewhere.. I know its a stretch.. but how many times do people use the killing curse on themselves?

3. There was always an Deatheater secretly at school, but because Harry didnt seem very powerful in the original timeline, or that we didnt have the benefit of the agents perspective, acted differently. Obviously the person had a real identity as a student/teacher so the Marauder's map doesnt id him.

4. Voldimort, knowing he was losing, used similar magic to send his own agent back to disrupt Harry while he was young (plus terminate any witch named Sarah O'Conner for the fun of it ).

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby MrRigger2 » September 15th, 2008, 2:46 pm

I have following ideas for the AIP:

1. Harry's early success prompted Malfoy to hire an outside contractor to interfere with Harry any way possible. Probably has access to an invisibility cloak and an expense account.

2. When Harry killed himself, he inadvertently created a Horcrux in himself simultaneously, and both spirits entered the time displacement field, transporting both halves to the time. One ending up successfully in younger Harry, the other spirit elsewhere.. I know its a stretch.. but how many times do people use the killing curse on themselves?

3. There was always an Deatheater secretly at school, but because Harry didnt seem very powerful in the original timeline, or that we didnt have the benefit of the agents perspective, acted differently. Obviously the person had a real identity as a student/teacher so the Marauder's map doesnt id him.

4. Voldimort, knowing he was losing, used similar magic to send his own agent back to disrupt Harry while he was young (plus terminate any witch named Sarah O'Conner for the fun of it ).

1. Possible. Though if anyone was going to hire an outside contractor, it would be the elder Malfoy or another high ranking Death Eater, not Draco, if I understood your statement correctly.

2. No. Horcruxes require a lot of preparation, research, and forethought. Otherwise, a lot more dark wizards would have one. Even when Voldemort inadvertently made Harry a horcrux, he had made plans for making one with Harry's death.

3. Vaguely possible. But not likely. Harry may seem weak when compared to NoFP!Harry, but that's not to say that the Harry from the original timeline was not a threat. If there was an agent in place in the original timeline like there is here, he would have been looking at Harry after the basilisk in Second Year, and definitely after the Dementors in Third Year. And in Fourth Year, Voldemort, after he was resurrected, didn't mention anyone in Hogwarts other than Snape. And considering he was doing the gloating to his minions, I doubt he would have kept secret that, considering he was about to kill the only one who could kill him. True, no Death Eater knew the identity of all the others, or that's what they claimed, Voldemort was doing a head count of who had returned to him. And he told them who the empty spaces were. It doesn't make sense.

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby oloros » October 8th, 2008, 11:30 am

(just figured i'd add my opinion here, even though others have said it)

i think the agent in place is Zabini
Why?: (assumptions are based on Melissa's killer being the AiP)
- it's a boy (said so)
- it's a slitherin
The curse had come from her (melissa's) section of the stands.
- it's most likely a third year
But when she made it to the approximate area, all she saw were milling students, most of them third-years.
- Crabbe and Goyle are too dumb.
- it's likely not Nott
Oliver let him know that Theodore Nott had taken Draco’s position
(although... he could've fired while he was flying past...)
- it's someone close enough for draco to listen to
- Zabini's smart, he was in the slug club in cannon (i think for that reason, but i can't check right now)
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby Lightwhispers » October 8th, 2008, 12:23 pm

My thoughts on the matter:
We know the AIP is a boy, therefore most likely a student. He is probably in Slytherin, with Ravenclaw as a lesser probability. Also, given that Harry was paralyzed, and Stupefy does not have that effect (I think), the AIP has good stealth capabilities (probably including invisibility of some sort) and is capable of casting a Body-Bind silently. (Harry didn't see him, and if Draco had, Dumbledore would have seen him in the memory when he went through it.) Given that silent casting is a sixth-year topic, it seems unlikely for a third-year to be that proficient in it. Granted, the type of person to become this agent-in-place would be ahead of most in these areas, but three years ahead of schedule is a bit much. Maybe.

Beyond that, until we get more information, it's :joe:
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby viridian » October 8th, 2008, 6:53 pm

Keep in mind that Draco's memories wouldn't include something he didn't notice. Legilimency probably isn't even as thorough as a penseive. And he's just unprofessional enough to suffer from target fixation when performing a task like that...
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby oloros » October 8th, 2008, 11:51 pm

it didn't have to be silent Or invisable, he could just as easily whispered the spell through the crack of a door like a good little slitherin coward/sneek (shrug)
i don't think draco would've noticed harry getting leglocked either because he underestimates harry alot.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby unknown468 » October 9th, 2008, 4:50 am

I have theories on the AIP

1) Harry had read about the Hobson’s Paradigm in chapter one, which concerned the temporal shift. so either
a. someone else had considered time traveling in this way to be a possibility but
highly unlikely to do so.
b. Someone had already accomplished this and wrote about it, therefore planting
clues on what to do, but not outright stating it. (think canon dumbledore)
c. the AIP done this planting it where harry may eventually find it thus insuring a
victory to the dark lord if something in harry's past goes awry.
d. hermione foresaw planted this so that harry would find it. In this case she
may be helping him to correct mistakes or she may be betraying him all
along. this is the least likley theory on this point.

2) The sorting hat horcrux.
a. in DH after waring the locket for extended periods of time Ron is
affected adversely by it. If the same rules apply to the sorting hat
then Dumbledore may be affected as well by talking to it for an
an extended period of time.
b. The diary affects Ginny to a far worse extent than the locket does ron
even in both timelines. Case in point on this one is that Dumbledore
talked to the sorting hat about his fears concerning harry. Thus
becoming too emotionally involved.
c. This particular horcrux has specific knowledge concerning harry and
and his secrets. It may have told someone who was sorted after harry
who/whose family works in the best interests of the dark lord,
even though it said it would not. You cannot really trust a horcrux can

Case in point AIP is either Dumbledore not aware of his doings
Hermione betraying harry
some slytherin after he was sorted
harper a year younger
Vaisey (who could be younger but not sure what year he's in
Urqhuart(same as above)

others include
Dean thomas
Seamus Finnegan (these 2 arent as close to harry this time around, cant forget pettegrew was a lion too)

Eventhough most think the AIP is male I have a hunch it is female only one real clear one is a Ravenclaw

Penelope Clearwater
a. she is close to percy
b. she is stated as being as clever as percy
c. being with percy she is probably as much a bint as percy is a git
d. percy probably made it clear he did not trust harry
e. She probably knew that that the Diggory's were not granted guardianship over harry
someone could have attacked harry away from hogwarts easier if the diggory's or the
malfoy's had been granted guardianship.
f. she could have been paying close attention to cedric and who he adored and who he
loathed. Thus making note of Cho.
g. She could have attacked Cho as punishment to cedric, because his parents did not gain
guardian ship.
h. she is a prefect and could have been in the hall when harry was petrified
i. she was a 6th year at that time (non verbal is learned in that year)

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Dumbledore cast the body bind in HBP
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby Mantis » April 27th, 2009, 7:26 pm

It just struck me, on rereading Chapter 34, that the Agent probably can't be Nott, contrary to my previous analysis, unless the agent was using a catspaw (possibly Imperiused?) to shoot Harry down and stab Melissa: Nott wasn't in the Slytherin stands when those events took place, he was flying Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team. If Melissa was right that it came from the third-year section, the next most likely possibilities are Blaise Zabini and Vincent Crabbe. We know Blaise is both competent and Dark from the Hogwarts Express scene in HBP, and Crabbe turned out to be cleverer -- and nastier -- than anyone gave him credit for all the time he was playing second banana to Malfoy. (Too clever by half, as it turned out -- he managed to conjure Fiendfyre, but then couldn't control it, and it burned him up. I don't think that failing to control it necessarily means he wasn't that clever after all, either -- Hermione thought the stuff was too dangerous to use against the Horcruxes, despite the Trio's desperate need for a way of destroying the things.)

By the way, the reason "most think the AIP is male" is that our Authorlord explicitly referred to the agent as "the boy" in Chapter 21 ("The letter hadn’t specified a timeframe, but the boy knew that sooner was preferable to later"). His gender is not in question, nor is his age -- if he were a teacher instead of the student, it would have been "the man," not "the boy." Also, there is no indication that the agent knows anything about Harry's future memories; what he knew about was the Diary plot, and it was apparently his job to make sure it succeeded. He attacked Cho Chang to alter the Quidditch schedule so that Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff -- the only match of the year in which neither Harry nor Draco participate -- would be delayed long enough for the agent to put the rest of the pieces in place. Timing the attack on Harry and theft of the diary and cloak to take place during the match makes sense, as a Quidditch match is one of the few events that virtually empties the castle during the school year, assuring that Draco and the agent would have a clear shot at Harry, and that Draco wouldn't have to talk to anyone and risk giving himself away while Polyjuiced into Harry.

This paragraph in the passage where the agent was introduced is crucial:
He would now need some very specialized allies to make his plan work, but he knew what inducements he could offer. There were some inducements that his unwitting ally would never refuse. And that was a valuable lesson. No matter how hard and controlled someone may be, there was always a key that would unlock them. Everyone wanted something - or someone.
The "very specialized allies" were Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape -- Snape being the "unwitting ally." The inducement Snape would never refuse is the chance to do something nasty to Harry, and to figure out how Harry gets around the school undetected. Snape set up the attack and sent Harry's friends away so that they couldn't protect him, not knowing that the agent would be there along with Malfoy and hit Harry with a Body-Bind as Malfoy Stunned him, greatly increasing the odds that Harry would fall backward down the stairs and be seriously injured (as he actually was) or killed.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby MrRigger2 » January 3rd, 2010, 2:28 pm

Here's a rather crackish idea about the agent in place. Cedric Diggory. It would fit in the Authorlord's purview of entirely unexpected, and he's not exactly breaking the clues we know about the agent, either. He's male, he's young enough to be considered a boy, not a man, and even in canon, he was considered the embodiment of his house. And let's face it, the agent in place is definitely hard working, and apparently very loyal to the ideals that he's working towards and his mystery patron. Plus it would be a rather smack in the face to Harry, if Cedric was the one who shot down Cho, after Harry announced that anyone thinking straight could tell the Hufflepuffs had nothing to do with her injuries.

Personally, I don't think it's very likely that Cedric is the agent, but I do think it's an intriguing concept. Thoughts?

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby SLAMU » January 3rd, 2010, 4:50 pm

You know, if that turns out to be right....
Man, I think that I'll start thinking that's right just so that I am garunteed a shock when (if?) the identity of the killer is revealed. "What?! I was wrong?" or "What do you mean I was right? What the deuce?!" I don't think that is correct, but it might be another from that house. Who was sitting next to the Snakes in that match?
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapters*

Postby Calinero » January 9th, 2010, 2:18 am

If Cedric were the agent in place, I think my head might explode. That would be...I don't even know, I can't even begin to judge that without seeing how well it's done. You can't take that sort of thing out of context.
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapter

Postby Dark One » April 20th, 2010, 9:26 pm

Oh boy. Well I'm going to throw my own two cents into this. We know the agent can't be Nott if he time traveled because Harry killed him.
Only once had he popped back into existence near an enemy, and that was the last one. The kick was more reflexive than anything else, but it did its job. It also knocked the Death Eater's mask away, and Harry watched dispassionately as Theodore Nott choked to death on his own blood and cartilage.

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapter

Postby jgkitarel » April 26th, 2010, 2:13 pm

Well, like most, I'm thinking a Slytherin. Zabini is a nice idea, since he is someone we have a name to which could be plausible.

The main issue is that Matt is nice enough to leave hints, and trust me, when we see it we're going to :doh as everything will suddenly be obvious in hindsight. Doesn't ruin the fun of speculation though.

I agree that it is probable a Slytherin. Male, older, and capable. So, I'm thinking of a possible fifth year or higher. Aside from trying to keep a low profile, there are a few older Slytherins who were mentioned, somewhere. Matt does occasionally like to go for the obscure references, but he does follow the rule of Chekhov's Gun, despite his lack of surprises.

In other words, something's already been put out, possibly even early on, as to who the AIP is.

*Sits back to see if anyone rises to the bait.*
Also, I have to punch you, jgkitarel, because I spent a lot of time on the nanoha wiki trying to locate information on mages being trained due to being above a certain rank, only to remember and confirm that you were the one that came up with that. - Phht
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapter

Postby unknown14396 » May 11th, 2010, 1:53 pm

I think Draco from the future is very remote. The Authorlord has always been very careful of getting his tech straight and he was very specific of how timetravel works and doesn't work. The only way it would work, if it was Draco from the future in Draco's body but that is out as well as he could read Draco's emotions and thoughts in earlier chapters, specifically in the expulsion chapter.
Blaise Zabini is a possibility with the caveat that he was involved in the train altercation with Hermione and Neville in first year and given his family background from canon I see little possibility for him to be under Malfoy Sr.'s thumb, which he had to be given that he was involved in the diary incident.
Given the comments from others we know he is a Slytherin, we know it's a boy, so more than likely a student. Mantis specifically made some very strong points.
Of all the canon named Slytherins, the only one that fits the bill is Theodore Nott.
Aside from the previously mentioned, Theo Nott has the added bonus that his father being in Azkaban puts him in a potentially weak position when it comes to being indebted to Malfoy Sr.. I could see him forcing Theo to fall in line with the threat that Nott Sr. would snuff it in Azkaban by either an unfortunate Dementor accident or at the hands of Bellatrix otherwise. The only problem is the Quidditch match where Nott was playing so he couldn't have fired the shot at Harry.
However given that he had others do the work for him before, makes it still a possible scenario. As stated before, he was supposed to use all means necessary to get the desired outcomes, so throwing Draco under the bus was not necessarily out of the question and he could have used other Slytherins as well.
he could however have also fired himself, now that I think about it. There was a significant time lapse between the shots fired and the appearance of the Dementors, so he could conceivably have landed in the Slytherin stands in the meantime given Harry's and his proximity to Slytherin at the time of the event.
A third option is Wormtail being at Hogwarts. Remember folks that both Sirius and him were able to penetrate Hogwarts in their Animagus forms without being detected.
As for the wands being checked, who said that you could only own one wand?

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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapter

Postby someone » June 27th, 2010, 1:58 pm

What I'm wondering is why no one (neither in the story or here) seems to suspect (a disillusioned) Lucius of killing Bulstrode... Harry is always going on and on about the infamous poisoned dagger, but when someone actually dies due to a poisoned weapon he doesn't even thinks about him. And he would be capable of powerful curses
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Re: Who's the 'agent in place'? *spoilers for latest chapter

Postby Wraith422 » July 22nd, 2010, 10:44 pm

Well, I just don't know about that. That seems, even for this version of Lucius, waaaaay OOC. I mean, come on; chance getting all that blood on his spiffy robes?

but for a serious note, I did consider the idea that Lucius killed her for a second, mostly due to this (as per usual) cryptic posting from the Authorlord:
For the raised eyebrow crowd... Do you feel that Tom is being more clever and less arrogant in this timeline?

Can anyone think of reasons why?

Or why Lucius might be a bit more desperate and less complacent than he was in the (pre-resurrection) timeline?
And, honestly, stabbing a student (that was an informant to Harry and therefore potentially a threat to any short- or long-term plans that were set up) certainly is the act of a more desperate man. However, I'm reminded of a quote from Neil Gaiman that, while paraphrased, certainly applies: "There are, perhaps, limits to how much a man can allow himself to change." And to be frank, I can't imagine Lucius Malfoy ever being so desperate or so changed at a very basic level as to carry out the deed himself.
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