7 thoughts on “Chapter 32 of NoFP…”

  1. Woot! I’m not sure if you’ll get my im from FF.net, but I’m desperately in need of a new editor/beta, do you know anyone who would be willing to look at my stories?

    Amazing update, I like how you portrayed Sluggy, and it was interesting to see how Hagrid reacted to being freed, btw no mention of the time turner yet?


  2. just finished reading… Pretty good. a few questions, will Harry tell [off] Arthur about the Glock?
    When will Remus have sufficient shields so as to be told what’s going on?
    When will Albus also be in on it?

    It’s useless to ask about the boggart, since we should find out in 2 months when you release chapter 33, and it being at the beginning of that chapter… well. youknow.
    but I can guess: one of these. Still a Dementor, Voldemort fully alivw, Ginny as she is in his memories of the hogwarts massacre, or Dumbledore being all ‘you shouldnt have come back’ like from his memories.

    Good guess? πŸ˜€

  3. * – or dumbledore being all ‘you shouldn’t have come back’ like from his dreams.

    didn’t get that right first time *head hits deks in frustration*

  4. hello, i like your stories, I really enjoy NOFP, very good XD, i was just wondering if u know around when the next Naruto Team 8 chapter is going to be posted. i was also wondering if you droped Out of the Darkness: A Jinchuuriki’s Tale, it is a good story and i would be rather sad if u had πŸ™ my e-mail is johnyboy2@hotmail.com so send me a reply please. thx πŸ˜‰

  5. Hello Viridian,

    Thanks a lot for putting so incredible effort into this story – comparing it to JKR’s it is almost like the difference between the first two movies and CuarΓ³n’s.. (this is meant to be a compliment πŸ˜‰ Much more honest. I have read through the story on two (long) days, and am very impressed, especially since you managed to keep an essentially “known” story interesting! (so not just “improving” everything, but also including things like the nightmare about dumbledore…)

    Thank you again for you work, I am looking very much forward to the following parts!

    P.S.: NO, my nickname Sirius is _not_ from the HP series, but was chosen much earlier, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius_%28novel%29

  6. Hi Matthew;
    I stumbled the other day on your fanfiction “Harry Potter and the nightmares of Futures Past” on fanfiction.net.
    I daresay stumble because i have read a lot of stories involving time travel, paradoxes and all thoses stranges things about “Life, the Universe and Everything” when i was a teenager; so i usualy try to avoid reading another storie involving time travel because it is very tricky theme and when well written often results in something wich has already been written too often.
    The point being, aside from the fact that you have succeeded in avoiding all thoses difficulties, i have read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction in the last six months (after all being without a job should have some good sides, in this case, a lot of free time πŸ˜‰ ) and i could tell you that your characters are very well made and after reading the story at once i didn’t notice some overdecribing in your scenes. I’ll reread some chapters later to see if there’s some strange patterns in your wording but i don’t think so. If you are really worried about this, you could perhaps see the advice Roger Zelazny has made in an interview named something like how to write a science-fiction novel. Sory, i don’t have it in handy, but i’m posting it to you as soon i find it.

    Matthieu ; a French reader.


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