"Super" Quest

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"Super" Quest

Unread postby Arganaut » January 24th, 2011, 8:45 pm

Yes, another Quest. Rest assured AQ fans, Assassin Quest will still be going strong, alongside this new Quest if people hop on board. So, we're actually going to be setting up the main character with these opening posts... powers and such. In case you didn't get it from the title: we're going old school comic with this Quest, a Post-By-Play with a narrative inspired by the DC/Marvel/Dark Horse tales of old.


... There are many different types of heroes and villains in the world, their powers, their origins and their focuses differ greatly between them. Before we can begin your story, we have to determine... just what sort of super are you?

Meta-Human- Whether you were born with your powers, or gained them through some other means, your powers are innate to you. You don't have an outside source that powers you, nor do you overly rely on technology to give you your powers.
Meta-Human Traits:
- A natural starting boost to your strength, speed and endurance (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution).
- Naturally enhanced senses (30x30 vision, a longer range of hearing, etc.)
- Because your powers are innate to you, natural weaknesses of these powers are also innate, making it difficult to work around weaknesses that your abilities might introduce.

Examples of Meta-Humans in Comics:
- Superman
- Darkseid
- The Flash
- Spider-Man
- Martian Manhunter

Normal Human- You don't have either natural born powers or magic, however you make up for this by pushing your body and mind to their limits, and using technology and thought to your advantage.
Normal Human Traits:
- A cap is introduced to your strength, speed and endurance, however that cap is easily reached and you get immense boosts to intelligence and speaking ability (Intelligence, Charisma).
- Aside from mortality, possesses no obvious weaknesses.

Examples of Normal Humans in Comics:
- Batman
- Joker
- Green Arrow
- Steel
- Iron Man

Magic Human- Your power isn't natural to you, but rather comes from another source that you summon up. Whether it be another plane of existence, an ancient artifact, or even a secret Word of Power, the magic of the world is your way to move forward.

Magic Humans Traits:
- A cap is introduced to strength, speed and endurance, and it isn't easy to reach that cap. However, you get an immense boost to your perception of the energies around you and your knowledge of the arcane arts (Wisdom and Intelligence).
- If your source of power is disrupted, removed or is prevented from assisting you, you can't access your powers.

Examples of Magic Humans in Comics:
- Zatanna
- Captain Marvel
- Black Adam
- Dr. Strange
- Thor
Last edited by Arganaut on January 24th, 2011, 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Magnificate » January 24th, 2011, 8:47 pm

I'd go with Meta-Human.

Be sure to include Byakugan!Vision as one of our superpowers. So much utility.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby ewuvi » January 24th, 2011, 8:50 pm

If we have to be like anyone, then I say I want powers like Deadpool. :want:

So Meta Human, I guess.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby gamebrain89 » January 24th, 2011, 8:59 pm

Ill agree with metahuman. Power over kenetic energy would be my choice. So useful, if you understand what your doing. Though maybe a bit too powerful for what arg has in mind
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby serbii » January 24th, 2011, 9:09 pm

Oh God the perve potential of Byakugan, can we not?
Because if we have that option we will become a creep.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby gman391 » January 24th, 2011, 9:10 pm

I'd honestly prefer a Batman like character but it seems consensus is meta human.

If so I'd prefer something like metal crafting in the Codex Alera series.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby serbii » January 24th, 2011, 9:15 pm

But that's so... passive.
I want a POWER not enhanced human.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby gman391 » January 24th, 2011, 9:16 pm

Oh I dunno the ability to make metals do whatever we tell them isn't too bad.....
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Arganaut » January 24th, 2011, 9:37 pm

Just to be clear, your powers are going to develop/be chosen over time. No need to jump so soon.

Meta-Human it is. Now, the next few choices are going to deal with our character's background. Mind you as your character is going to be starting off at the beginning of their career as a possible hero or villain you'll be a teenager (Meta-Human as a choice pretty much demands this).

Your Choices:

Gender- What it says on the tin, pick the gender of our main character

Origin- Basically how we came about getting our powers. For the Meta-Human, basic backgrounds are:
Mutant- We were born with our powers and as a human, however due to some random occurrence during our mother's pregnancy we ended up as a mutated person. Whether we wish to integrate or rule humanity is still in the works...

Alien- We were sent to Earth from our planet. Perhaps as a last desperate attempt to keep the race alive, or as a seed to set the stage for the beginning of an invasion. Once again, we're not quite sure what we're going to do with humanity yet...

Accident- Oddly enough, radiation or other dangerous chemicals don't cause cancer: they cause super-powers! Our main character was exposed to these toxins/chemicals/radioactive bits to start them off on the development of their powers. Use them responsibly, or try to rake 'em in for what they're worth, we haven't quite decided.

City- The very basic description of where you'll be starting off:
Small Town- It ain't much, but it's home. Our city is rather small and homely, but still ends up in quite a bit of trouble somehow (whether we cause it or subvert it).

Big City- Lights, great curving streets and tall buildings. What's not to love about the big city? Aside from the crime problems that have been hitting it up for decades, that is (whether we contribute to it or subvert it).

More choice might come after this depending on the choices made here.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby serbii » January 24th, 2011, 9:44 pm

Alien = MAKE BABIEZ! *cough* XD Also don't want an 'outsider' so to speak
Accident = Voodoo science which hurts me. *spasm* That's not how physics works! Mutant is better as I don't have a biology degree XD
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby ewuvi » January 24th, 2011, 9:48 pm

Girl (we've got 4 active guys and 2 active girls, and Ryoko is not representing well at all. We need another badass girl.)
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby bookworm702 » January 24th, 2011, 9:50 pm

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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Tempest Kitsune » January 24th, 2011, 9:59 pm

Male (Felix needs drinking buddies dammit!)
Big City
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby gman391 » January 24th, 2011, 10:09 pm

Again I find myself going against the crowd.

Small town
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby doc.exe » January 24th, 2011, 10:17 pm

Accident (particularly of the "got exposed to radiation/chemical/toxin/parasyte from outer space" variety. If the source of our powers is not from this planet, is more easy to bend the laws of physics for our purposes, IMO :biggrin: )
Big city

I don't really care if the character is female or male, so... *coin toss* ...mmm... male.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby serbii » January 24th, 2011, 10:34 pm

Male (Felix needs drinking buddies dammit!)
Teenager remember.

Go giiiiiiirl.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Arganaut » January 24th, 2011, 10:41 pm

I will point out that serbii is indeed right, the main quest character is going to be a teenager, so no drinking (legally, anyway). Voting will continue for a while as, save for the choice of city, these votes have been rather close.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby MrRigger2 » January 24th, 2011, 10:58 pm

Small Town

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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby LifeOfGesture » January 24th, 2011, 11:00 pm

Big City
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Wittgen » January 24th, 2011, 11:55 pm

I don't care. Lean towards alien, but whatever.
Small Town.

I'd vote female 3 times if I could. (Instead of kinda alien and small town.) Main heroes being male is boring, especially in a comic book style superhero story.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Random_fan » January 24th, 2011, 11:58 pm

Big city.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby FeatherBlade » January 25th, 2011, 12:45 am

Small town (it's not like we can't move to the big city if Small Town gets boring, right?)
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby Arganaut » January 25th, 2011, 12:47 am

Small town (it's not like we can't move to the big city if Small Town gets boring, right?)
Of course. The world is pretty much open to your choices. Course, you might want to wait till you're old enough, given being a teenager and all.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby gamebrain89 » January 25th, 2011, 3:02 am

I'll throw my hat it with the mutant from Hickville, WY. Gender I really could go either way.
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Re: "Super" Quest

Unread postby serbii » January 25th, 2011, 3:15 am

Main heroes being male is boring, especially in a comic book style superhero story.
Fair warning, if this turns out to be a guy and they look like they're getting comic book testosterone poisoning in any of its forms, and I include cliché smug bastard in that category, ewuvi and I will make him a complete and utter diva. A benefit of having so many lukers.

Besides, a girl will make gender bender authors across 5/6 current quests.
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