36 thoughts on “NoFP Chapter 38 is going up”

  1. I am a big fan of yours. I was afraid that you had stopped writing on this story since the final book of HP had been written. I really wish JKR had written a book that carried Harry at least into married life but alas that does not seem to be in the cards. So it leaves it to the ff authors to fill in the blanks. This AU is the only AU I now read. I read Post DH stories alot as long as it is H/G and R/Hr anything else I ignore.

  2. It’s been up on FF.net for a bit now, but there’s still no sign of it on fanficauthors, which is where I usually prefer to read it… how soon is “soonish”, for this purpose? I wouldn’t have been surprised by a “not yet approved” delay on some sites, but fanficauthors isn’t really one of them.

  3. I love your story and i can guess how snape got not only the job but also the position there…lucius malfoy and i bet draco’s there to and will be seen at the tournemant, though i would of thought that harry would of sent fleur the occul book as well write to her and victor too another good two ideas is one- young harry not being older harry but given his knowledge and magic and get the heads of the houses and dumbledore in on it i mean they need to know in my opinion but thats just me.

    • Yeah, the new fanficauthors.net site code is having some small trouble. Tim is working on it though! The chapter is up on fanfiction.net, siye.co.uk (a dedicated Harry/Ginny site) and has been submitted to Phoenixsong.net.

      Also, there are links to the various sites on the right-hand side.
      Pardon my abbreviating ways! = )

  4. It has been such a long time since your last update, although being your story one of the best I’ve ever read ,I didn’t well remember the plot.
    So I re-read again from chapter 1 and …wow ! It’s better that I remembered,
    Through the years I’ve been addicted to H/G fanfictions I read a lot of good stories.
    For that I sincerely give my thanks to these authors and double-thanks to some of them for giving not up since the last chapter that I guess it would be a very hard work.
    Back to your story. Reading chapter after chapter, one can realize of the flaws , unmatched facts or loose endings, if any. Your story has not any of them or almost, so I think you and your betas (greetings for them) worked very hard to avoid it.
    Very good plot plus very balanced conversations and thinking (mostly Harry’s, of course) plus not evident mistakes , a story without incongruities make that reading HP & The Nightmares of Future Past worth the time so much.
    I wanted you to know that I really appreciated your time, your really good work and for sharing it with us.
    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, full of health and good writing ;-).

  5. Hey Matt,

    I just tried to post a message at the Viridian Yahoo group but it didn’t seem to post although it took my entry.

    Anyway, I loved the chapter; yet another great installment.

    I don’t know what motivated the scene for Harry to build a better rapport with Scrimgeour early but it is definitely a great tactical move and the scene was great.

    I also love the building tension between Ginny & Harry. Talk about tension from the “Elephant-in-the-Room” between them. If Ginny only knew the “Truly/Madly/Deeply” (*to steal a song title) feelings Harry had for her, it would make a difference. I don’t know how he can stand being close to her while fighting the teenage hormones, as you’ve pointed out in past chapters. Of course, dropping the image of Hermione’s death for her to consider would be a bit of a ‘mood kill’.

    Thank you, so much again, for contuing this fic. You’re truly blessed.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you, Lindsey and all of your family.



  6. Glad to see the update, I to have just re read your story and can’t explain how much I enjoy it – only moan not enough but hey you need a life too. Its a fantastic story and a fantastic plot, you write so well I have problems putting this together. Happy hols.

  7. The progress bar for the NOFP chapter is not visible right now, because currently I’m working on the next Team 8 chapter. When the next chapter of NoFP has progress on it, it will show a status.

  8. Just a reminder everyone… drop a farthing or two in the cap as you pass by… the whole starving artist gag is great for parties and all, but if this guy actually starves there will be no one to finish our favorite fanfic… just my two coppers worth…

    (Message not solicited nor endorsed by the management of this site)

  9. Yo! I thought I’d leave you compliments here instead of fanfiction.net. Don’t know if you check it as often, but hey, I might just leave you two.

    I loved you story. I don’t write fanfictions nearly as long and intensive as yours but I can definitely appreciate the dedication it takes to planning, outlining, and actually writing all the intensely microscopic details such a good story takes to be as fantastic as yours is. I hope that you continue and am very curious as to how long (as in years) the story will take place in. Honestly I hope its sorter just becuase I don’t want to wait as long to see the outcome of your plot ministrations (*sheepish/ guilty look*). Sorry, but I get anxious when a fantastic plot is unfinished. I’d hate for something to happen and I never get to see how it all worked out.

    So, I don’t know if I gave you enough praise or not, but truely, your writing is supberb. I have a special spot for authors who understand and write emotions as detailed, vivid, and realistic as you do.

    Congrats, hope the next chapter is up soon (but please don’t rush, it will be well worth the wait).


  10. OMG….I am dieing here waiting for your update lol I just want to know what happens!! lmao 😉 Honestly, great story and I hope real life stops being such a jerk and lets you post soon!!

  11. I love this story. For me, this is the true 7th Harry Potter novel. Please continue writing it, and you’ll have my undying gratitude, as well as some dollars. I donated yesterday and I’ll donate again every time there is an update. Thank you.

  12. I pray to God that neither of us die before you finish Nightmares of Futures Past. And if either of us do, you’re going to finish it in eternity.

    Keep writing. You deserve all the success in the world for your writing skills.

  13. Absolutely the best Harry Potter ff story I have ever read. I am a fan of time travel stories, and I especially like the way this one works. Rather than sending Harry back, or just replacing himself with an older version of himself in the younger version of himself, both the older and younger Harry are integrated. A very nice twist.
    Another thing that I like is the way that you have been true to Harry’s being British, despite the fact that you are from the states. I have seen many other ff authors mess up a Harry Potter story by trying to Americanize it. I am an American, but this story is not. Thank you for being true to the way it was originally written.

  14. Man it feels crazy to think you haven’t updated in almost a year. Considering I found this about a month since your last update I have gotta say this story is impressively well written. I’ve probably read it 5 full times now and I still enjoy it.

    However, I understand between medical problems and time constraints, it’s unlikely this story will be updated with any regularity in the next couple years… and eventually at some point you will probably lose interest altogether. It’s understandable; shit happens. That said I’d be really interested in how this was all supposed to turn out.

    Would you mind sending me the rough time-line of what you had in mind (interested in both NoFP and T8)? Don’t worry, I won’t try and pick up where you left off… not that my writing would allow me to.

    Also I’m going to start donating $5 for every chapter you do have the time to complete. It’s not much, but I mean if one tenth the readers of these series started doing that, you could probably live off your writing. Not that it will happen but it’s a nice idea right?

    Also I hope your happy that you made me hate copyright laws. I wish this could be sold legally. It’d make you happy, the readers happy, and not cut into Rowling’s profits…

    At any rate, best of luck in your life and if you did read this message know that I am both surprised and grateful. I would be even more grateful if you could send a general outline just to satisfy my own curiousity.

    Email is red__xii@hotmail if you’re willing. Note to potential spammers: this is my junk ‘I’m posting on a public website’ email. Needless to say, I get so much shit on this email that I probably wouldn’t even notice your contribution.

    P.S. Kunerai’s death was brilliant. Ignore the haters. The entire scene around her death was perfect and that was the most flawless inner-mind ‘whatever the fuck jutsu’ use I’ve ever read. It was actually probably my favourite scene in the series to date. All I can say is I wish the actual death hadn’t been so direct. Upon subsequent readings all I could think was ‘KAKASHI YELL “DUCK” YOU JACKASS’.

    Still, I (and I’m confident many others) appreciate what you were going for and you executed it excellently so don’t get bummed out by the general response. As you said, the best of writing is not that which you read automatically, without really thinking or absorbing, it’s the writing which makes you think, and surprises you, and dares to create a strong emotion in its readers even if it risks alienating some of them.

    I guess that’s the nice thing about not being on a paycheck: losing some of the readers who can’t appreciate where you go with the story doesn’t effect you (economically at least).

  15. I have just read the 38 chapters already published, and I must say that it is an amazing story. The quality of it all makes it all the more exciting. What saddens me is that it has been 11 months since the last update, and I feel myself getting anxious waiting for the next chapter. Due to the long time that has passed since the last update, do I have a reason to wait? I’m afraid I fear that it has been abandoned. Please tell me that this assumption is wrong.

    Looking forward to a reply, and if not; and update ;]


  16. I just love your FF. It’s so realistic and readable :). It’s a pity that you don’t continue…I’m looking forward to next chapter 🙂

  17. I discovered NoFP like two weeks ago and I just finished it, I love your story !
    So I asked Santa Claus for an update =)

    I like the way you deal with the Muggle world, among other things (things such as plot and characterization)…

    Hopes and cheerings from France

  18. Hi!! i just finished re-reading the whole fanfic for 10th time and still waiting for the new chapters eagerly. Please tell me what is the progress of the chapter and when shall i expect it? :0 the whole concept is awesome and would like to see what they have in store this time for triwizard tournament.. 🙂

  19. Just found the other day. I do not usually read uncompleted for this very reason. Loved it. Want more. Can I shamelessly beg? Please, please, please update.

  20. Hi;

    I just discovered NOFP a short while ago, and like many, many others, I enjoyed it immensely.
    I gather this story will never be finished. This is really sad. I was wondering if you could give a synopsis of what you had in mind for the rest of story… I’m not a writer, never written a single story in my life and I’m hopelessly unimaginative when it comes to spinning out story lines. (I’m an MD in RL, maybe too much book study of that nature sniffed out my imagination.) If you gave a brief synopsis of how everything eventually turns out would allow me to stop wondering… Thanks

  21. hey love the story just finished reading up to chapter 38 please tell me ur still working on this. Its a great story i dont read many H/G ships becuase the are so common but this one im glad i started. please let me know if you are going to finish this.

  22. Hello!
    I am posting from Birmingham in the UK and am totally blown away by Nightmares.

    I have been reading for about a week (if work ever knew, they’d kill me!)
    And really love your story, but am a little concerned that I have now finished chapter 38 and there has been nothing posted on there in some time?!

    Your writing is excellent, I have found very few “americanisms”, such as fall instead of autumn, but I really can’t complain!

    Any idea when you may be posting a new chapter?

    Kind Regards



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