6 thoughts on “A mention in the press…”

  1. I must admit to getting that little thrill of, “Oh, oh, oh! … I read his work and I’m sorta kinda acquainted with him…” mixed with a bunch of pride that something I pore over and check on continuously inspires others besides myself.

  2. The article was nice and balanced, not too heavy on the “oh fanfiction is a waste of time line”. It’s certainly nice to read about one of my favorite fanfics writers getting the recognition he deserves… what do you know, you may get a great deal of more readers out of it, all calling out for updates faster.

    Keep the good stuff coming!

  3. I got the impression that 3/4 of the article was subtlely implying “If you want crappy, badly written stories, come to ff.net.” I mean, they only spent 1 sentence touching on the fact that it was a place where people could grow as authors and get better with each and every submission.

    Your part, the last 1/4 I’d say, was tastefully written. They actually portrayed you as you, and not something different alltogether.

  4. I agree with DarkSideOfBlue for his review of the ariticle and I liked what you had to say about the subject as well. I do, however, feel that while I hope everyone who takes the time to write their fiction does it in a respectful way, there will always be some who do not, and that is something that must be put up with. Encouraged in no way, just tolerated and adressed rationally. Free speech is the basis for allowing fanfiction, and if the law is going to protect the people who are playing in other authors’ sandboxes we must realize that people are going both build sandcastles and fling the sand out of the box.


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